’=^?*?f5'3rvy' ■> ’ J •■ . "'A , -..'*1 N‘ 1 * Do Your Part-^Bloodmobile, Tomorrow, Emanuel Lutheran, 1:45-6:30 n if m Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather For tke Week Ended FoiMMt of U. Sk Weather February IS, 1968 Fair, cold toniglit, low la mld> 14,133 teem; partly eonny tomorrow, Membw of the Audit hlfh around 40. BnreMi of Ctrcnlatlon Manche$ter—~A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 115 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1965 (OInMifled Advertlaing ea Fafe 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Hit and Run Autos Events Viet Battles Resume; * JL.2^ •'i^.-fc, N- . In State r e - i. ■ :V: i l Claim Two Victims Suspect Lost, Found Again A town youth and a M id-f^^arged him in the boy’s death.'^and then transferred to St. New Government Seen ___ ^a _-.s FrancisIXAwv^tfal Hospital In inT7ai*f Hartford. ^r^V•r4 dletown man were struck Bleu was charged with wilful misconduct with a motor vehi­ He died there at about 6 yester­ In Short Order and killed by cars as they cle and was released on $10,000 day morning of severe head in­ juries. •jC -‘.'»-.,.-- walked along the road in bond. HARTFORD (AP) — A Tolland man, Charles W. Patrolman Richard Dion, first J A c t i o n s separate accidents over the Federal marshals lost their weekend. Stanley, 45, was arrested this on the scene, said Zwlck had morning at a Manchester dairy apparently been walking east man for a few minutes Robert Allen Zwlck, 14, a stu­ where he worked and charged against the traffic. There'are no dent at Illlng Junior High, died Sunday night, but quickly One Day with negligent homicide and sidewalks on either side at this yesterday from injuries he re­ rounded him up again. J** evading responsibility in the section of Woodbridge, St. Po­ :«•- ■ -^ ;.v ceived when he was struck by a lice said Zwick’ was returning Jose Suarez, 21, of Plainvllle, Vernon accident. He is free on a suspect in two holdups at a isclosed car Saturday night on Wood- a $1,000 bond. home from a movie. bridge St. From information supplied by Plalnville Savings and loan of­ Bieu wa,s arrested shortly fice, bolted from a car as he Lee Ruffin, 20, of Middletown, after 6 a.m. yesterday by Pa­ witnesses, police began search­ SAIGON, South Viet was being transported to the was killed by a car early this trolman Robert Parizeau, one ing for a black and white panel Nam (A P )— Fighting has morning as he walked along the of at least six policemen in­ truck. Police said Bleu’s truck ■state Jail by three federal Wilbur Cross Highway In Ver­ marshals. resumed on scattered lastk volved in the hunt. fitted the description as the non, An anonymous caller first in­ search ended at his home. Suarez, who was being re­ fronts in Viet Nam after a In both cases, police said the turned from Miami. Fla., jump­ comparative lull. Mor. .. r formed police of the local ac­ Zwlck’s death marked Man­ driver of the car responsible did cident at 10:15 p.m. Saturday. chester’s third traffic fa­ ed out on Main Street- a .few Military .sources reported 27 -S not stop. The caller said a youth was tality of the year. blocks from the jail and dis­ enemy actions during the past wbe . -■ '^ 1 Local police yesterday arrest­ lying in the road on Wood- The Middletown. man was appeared. 24 hours, most of them in the ed Kenneth Bleu. 42, of 451 bridge St. near Lydall St. struck at about 4 a.m. as ha The marshals and Hartford northern part of the coimtry. Parker St., at hie homc'after an Zwick was first brought to police found him minutes later, Three U.S. helicopter crew­ Intensive eight-hour search and men were reported injured in a >b«ia, ^ ' . 9 Manchester Memorial Hospital (See Page Eight) -still handcuffed, hiding under a porch at the rear of a Main crash. 'W v- Street building. Two Americans were reported wounded in clashes Sunday. One BW ' ^ Suarez was one of four men 1,000 Take arrested in the $4,298 Jan. 14 was hit in the back by metal B Nat ‘King’ Cole, 45, holdup of the New Britain Sav­ fragments while searching for ings and Loan Association 60 Vietname.se who disappeared itk n f ■ branch office in Plalnville. Saturday after a Viet ciong at­ Final March tack in Binh Dinh Piwince. He was arre.sted in Miarnl In Quang Ngai Province, 330 Victim of Cancer with $894 of the stolen money miles northeast of Saigon, the In Alabama in his possession, police said. Viet C3ong killed 16 government « r* r H Suarez also is charged with troops, wounded 30 and cap­ SELMA, Ala. (AP) —Nearly robbing the same savings and tured five. The Communists SANTA MONICA, Calif. (A P )— Singer Nat King l.