Appendix A: References and Suggested Reading Chapter 1: Professor’s Son Leena Ellonen (ed.): Suomen professorit, Finlands professorer 1640–2007 (Pro- fessors of Finland 1640–2007). Professoriliitto/Gummerus, Jyväskylä 2008. Filosofia.fi – Portti filosofiaan (Gate to philosophy): Salomaa, Jalmari Edvard (Mikko Salmela, ed.), 2014. Helsingin Sanomat 6th December 1944. Helsingin Sanomat 6th September 1960. Kaarlo Hänninen: Kansakoulun maantieto ja kotiseutuoppi yksiopettajaisia kouluja varten (Local geography and history for one-teacher elementary schools), 4th edition. Valistus, Helsinki 1929. Eino Kaila: On the Method of Philosophy – Extracts from a Statement to the Section of History and Philology at the University of Helsinki (1930). Analytic Philosophy in Finland (Leila Haaparanta, Ilkka Niiniluoto, eds.). Rodopi B.V., New York 2003, 69–77. Kuka kukin on – Who’s Who in Finland 2003. Otava, Keuruu 2002. Reino Leimu: Pentti Antero Salomaa À Muistopuhe 10.5.1976 (Commemorative speech). Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Lectures and records, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters), 1976, 59–63. Vilho Lukkarinen: Suomen lotat – Lotta Svärd -järjestön historia (Members of the women’s auxiliary services in Finland – History of the Lotta Svärd organization). Suomen Naisten Huoltosäätiö /WSOY, Porvoo 1981. Rolf Nevanlinna: Muisteltua (Memoirs). Otava, Keuruu 1976. Valtteri Niemi: Interview, 20th October 2016. Arto Salomaa: Nuoruusvuodet – Meine jungen Tage. Photo album, Ifolor 2014. Arto Salomaa: Interviews, 2nd September 2015 and 22nd October 2015. J. E. Salomaa: Eräs lapsuus ja nuoruus (A childhood and youth). WSOY, Porvoo 1954. Kaarina Salomaa: Interview, 25th October 2016. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 277 J. Paakki, Arto Salomaa: Mathematician, Computer Scientist, and Teacher, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16049-4 278 Appendix A: References and Suggested Reading Chapter 2: Child and Youngster in Turku, Finland Helsingin Sanomat 6th June 1934 and 7th June 1934. Valtteri Niemi: Interview, 20th October 2016. Arto Salomaa: Nuoruusvuodet – Meine jungen Tage. Photo album, Ifolor 2014. Arto Salomaa: Interview, 22nd October 2015. Radomir S. Stanković, Jaakko T. Astola (eds.): Reprints from the Early Days of Information Sciences – Interview with Arto Salomaa. TICSP series # 52, Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere 2009. Chapter 3: Master and Doctor of Science Cristian S. Calude: A Dialogue on Theoretical Computer Science with Professor Arto Salomaa. Bulletin of EATCS 96, 2008, 32–42. Helsingin Sanomat 15th December 1954. Helsingin Sanomat 4th June 1955. Helsingin Sanomat 13th July 1956 and 14th July 1956. Helsingin Sanomat 4th January 1959 and 5th January 1959. Helsingin Sanomat 21st March 1959 and 22nd March 1959. Heikki Lammi: Lukuteoriaa (Number theory), blog 45/14. http://www.ylasatakunta. fi/blogit/30-heikki-lammi/798-lukuteoriaa-blogi-45-14 Olli: Korsia polulta (Straws from the path). Uusi Suomi 17th July 1960, p. 2. Arto Salomaa: Nuoruusvuodet – Meine jungen Tage. Photo album, Ifolor 2014. Arto Salomaa: Interview, 16th December 2015. Kaarina Salomaa: Interview, 25th October 2016. Radomir S. Stanković, Jaakko T. Astola (eds.): Reprints from the Early Days of Information Sciences – Interview with Arto Salomaa. TICSP series # 52, Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere 2009. Chapter 4: Master of Many-Valued Logic Helsingin Sanomat 4th February 1962. Heikki Lammi: Lukuteoriaa (Number theory), blog 45/14. http://www.ylasatakunta. fi/blogit/30-heikki-lammi/798-lukuteoriaa-blogi-45-14 Arto Salomaa: On Many-Valued Systems of Logic. Ajatus 22, 1959, 115–159. Arto Salomaa: A Theorem Concerning the Composition of Functions of Several Variables Ranging Over a Finite Set. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 25, 3, 1960, 203–208. Arto Salomaa: Some Completeness Criteria for Sets of Functions Over a Finite Domain, I. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis – Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, series A I, no. 53, Turku 1962. Arto Salomaa: Some Completeness Criteria for Sets of Functions Over a Finite Domain, II. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis – Turun yliopiston julkaisuja, series A I, no. 63, Turku 1963. Arto Salomaa: Events and Languages. People & Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science (Cristian S. Calude, ed.). Springer, Singapore 1999, 253–273. Appendix A: References and Suggested Reading 279 Arto Salomaa: Interviews, 16th December 2015 and 19th October 2017. Radomir S. Stanković, Jaakko T. Astola (eds.): Reprints from the Early Days of Information Sciences – On the Contributions of Arto Salomaa to Multiple-Valued Logic. TICSP series # 50, Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere 2009. Radomir S. Stanković, Jaakko Astola: Contributions of Arto Salomaa to Multiple- Valued Logic. