Global coordination project for the SFM Drylands Impact Program Part I: Project Information Name of Parent Program Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes GEF ID 10253 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Global coordination project for the SFM Drylands Impact Program Countries Global Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s): IUCN Executing Partner Type GEF Agency GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Focal Areas, Climate Change, Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Technology Transfer, Financing, Forest, Forest and Landscape Restoration, REDD - REDD+, Drylands, Biodiversity, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Productive Landscapes, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Mainstreaming, Forestry - Including HCVF and REDD+, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Biomes, Tropical Dry Forests, Desert, Grasslands, Financial and Accounting, Conservation Finance, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Sustainable Pasture Management, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Integrated and Cross- sectoral approach, Community-Based Natural Resource Management, Income Generating Activities, Sustainable Forest, Ecosystem Approach, Sustainable Fire Management, Sustainable Livelihoods, Restoration and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands, Sustainable Agriculture, Drought Mitigation, Land Degradation Neutrality, Land Cover and Land cover change, Land Productivity, Carbon stocks above or below ground, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Demonstrate innovative approache, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Beneficiaries, Communications, Education, Awareness Raising, Behavior change, Private Sector, Large corporations, SMEs, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Capital providers, Local Communities, Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organization, Community Based Organization, Academia, Type of Engagement, Partnership, Participation, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Access to benefits and services, Capacity Development, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Participation and leadership, Access and control over natural resources, Gender Mainstreaming, Women groups, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Innovation, Knowledge Exchange, Targeted Research, Learning, Indicators to measure change, Adaptive management, Theory of change, Knowledge Generation Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 1 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Submission Date 12/13/2020 Expected Implementation Start 5/1/2021 Expected Completion Date 4/30/2026 Duration 60In Months Agency Fee($) 725,119.00 A. FOCAL/NON-FOCAL AREA ELEMENTS Objectives/Programs Focal Area Outcomes Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) IP SFM Drylands GET 8,056,881.00 16,113,762.00 Total Project Cost($) 8,056,881.00 16,113,762.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective To maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of GEF-7 investments in sustainable drylands management to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality Project Financin Expected Outcomes Expected Outputs Trust GEF Project Financing($) Confirmed Co-Financing($) Component g Type Fund 1. Technical 1.1 Child project 1.1.1 Strategy documents GET 1,755,022.00 3,725,673.00 Programmatic Assistance investments are defining objective, prioritization prioritised, targeted and evidence-based regional and coordinated to maximise and global priorities for coordination effectiveness, realise the investments in sustainable potential for synergies, dryland management and address 1.1.2 Mechanisms for transboundary issues transboundary coordination of approaches and investments in sustainable dryland management Project Financin Expected Outcomes Expected Outputs Trust GEF Project Financing($) Confirmed Co-Financing($) Component g Type Fund 1. System- Technical 2.1 Child projects are at 2.1.1 Knowledge inputs GET 3,433,193.00 7,288,429.00 wide capacity Assistance the forefront of global provided to child projects development, best practice to knowledge maximize enduring, 2.1.2 System-wide management, replicable results at capacity development stakeholder scale to avoid, reduce support for national and engagement and reverse land regional actors including and outreach degradation harmonised methodological guidance 2.2 The program and its to child projects child projects contribute to local, regional and 2.2.1 Harmonised global stores of methodological guidance knowledge for knowledge systematization and 2.3 Stakeholders at management by child national, regional and projects global levels are effectively engaged and 2.2.2 System for feeding informed regarding the knowledge and results project and the models generated by the project of sustainable dryland into regional and global management, knowledge hubs stimulating active participation and scaling 2.3.1 Guidance for up consistent stakeholder engagement, and branded outreach and results communication by child projects 2.3.2 Direct outreach by the GCP Project Financin Expected Outcomes Expected Outputs Trust GEF Project Financing($) Confirmed Co-Financing($) Component g Type Fund 3. Program- Technical 3.1 The program and its 3.1.1 Programmatic M&E GET 2,485,005.00 4,275,594.00 wide Assistance child projects are subject system incorporating monitoring to adaptive child project M&E results and adaptive management, and program-level management responding effectively to indicators, guiding lessons learned and adaptive program evolving conditions in management and order to maintain reporting program-wide relevance and ensure contributions to GEF-7 sustainability core indicators and SDGs 3.1.2 Harmonised methodological guidance and standards for child project M&E systems Sub Total ($) 7,673,220.00 15,289,696.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) GET 383,661.00 824,066.00 Sub Total($) 383,661.00 824,066.00 Total Project Cost($) 8,056,881.00 16,113,762.00 C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co-financing Name of Co-financier Type of Co-financing Investment Mobilized Amount($) GEF Agency Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations In-kind Recurrent expenditures 4,850,900.00 GEF Agency Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Other Investment mobilized 11,262,862.00 Total Co-Financing($) 16,113,762.00 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified Investment mobilized will be drawn from a wide variety of sources across FAO's country, regional, and international programs. These efforts include the Global Programme on Sustainable Dryland Agriculture, the Dryland Restoration Initiative Platform, FAO’s Action Against Desertification Program, the FAO South – South Cooperation Program, and ongoing work under Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands among many other planned and ongoing initiatives of direct importance to this Impact Program. Concurrent with the launch of the Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Program, FAO will also launch the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration along with a global effort to mobilize resources to advance restoration goals in all major ecosystems. Finally, FAO will mobilize and invest new resources in the domains of knowledge and capacity building through initiatives such as the Agroecology Knowledge Hub, the Farmer Field School Platform, the Pastoral Systems Knowledge Hub, the Global Soil Partnership, the Forest and Farm Facility, and the Committee on Forestry Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems. D. Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds Agency Trust Fund Country Focal Area Programming of Funds Amount($) Fee($) FAO GET Global Multi Focal Area IP SFM Drylands Set-Aside 8,056,881 725,119 Total Grant Resources($) 8,056,881.00 725,119.00 E. Non Grant Instrument NON-GRANT INSTRUMENT at CEO Endorsement Includes Non grant instruments? No Includes reflow to GEF? No F. Project Preparation Grant (PPG) PPG Required PPG Amount ($) 200,000 PPG Agency Fee ($) 18,000 Agency Trust Fund Country Focal Area Programming of Funds Amount($) Fee($) FAO GET Global Multi Focal Area IP SFM Drylands Set-Aside 200,000 18,000 Total Project Costs($) 200,000.00 18,000.00 Core Indicators Indicator 1 Terrestrial protected areas created or under improved management for conservation and sustainable use Ha (Expected at PIF) Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Ha (Achieved at MTR) Ha (Achieved at TE) 0.00 79,918.00 0.00 0.00 Indicator 1.1 Terrestrial Protected Areas Newly created Ha (Expected at PIF) Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Total Ha (Achieved at MTR) Total Ha (Achieved at TE) 0.00 79,918.00 0.00 0.00 Total Ha Total Ha Name of the Total Ha (Expected at CEO (Achieved at Total Ha Protected Area WDPA ID IUCN Category (Expected at PIF) Endorsement) MTR) (Achieved at TE) Akula National 125689 Select 79,918.00 Park Indicator 1.2 Terrestrial Protected Areas Under improved Management effectiveness Ha (Expected at PIF) Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Total Ha (Achieved at MTR) Total Ha (Achieved at TE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 METT score Name of the Ha Ha (Expected Total Ha Total Ha (Baseline at METT score METT score Protected IUCN (Expected at CEO (Achieved
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