NORWICH BULLETIN, SATURDAY, MAY 1, XZ 1920 . spot by which he could ploits in killing off bad Indians have marks the when Uncas beaned old' There was not a mark JEVVETT CITY . Miantonomoh. - be identified and it is thought that he IN TWO YEARS AS made history It was Capt John and ' BED May Day Demonstrations in Europe his men, friendly reds, who And we'll tell you of another interest- - was a tramp who crawled In for shelter, Sunday morning at the Baptist e!rarr whites and M. Jun- ing thing we have heard makes j Rev. D. Fuller"! mewaje to the destroyed the stronghold of the Pequots that Banbury. The meat markets of Mighty Things, and to Ue Mystic, George now famous. You can believe it or Wednes-no- t. iors Is Little RESULT OF PNEUMONIA at where Johnson bury and Bethel will start their the-- Loni. you i Seniors The Ransomed of capably runs an efficient telephone ser- just as please. ,iay half holidays next week Wednesday. Young PeopWe j Weo-Ne- w Royal Babcock leads the New York, April 30. The approach of call a general strike in France to enforce vice. Now. did you ever hear why so many May 5, and will close at noon each Au-urd- meeting at prm. A Great ulf Fliv'l revolutionary demands. .Tho success or England folks, eat beans oil Sat- - j nesday during Hay, June, July and S.li May Day, the traditional date for strikes When that Pequot fort was destroyed is the topic for the evenin; nmw. got this strike depends, however, upon coop nights? gust.. - uugh left and she soon and labor demonstrations in Europe finds of an awful lot of roughneck Pequots sud Itev. li. Aldrlrh will conduct the eration by the .General Federation La No?'-Well- wen ten you. D. denly ceased plotting raids on the' white ' Mlddlctown Eyron MacDonald. a communion service at the the labor situation throughout con- bor,-- wing of the - - . some back strength and flesh. that the conservative trench villagers. ... i Before . the actual settlement ..nior at AVeslevan. will sail on the 8. 8. P. Oor- - tinent, in a condition of ferment, with railroad, organization. nungry prospectors tmurch Sunday momnsr. John ' and mon lea-l- s Epworth league, mret.a,:. prospects of a general strike in All branches of- - syndicalist labor in And speaking of Mystic It was" hot ZSZ. ,7. "r. ..r "?ltlu' I" the "I was confined to my bed for two Paris, threat of a general railway strike Belgium except the railway men have pneu-noni- a. rears from the effects of plural throughout France and disturbed condi- been called upon to take part In' the . ' " - - - i i me an awful . 1.--" how he . fellow of Minuav morning m ine It left with tions in most European countries . general strike on May So hated his redmen pots de- - ! Was chance, they discovered of beans Watrrbory. Miss' Bernice. MacLean. ' Th coit.mii!.1 senonrPTi."ice will tough and bronchial trouble. May Day In Europe is vastly different as no special demonstra- other tribes. He caught up with a Pe 1. church t no far known here posited in the cart. 1 he beans pro- - obser-ed- . lea.1 treated by 12 d fferent doctors with from May Day in the United States. prepared for May. Day quot chieftain, who had escaped the recently ciected the most studious cirl In Mm. F. F. T!obinon wiU tions have been vlded them with a substantial meal, al- - Chr-stla- T p. apparent benefit. -. Mystic ' the Crosby High school by popular Vote the Endeavor at m While, in America labor unions make no either "in Spain Germany or Italy. .Sev- slaughter; over in Guilford and no brown-brea- d tret!'is "I had heard of Milks Emulsion but though there was then. of tne cia33t announced as winner of All three ohurch w 11 commence on A- special effort to . enforce their demands industrial .centers have been Unc, the playful old murderer, cut OH had no faith In anything. friend eral Italian That came later when the press agents the Latin by Dr. saving schedule. ' - me and I tried It. From the on May Day, those of Europe have al- the scenes of .numerous strikes during the- Pequot chief's head and hung it croft rrbe Donon at.daylight nred - for the molasses makers succeeded in . re t to th Brst I commenced to feel better. I have ways regarded this as favorable April, some of which- are- continuing. on a pole or something, by wayof tell the hish school today. Miss Mactean SIt nrra names be add4 a date convincing us that beans. without ts the second family to fnnd: Georw Kennetiy seven bottles and am - In some ing stray Pequots member of her Pl'ter Thmrv fiow taken for demonstrations and strikes. This situation generally prevails other