University of Central Florida STARS Stetson Collegiate Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-1-1897 The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 07, No. 05, February, 1897 Stetson University Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stetsoncollegiate University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stetson Collegiate by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Stetson University, "The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 07, No. 05, February, 1897" (1897). Stetson Collegiate. 42. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stetsoncollegiate/42 ^^"X^ l.l^ft;IK^ OF be tetson Collegiate. Doi. mn. jFcbruar^e, 1897. mo. 5. -2^ COMXBMTS: EDITORIAL. ^MISCELLANEOUS. PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT. PRESENTATION DAY EXERCISES. THE RECEPTION. THE RECITAL. "EGYPT AND THE NILE." "ORATORS AND ORATORY." THE REMENYI CONCERL LOCfIL fIND PERSONflL. EXChlANGE. STETSON COLLEGIATE. (women g (Sind [^eng ¥uYmg¥i\Fi^gh^ DREKA NOTIONS, MILLINERY AND FINE SHOES. DELAND, KI A DEALERS IN EVERYTH I NG Standards ^ R G. A. DAV1S,I> ^ '^^-of Trade .D PURITY, —O FRESHNESS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. WATCHMAKER ^^ JEWELER, HEALTHFULNESS. DeLand, Fla. These Banners cover the loundation prin- Office Fi st '^oor Soutli ot Biptist Church ciples of our busines.s. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO WORK F^UDQER'S DELAND. FLA. SENT BY MAIL. T HE KAIvlOUS YOC Timber mg FOR- Joikt /\rticl«$ ^ Sktionen^, Go to FISHER'S ooL.L.eGes, DRUG STORE ARE MANUFACTURED BY THE Largest assortment of Stationery in De- Land. I HENDER80N- ENTlST.-i^ ' AMES COMPANY W. S. TAYLOR, OF KALAMAZOO, MICH. Delvand, Florida D D D Office: The JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY use CORNER NEW VORK A VENUE the Uniforms ol these makers, and recom­ and BOULEVARD. : : mend them to all Colleges, t t t + t + Over Fisher''s Drug Store : .• .• .' ILECTRIC LIGHT d ICE COMPANY DELAND. FLA. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ICE, ELECTRIC BELL WORK, TELEPHONES, ETC. Information and Estimates on all kinds of Electrical Work cheerfully furnished. Stetson Collegiate. "VERITAS." YOL. VII. DELAND. FLORIDA, FEBRUARY, 1897. JVO. 5. who have been doing all they can, a collection of over 1,200 photo­ Stetson (rollegiatc- it means just one term more of graphs—all selected carefully Issued monthly, by the students of John B. faithful work and steady gain. with reference to their typical Stetson University. character or illustrative worth. President's Report. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00. The range of subjects in these Single Copies, Fifteen Cents. To the Board of Trustees of John photographs is wide, but they are EDITORS—Second Term. B. Stetson University: perhaps most valuable in the il­ Gentlemen: lustration of the History of Agri­ BDITOR-IN-CHIKP Isabel McKinney. Allow me at the outset to thank culture and the Monuments of ALUMNI EDITOR Loretta Law. you for the generous leave of ab­ Antiquity. Through the further LiTBRARY EDITOR Ethel Scott. sence granted me last year generosity of our little friends, EXCHANGE EDITOR E. N. Bell. about 150 of these photographs „ ( Minna Meyer. through the action of your Exec­ LOCAL EDITORS \„ , /^. T>J ^ utive Committee. It was for me will be framed and hung in the va­ I Frank C. Edvards. a period of rest, travel and study rious buildings—notably in Eliza­ BUSINESS MANAGER W. B. Healy. —the value of which I personally beth Hall—where an attempt will ( James Mann be made to so arrange them as to ASSISTANTS . ,' ^ ^ ,,^ , estimate very highly and which I I N E Norwood. trust may ultimately, at least in illustrate the history and develop­ This number of the Collegiate ment of architecture. The rest of some degree, be reflected in the is devoted almost entirely to the the photographs will be substan­ organization and general life of doings and sayings of Presenta­ tially mounted and arranged in the University. I traveled in all tion Day. The inspiring words related sets in portfolios which about 30,000 miles, pretty evenly of President Whitman and Dr. can be readily consulted or car­ divided between sea and land, and Moore are worthy of a second and ried to class rooms for illustrative visited fourteen different coun­ third reading. Dr. Forbes' report purposes in history, geography tries, covering a distance in should fill us all with pride in our and literature. I may add that I a straight line from east to west school and hope for its future. hope to share with the students of * * * of about 6,000 miles, and from the University some of the results When one great day is past, north to south of nearly 4,000. I of this study and observation in our thoughts turn immediately