I I From San Francisco: l-X- I I V' 1 - Y V A A- Ci - A SepL 21. vV AVlk Y - Lurline, tSf 7 X 7 TTv T V 7 :,- - i : San r , - , v ; ... For Franeleo: r - . - I 1 I W t f H ' V I, i - If. I unina, uepi. zj. I , f- - I I I I f H I I - ' I - I fV: V o v 15. " ' - , " llaknra. Oct .;v0), ; VtT v 14 PAGES -- HONOLULU, TERRITOBY OP HAWAII, ;iIOKDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 PAO :: ; ; Hawaiian Star, VoL XXIII, Na 7114 19114 :? V iiilo ?mm liliPltVlAiO wmmM mimmmmmismm ' 9 ofdo::ds n i mi ininnnoTol vrnriT oiirrrpo mm m t UAnuMiiiiruoio 1 Receivership. Sale and Reor mmmmmRockemei ganization With Big Reduc- - Negotiations Closed Favorably No. 8 in Letters From Mainland T7 tion Vof Fixed 'Charges is From Shows Prd 5"-- on Advices Executives What ' -; Cable : .f;-V.:i- ' - V 1 j;,!? '. ' - 'A ' m- 'sv-zt- Plan Formed By -- Committee - '' tvvi - V V Washington gressive Government Does 1 f Hit ' t lidTldf j ON OCTOBER 1 HiGH-VOLTA- i GE LINE TO PHOENIX TAX RATE IS COMPANY DEFAULTS V IF BE BUILT TO CASTNER REDUCED, CITY PROVED ..Lj Agree-Anie- nt Ji Protective ' Ka-mehame- .Bondholders Branch Wire Will Run to ha; Department Friction Elimiriat-- z Scheme to Be Put GREAT DAMAGE D0?iE, BUT PRINCIPAL EFFECT 13 May - ;. Public - " s GetWar- ed, Service Bettered,- STIMULATE EfJLISTF.IEfiT BY BRITISH FUZUC lnto-Hand- of.; Seven : Well coni Wireless Contract ; and Residents Pleased ,r.iAr:s pursuing ..Russians in - :: : ' vilna Known Locaf Businessmen yv ' t i district t 4 - denart-mea- Star-Bulleti- - T0..3- REPULSE SEHwIAN ATTACK Negotiation with the war t , The - n publishes below i J. F. Hilo ; Complete rcoroanixation of the by ;the Hawaiian Electric Com- No. ; 8 in the series of s letter from AMEHICAN COnnESrONDENT WHO FIGURED IN Railroad Company, including, fSraV pany have resulted in arrangements mainland mayors and other jeity offl INCIDENT, DENIES HE KNEW CONTENTS . probable 'recelverthlp and tale, then by which the electric company with- clala noon model city charters. The OF 1112 of a new company with fuf-nls- h ' the formation in i comparatively short time will letters are the result of a country. r " a bond itsue' of only 200,003 bear- light every; army post oa inquiry by,the Star-Bu- W tisociatt4 Pres Eenrtce by Feieral TTlrtleul for ' wide directed -- against .'',' ::- - : " ing 6 per cent interest, as the : " 'V"-- experiences of t V ' Oahn.; .': letin. .to secure the NEWYORIvN. Tr Sept m Witnesses to the n:c present oustanding Issues of $4,503,030 , carrying-ou- t plans ; now The of set mainland cities as suggestions for the astroua-Zeppeli- England has ' at S per cent these aro the oustand tied Involves the building or nign charter revision convention which Is raid that suffered in of worked out Camp Ing features the scheme volugene from Honolulu to: meetina . now to revise Honolulu's series oi visitations arrived here today bv stcr.:::er fr !. - on behalf of Investors In the project r20 miles, as ; a distance of charterJ 7 .s 'r': : -- committees, representing ratnT. pool;and told graphic stories of the rain cf :nU by the two wn as important lines of lesslen?th ; The i: letters previously;" published ; i work- - : tond. hoders which have been The iilans mean also thit electric llsbt have been: ., 'r . .. sky on the night of September 8. - ing all summer In an effort to evolve power will be available for nil thf No; 1. From , Mayor Albce of Port vsome and According to their stories, a squadron of Zeppelins ci. jmethod of savlrg the road. :; big section or oanu. west ot woanaiua. land, Oregon. .. ; ; ? ''-- company cled above busy .The reduction of th bond Issue to a Eventually the electric No, 2. From Mayor Fassett of Spo the hotel and theater district of London, r arrangements with. '- - ' ioiQt where fixed charges will be only hopes to enter Into kane; Wash.. v fi". ing missiles upon the buildings, i A block of warelien s $125,000 annually, as against the fixftd th Marconi Wireless company -- by :; No; 5. From Mayor Fawcett of Ta - charges of $270,000 every 12 months which the big wireless plants at Ka- coma. Wash.- - v. :. , m destroyed within five minufes walk of St. Paul's cat!:: !r.. operate ;. Han-- ; t present, will. It Is thonght, enable huku and Koko Head will be No. 4 From Mayor James R. six-stor- y ( ' A tenement house wasshattered and its inmates it!, the property to struggle along until a with Hawaiian Electric power. This na of Des Moines, lowa. ? v larger tonnace 1 won,, when all will matter has already been discussed bv No. ; From Mayor Eaton of Win killed or wounded. e tailing:, -- Ne '.profits of the two Concerns and ston-Sale- : : Mayoi l clear for the the of ficUls. ;N; O, and from I ; ;j, Though the loss of life was considerable and the proj rt; 12 months ending In June of this" year, & decision awaits some tests to D Newhall. of Lynn. Mass. f - ? -- f ' :1 t without depreciation charges, amount--, carried out locally!