that Lncas had brown tiread, were as cocktails without win prize. McKay. F. fine. Have no cough or bronchial The situation in France apears to be Spanish cities. The labor situation been around and was in his usual jovial the Dorothv MacLean. s'ster Wm njil..Mn rmcan L trouble, have regained my flesh and ' a kick. of Bernice and now a iunior at 'Crmhsn. Frnk MolL more threatening than elsewhere on throughout Germany has been in a dis- mood.' . Lorl-priz- strength and am doing all the work the ' In remembrance of this discovery, yoke college, wen Mrs K M S ttnd Mrs. J. e continent Labor leaders in Paris will at- condition sinee the Kapp revolu- the prize in 1917. The 'ft P. for a family of seven. I never felt turbed That head removing incident Is why made on Saturday night, descendants of is t50 in cash. i ston returned Friday nijht from Orlando my Mrs. Dell Sivers, tempt to "stop everything but the clock" tion, but no special demonstrations have f better in life." they call the place Sachem's Head, iheKe nrosnectors and ail their friends I Fla. 16 N. T. nours on y. 1, May. Seventy ' Fulton St., Phoenix, tor zt daturas May as a been called for Day. thous- That's why, too, they have an Indian tn Kneland eat baked beans for - A run-dow- n body invites disease. Let demonstration against present economic and industrial workers have been on a shirtless: but with Zouave's pantaloons every Saturday night WHITE Milks Emulsion build you up as it has conditions. there, supper nr to try. The labor situation was made strike in Vienna but has been all dressed for the warpath, with shield The infant of Paul Spencer is ill SOIITT! WOODSTOCK others. It costs nothing more perilous there by decision of demonstra- - These beans were found, to be a bit with Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri- the nothing to indicate renewed and .spear ' in his hands and a bowie Pneumonia. The Aid soe'ety gave a suppei Congress of Frpnch Railway. Workers totions in. Austria on May Day. more specific, on what is known as Bean ladles' tive food and a corrective medicine. It knife stuck in his belt, on the tomato - Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Main snert Sun last week Friday evening. healthy, action, Hill..- That Is why, this name was given restores natural bowel can labels. day with relatives In Stonington. prance' rn-l- away with all need of p lis and to this particular section of Norwich. North Senexet a whist and danc doinr But tomahawking our gory way back Mrs. Sarah Sv.an of North Stonintrton last Thursday evening. physics. It promotes appetite and NOBWICH GETS WBITETJP V , Ben and his band of cutthroats captured Is t quickly puts digestive organs in to Norwich it is in this latter town that the of her daughter. Mrs. Dwlght Mrs. Perry, who has been IB, l recov- the IN TELEPHONE BULLETIN the fort. Then Just by way of showing Cornell. ering slowly. shape to assimilate food. As a builder strong brotherly affection for his a monument has been erected to the BRIEF STATE NEWS el flesh and strength. Milks Emulsion Under the title of "That Town Up the his memory of dear old Unc. Mrs. George Goodhue and daughter of Mrs. L. R. Soutliworth Is spending neighbors . It strongly recommended to those River," Norwich is given a "writeup" in and schoolmates, he lined Deep Klver. Sunday. May 2, all local Carolina were cllers here. few rtay In New York. is all up against a well and mur- Uncas rjt in right with the Norwich Olio Mrs. whom sickness has weakened, and a the April issue of The Telephone Bulletin them ' clocks will be turned hour ahead. Georje Nason. who had been III Mrs. Rlienpard. wif of Dr. Fheppard powerful aid in resisting and repairing dered them. And by way of passing it folks when he captured Miantonomoh, a ' at the home of son. which proceeds tfl tell, . a few things Varragansett New Haven. New Haven council. No. her David Nason, the Is hnck from New York. the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic was this massacre of surrendered pris bad chieftain. Mian had nast two weets. died Monday W. H. Young purchased some in constipation are aoout ana some oi its leaamg been ;93' caranaI ot night The horses stomach trouble and oners of war which has ever since made the village pest and literal cutup V,, lmJ ,Jt funeral was held at her home in Ashavay Worcester week. promptly relieved usually in one day. citizens, now dead."; for a long swore ven- - fun at ha" I fIay' th's surrendering so very, very unpopular anh time.
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