to was on fifteen steamers for sixty- the form of illustrated lectures, one another. Already the air is begin­ four days time and traveled on of which has already been given. ning to tingle with Commence­ land by every conceivable con­ Allow me also to express here my ment. The seniors go about with veyance, from the railroad train to thorough appreciation of the fidel­ a preoccupied air seeing dim the shoulders of swarthy Arabs. ity, earnestness and success with wraiths of essays which they are I studied the elements of seven which my colleagues carried on the striving to grasp and embody in languages that were entirely new work of the University in my ab­ words. Even the clerk of the to me, and renewed a practical sence. The position of Superin­ weather seems to have made a acquaintance with three others tendent is a very trying one under mistake of two months in his cal­ besides studying critically a re­ the most favorable circumstances, culation, and is giving us May markable method for acquiring and is especially so where experi­ instead of March. But there is any modern language. Through ence is limited and authority but a whole term yet before us. the generosity of your young temporary. To those who have not been do­ friends, John and Henry Stetson, ing their best, this means an op­ I was enabled to purchase a splen­ I append the usual statistics for portunity to start again; to those did triplex stereopticon and make the school year ending last May. STETSON COLLEGIATE. Total registered 146; men 84; wo­ our registration this year, which partment, a Training or Practice men 62; boarding students 75; day will surpass last year in its total School. There is at present no such students 71; ministerial students and will show even a more posi­ school in the state, not even in the 11; college students 16; states rep tive gain in the higher depart­ State Normal Schools, and yet a resented 16; foreign countries 2; ments. We shall have a graduat­ Practice School is an absolute es­ counties of Florida 16. Denomi­ ing class of four in the college this sential to a completely organized national preferen^^es: Baptist 59; coming Commencement, and in Normal School. The second floor Episcopal 33; Presbyterian 28, (|uality the class will compare fa of the new south wing will be plan­ Methodist 19; Christian 3; Jewish vorably with that of any institution ned especially to accommodate this 2; Catholic i; Adventist i. in the country, and as morli may Practice School—being arranged Up to the present time this year be said of the class of 11 that will with a central room 39 by 46, and the statistics are as follows: To­ graduate from the academy in smaller class rooms on either side, tal registered to date 136; men 63; comparison with schools of aca­ where the pupil teachers can con­ women 73; boarding students 46; demic grade. We have, as ycni will duct recitations. This Practice d.ay students 90; ministerial stu notice, an unusually large number School must be made up of day pu­ dents 17: college students 16; of students for the mmistrv, and pils from the city, and I have been sl-'ite? representea 12; foreign the ciuality averages-good. Some informed by the County School countries 1 ; counties of Florida 17. of the men now witli us will be Board, that such an arrangement Denominational preferences: Bap­ men of power. The discipline and would not only not injure the pub­ tist 67; Presbyterian 30; Episcopal morale of the University have, in lic school in any way, but would 16; Metnodist ii; L^hiistian 7; my judgment, never been quite so be a great relief from overcrowd­ Congregational 2; Jewish 2; Ad­ good as they are now, and we have ing the lower grades. Secondly, ventist I. never had a more positive and we wish to extend and improve our These figures are, I think, when aggressive moral sentiment and business courses, and establish this all the cir'^nmstances are taken in­ religious life. either as a special department of to account, quite remarkable for While thus there is much tnat is [he academy or as a separate de­ both last year and this. Up to the gratifying and cause for tli.'uiks- partment of the University—call­ time of the freeze, our numbers giving in our present condition, ive ing it the Commercial School or had increased so satisfactorily anc) are far from satisfied and are plan­ College and providing the best fa­ so steadily, without special effort ning a broad and vigorous forward cilities for instruction in all the on ovir part, that we had made no movement in several important di­ branches usually taught in such in­ special and systematic attempt to rections. You all doubtless know stitutions: book-keeping, commer­ bring the work of the University of the dicision of Mr.
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