(KX) Negroes converged on the loan office last October, when poured mortar .shells into a gov­ B Cole, who underwent surgery for removal of a cancerous Dallas County Courthouse today $1,759 was taken. ernment outpost in Quang Tin lung tumor Jan. 25, died today. Me was 45. in a prote.st of slow voter reg­ Reporter Saves Boy, Makes Own Story Province, killing seven defend­ 4> Cole, whose rich voice and istration, and the two leaders Dodd’s Comment ers and wounding 12. Near Da Nang, 80 miles south bright piano style had made on opposite sides took their WASHINGTON (AP)—Sen. Reporter Edwin Holden of the Providence Journal-Bulletin’s North Kingston, stands. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Oonn., made of the northern border, two anti- him one of the most popular R. I., office not only got the news yesterday — he made it! Holden, a former government demonstrations musicians, was hospitalized last Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it clear Sunday he supports the leading the demonstrators, Navy frogman spotted Richard McElveen, 11, on an ice floe in the frigid waters broke out today, possibly in­ Dec. 8 for what was described air strikes against' North Viet spired by the (jommunist Viet as a respiratory ailment. stood on the outside of the Nam and is against peace ne­ of Mill Cove. He waded and swam 73 yards to the lad and pushed him and the courthouse looking in. Cong. Troops fired Into one of At first It was thought he was gotiations at the present Ume. ice floe safely to shore. (AP Photofax.) the demonstrations. recovering well but a spokes­ Sheriff James G. Clark 4 '» ■ In an Interview on the radio Reports said thait about 2,000 iV «l > man at St. John's Hospital said watched from a window in his and tele-vision prog;ram "Face demonstrators demanded an ift. his condition took a sharp turn office. the Nation,” Dodd said, "If we ^Goldfingers’ end to air and artillery attacks for the worse last week. Both left sick beds arf the Ne­ don’t stop . aggiression now, on populated area.s and attempt­ groes called for a final, mas- The first hint of Cole’s Jllne.ss we’ll be topping it in Seattle.” Bonn, Isi*ael and UAR ed to storm the office of the dis­ srlve push to demonstrate their Rob Theaters came when he cut short an en­ Dodd said he could see no trict chief at Thang Binh, about gagement at the Sands Hotel in discontent with the pace of vot­ 20 miles south of Da Nang. er regi.stration. reeison why anyone should think Las Vegas. Nev., complaining of U. S. policy in Viet Nam is NEW YORK (AP) — Two In Saigon, Vietnamese leaders Tk« a respiratory ailment. The About 1(X) Negroes lined up In Three-Way Clash East Side theater managers early to register, and were not clear. gravity of his illness became were robbed Sunday night of — (Bee Page Eight) being processed. While— ISiQyJ’' Our _pol!ey la to helj^.itae about $4,(KX) in receipts as more apparent when he was 8tbo4 In line, other demonstra- ' UfiRaa'resist Communist ag- BONN, (jW^any (AP).—West Germany threatened unable to star in the first they were about to put the tors met at a church and walked g r * « o n ,” he said. "There la today to curoff economic aid to Egypt because of the cash in a bank night depos­ popular music concert at Los to the courthouse. nothing new about this.” Anjgeies’ new music center ‘on impending visit to Cairo of East German President Wal­ itory. Kosygin Home, The march, led by King, was Dodd did say,, however, that The victims, Keith Massey Dec. 11. orderly. When the marchers he thought a radio-TV report to ter Ulbricht. Cole leaves his widow, Maria; At the same time, Israel an­ compensatory economic aid in and John Gold, told police In Conference the nation by President Johnson two men, holding their daughters Carol, 19, Natalie, 14, (See Page Eleven) would be useful. grily rejected Bonn’s offer of place of arms shipments can­ and twins-Casey and Timolin, 3; celed by West Germany under hands in their pockets as With Brezhnev and his adopted son. Nat Kelly, U.A.R. pre.ssure. though they had guns, fled with the money. Om»> 6. -V Prime Minister Levi Eshkol MOSCXDW (AP) — Premier Cole, who played his first charged in Jerusalem that The movie, playing at both theaters, is “Goldfinger,” Alexei N. Kosygin returned to­ professional dates with a 14- Chancellor Ludwig Erhard’s day from an 11-day Asian tour, plece orchestra that earned a First Reports Received government gave in to Egyptian in which a sophisticated thief tries to rob Ft.
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