Paleozoic Bryozoa from Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic) Lyudmila V. NEKHOROSHEVA Department of Stratigraphy, AII-Russia Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia), Angliisky ave., 1, St. Petersburg 190121 (Russia) [email protected] Nekhorosheva L. V. 2002. — Paleozoic Bryozoa from Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic). 406 Geodiversitas 24 (2) : 317-327. ABSTRACT Paleozoic Bryozoa are reported from Severnaya Zemlya for the first time. Bryozoans of the orders Cystoporata Astrova, 1964 and Trepostomata Ulrich, 1882 are represented by four species, one of which is new: Halloporina severozemelica n. sp. from the Middle Ordovician. Representatives of the genus Fistulipora McCoy, 1849 from the Lower Devonian (Rusanov KEY WORDS Bryozoa, Formation) are similiar to the species F. nordica L. Nekhorosheva, 1961 from Ordovician, Taribigai Beds (Emsian) of Taimyr. Fistulotrypa sp. A from Rusanov Devonian, Formation is the oldest species of the genus. The Permian species Dyscritella Permian, Russian Arctic, cf. lucida Morozova, 1986 has strong affinities with D. lucida from the Kapp Severnaya Zemlya. Starostin Formation of Svalbard. RÉSUMÉ Les bryozoaires du Paléozoïque de Severnaya Zemlya (Arctique russe). Des bryozoaires paléozoïques de Severnaya Zemlya sont signalés pour la pre- mière fois. Ils appartiennent aux ordres Cystoporata Astrova, 1964 et Trepostomata Ulrich, 1882 et sont représentés par quatre espèces dont l’une, de l’Ordovicien moyen, est nouvelle, Halloporina severozemelica n. sp. Des espèces appartenant au genre Fistulipora McCoy, 1849 du Dévonien inférieur MOTS CLÉS Bryozoaire, de la Formation Rusanov sont proches de l’espèce F. nordica L. Nekhorosheva, Ordovicien, 1961 des niveaux de Taribigai de l’Emsien du Taimyr. La plus ancienne Dévonien, espèce de Fistulotrypa sp. A provient de la Formation Rusanov. Dans le Permien, Arctique russe, Permien l’espèce Dyscritella cf. lucida Morozova, 1986 présente de fortes affi- Severnaya Zemlya. nités avec D. lucida de la Formation Kapp Starostin du Spitsberg. GEODIVERSITAS • 2002 • 24 (2) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.mnhn.fr/publication/ 317 Nekhorosheva L. V. GEOLOGICAL SETTING OF THE BRYOZOAN FAUNA S ORDOVICIAN BRYOZOANS E V Komsomolets The Ordovician bryozoans from October Revo- E R Island lution Island are the oldest Paleozoic Bryozoa N Laptev A Sea known from Severnaya Zemlya (Markovsky & Y A Makar’ev 1982). These bryozoans occurred in Z calcareous beds from the lower and mainly E M Pioneer middle Ozernaya Formation (Middle L Island October Ordovician) in several localities of the island. Y A Only trepostomes, among them Halloporina 1 5 Bassler, 1913 and Nicholsonella Ulrich, 1883, 2 were recorded from the Ozernaya Formation. 3 Nicholsonella represented by a small specimen, Revolution 4 determined as Nicholsonella sp., is reported from only one locality (4, Fig. 1). The genus Island Halloporina shows a wider distribution being known from five localities (1-5, Fig. 1). The range of both genera is restricted to Ordovician km 0 25 50 75 (Goryunova 1996). Nicholsonella has the widest geographical distribution. This genus has been FIG. 1. — Sketch of Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, indicating sampling localities, which are coded as G , Ordovician; described from many places of the world, where 1, Matusevich River, loc. 34; 2, Ushakov River, loc. 46; 3, Strojnaya River, loc. 49; 4, Ozernaya River, loc. 1149; it is defined from Lower Ordovician 5, Lednikovaya River, loc. 1032. Central October Revolution (Arenigian) to Upper Ordovician. However, Island; L, Devonian, South-western coast of Pioneer Island, Govorlivaya River, loc. 2369, and loc. 2492. South-West coast Nicholsonella is very common only in the of Pioneer Island; I, Permian Slabyj Stream, loc. 20369. North- Middle Ordovician, being described from New West of Komsomolets Island. York and Vermont, USA (Ross 1964), Alabama, USA (McKinney 1971), Siberia, Russia (Astrova 1965), Taimyr, Russian Arctic INTRODUCTION (Nekhorosheva 1965) and from Polar Urals, Russia (Nekhorosheva 1991). In author’s opin- Paleozoic Bryozoa have never been described ion, Nicholsonella is typical for shallow water from Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago. The first benthic assemblages from many Middle Paleozoic Bryozoa from Severnaya Zemlya were Ordovician sections of the Arctic Russia region, collected during 1973-1980 as a result of the where it was repeatedly reported together with Norilsk Expedition of PGO “Sevmorgeologia” Rhodophyta. These observations indicate that and other topical studies. Bryozoans have been Nicholsonella is confined to shallow parts of the collected from Ordovician, Devonian and photic zone. According to Ross (1964) the Permian on October Revolution, Pioneer and genus Nicholsonella is typical among Chazian Komsomolets islands respectively (Fig. 1). All the bryozoan fauna of New York and Vermont, illustrated and described specimens are housed in USA. There this genus was found in shelf the collection numbered 13009 of the Central deposits together with other bryozoans, algae Scientific Research Geological Exploration and crinoids. Therefore Nicholsonella from Museum named after Academician F. N. Chazian USA and from Ozernaya Formation of Chernyshev (CNIGR Museum) in St. Petersburg, Severnaya Zemlya probably were ecologycally Russia. adapted to similar shallow neritic environments. 