FluvannaReview.com July 5 – 11, 2012 | One Copy Free JULY 5 – 11, 2012 • VOLUME 32, ISSUE 27 Quote of the week: “Our staff needs to be taken care of and they haven’t been taken care of,” – Steve Nichols – page 10 FOUNDED IN 1979 BY LEN GARDNER THIS WEEK IN REVIEW... www.fl uvannareview.com Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos carlos@fl uvannareview.com Page 4 Page 6 Page 6 Advertising: Karen Sheff ron sales@fl uvannareview.com Cash mob Citizens get Public tours Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason Ca$h heads to answers on of high school diane@fl uvannareview.com E W Thomas. water to Zion set for July 12 Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle Crossroads. and 26. lisa@fl uvannareview.com Mob Web Administrator/Designer: Kathy Zeek kathy@fl uvannareview.com Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Giff ord, Duncan Nixon, Kristin Sancken Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 and Ruthann Carr Photographers: David Stemple, O.T. Holen Speed limit Lake votes for Candid Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, to drop near Harrelson and comments Palmyra, VA 22963 new high Cummings. elicited from Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Road Phone: (434) 591-1000 school. county Fax: (434) 589-1704 workers. Member of the Virginia Press Association Circulation 6,300 General: the Fluvanna Review is published week- Display and web ads: For information includ- News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news hap- ly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvan- ing rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434- pening, call us! na exclusively. One copy is free. Additional 591-1000 ext. 29. copies are $1 each payable in advance to the Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: the Fluvanna publisher. Legal ads: the Fluvanna Review is the paper of Review encourages submissions and tips on items record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at of interest to Fluvanna residents. We reserve the Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. right to edit submissions and cannot guarantee subscription price of $135 per year or $70 per they will be published. Keep calendar submis- 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with Classifi ed ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words sions to 50 words or less and letters to the editor A total of your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, to 300 words or less. E-mail: carlos@fl uvannare- 122 county P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by our offi ce at 2987 view.com VA 22963. employees CIRCULATION AUDIT BY Lake Monticello Road. or mail to: told their Deadline: Advertising Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Fluvanna bosses what and news items due by Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Review, P.O. Wednesday 5 p.m. for Box 59, Pal- COVER they think. the following week. Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. myra, VA Cover designed by Kathy Zeek. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. 22963. WEATHER IS HOT AND SO ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES!! 4433 HHardwoodardwood RRoadoad 3333 AAshlawnshlawn BBoulevardoulevard 116363 DDuck’suck’s LLakeake RRidgeidge 1144 SStonewalltonewall RRoadoad NEW LISTING WATERFRONT HORSE FARM GREAT LOCATION • 4B/3.5b; 2432 fi n. sq. ft. • Fantastic Waterfront! • Horse farm, barn, riding ring • 3B/2b; 1434 fi n. sq. ft. • Split bedroom; sunroom • 2B/2b; 2470 fi n. sq. ft. • House: 4248 fi n sq. ft; 5B/3.5b • Upstairs MBR w/ balcony • Custom built; beautiful home • Close to everything! • Privately situated on 10A • Walk to beach and pool MLS #500938 $249,000 MLS #499111 $389,900 MLS #499429 $549,900 MLS #498663 $145,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Adele 434-962-1928 449999 JJeffersonefferson DDriverive 2255 LLongong LLeafeaf TTerraceerrace To see our great selection RREALEAL EESTATESTATE & of rentals PPROPERTYROPERTY MMANAGEMENTANAGEMENT 264 Turkeysag Trail - Unit D Lake Monticello • 3B/2b; 1196 fi n. sq. ft. • 3B/2b; 1125 fi n. sq. ft. Call Jo Ann Sears • Living room w/ fi replace • Stone fi replace; level yard 434-589-3958 • Fax: 434-589-1427 • Paved drive • Large storage shed [email protected] 434-960-5121 MLS #498882 $134,900 MLS #500346 $134,900 www.FirstVirginiaHomes.com Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Certifi ed HUD Broker: Adele Schaefer GRI, SRS Iris Helfrich Delila Stone Jo Ann Sears OWNER/BROKER REALTOR BOOKKEEPER ASSOCIATE BROKER 434-962-1928 434-981-9956 434-589-3958 434-960-5121 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 5, 2012 July 5, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 “The Best Care for Your Best Friends” Cash mob to descend on E W