AFR/RC57/19 Fifty‐seventh Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa Brazzaville, Republic of Congo 27–31 August 2007 Final Report Fifty‐seventh Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa Brazzaville, Republic of Congo 27–31 August 2007 Final Report World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa Brazzaville ● 2007 AFR/RC57/19 © WHO Regional Office for Africa, 2007 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Copies of this publication may be obtained from the Publication and Language Services Unit, WHO Regional Office for Africa, P.O. Box 6, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (Tel: +47 241 39100; Fax: +47 241 39507; E‐mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate this publication – whether for sale or for non‐commercial distribution – should be sent to the same address. 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Printed in the Republic of Congo CONTENTS Page ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... viii PART I PROCEDURAL DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS PROCEDURAL DECISIONS Decision 1 Composition of the Subcommittee on Nominations .................................. 1 Decision 2 Election of the Chairman, the Vice‐Chairmen and the Rapporteurs ....... 1 Decision 3 Appointment of members of the Subcommittee on Credentials .............. 2 Decision 4 Credentials ........................................................................................................ 2 Decision 5 Members on the Programme Subcommittee................................................ 3 Decision 6 Provisional agenda of the fifty‐eighth session of the Regional Committee......................................................................................... 4 Decision 7 Agenda of the one‐hundred‐and‐twenty‐second session of the Executive Board .................................................................................... 4 Decision 8 Designation of Member States of the African Region to serve on the Executive Board ............................................................................................... 4 Decision 9 Method of work and duration of Sixty‐first World Health Assembly ..... 5 Decision 10 Dates and places of the fifty‐eighth and fifty‐ninth sessions of the Regional Committee......................................................................................... 6 Decision 11 Membership of the Joint Coordinating Board (JCB) of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases..................... 6 Decision 12 Venue for the Conference on Primary Health Care and Health Systems in Africa.............................................................................................. 6 Regional Committee: Fifty-seventh session Page iii RESOLUTIONS AFR/RC57/R1 Resurgence of cholera in the WHO African Region: Current situation and way forward ....................................................... 7 AFR/RC57/R2 Food safety and health: A strategy for the WHO African Region........................................................................................... 9 AFR/RC57/R3 Onchocerciasis control in the WHO African Region: Current situation and way forward ..................................................... 11 AFR/RC57/R4 Diabetes prevention and control: A strategy for the WHO African Region ............................................................................. 12 AFR/RC57/R5 WHO Programme Budget 2008‐2009: Orientations for implementation in the African Region................................................. 15 AFR/RC57/R6 Vote of thanks.......................................................................................... 16 PART II REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE Paragraphs OPENING OF THE MEETING ...................................................................................... 1–27 ORGANIZATION OF WORK ..................................................................................... 28–36 Constitution of the Subcommittee on Nominations ................................................ 28 Election of the Chairman, Vice‐Chairmen and Rapporteurs.................................. 29 Chairmen of the Round Table and Panel Discussion .............................................. 30 Adoption of the agenda................................................................................................ 31 Adoption of the hours of work ................................................................................... 32 Appointment of the Subcommittee on Credentials............................................ 33–35 Presentation by guest speaker..................................................................................... 36 THE WORK OF WHO IN THE AFRICAN REGION 2006: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR (document AFR/RC57/2)................... 37–78 Page iv Regional Committee: Fifty-seventh session (Part II) REPORT OF THE PROGRAMME SUBCOMMITTEE (document AFR/RC57/15) ..............................................................................................79–187 Resurgence of cholera in the WHO African Region: Current situation and way forward (Document AFR/RC57/3) ..........................................80–88 Food safety and health: A strategy for the WHO African Region (Document AFR/RC57/4) ..........................................................................................89–97 Onchocerciasis control in the WHO African Region: Current situation and way forward (Document AFR/RC57/ 5) .......................................98–107 Accelerating the elimination of avoidable blindness: A strategy for the WHO African Region (Document AFR/RC57/6).........................................108–117 Diabetes prevention and control: A strategy for the WHO African Region (Document AFR/RC57/7) ..................................................................118–127 Health systems strengthening in the African Region: Realities and opportunities (document AFR/RC57/8)..............................................................128–137 Development of human resources for health in the WHO African Region: Current situation and way forward (document AFR/RC57/9) .......................................................................................138–146 Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS: A strategy for the control of a dual epidemic in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC57/10)..................147–154 WHO programme budget 2008‐2009: Orientations for implementation in the African Region (document AFR/RC57/11) ..............................................155–164 Review of the membership and terms of reference of the Programme Subcommittee (document AFR/RC57/12).....................................165–171 Key social determinants of health: A call for intersectoral action to improve health status in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC57/13) ................................................................................... 172–179 Harmful use of alcohol in the WHO African Region: Situation analysis and perspectives (document AFR/RC57/14)… .................................. 180–187 Regional Committee: Fifty-seventh session (Part I) Page v INFORMATION DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................... 188 ROUND TABLE: Cancer prevention and control in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC57/RT/1)................................................................................ 189 PANEL DISCUSSION: The role of the community in improving maternal, newborn and child health in the WHO African Region (document AFR/RC57/PD/1)............................................................................................. 190 Correlation between the work of the Regional Committee, the Executive Board and the World Health Assembly (document AFR/RC57/17).................... 191–198 DATES AND PLACES OF THE FIFTY‐EIGHTH AND FIFTY‐NINTH SESSIONS OF THE REGIONAL COMMITTEE (document AFR/RC57/18) ......................................................................................... 199–200 VENUE FOR THE CONFERENCE ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE AND HEALTH SYSTEMS IN AFRICA........................................................................... 201 ADOPTION
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