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Arto Salomaa) 24, 1–4, 2015, 1–19. Chapter 5: Prehistory of Automata and Formal Languages Noam Chomsky: On Certain Formal Properties of Grammars. Information and Control 2, 2, 1959, 137–167. Seymour Ginsburg: Methods for Specifying Families of Formal Languages – Past- Present-Future. In: Ronald V. Book (ed.): Formal Language Theory – Perspec- tives and Open Problems. Academic Press, New York 1980, 1–22. Sheila A. Greibach: Formal Languages: Origins and Directions. Annals of the History of Computing 3, 1, 1981, 14–41. Donald E. Knuth: On the Translation of Languages from Left to Right. Information and Control 8, 6, 1965, 607–639. K. Kutti: On a Graphical Representation of the Operating Regime of Circuits. In: Edward F. Moore (ed.): Sequential Machines – Selected Papers. Addison- Wesley, Reading 1964, 228–235. (Translation from Russian, 1928) Robert McNaughton, Hisao Yamada: Regular Expressions and State Graphs for Automata. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers EC-9, 1, 1960, 39–47. Michael O. Rabin, Dana Scott: Finite Automata and Their Decision Problems. IBM Journal of Research and Development 3, 2, 1959, 114–125. Arto Salomaa: Interview, 19th October 2017. Claude E. Shannon, John McCarthy (eds.): Automata Studies. Annals of Mathemat- ical Studies, number 34. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1956. Chapter 6: Father of Formal Languages Michael A. Arbib: Book Review: Theory of Automata – Arto Salomaa, (Oxford, England: Pergamon, 1969, 263 pp). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 16, 5, 1970, 652–653. Michael A. Arbib: Review – Theory of automata. By Arto Salomaa. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969. xii + 263 pp. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics XXIX, 3, October 1971, 456–457. John A. Brzozowski: Review – Salomaa, Arto. Two complete axiom systems for the algebra of regular events. J. ACM 13, 1 (Jan. 1966), 158–169. Computing Reviews 7, 3, 1966, p. 264. Noam Chomsky: Three Models for the Description of Language. IRE Transactions on Information Theory IT-2, 3, 113–124. Noam Chomsky, George A. Miller: Finite State Languages. Information and Con- trol 1, 2, 1958, 91–112. 280 Appendix A: References and Suggested Reading Noam Chomsky, Marcel-Paul Schützenberger: The Algebraic Theory of Context- Free Languages. In: P. Braffort, D. Hirschberg (eds.): Computer Programming and Formal Systems. North-Holland, Amsterdam 1963, 118–161. Lawrence C. Eggan: Transition Graphs and the Star-Height of Regular Events. Michigan Mathematical Journal 10, 4, 1963, 385–397. Eugene Garfield: The 100 Most-Cited Books in the CompuMath Citation Index, 1976–1980. Essays of an Information Scientist 7, 34, 1984, 264–269. http:// www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/essays/v7p264y1984.pdf Seymour Ginsburg, Sheila Greibach: Abstract Families of Languages. In: Confer- ence Record of 1967 Eighth Annual Symposium on Switching and Automata Theory, University of Texas. IEEE 1967, 128–139. Michael A. Harrison: Book Reviews: Theory of Automata. Arto Salomaa. Pergamon, New York, 1969. xii, 264 pp., illus. International Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 100. Theories of Abstract Automata. Michael A. Arbib. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1969. xviii, 414 pp., illus. Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation. Science 170, 3953, 2 October 1970, 55–56. Juris Hartmanis: Book Review – Formal Languages. By Arto Salomaa. Academic Press, New York 1973. xiii + 322 pp. SIAM Review 17, 1, 1975, 179–180. Helsingin Sanomat 30th April 1970. Helsingin Sanomat 27th October 1984. Wolfgang Händler: Buchbesprechung – Theory of Automata. Von A. Salomaa. Mit 25 Abb., XII, 263 S. Oxford-London-Edinburgh-New York-Toronto-Sydney- Paris-Braunschweig; Pergamon Press. 1969. Computing 9, 1, 1972, 85–86. Kirsti Kähärä: Interview, 23th October 2016. Michael O. Rabin: Probabilistic Automata. Information and Control 6, 3, 1963, 230–245. Grzegorz Rozenberg: Interview (email), 26th November 2016. Arto Salomaa: Automaattien teoriasta (On the theory of automata). Arkhimedes 2, 1965, 7–20. Arto Salomaa: Two Complete Axiom Systems for the Algebra of Regular Events. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 13, 1, 1966, 158–169. Arto Salomaa: On m-Adic Probabilistic Automata. Information and Control 10, 2, 1967, 215–219. Arto Salomaa: Matematiikka ja tietokone (Mathematics and the Computer). Arkhimedes 2, 1968, 5–9. Arto Salomaa: On the Index of a Context-Free Grammar and Language. Information and Control 14, 5, 1969, 474–477. Arto Salomaa: Theory of Automata. International Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics, volume 100, Pergamon Press, Hungary 1969. Appendix A: References and Suggested Reading 281 Arto Salomaa: Review – Michael
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