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Under the copyright laws, this manual or the software may not be copied, in whole or pan, without written consent of Apple, except in the normal use of the software or to Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, make a backup copy of the software. The same proprietary and copyright notices must registered in the United States. Adobe Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe Systems be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to che original. This excepcion does Incorporated. not allow copies to be made for ochers, whether or noc sold, but all of the macerial Exposure is a registered trademark of Preferred Publishers, Inc. purchased (with all backup copies) may be sold, given, or loaned to another person. Under the law, copying includes translacing into another language or format. ITC Zapf Dingbats is a registered trademark of Internacional lypcface Corporal ion. You may use the software on any compmer owned by you, but extra copies cannot be MacPaint is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation. made for this purpose. QuarkXPress is a registered trademark of Quark, Inc. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other QMS is a registered trademark, and ColorScript is a trademark, of QMS, Inc. countries. Use of the "keyboard" Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute crademark infringement and Simultaneously published in the United States and Canada. unfair compelition in violation of federal and state laws. Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes ©Apple Compucer, Inc., 1992 neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with 20525 Mariani Avenue regard to the performance or use of these products. Cupenino, CA 95014-6299 (408) 996-1010 Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started 1 Chapter 2 Using Your StyleWriter II 11 Imporranr safe[y insffuctions 2 Gening Help 11 Watch for rhcse siruarions and if one occurs pull the plug 3 Choosing a printer 12 Ser up your Style\Xfri[er II 3 Defining your page setup 13 Connecr the Style\Xfrirer II to your Macinwsh 4 Loading i he sheer feeder (with paper, envelopes, or other Install the ink cartridge 5 materials) 14 Plug in th e SryleWrirer II 6 Priming 16 Load paper into rhe sheet feeder 7 Printing from wirhin a program or from the desktop 16 Turn on the SryleWrirer II and p1inc the resr page 8 Printing while you use your compmer 17 Insrall you r printer sofrware 9 Sharing your primer with other users on a network 18 Using the Installer 9 Printing on a shared prinrer on a network 19 Tips for printing 20 iii Chapter 3 Maintaining Your Printer 21 Appendix Specifications 33 Safety first 21 Replacing the ink canridge 22 Index 35 Cleaning the ink cartridge 23 Cleaning the exterior 24 Cleaning the interior 24 Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 25 Safety precaucions 25 The Chooser doesn't show the StyleWtiter II printer icon 26 The Macintosh doesn't recognize the StyleWriter II 26 Text changes to the Geneva font 26 Paper is jammed 27 Paper feeds improperly 28 The StyleWriter II won't print a particular document 28 The lights indicate a problem 29 Image problems 29 iv Contents Radio and television interference Important TI1e equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio­ This equipmem has been tested and found to compl )' with the limil5 for a Class B frequency energy. If it is nm installed and used properly- that is, in strict accordance digiwl device in accordance with the specifications in Pan 15 of FCC rules. See with Apple's instructions-it mar cause imerference with radio and television reception. instructions if imerference to radio or television reception is suspected. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 13 digital DOC Class B Compliance This digital appanuus docs not exceed the Cl ass B limits device in accordance with the specifications in Pan 15 of FCC rules. These specifications for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the radio interference arc designed w provide reasonable protection against such irucrfcrcncc in a rcsidemial regulations of the Canadian Dcpanmcm of Communications. insrnllation. However, there is no guaram ee that the interference will not occur in a panicular installation. Observation des normcs- Classe B l.c present appardl numerique n'emer p<L~ de You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference bv turning it bruits radioelecuiques depassam Jes Ii mites applicables aux apparcils numeriques de la off. If the inwrferencc swps, it was probably caused hy the computer or one of the Classe B prescritcs dans Jes rcglcmcms sur le brouillagc radioelernique ediucs par le periplu.:ral devices. Ministi:re des Communications du Canada. If your computer ~ys tcm does cause interference w radio or television reception , try to corren the imerfcrcnce by using one or more of the foll owing measures: • 'li.Jrn the tclCl'ision or radio amenna until the imerfcrcncc swps. • Move the computer to one side or the mher of the wlevision or radi o. • Move the computer fan her away from the television or radio. • Plug the computer imo an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the computer and the television or radio arc on circuits comrollcd by diffcrem circuit breakers or fuses.) If necessary, consuh your authori zed Apple de-Jler or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Yuu ma1• find helpful the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission: /l//e1fere11ce I /al/(lbook (swck number 001·000·00345-4). This booklet is a1•Jilablc from the U.S. Govcrnmem Priming Offi ce, Washington, DC 20402 . ~ Important: Changes or modifications lO this product not authorized by Apple Computer, Inc, could void the FCC Cenifica tion and negate your authority to operate the producL This product was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included the use of shiddcd cabl es and connecwrs between system components. It is imponant that you use shielded cables and connectors to reduce the pos:;ibility of causing imcrference to radios, television sets, and mher demonic devices. For Apple pcriphcr.li devices. you can obtain the proper shielded cables from your authorized Apple dealer. For non-Apple peripheral de1ices, coman the manufacwrer or de-Jlcr for a~s i Mancc. _ Chapter 1 Your StyleWriter II works with all fi xed-size and TrueType fonts. Getting Started Truelype allows you to display and print fonts smoothly in virtually any size. A number ofTrueType fon t fa milies (typefaces) The StyleWri ter II provides a fast, economical way fo r you to are incl uded on the disks that came with your printer. These fonts produce high-quality primed text and gray-scale graphics. You can are automatically installed on your Macintosh when you follow the directions in this chapter. For more information about using fonrs, load it with up to 100 sheets of paper or 15 envelopes at a time. And if your Macintosh is connected to a network, you can share see the books that came with your Macintosh or with your latest your printer with other users. system software update. The SryleWriter II works with Macintosh computers that use system software version 7 or later. You can also tise version 6.0.7 or later. You must have a hard disk drive to use the StyleWri ter II. If you're new to the Macintosh, read the books that came with your computer before proceeding. You'll need to know basic operations and vocabulary before you set up and print with the StyleWriter II. Important safety instructions • Don't drin k or swallow rhe ink. Ir's not toxic, bur it's not for human consumprion. Keep ink cartridges away from children. Head all rhe insrrucrions in rhis chaprer carefully before vou plug rhe SryleWrirer II into an clcwical outler. • Avoid gening ink on your clothes. The ink wi ll eventually wash off your hands, bur swins on fabrics or clorhing arc For your own safery and the safety of your equipment, always rake permanent. rhe following precaurions : • Keep rhese insrru crions handy for referen ce. • Follow all insrrucrions and wa rn ings dealing wirh your system. • Keep the StyleWrircr II away from sources of liquids, such as .A. Warning: Electrical equipmenr may be hazardous if misused. wash basins, bathwbs, and shower sralls. Operarion of rhe StyleWri rer II or of similar products must ahYays be supervised by an adulr. Do nor allow children access • Prorecr the SryleWriter II from dam pness or wet \Yearher. such ro rhe inrerior of any elecrrical product and clo not permit as rain and snow. chem to handle any cables . .& • Don't use devices char produce open flames, such as Bunsen burners or welding torches, near the StyleWriter II. • Don'r use ammonia-ht1scd or alrnhol-hased cleaners, which can reacr chemically with th e plastic, on or around rhe SrvleWriter II.
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