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Peter Johnson 9 Fire and Rescue Service 27 Keep Waterbeach Rural 10 Jazzercise 28 Farmland Museum 11 Don’t swallow up your NHS 28 Beach Bowls Club 12 Waterbeach United Charities 29 Day Centre for the Elderly 12 Community Listener 29 Urban&Civic 13 Bin Day Changes 30 Happy Folks Club 14 Creative Movements 31 The ‘Beach News’ Story 15 What’s On 32 Community Association Christmas - Although Christmas is long gone and all the tinsel and lights have been put away, we must say thank you to all those who contributed to making Waterbeach Green look so festive. Firstly, a huge thank you must go to Gary Langley and team for providing and maintaining the lights around the Green. Each year they appear as if by magic, but we know and recognise how much hard work and commitment is involved in keeping our village so festive, so thank you again. Next, to Bannold’s for donating the tree and to Mark & Pam Clack for putting it up and decorating it, and then taking it all down again in the new year. Thanks also to Mark & Lynn Green who kindly stopped and lent a hand as they were passing by and Bill Moon for assisting with the disposal of the tree. ‘Carols on the Green’ on Christmas Eve is always a popular way to start the Christmas festivities and this was proved once again by the large amount of people that attended. From tiny babies, toddlers and some very excited children with their families, to those not quite so young, they all came to join in with the singing. Thank you to all those who helped make the event possible, before, during and after. The charity collection on the night raised £688.60 for local clubs and groups. Thank you for your support. Applications for donations are now welcomed from both existing and new groups in the community area, e.g. for a specific project or set up costs. All applications giving full details of exactly how the money would be used, to be sent in writing to The Chairperson, Jacqui Rabbett, 9 Providence Way, Waterbeach, Cambridge CB25 9QH. 1 Beach News - The very first Beach News was produced in November 1972 and here we are forty four years later and have now reached the 250th edition. The full Beach News story can be found on page 15. It is with regret we inform you that two of our loyal Beach News folders, Anne Spencer and Frank Mendham, have recently passed away. In the days before we had the magazine professionally printed both Anne and Frank spent many hours in the school hall assisting with collating and folding Beach News. Our thoughts are with their families and friends. Waterbeach Community Association - We are often asked what is the Community Association and is it part of the Parish Council? Waterbeach Community Association was formed in September 1972. It is made up of clubs, groups and organisations from Waterbeach, Landbeach and Chittering. Waterbeach Community Association is self-funding and is not part of Waterbeach Parish Council. The current chair is Jacqui Rabbett and the Secretary is Pam Clack. We arrange various events throughout the year. These include the Waterbeach Feast, a Christmas Carol service on Waterbeach Green and charity fundraising, as well as the village magazine ‘Beach News’. Feast Day in June, now a major village event for over 40 years is organised and funded by WCA. We organise the lights and Christmas tree on Waterbeach Green and the exceptionally popular ‘Carols on the Green’ on Christmas Eve which is also supported by the Churches of Waterbeach. WCA supports both existing and new local clubs and groups in the community. These have the opportunity to apply for a grant from the WCA for a specific project or a contribution towards start-up costs for new groups. Money collected from the parade on Feast Day and from the Carols on the Green at Christmas go towards these requests. The Community Association produce and distribute Beach News free of charge four times a year. It is delivered by a dedicated team of delivers to over 2500 homes in Waterbeach, Landbeach and Chittering. Beach News is also published in full colour on our website www.waterbeach.org On the website you can also find back copies of Beach News, details about the Feast, links to local groups and also the advertisers without whom we would not be able to produce the magazine. There is also a ‘What’s On’ page which gives details of forthcoming events in the local area. The notice boards at Waterbeach Green, old Post Office and School entrances on High Street and Way Lane, belong to and are managed by WCA and they are used to display posters advertising one off events in the area. WCA is made up from the community to support the community. This is all part of the framework of community life that brings us all together. 2 Feast 2017 Saturday 10th June Here we go again, time to start thinking about this year's Feast. The theme is 'Something beginning with K…..'. So start thinking about your stalls and floats and how to decorate them, Knights, Kings, and Kangaroos, to name a few. As usual the parade will leave the school at 2pm. We need people to volunteer to be marshals and walk alongside the parade as it makes its procession around the village. We hope to see lots of entries from the various categories e.g. Adults, Under Fives, Junior, Friends and Family or Individual entries. It’s free to enter and you might win! You can find all the entry forms and information you need to join in on our website www.waterbeach.org. You can also follow our preparations on Facebook. We need your help to ensure the success of Feast Day, we need assistance in the organisation of the day and to help set up in the morning and clear away at the end of the day. If you think you can help please contact Jacqui Rabbett on 01223 860993. Photos from Feast 2016 3 Waterbeach Colts FC Planning is under way for our annual Football Tournament and Beer Festival, which will take place at Waterbeach Recreation Ground on the 26th, 27th and 28th May. This is a friendly community event and we welcome everybody of all ages from Waterbeach, Landbeach, Chittering and further afield. This year we are very excited to announce that The Juliets Collective will be our headline band on the Saturday night. Come along for some great music - they are not to be missed!! Refreshments will be available throughout the weekend. A BIG thank you in advance to the wonderful Scouts who volunteer their time to supply a BBQ almost non-stop from 6pm on Friday evening through to the Sunday evening! Other food will also be available throughout the weekend. There will be a good range of delicious beers to sample and enjoy. Don’t like beer? Not a problem – we have fruit ciders, spirits, wine, bubbly, Pimm’s and soft drinks to cater for all tastes. Why not meet up there with friends and family? Children are welcome throughout the weekend, and we will have a goal competition, bouncy castle and games. On Sunday afternoon a number of different bands will play a range of music, so please join us. Last but not least – the football part – the hundreds of children who participate play so hard in the tournament – as well as our “home” teams, we welcome teams from across the county and neighbouring counties – and everybody receives a medal at the end for their efforts. Their enjoyment and sense of achievement is wonderful to see. Boys and girls aged 5 through to 15 will be taking part, and it marks the end of a busy season of training, league and cup matches. The whole tournament is undertaken in the spirit “respect for each other”. Proceeds from the weekend go to the Football Club so that we can pay for coaches’ qualifications and ongoing training, purchase equipment and keep annual subs at a modest level, in order to keep to our ethos “football for all”.
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