All Things Considered ALL 7-LETTER NOUNS (a word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club All Noun 7s- C CABALAS AAABCLS CABALA, occult or secret doctrine [n] CABANAS AAABCNS CABANA, small cabin [n] CABARET AABCERT music hall [n -S] CABBALA AAABBCL cabala (occult or secret doctrine) [n -S] CABBIES ABBCEIS CABBIE, cabby (driver of cab) [n] / CABBY, driver of cab [n] CABEZON ABCENOZ large, edible fish [n -S] CABILDO ABCDILO town council [n -S] CABINET ABCEINT piece of furniture with shelves and drawers [n =S] CABLERS ABCELRS CABLER, one that supplies cable [n] CABLETS ABCELST CABLET, small cable [n] CABLING ABCGILN cable or cables used for fastening something [n -S] CABOMBA AABBCMO aquatic plant [n -S] CABOOSE ABCEOOS last car of freight train [n -S] CABOVER ABCEORV truck having driver's compartment over engine [n -S] CACHACA AAACCCH Brazilian liquor [n -S] CACHEXY ACCEHXY cachexia (general ill health) [n -XIES] CACHOUS ACCHOSU CACHOU, catechu (resin used in tanning) [n] CACIQUE ACCEIQU tropical oriole [n -S] CACKLER ACCEKLR one that cackles (to make sound of hen) [n -S] CACODYL ACCDLOY poisonous liquid [n -S] CACONYM ACCMNOY erroneous name [n -S] CADAVER AACDERV corpse (dead body) [n -S] CADDICE ACCDDEI caddis (coarse woolen fabric) [n -S] CADELLE ACDEELL small, black beetle [n -S] CADENCY ACCDENY rhythm (movement or procedure with uniform recurrence of strong and weak elements) [n -CIES] CADENZA AACDENZ elaborate musical passage [n -S] CADGERS ACDEGRS CADGER, one that cadges (to get by begging) [n] CADMIUM ACDIMMU metallic element [n -S] CADUCEI ACCDEIU CADUCEUS, heraldic wand or staff [n] CAEOMAS AACEMOS CAEOMA, spore-forming organ of fungus [n] CAESARS AACERSS CAESAR, emperor (ruler of empire) [n] CAESIUM ACEIMSU cesium (metallic element) [n -S] CAESTUS ACESSTU cestus (belt or girdle) [n -ES] CAESURA AACERSU pause in line of verse [n -E, -S] CAFARDS AACDFRS CAFARD, state of depression [n] CAFFEIN ACEFFIN caffeine (bitter alkaloid used as stimulant) [n -S] CAFTANS AACFNST CAFTAN, full-length tunic [n] CAGEFUL ACEFGLU number held in cage (enclosure) [n -S] CAGOULE ACEGLOU hooded waterproof garment [n -S] CAHIERS ACEHIRS CAHIER, notebook (book in which to write) [n] CAHOOTS ACHOOST CAHOOT, partnership (state of being partner) [n] CAHOUNS ACHNOSU CAHOUN, cohune (palm tree) [n] CAIMANS AACIMNS CAIMAN, tropical reptile [n] CAIQUES ACEIQSU CAIQUE, long, narrow rowboat [n] CAISSON ACINOSS watertight chamber [n -S] All Things Considered ALL 7-LETTER NOUNS (a word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CAITIFF ACFFIIT despicable person [n -S] CAJAPUT AACJPTU cajeput (Australian tree) [n -S] CAJEPUT ACEJPTU Australian tree [n -S] CAJOLER ACEJLOR one that cajoles (to persuade by flattery) [n -S] CAJONES ACEJNOS CAJON, steep-sided canyon [n] CAJUPUT ACJPTUU cajeput (Australian tree) [n -S] CAKEBOX ABCEKOX container for cake (sweet baked food) [n -ES] CALAMAR AAACLMR calamary (squid) [n -S] CALAMUS AACLMSU marsh plant [n -MI, -ES] CALATHI AACHILT CALATHOS, fruit basket [n] / CALATHUS, calathos (fruit basket) [n] CALCARS AACCLRS CALCAR, type of oven (enclosed compartment in which substances