INDEX. 727 ceuvres by people of the, iii., 10; Sher- Peeble's farm, iii., 75, 76; at Hatch- idan's success misunderstood at, 11; er's run, 116-118; in front of Rich- concession to rebel claims advocated, mond. 441; at Fort Steadman, 445, 11; dissatisfaction incited by enemies 447; in front of Petersburg, 452; as- of the nation, 12; danger to Washing- saults on Petersburg, 506-519, 532; ton believed in, 16; effect of Sheri- in Appomattox campaign, 550. dan's successes, 34; Grant's visit to, PAYNE, GENERAL, in attack on Fort November, 1864, 193. Fisher, iii., 336. Northern Virginia, army of. numbers Peace partr, disloyal course of, at the and position May, 1864, ii., 94, 95; North, ii., 13. battle of Wilderness, 97-135; Spott- Peeble's farm, seizure of, iii., 75. sylvania, 137-215; movements on PENNYPACKER, GENERAL G., at Fort North Anna, 217 - 237 ; waning spir- Fisher, iii. 336. its of, 221: movement to Cold Harbor, Pemberton, fort, attack on, i., 172. 266; battles around Cold Harbor, Pemberton, John C., in command in 274-309; spirit broken in Wilderness front of Grant, May, 1863, i., 212; campaign, 319; reinforcements and Vicksburg campaign, 212-294; alarm total numbers in Wilderness cam- at 'Grant's operations round Vicks- paign, 326; losses in Wilderness cam- burg, 212 ; at Vicksburg, 219; deceived paign, 329; first assaults on Peters- by Grant's manceuvres, 237; disobeys burg, 360-380; Weldon road, 514- Johnston 241, 255; battle of Cham- 532; Peeble's farm, iii. 74-78; pion's hill, 256-271; battle of Black Hatcher's run, 115-128; disaffection river bridge, 275; flight to Vicksburg, and desertion in, 352; strength, 278; siege of Vicksburg, 299, 379; March, 1865, 439 ; at Fort Steadman, surrender of Vicksburg, 370, 385. 445-450; final defence of Petersburg, Petersburg, objective point of any force 500-529; flight to Appomattox, 544- attacking Richmond from the south, 597; demoralization after fall of Rich- ii., 341; Kautz and Gillmore's move- mond, 566, 589, sufferings of, 552, ment against, 344; condition of, June 566, 572; high officers in, propose to 14, 1864, 355; rebel fortifications at, Lee to surrender, 590; fed by Grant, 358; Meade's assaults, 361, 377-379; 607; lays down its arms, 613. movements of June 22 and 23, 383- Ohio, Buell in command of department 386; difficulty of enveloping, 399; of, i., 23. Burnside's mine, 465-499; defences of, ORD GENERAL E. 0. C., in pursuit of iii., 2, 5, 6, manceuvres before, Sep- reLels at Hatchie river, i., 118; suc- tember anA October, 1864, 68-123; ceeds McClernand before Vicksburg, criticism of Grant's operations against, 363; in command of Eighteenth corps, 127-134; Grant's forces before March, ii., 465; captures Fort Harrison, iii., 1865, 438-444-452; final assaults, 502- 71; wounded, 71; succeeds Butler 533; fall of, 533 Grant enters, 536. in command of army of the James Piedmont, battle of, ii., 418. 329 ; before Petersburg, 452, 501; final Pickett, General George E., at Five assault on Petersburg, 501-516; par- Forks, iii., 467 ; at battle of Dinwiddie, allel advance to Appomattox with 470; at battle of Five Forks, 484: nar- Sheridan and Meade, 546, 556, 558, row escape of, 493 ; crosses the Appo- 578, 584; at Rice's station, 573; at mattox, 518; flight before Sheridan, Appomattox, 598; at surrender of 547. Lee, 602. Pillow, General G. J., at Fort Donel- Ossabaw sound opened by Sherman, son, i., 48. iii., 263 ; Sherman's arrival at, 297. Pillow, fort, capture of. ii., 54-56. OSTERHAUS, GENERAL P. J., battle of Plymouth, capture of, ii., 57. Champion's hill, i., 262; assault on Pocotaligo, seizure of, iii., 371. Vicksburg, 320; battle of Lookout Polk, General L., breach of neutrality mountain, 499. by, i., 11. Paducah, seizure of i., 11. POPE GENERAL JOHN at siege of Cor- PALMER, GENERAL f., movement against inth, i., 100; ordered to Virginia, 107. Weldon railroad, iii., 226 ; movement Port Gibson, battle of, i., 206-210. to hinder reinforcement of Wilming- Port Hudson, surrender of, i., 392. ton, 228, 235. Port Royal, Foster and Sherman at, Pamunkey river, crossing of ii., 263- iii., 305. 268; topography of surrounding coun- PORTER, ADMIRAL, in front of Vicks- try, 267. burg, i., 161; operations in Yazoo PARKE, GENERAL J. G.. at siege of river, 175; running Vicksburg bat- Vicksburg, i., 358; in East Tennes- teries, 189; co-operation with Grant, see, 545 ; in command of Ninth corps, 190; urges McClernand to obey orders, ii., 489; at Poplar Spring church and 195; bombardment of Grand Gulf,.
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