BMR REGISTER:^ blued ttetMr, IntaNi u 8e.oo4.OUss Maun >t tin *o.t- «Qoa el Bed Bank. W, J. under tot Act of Manh Id. 1IJ». RED BANK,, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1925.' $1.50 PER YEAR. ' PAGES! as executrix. The will was made cause of the congestion of automo- BY,AIft TO CALIFftRNlii.[ilRS:W.XFRENCH'SWill October 7th, 1921, and the wit- ROBBERS AT BELFORD. BOB JOHNSON'S NIGHT. bile traffic. ' '••.,.;'.' FOR COMMUNITY USES. LAWSUIT FROM A nesses were Mildred Mclllwalne and "Next in order are oui railroad RED B^NK DAHLIAS ENTERED THE BULK~ OF HER ESTATE Samuel Craig Cowart. OFFICE BROKEN INTO AND WEDNESDAY NIGHT WAS A facilities. The boat and bus serv- •ORT MONMOUTH FIREMEN MRS. CARRIE BLAKE OI j IN BJG WESTERN SHOW. ' GOES TO HER DAUGHTER. Nancy Cottrell of Millstone town- SAFE BLOWN OPEN. " RED LETTER ONE' FOR HIM. ice from New, York fol Asbury Park ship'left vail her property in equal BUY AN ACRE OF LAND. DAMAGES, OF »2Z0. fW. W. K«»n«djr * Spue Pfc-M Poil by way of Red Bank is a new ven- If H«r Daufhltr and Her Dau«b> shares to her two children, Mary J. There Wat No Cash in the Safe and Initial PragramTTHU WJBI Sta- ture that is making rapid progress. They Will Build-On" It a ComWna- Her Six-Year-Old Daughter ' age S 138.86 to S.rtd Three tar's Huib.nd Dlad Before Mr.. Napoleon and George M. Cottrell, the Thiavee Got No Booty, but tion Wai a Great Succeii—Con- BJooms, IP Sun Francisco by Red Bank 'is the shopping center of tlon Firehouse and Community Wa. Run Down ,br an Aul« „. Funth, OM Residua Would Have and to the children .of her four They Damaged the Safe Beyond gratulation, and ' Compliment! Monmouth county and owingto the . House—The Land Bought.From bile Last May and Her Let W _ f *>AkM Mill, Gone to the Care of A dead sons! Richard, Joseph W., Wil- Repair—Paint Stolen. Poured in by Telephone and Mall. very short distancer to the- seaside Hosea Lewis for $1,000 Broken—Joseph Fields the Loserifsl j Elite Glory dahlias raised on th MM. Anna P. French of Newman liam B. and Caleb;- The two living Thieves last • Wednesday night Everything "went over big" when resorts we are virtually part of PUtseiy farm of W. W. Kennedy, & children are the executors. Tho broke into the office, of Frank An- The Port Monm6uth"firo company A suit brought by Mrs, Carrie | Springs, Red Bank,'widow of Wil- the Initial program was given at them. Yet we rightfully hold.) the last week bought'an acre of land on Blake of Marion street against Johtw Softs of Bed Sank were shipped by liam A..French, made her will Jan- will was made last July. derson's lumber yard at.Belford by. title of being 'The All-Year Round aeroplane 'mail last week to San prying open a dorr with a crowbar. Station WJBI last Wednesday Harmony avenue at that place from Faithful and Joseph Fields of Redf; uary 24th, 1922, with Edmund Wil- night. The program of music and Town of the Jersey Coast.' The Hosea Lewis for $1,000. • A com- Bank was tried before Justice f Francisco,'where they weie exhib son «nd Mrs, S. W, Parmentler as WARREN SMOCK'S BILL. They had an automobile truck with farming sectionsVest of Red Bank ited at the annual show of the Dah them which they' backed up to a speechmaking .was heard by hun- bination firehouse and community ley. Wright in: the Asbury : witnesses, "Mrs..French left to her dreds of Monmouth county radio have long heldj the distinction of house will be built on the property, :rict court last week. The case' Wi lia, society of California. Three cousin, Cora H. Brown of Lancas- Thomas Gppiill Thought - it Wai rear door of the office, as was being among tho most fertile in the the outgrowth of an accident li ! blooms were tent to California by High, But Ha Changed Hii Mind. shown by. tracks left by the car. outfit owiers as well as by many but it is not probable that the work ter, New Hampshire, the sum of people at more dhtan '• points. While United States. There are many will be started before spring. Be- May when Alma Blake, aged * the Red Bank ^rm and they began $7,000. She left $6,000 to her At the meeting of the Red Bank They wheeled a safe out of tho of- other assets which time doe3 not years, daughter of Mrs. ,Carrlea, their course w4)it last Wednesday fice and put it on the truck, . the program was being rendered fore then, however, the firomen ex- niece, Louise F. Brower of