7. / Serigl$lg,qIilDtREtLArs 3lAll|,1'0YlN0l Thestory of CINDERELLA os'[o'd"TlfEwlcKED STEPM()THER YoumueV have heard of me.The wicked ebepmoNher?That'e noI true. ll,ejuet, anotherone of Cinderella'ewild ehories, Not ae wildae f,heone about the pumpkin, or the oneabouV the fairygodmolher, The realeNory, the true efory,beqan wiilh eome chatler- andeome dueL. AllI everwanted wao a husbandand a mansion.before I marciedCindy'o falher,my lwo darlingeand I hadmet Cindyonly a fewtimes. The girl had seemednormal fhen, J After I marciedCindy'o father, my darlingoand I movedin, When I h"ad J juel onefoot on Nhefront, otep, my dearhusband kissed me qoodbye and ) gaid,"l'moff on buginesg!" "He'6 oftenaway)' Cindy said,"buf, Nheanimalo olay Vut,They talk. Theyjoke,They oing.They even helV out,- eeVeciallythe bluebirdel' ( 4 }}: ',!;.'''{-" "'!'i,-': i -'--/t---' ,.. / --1 t'-- ' ., Now,I don'Lmind a qoodelory buLI do 2refer N '/ facte lo ficLion.)oon, the qirlwae Lalkinq all t't),t kindeof noneenee, "Cnce u?ona lirrte,"Cindy gaid,"one of Lhe bluebirdebecarrre blue, Not the colour.The feelinq,Aie lriend Aad llown eorLA ..." My darlinqeand I wereaLuck near the fronLdoor. 1luet wanledlo puLaway rny baqe, ThaL'e when I eawiL: duet, "Dear, ia lhe wholehouee thie dueLy?"I aeked. "l "l'll don'l know,"Cindy gaid, qiveyou a loLtrl" \-.....--.- 6 =v" 7 \.\ /,t, ,\ F' h' fl,r" lnthe diningroom, CindyNold etoriee. 7/ + vz att a.' ln lhe oNudy,Cindy told eforiee, Non-etoV, "Girlo," "time I gaid, to get to work,Thig placeneeds a goodcleaning," ")nce u?ona lime,when I wascleaning Cindvsf,arted. 0h,deen ?,,'E a - t Cindymogped Lhe floor, ehe finiehedeo fasLl My darlinqehad barelyetarted. "Did you knowrobine and eVarcowcare rny "The friende?"ehe eaid,, eparcowedon'f likethe robine,thouqh. Silly creaf,uresl )nce u?ona Nime, oneof |,herobine -" "Cindy, "why dear,"I eaid, don'lyou qo and wagh NhecloLheo now, hmrn?" :i, : \L. i:t: ;:.*, . ,l\ ", r " :i1,1"; l , i.,l::!;,, I \- Cb It Cindywaehed lhem eo fastl Howon earf,hdid ehe do it? | hadlo find anolherchore for her,iue| to keepher buoy. "lf lhere'eone fhing equircelo love, il's waehing "The clofhee,"Cindy eaid. raNs,lhough,would raLher iron.Youknow, one day | -" "Squirrele andrats doinglaundry? Olop Lelling euch foolishef,oriesl," I finallv eaid. \. as t TimeVaeeed, but nothinqchanqed,, /7, offi V Inthe qarden,Cindy Loldetoriee. lntAe kifchen,Cind,y told, etoriee. .,illa''. , t,ot)lon'-,hear an\ra;elf->hjnk, '.,,'' a:aal:e."' r Zaid. .'t/.oP rit,flrl0ru Cindydidr,"t eLoe. : ir; *t:1.,1i',[x/ ,ti;,'ry, th ..il aI 13 Cneday, a letLerarrived, lt waean invitaLionLo Lhekinq'e ball, The Vrince would eurely fall in love with oneof my darlinqe.Then they wouldrnarry, livein a beautifulcaelle, and oneday bekinq andqueen of allLhe land! "Oh, SLeVr,oLher,I wanl Lo qo,lool"eaid Cindy, "Once u?ona lime,a qirland a Vrince,,," - - Then 1uef,likeLhaL Cindyloet hervoice. Imaqinellt hadro befrom allLhat elorytellinq. l \ i T4 I ANNhe ball, my darlinqeLwirled. They whirled. Thena eNrangegirl walLzedin. her qownwae maqnificenL.I couldn'I Lake my eyeeoff it. I wonderedhow much iL had coeNand if my eeamelreeecould copy iL for me. Theprince and the girldanced and pranced, My Voordarlinqe were lefl prince-leee. b}I, / I',.'