Thomas BY CARLOS SANTOS Proulx, who Thomas said she didn’t Fork Union EDITOR know, wrote on Facebook that: “Focus on Fluvanna’s Future is hosting a CASH Animal Clinic Over 100 Fluvanna residents have MOB to assist a local business hit hard by Sam Babbitt, DVM • DeNae Babbitt, DVM pledged to join a cash mob to shop at the the power outrages associated with last Since 1992 Kendra Philman, DVM •Ashley Rethemeyer, DVM E W Thomas grocery store in Palmyra week’s storms. Lost stock, customer traf- fi c, and cleanup has strained this business Services Saturday (July 7) to help the distressed We offer a wide range of Laser Surgical business. signifi cantly. veterinary services to Anesthesia / Pain The store lost all of his meat, includ- Cash Mobs typically ask participants to Control keep your companions ing deli meats, and ice cream after pow- pledge to spend at least $20 in an estab- Orthopedic Surgery lishment. But any purchases will be appre- feeling their best! Digital Radiology er went out on Friday night (June 29) ciated, regardless of amount. Spend what Advanced Dentistry because of the storm, said owner Beth Laboratory you are able to. 434-842-8387 Thomas. The store didn’t get power back Microchipping All you need do – is RSVP here, so we Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 6:00pm • Sat. 8:30am-12:00 noon • Sun.Closed Laser Therapy until Sunday morning. can have an idea of how many to tell the 6690 James Madison Hwy, Fork Union, VA Ultrasound Gina Elliott Proulx organized the cash [email protected] • www.ForkUnionVets.com Dietary Counseling merchant to expect. Then show up at EW mob through Facebook. The point of a Thomas at 9:30 a.m. or later – for a bit of cash mob is to spend money at a small grocery shopping. And that’s it. business in need of help. Shoppers are We are Fluvanna...And we hope to see asked to spend around $20 during the you on Saturday, as we try to help some spree. neighbors in a time of need.” This is believed to be Fluvanna’s fi rst Focus on Fluvanna’s Future is a grass- cash mob event. roots movement aimed at improving the “I am overwhelmed and very thankful,” dialogue between citizens and Fluvanna’s said Thomas. “So we not only lost Satur- local government. day business – which is our busiest day Thomas said she knows that if the – but we lost all our meat, our deli meat cash mob descends on the store that she and our ice cream. When it’s 100 degrees will “have tears in my eyes. 220%0% DDISCOUNTISCOUNT SSPECIALPECIAL outside there’s no saving anything.” “I’d better start frying the chicken.” for Friday and Saturday Dinner P 15 Rd. ter Zion Crossroads ex . d Strong winds 250 y n w oi Bring this ad for discount • Offer expires August 31, 2012 H P n o is 3 N fell trees ad otch 64 M Rd s . e 250 Record heat fol- For reservations call 800-277-0844 m a J lowed by storms 2887 Poindexter Road, Zion Crossroads • www.prospecthill.com swept through Flu- vanna Friday night (June 29), with strong winds felling trees and power lines. ARM-STRONG LANDSCAPING, LTD. The storm that “Our Strength is Serving Your Needs” moved from the Midwest to the Mid- Atlantic is called a Book Your Mulch Delivery. derecho, known for its bow-like shape and extremely strong • Lawn Installations winds, according to • Tree & Shrub Angela Fritz, an at- Installation mospheric scientist at Weather Under- • Mulch Sales and ground. Wind gusts Installation from the storm likely reached 70 miles per • Topsoil Sales & hour. Installation Temperatures reached 104 degrees, • Pruning & Trimming beating Fluvanna’s • Mowing 1934 high for June 29 of 101 degrees. • Retaining Walls Saturday’s forecast (Rock, Brick & Block) is also a high of 104 degrees. • Walkway Installation Authorities opened • Leaf Removal two cooling shelters because of the in- The storm damaged Tom and Carol Brown’s • Land Clearing & tense heat, including deck in Lake Monticello. Photo by David Stemple. Stump Grinding Ask the Fork Union Com- munity Center and • General about our the road, and a down tree blocked the MULCH the new high school. Tufton gate of Lake Monticello for sev- Maintenance “Between the record-smashing heat eral hours. SPECIALS and then the incredible derecho storm, No one was injured in Fluvanna, ac- this was a pretty amazing weather cording to Sheriff Ryant Washington. FREE ESTIMATES (434) 589-7800 day,” said Fritz. Only a handful of customers were Rt. 53 from Charlottesville to Pal- Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Areas CLASS A licensed & insured. without electrical power as of Tuesday myra had six areas where the road was (July 3). – Kristin Sancken vvisitisit uuss aat:t: aarm-stronglandscaping.comrm-stronglandscaping.com reduced to one lane due to branches in 4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 5, 2012 school.
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