Mus Helen Hatch, of Montgomtry, Ala., and Mary Baldwin College Catherine Dempsey Deborah Westcott. with Bill Batley with John Bowman with Carl Swanson • t Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume LID LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 17, 1953 Number 47 J. Lindsay Almond and F. P. Miller Speak in Lee Chapel Next Week Col. Francis Pickens Mil.!er, a former candidate for Deme- By MARVIN H . ANDERSON, Editor l ccati'c nomination as U.S. Senator from Virginia and for Gov- A man who was very frequently mentioned as a possible in opposition to the Byrd organization, will speak here candidate for Governor of Virginia in the Democratic primary next week on <~ Christianity, Democracy and Capitalism." this summer until he withdrew his name from speculation a Although most widely known as a Virginia politician, M iller month ago will speak in Lee Chapel next Tuesday, A pr. 21, is accomplished in the theological, military and governmental on "The Proposed Bricker Amendment." fields. He h:!s also been an educator, editor, and author, and is a J. Lindsay Almond, Attorney-General of Virginia, who was Washington and Lee graduate. •----------·---------------- >~<linked with former Cong. Thomfllo The s~b. sponsored by the T b A Pl Sta.nley and State sen. Charles Chri•tlan Co unoU and open to rou 5 nnounce ans <D.-Ar!!ngtom as possiblY the public, will be at s p.m. Frt- interested in the gubernatorial Will Lead Cotillion Club Figure with Dance Set President Ja ckson day, April 24. In it, Miller wUJ !'ace this summer, will speak in define the three terms of the J:'or ~"K ilerry 11/t'"'es' t'n I' I' a. noon-day assembly sponsored by title and show their relation- Cl Lfl1 I'Y ; r l.fJ.j Phi Alpha Delt.a legal fraternity. shJps. He will follow hJs talk His topic will include a. discussion with & public coftee hour and The CMt. of the Troubadours' TilE TWO Merry Wives, Mls- o! the proposed constitutional President's Party Today Opens discl ussion group in t.he s tudent next production to be given May tresses Page and Ford, will be PiaY-Ia•n~•ndJnent ·whiCh. if passed, would Union and will attend the Coun- 4 through 9, "The Merry Wives ed by Helen Chlles, a teacher rrom the President's power to ell's annual sprtnr retreat. at or Windsor," was announced Natural Bridge. and Rlt.a Conyne, executive agreements without Goshen the next day. Wednesday by John Shaw, student wife of a VMI faculty member and congressional approval as well as Weekend; All-Star Game Sat. assiStant to the play's director, Audrey ln "Three Men on a Horse." give to the House of Representa­ Or. Arnold Nash. speaker at las~ Carlson Thomas. Mistress Qulckley will be played by tlves the power to pass on treaties. The President's party with Johnny GuaranJeri Dempsey, o! Holllns College, will be escorted by VIce month's Religious Conference, has The play's major character, Sir DoriS Poland, also a teacher at a power now limited to the Senate and hiS quintet on the lawn of the Sigma Nu house President Bill Bailey: MISS Ann Trotter or Mount said, "If I wanted students to un­ John Falstaff. will be played by Natural Bridge. alone. this afternoon officially inaugurated the Spring Vernon College wlll be escorted by Vice President derstand t.he relationship between Others In the comedy Include Dance weekend. Ouaranlerl and his orchestra, with Carl Swanson; Miss Nancy Ades or Ohio State Dave ColHns, who, Shaw said, "Is political life and religion, I would excellent and looks the part." Col­ Nick HolliS as Nym and four fresh- In aruwuncinr Almond's visit their emphasis on ja?.z and plano stylings, played University will be escorted by Vice President choose of all men In this country men, Dale Cornelius, Ray Stultz. to Washington and Lee campus, Isaacs; and Miss Deborah Wescott of Hollins Col­ lins played Falstaff two years ago from 4 until 6 p.m. for a large crowd of students Col. Francis Pickens Miller to In Lhe Troubs' "Henry V" and was Don McArthur, and Bob Stroud. Phi Alpha Delta President Jim and their dates. will 'be escorted by Vice President John Bow­ Rusclck. staled Uur.l Almond's lege speak to them. for he is a brilliant recently seen In the ''The Tempest." The last two, Bob Stroud and Don man. With the theme "Old Sout.h Ball," the Spring theologian in his own right." at Mary Baldwin and as the presi­ McArthur. will also be In charge l peech will ~ open to the pub- Dance program for this year is a full one. The much anticipated