Red commissioners last week among the scores of persons called up Robert permit me to enumerate now. In pect to donate their-services to make Blake, suffered a broken leg and"«v afternoon from the aerial poitoffice Bank, widow of George Cf. Brower, bills paid was. one of $1,000 from "TrTen/with the safe aboard the closing let me ask the rrdlo audi- other injuries. The littlo girl wat** landing afield1 at ^ew Brunswick, to S. Johnson, tho owner of the radio the acre into a park. They are mak- and the left $1,000 to Mrs. Brow- Warren; H. Smock, the borough trucW, they drove to an , unused station^ on the telephone to con- ence to send'suggestions to me as ing elaborate plans for beautifying at the Long Branch hospital 29 ~j which place they, were taken in an er's son, Donald,F< Brower, She counsel, for legal work done in con. road near Belford, which is almost gratulate him on the excellence of to what they think would be. of the days. • : • 4*E Automobile owned by the Kennedy left' $1,090 to each of her great- nectlon with the town's recent bond the property. impassable, They drilled a hole in the program. They said they heard greatest benefit t« Bed Bank. By The firemen were greatly assisted Mr. Faithful nnd Mr rields atd'b]|. firm. - . i grandchildren, Mary Louis French issue; Councilman Thomas M. Gop- the safe 'n which they inserted a everything as plainly as if the mu- this I do not mean the citizens of The flowers were especially packed and Entile Whittaher French, sill said he thought tho charge was in raising money to buy the land by employed by the Monmouth COW" 'M liquid explosive known as "soup." sicians and speakers were right be- Red Bank only but all our neigh- the ladies' auxiliary of the. com- trading company of Red Bank, of J/Jj and the Red Banl* firm received a daughter and' son ,of Remsen too high. Mr. Smock said he did They blew"open the Safe with this boring townrf; for, while we are sep- as fore them. Ths next day Mr. John- pany. Fairs and various other which Frank E. Price is president -4 telegram Thursday! that they had French: and she left f 1,000 to her not think the bill was too high and explosive. There w ' no. money son received one. hundred or more arated, by- imaginary boundaries, arrived five hours rate but in good husband's niece,, Florence F. Mor- that If, the commissioners wanted to functions were held. It is planned Both Mr. Faithful and Mr. Fields H and the thieves go; nothing for the letters complimenting him on the we are all -really one great town and to put up a modest but v/ell con- were driving-automobiles owned by li condition. The postage cost $80.66. ton of Mattltuck, Long Island. The get disinterested advice on the mat- work which they had done with the initial performance; ..'••• the co-operation of all will greatly It will require a week or too tore- sum of $1,000 was left to the Red ter they could ask Auditor John P. structed building and to have it so the company near the girl at tne"^ safe. However, they; did get some ' No one except Jhose who took accelerate progress for all. arranged that it can readily be en' time sho was 'njir _d and it was al- • colva word as to whether,- the dah- Bank library association. All the Mulvlhlll, who was familiar with the paint and shellac, from the office. part was permitted in the room on Mr. White was followed by James lias won prizes. They wro delivered rest and, residue of Mrs. French's charges usually made for this kind larged. Great interest is develop- leged that one of the can knocked >$ 1 The safe waa; ftnnd early tha the thira floor of .the Second, na- J; Quigley, who spoke for the Lions, ing at Port Monmouth in the work Alma down and broke ho.- leg. Be-. J at the government ! aerial, landing estate was left to her' daughter, of,work. Mr. Mulvihill Btated that next morning! It was damaged be- tional bank building where the sta- and by Mort V. Pach, who spoke for field at San Etuncisco'and taken tq, Mrs. Mary B. French Hocktnan, his work as an expert accountant of the firemen. Especially is this cause there was some doubt as to' yond repair,! and Mr/ Anderson will tion is located. Visitors went up on the Rotary dub. Both showed true of the summer residents of which car caused the accident a ' : the show huiMim* by amessenger and in case of Mrs.
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