are heated) [n] CALCITE ACCEILT mineral (naturally occurring inorganic substance having characteristic set of physical properties) [n -S] CALCIUM ACCILMU metallic element [n -S] CALCULI ACCILLU CALCULUS, branch of mathematics [n] CALDERA AACDELR large crater [n -S] CALDRON ACDLNOR large kettle or boiler [n -S] CALECHE ACCEEHL calash (light carriage) [n -S] CALENDS ACDELNS first day of Roman month [n CALENDS] CALESAS AACELSS CALESA, calash (light carriage) [n] CALIBER ABCEILR diameter of gun barrel [n -S] CALIBRE ABCEILR caliber (diameter of gun barrel) [n -S] CALICES ACCEILS CALIX, cup [n] CALICHE ACCEHIL mineral deposit [n -S] CALICLE ACCEILL cup-shaped anatomical structure [n -S] CALICOS ACCILOS CALICO, cotton fabric [n] CALIPEE ACEEILP edible part of turtle [n -S] CALIPHS ACHILPS CALIPH, Muslim leader [n] CALIXES ACEILSX CALIX, cup [n] CALKERS ACEKLRS CALKER, one that calks (to caulk (to make seams of ship watertight)) [n] CALKING ACGIKLN material used to calk [n -S] CALKINS ACIKLNS CALKIN, gripping projection on horseshoe [n] CALLANS AACLLNS CALLAN, callant (lad (boy or youth)) [n] CALLANT AACLLNT lad (boy or youth) [n -S] CALLBOY ABCLLOY bellboy (hotel's errand boy) [n -S] CALLEES ACEELLS CALLEE, one that is called [n] CALLERS ACELLRS CALLER, one that calls (to summon (to order to appear)) [n] CALLETS ACELLST CALLET, prostitute [n] CALLING ACGILLN vocation or profession [n -S] CALLOSE ACELLOS part of plant cell wall [n -S] CALLOUT ACLLOTU inset in printed article [n -S] CALLUNA AACLLNU evergreen shrub [n -S] CALOMEL ACELLMO chemical compound used as purgative [n -S] CALORIC ACCILOR heat [n -S] CALORIE ACEILOR unit of heat [n -S] CALOTTE ACELOTT skullcap (close-fitting cap) [n -S] CALOYER ACELORY monk of Eastern Church [n -S] All Things Considered ALL 7-LETTER NOUNS (a word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CALPACK AACCKLP calpac (sheepskin hat) [n -S] CALPACS AACCLPS CALPAC, sheepskin hat [n] CALPAIN AACILNP enzyme for digesting proteins [n -S] CALTRAP AACLPRT caltrop (spiny plant) [n -S] CALTROP ACLOPRT spiny plant [n -S] CALUMET ACELMTU ceremonial pipe [n -S] CALVARY AACLRVY representation of Crucifixion [n -RIES] CALYCES ACCELSY CALYX, outer protective covering of flower [n] CALYCLE ACCELLY outer calyx [n -S] CALYPSO ACLOPSY improvised song [n -ES, -S] CALYXES ACELSXY CALYX, outer protective covering of flower [n] CALZONE ACELNOZ turnover with savory filling [n -S, -NI] CALZONI ACILNOZ CALZONE, turnover with savory filling [n] CAMAILS AACILMS CAMAIL, piece of armor for neck [n] CAMASES AACEMSS CAMAS, camass (perennial herb) [n] CAMBISM ABCIMMS theory and practice of exchange in commerce [n -S] CAMBIST ABCIMST dealer in bills of exchange [n -S] CAMBIUM ABCIMMU layer of plant tissue [n -IA, -S] CAMBRIC ABCCIMR fine linen [n -S] CAMELIA AACEILM camellia (tropical shrub) [n -S] CAMELID ACDEILM any of family of 2-toed ruminant mammals [n -S] CAMERAE AACEEMR CAMERA, judge's chamber [n] CAMERAS AACEMRS CAMERA, judge's chamber [n] CAMIONS ACIMNOS CAMION, military truck [n] CAMISAS AACIMSS CAMISA, shirt or chemise [n] CAMISES ACEIMSS CAMISE, loose shirt or gown [n] CAMISIA AACIIMS camise (loose shirt or gown) [n -S] CAMLETS ACELMST CAMLET, durable fabric [n] CAMMIES ACEIMMS CAMMIE, camouflage [n] CAMORRA AACMORR unscrupulous secret society [n -S] CAMPERS ACEMPRS CAMPER, one that camps (to live in open) [n] CAMPHOL ACHLMOP borneol (alcohol (flammable liquid)) [n -S] CAMPHOR ACHMOPR volatile compound [n -S] CAMPING ACGIMNP act of living outdoors [n -S] CAMPION ACIMNOP herb (flowering plant with nonwoody stem) [n -S] CAMPONG ACGMNOP kampong (small village) [n -S] CAMPOUT ACMOPTU camping out by group [n -S] CAMWOOD ACDMOOW African hardwood tree [n -S] CANAKIN AACIKNN cannikin (small can or cup) [n -S] CANAPES AACENPS CANAPE, food served before meal [n] CANARDS AACDNRS CANARD, false story [n] CANASTA AAACNST card game [n -S] CANCANS AACCNNS CANCAN, dance marked by high kicking [n] CANCERS ACCENRS CANCER, malignant growth [n] CANCHAS AACCHNS CANCHA, jai* alai* court [n] CANDELA AACDELN unit of light intensity [n -S] All Things Considered ALL 7-LETTER NOUNS (a word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things) compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CANDIDA AACDDIN parasitic fungus [n -S] CANDIDS ACDDINS CANDID, unposed photograph [n] CANDLER ACDELNR one that candles (to examine eggs in front of light) [n -S] CANDORS ACDNORS CANDOR, frankness; sincerity [n] CANDOUR ACDNORU candor (frankness; sincerity) [n -S] CANELLA AACELLN medicinal tree bark [n -S] CANFULS ACFLNSU CANFUL, as much as can holds [n] CANGUES ACEGNSU CANGUE, ancient Chinese punishing device [n] CANIKIN ACIIKNN cannikin (small can or cup) [n -S] CANINES ACEINNS CANINE, dog [n] CANINGS ACGINNS CANING, punishment with cane [n] CANKLES ACEKLNS CANKLE, thick ankle [n] (2018) CANNELS ACELNNS CANNEL, oily, compact coal [n] CANNERS ACENNRS CANNER, one that cans food [n] CANNERY ACENNRY place where food is canned [n -RIES] CANNING ACGINNN business of preserving food in airtight containers [n -S] CANNOLI ACILNNO tube of pastry with sweet filling [n -S] CANNULA AACLNNU tube inserted into bodily cavity [n -E, -S] CANOERS ACENORS CANOER, one who canoes [n] CANOLAS AACLNOS CANOLA, oil from seeds of kind of herb [n] CANONRY ACNNORY clerical office [n -RIES] CANSFUL ACFLNSU CANFUL, as much as can holds [n] CANTALA AAACLNT tropical plant [n -S] CANTALS AACLNST CANTAL, hard cheese of France [n] CANTATA AAACNTT vocal composition [n -S] CANTDOG ACDGNOT device used to move logs [n -S] CANTEEN ACEENNT small container for carrying water [n -S] CANTHUS ACHNSTU corner of eye [n -HI] CANTINA AACINNT saloon (tavern (place where liquor is sold to be drunk on premises)) [n -S] CANTLES ACELNST CANTLE, rear part of saddle [n] CANTORS ACNORST CANTOR, religious singer [n] CANTRAP AACNPRT cantrip (magic spell) [n -S] CANTRIP ACINPRT magic spell [n -S] CANULAE AACELNU CANULA, cannula (tube inserted into bodily cavity) [n] CANULAS AACLNSU CANULA, cannula (tube inserted into bodily cavity) [n] CANYONS ACNNOSY CANYON, deep valley with steep sides [n] CANZONA AACNNOZ canzone (form of lyric poetry) [n -S] CANZONE ACENNOZ form of lyric poetry [n -S, -NI] CANZONI ACINNOZ CANZONE, form of
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