.ii,..ji ,::i.i.. ' ',* . ::;,Xt'liI ,";;! ,l-'i '':,;i'r"11 -i,'':.G '.r L:1;rr '.;'1a '"'',;W a;' $'t .*j I .-: .lt s 6,.' ;i .rl ;'t .i . .! ',,id h,f ewdaye laler,lhe princemade an announcernenf, A qlaeeeligper had beenlefL ar' Lhe caeLle, The 2rince vtoJld,fftarry the qirlwhoee fooL it fiLled.car biqchancel AfLervisiLinq every oLher rtaneion in Lhe cify,lhe gnncdef ooLrnanarcived al our door. "Mel Mel"eaid one of rnydadinqe, "No, n'r6lMel" gaid Lhe oLher, ")ne aL a Nime,"oaid Nhe f ootman. .,;;,1)::: "r'; t ' ta ;f;t, E q. ,p r--L /t Eachgirl lried,but Lheehoe didn t fiL. ThenCindy croaked ouL a whisper. "Tleaee-IeL-me_Lry." ? Theehoe fiNted! Cindy pulled ouL the otherglaoe shoe trom her apronVockeL, "Wheaaeeeet?" ^, darrinaecried. A Cindycroaked aqain. She eaid eomef,hing about a"VumVkin | \i:- "mice g coach"and thaL Lurnedinbo horgee". the evenadded "fairy a godmof,her",Tleaeel There's no suchLhinql I muel eay,lhough,I etilldon'f, know where ehe qot thoee shoee... l\A !il, L $,r,i . ri ' i.:'. ..,.i r WqRe- ., ., .r\ .9/ r 9i )/ > [(,...\ A f ewdaye laler,t,he prince marcied Cindy. Toor man.le had no ideawhaf, he wae qeLLing himself inlo. We,on f,heolher hand,livedhappily ever atLerl $ Al-s ':J iw ,s& "t":*l % '.$ * .j: #t 22 FF-I Thinltobout, it Keada classicversion of Cinderella.Now look atthe oteVmoNher'svereion of the otory,Liet eomethinqe lhat happenedin Nheclaseic version that did not hapVenin the eteVmobher'evereion, Then lis| some lhinqothaNhaVVened in the oNepmof,her'svereion that did not happenin the claesic,How are Ihe Nwo etoriesdifferent? Moet versioneof Cinderellatend to betold from an invieiblenarcaf,or'e point,of view.This vereion ie from lhe eteVmother'spoint, of view.Which Voint of view do you Lhinkis morehonesV? Why? lf youcould be one of the maincharacters in this versionof Cinderella,who would you be,and why?The eteVmotheror oneof Lheetepsietere? Cinderella? TheVrince? Howwould other fairy talee changeif Nheywere told from anotherVoint of view?For example, how wouldHansel and Gretelchanqe if the wifch waeNhe narrator?What if Dabybear in Goldilockaand the ThreeEearsLold lhat, etory?Write your ownvereion of a claseicfairy Iale from a newpoinV of view. Gbssarg aharaater?eroon, animal, or creaNurein a eLory narrator ?er6onwho telle a ehory point of viewway of lookingat oomethinq verslonaccount of somethingfrom a cerEain pointof view 23.
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