- : s'iNbv-fc- "From H. M. Walte, city man damage great, the principal effect .of the raid was to stir ' J . d to 4213,000. bo that those back of Manager Frank E. Ulake of the elec aget of Dayton, Ohio. .v recruiting. As soon as the news was learned that the : reorganization confident; eompany,' who returned few No, 7.--: From Mayor FredeHck W. the feel that trie i'. !, the road will be able "to earn at least days nzo from a. bus'ness and vacation Dcnnejiy ot Trenton, N. J.; ani st. m lins were wreaking destruction on the city, voluntc :s 125,000 bond and prob- to mainland, toaav. an Hardin . city manager of Amarlilo, the f interest, trin the v -- to fill the recruiting offices anxious. to go to the gov-- -- ' l'ront... ably part. 5r ot all, of the preferred ncunced the decision of the U, S. Ter.S" "'.v "v t : ; Jro .. ' -- ' V ngnt the Uermans. Stock, dh ernment tp secure Hawaiian Electric It Wor- k- in Phoenix. j . r' '':i:-:r-.r- - ' Last erring two ' committees were Jalee" for. its armyv posts. Cable: sd The iletter! below, fIsipartlctt- .uppolnted, J. II. Gait. A. P. Jndd. A. vices4 from Washington clded tb larly timely, because ; the city from i t - repre- deaL --negotiations for which were ear which it comes, Phoenix, Alx hss Lewis, Jr., and J. Waterhouse. n senting 1901 ried un here w hile Mr. Blake was been Quoted locally as . havingtou&ied the holders'Of the Issue ' ' ' ' ' $1,000,000 In iH., the:malnland.v' The Hawaiian Electric the clty.manager form of government V : - e . ' ' ' a of bonds; and R S n M Wbdehouse E. V S pal dine. R. W.Shln- - carried on its, ne?otnaons wjtn wash A' recent, article' te Sunset ; Magatlne d quartermas- ' ' -- ple-an- A. W, T. Dottomley represent- ington tbrouRh the depot gave that impression. ;:v - ? ter:' LieuL-co- L tL. F. Cheatham, and the The ; SUr-Bnlletl- n wrote 'directly to ing owners of the. 1909 bond issue of ; ' -- '$3,50G.0G. All sumraer commit' details: will be worked ou , with hia Wioenlx, forHhe acts and;gotithem. the - Iqtn'e'raryVJones, known! as the Tfriend of 'the Uetit-col.- " J. --D.t Houston. They presented below.; - Jet- miners' rv?f worked, . followlaqH fTiccessor, are' The tees have and the - stormy. - through the period of Industrial" strikes in Colorado and ha i vi region of Vijna is injmminent danger of being .stirrer.::-:- iV then?,-pla- prepared es The .comnanr- had also the coopefa' ter,4;whlch "Isy from, a ''ditlaterejted- "'statement of mining ai8irici?i ia, various , pans oi, me unuea states exnorting tna Star-Culletln- Boush for source, ir..ueri peclally for the ,' was gly lion of JRearidmiral C J. a reputable Phoenu jnewsp either, annihilated, or captured.;:";Tho big G err :t ' ) manager . navv department per man. Shows city en' out today at noon.: . t v the 'ttZ that the movement, is apparently; succeeding arrrar. t L : :t . There ii,r"?','rrnyi erllnt?"tM't ' The'eonstructrot) wiiratrtbe f the naff"rtdotog. wonders HTPhoenlx,t) '.Service) : tlr Af FederafiW(relesI; iC i s - Steel towers advantage ot ; !, - character. Shows 6ne big K-;t- the r.."i wil l,a rr.t; thouvh-e- cut- most modern It also 4.91 6epx.'iOfc-sio- nn u. KecKereiier. here Un. who are attempting to escape. Russians are o. , -- will used to carrr the system . miriiu, "llr.o. f - t'. 'i? the tl.artiioUcrs and pcles be the if the manager1 doesnt exoectedlv todays for the avowed burnosea of oavlna a vftii ta h r ! mt " Superintendent i:bt ; resistance to the German advance, obviouslv beinr cccLiniiJ Mctlrath godd scharged i s e the r rcd hold their annual wires.' make. he is df and and eampa of-th- Colorado Fuel; Iron Company, controled by the Pocke- - Electric -- is now on the man who; can make good is --employed: - ; .meeting on Tfcv.rsday of this week. the Hawaiian , making good their retreat.' v In f ener interests. - it is admitted that his visit was Inspired by, the meetina coast arranging fori the material. 'experience followsrti i -- - there' is. held to be small chance of PhoenUt . .j ones, agea woman me e nnaq -- wkii mover ine met during the time he coon eetionr some-notabl- constmoi M 1 S S 1 U M the sum necsfenrv for bond ntrst this COM 6 ft TGOV R ENT 1Nl waa offTorp lnautxnai, Keiationa - - nKirying tne commission last winter.- She tion work- will have to be flnne, in -';:.
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