varsity-Alumni football A theological d1scusslon group, dent In ''The Mad Woman or of ltghting and stage managing. lie, and hll extended an lnvit.aUon Tonight Sy Oliver and his orchestra wUJ play game wlll be played Saturday afternoon, with the Including the most fa mous names Challlot'' here. Shaw commented favorably on to the Washlnrton and Lee com- for the Initial dance. The dance wUl begin at. 10:00 opening kickoff at 2 p.m. The highly touted All-Star tlte abilities ot the cast and munlty to att.end the assembly. In the fi eld of religion today, re­ Another r;ma.Jor comic role, p.m. and cont.inue until 2:00a.m. It 1s formal. backneld will enclude All-SOutherners Oll Bocettl, called the play "a rast-movinl' After the talk., Phi Alpha. Delta cently elected MUler to Its ranks. tha t or the Jealous Mr. Ford, wtU By Oliver has created a rhythmic tempo which Walt Michaels, Randy Broyles, and Wes Abrams. Shadespearean comedy. It. our ht will sponsor a. luncheon t or the He was also named to an advisory be acted by Beverl y Stephenson, only his orchestra can effectively present. Oliver Admission prices for the game are $1.50 per couple or group for the 1954 World Council to be tun. Dave Collinll should be AtLorney-General a.n d PAD $1.00 for a single ticket. who WL!i the Prospector in the terimc." members. and his "two beat" style combine to make his must­ of Churches. recent "Mad Woman." cal aggregation one or the nation's outstanding The Washington and Lee lacrosse team will be AMONG HIS WORKS fol' t.he The plot concerns FalstA1f's The topic or Almond's speech host to the University o! Baltimore here satur­ Bob Stickel. who worked In bands. federal government. he was one troubles when he Interprets Mis- has aroused a storm of contra­ day Blternoon. This game wUI begin at 3:30 p.m. "Three Men on a Horse," wUI be • or the three men who negotiated tresses Page and Ford's glances as versy ynce-&f:P. John W. Bricker on the Intramural field. seen as Mr. Page, husband to one THE T H EM E of this dance set wUI be the old {Continued on page six) of the Merry Wives. flirting. Thinking to get. a~ their (R.-9lJ.io), in the closing days plantation period. The Oym will be decorated with • • husbands' money, he pens love let- of the 82nd Coni!Tess, Introduced in scenes which were common to the old plantations. l.ers to them and visits them in the Senate hls proposed amend· BLUE BARRON will present. his "'Music of Ye__ ,__ th 1 h Wh j 1 h t I th tit Wh with the orchestra playing !rom the terrace of t.erday and Today" in the final dance of this set Ol·· l11a:nd Paxton, South, Smt.th e r omes. en a ea ous US· men o e cons u uon. en an ante-bellum home. band or two arrive on the scene, the 83rd Congress convened in Saturday evening !rom 9 until 12. Barron's Fots•··" ftnds his hands full fo•. J Se B 1 k 1 t od The Cotllllon Club figure will begin at 11 dlst."!n:;':~· i l~t~C()f,di ii )(S Go on And "'elloft'S Loom p.m. tive styling w111 be augmented by vocalist Jo A r~ ,. whit;"'but everything turns ~ut ~n~~:;·pro~'as:dc :~~~~:nt u~ tonight. Miss Helen Hatch of Mont.s:omery, Ala., and Miller. a curvaceous young Tri Dclt from the happily in the end. <Continued on pa,e siiJ Mary Baldwin College w111 be escorted by Dance Safe at Spring Concert Big Clique Nominees vers!ty or Texas. Set President Jay Jackson. They will be followed PresldenL Jay Jackson has announced that dress A Umlted nuniber- 500----of the With the date !or the ··~ t~;~;nt l ~~c=_::_~:::_=;:~-:::---~-:::_":'':'::_::~~:_::-:::_::="--:_ by vice presidents and their dates. Miss Catherine for the Saturday evening dance will be conventional. I Blm<I-CHee Club recordilli!S ot four Body Nominating Convention V "t T T l "th Al • traditional Washington and Lee approaching, the University arst y 0 ang e Wl umru melodies wUI be put on sale for is completing its slate for ..~,p~~: I Tomorrow m" Stadt" urn Physical Exams Begin Publication Board Considers Plan the first ttme May 12 at th.e Band's wide offlct!rs. In addition to Spring Concert. Boeettl, who is rumored the This Week for Sophs T S . p . T Edi · The recordings have received Clique nominee tor Student "'''-'I·· I A new trend in spring sport.<; acllvitles will be Initiated at Wash- For AdYanced ROTC o p 1tt aper mto wo t10ns only favorable comment from the dent rellable sources Indicate ington and Lee tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m.
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