318 GEODIVERSITAS • 2002 • 24 (2) Paleozoic Bryozoa from Severnaya Zemlya The genus Halloporina occurs mainly in the mum species diversity in Middle Devonian. In the Middle Ordovician. Originally this genus was Lower Devonian of the Arctic Russia Fistuliramus described from the Middle Ordovician of North is known only from Taimyr and Severnaya America (Ulrich & Bassler 1904) and recently it Zemlya. The genus Fistulotrypa is represented by has been recorded in the Middle Ordovician of Fistulotrypa sp. A, the oldest of the genus. It was Estonia (Gorjunova 1992). Although scarce, the the first finding of the genus in Arctic Russia. genus Halloporina is also known from the Earlier Fistulotrypa was recognized only in the Llandeilo Limestone in Wales, UK (Buttler Lower Permian of Timor (Bassler 1929), and from 1997). A new species of Halloporina is herein the Middle/Upper Devonian (Givetian-base described from the Ozernaya Formation of Frasnian) of Mongolia (Kopajevich 1984). All fis- October Revolution Island. This species shows tuliporids from the Rusanov Formation occur to- affinity with H. parva (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904) gether with tabulate corals (Favosites goldfussi described from the Middle Ordovician of North d’Orbigny, 1850) and brachiopods (Howellella ya- America and was reported from the Middle cutica Alekseeva, 1967 s.l.). These two species are Ordovician of Estonia as well. Therefore the con- typical of the Taribigai Beds of Taimyr (Menner et cept of the faunal exchange between several al. 1982) correlated with the Emsian (Cherkesova Middle Ordovician basins seems quite realistic. 1994). Based on faunal similarity the Rusanov The idea of paleogeographical relations in north Formation of Severnaya Zemlya could be coeval to polar region between North Europe and North the Taribigai Beds of Taimyr. America is already expressed by Bassler (1911) regarding baltic area Ordovician bryozoans. PERMIAN BRYOZOANS Ordovician bryozoans from Severnaya Zemlya The Permian trepostome bryozoans were collected get the additional data for paleogeographical rela- in 1978 by A. F. Khapilin and V. A. Markovsky tions in north polar area between North Europe, from a single locality of the Zhuravlev strata in North America and North Asia. north western Komsomolets Island (Fig. 1). The age of this sequence is determinated by DEVONIAN BRYOZOANS foraminifers, brachiopods, bivalves, and palyno- The Devonian Bryozoa were collected by logical assemblages as Early/Late Permian (Ageev E. N. Lenkin and E. I. Kachanov (Klubov et al. et al. 1981). Bryozoans were found only in the 1980) on Pioneer Island (Fig. 1) during two expe- lower part of the Zhuravlev strata where they are ditions to Severnaya Zemlya in 1974 and 1976. represented by monotonous ramose colonies of On Pioneer Island bryozoans are embedded in Dyscritella Girty, 1911. Because of a strong sur- limestones of the Rusanov Formation (Emsian), face recrystallization these bryozoans could be where they are represented by massive (e.g., defined only as D. cf. lucida Morozova, 1986, Fistulipora McCoy, 1849) and ramose (e.g., which are similar to the holotype of D. lucida Fistuliramus Astrova, 1960 and Fistulotrypa described from the lower Kapp Starostin Bassler, 1929) fistuliporids. In the Rusanov Formation of Svalbard (Morozova & Kruchinina Formation, among Fistulipora, were identified 1986). According to recent publications describ- Fistulipora sp. and Fistulipora aff. nordica ing Permian bryozoans of Svalbard (Nakrem L. Nekhorosheva, 1961. The latter is similar to 1994a, b) the age of the Kapp Starostin F. nordica described from the Taribigai Beds of Formation is Kungurian-Kazanian. Therefore the the Lower Devonian of Taimyr (Nekhorosheva Zhuravlev strata on Komsomolets Island of 1968). Specimens of Fistuliramus from the Severnaya Zemlya can be considered as similar in Rusanov Formation are fragmentary and show too age to Kapp Starostin Formation. In the lower few characters to be identified to species level. Zhuravlev strata D. cf. lucida was found together Since Late Silurian the genus Fistuliramus was very with Kungurian
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