U - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Feb. 18.1W7 SPORTS Ferraro outburst 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING paces the Whale i i j ... page 15 S0AT8/MARINE ICARS 03 HELPWiWTED 113HELP WANTED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Two large boat anchors Olds Delta 88, 2 door Homemaker/Home coupe, royal broughm, Heolth Aldes-Carlng Indi­ for 32 foot boat. $90.00 each. Call 643-7534.0 1981, loaded, with all the viduals needed to help the extras. Very shor;, mint. elderly, handicapped and 423-5133, 6pm. Yslephone Operotor- convalescent to remoln In Saturdav and Sunday. their own homes. Paid on MUSICAL 0am until 4pm. Apply ITEMS Olds Calais 85, automatic, the lob training, mileage air conditioning, power Moodaws Manor, 333 Bid- reimbursement. In ser­ wall St. Manchester. steering, brakes and win­ vice education. Paid be­ 1986 Ovotlon-12 strings, dows. Cruise control. nefits Include sick time, General office worker case, and accessories In­ 25,000 miles. $8500.646-7110 holidays, vacation, cluded. $700. Call 649-4233. HlaurhrstrrManchester — A City of Village Charm HrralJi ,9 to 5 ask for Jean. wonted-Heoyy filing, light health, dental and life phone work. Light compu­ Insurance. Pension plan. 1974 Cheyy Corvette-blue, ter processing. 30 to 40 Bonus after 6 months hours weekly (flexible). CAMERAS/PHOTO exterior and Interior, runs satisfactory employment. excellent, good looking Call Lynch Toyota Pon­ EOE. Call Visiting Nurse EQUIPMENT Thursday, Feb. 19,1987 tiac, 64M321, ask tor Kay car. Needs little work. 30 Cents end Community Care, 872- $5800 firm. Call 646-1516. Boulals. 9163. Minolta XG-1 - $50.00. Like new with cose. Firm. Call Part tlme-Dental assist­ Buick La Sabre Ltd., 1982, 643-4295 after 5 pm. 4 door, fully loaded. Mint. F ant and secretarial duties l|wiBU»NE88 $4200. Coll 646-2557. ■ Town, 8th wanted In Vernon office. l'9|0PP0RTUNmE8 . ■ 1-' ■ Pleasant working condi­ Town seeking MISCELLANEOUS tions. Call 071-0337. Wanted - working FOR SALE |n9JTRUCK8/VAN8 bending on Word Processor- partner; equal shares, es­ IB Z IFOR SALE company will train some­ tablished young construc­ American peoples encyc­ one with 1-2 years general tion corporation specializ­ lopedia (20 books) and 1974 Chevrolet step-in word processing expe­ ing In excavation work, year books 1967-85 plus 5 regulations to swap deal van. 40,000 miles on a rience. Plush professional potential real estate deve- books science supple­ rebuilt engine. Aluminum office. Excellent pay/ be- lopement. Engineering ment, 1964-69, $75/best body. Asking $2900. Can be E neftls package. Company background a plus I Pro­ offer. 6494309.O seen ot Morlnelll's (Gar­ By George Layng oays fee. Coll or send fessional attitude Impor­ age on Hartford Rood, Herald Reporter resume to:Ann Thercera, tant! Alan 646-2614, Bol­ Blonaire Biotech ultra­ Manchester or call 646- Hartford Professional ton, CT sound humidifier -1 gallon protect water 0795. Placement Group, 100 capacity. Excellent condi­ The town of Manchester would Constitution Plozo. Hart­ Soot sweeper-August take over the Eighth Utilities tion. $50. One year old. 1971 Dodge 'h ton van-318, By John F. Kirch The PZC instructed Pellegrini to ford, Ct. 06103. 724-5643. West model, 2 horse Call 649-6706.o District's sewer operations in the 3 speed, ladder racks, first Herald Reporter begin work on four of the eight power. Cleans up to 700 $675 takes It. Call 875-6476. northwest section of town under Full time cashier to work cubic feet of olr every protectionTtieasures outlined in the Ladles leather hand report. proposals made Wednesday by cosmetic and utility coun­ minute. Like new. Bought tooled hand bag - large Town officials said Wednesday negotiating teams from both ter. Experience with In­ In 1985. Paid $1000, first size, like new. Can be that they will begin drafting regula­ The first includes the develop­ governments. ventories or utilities sys­ $300 takes It. Call 875-6476. shoulder bog. $35. 528- VOLKSWAGEN tions designed to protect Manches­ ment of an aquifer-protection over­ tems Is preferred but not 1880.P ter's underground water supply lay zone that would restrict devel­ However, the two sides differed necessary. Generous BY UPMAN from hazardous wastes. opments that are considered "high on how to solve other major wages based on expe­ Baby's walker - $5.00. Call The measures were outlined in a risk" on land directly above an problems that ha ve created conflict rience. Apply now at Ar­ R8al Estate 649-1827 or 643-0290.n VW QTI '83 underground water supply. in Manchester. At a negotiating thur Drug, 942 Main St, 5 speed, stereo cassette three-page report prepared by town Manchester. Mirror - 30 Inches by 40 •5495. planning and water department Also, planning officials said they session held in Lincoln (Center, the Inches. Coll 649-5875. officials. will revise the town’s subdivision Eighth District proposed that it be Immediate opening - re­ HOMES |2 f IHOMES HOMES 9|APARTMENTS HOMES VW JETTA '86 The report, given to the Planning regulations and develop a town given control of the town’s Buck- ceptionist/secretory Jogger treadmill - Sears 5 spd, ac, case, axe. cond, ordinance governing underground land firehouse, while the town FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE ^ ■ f OR RENT FOR RENT sold & serviced here, $8995. and Zoning Commission Wednes­ small, friendly, local com­ im HO model. (Good condition. day night by Planning Director storage tanks, some of which are offered again to build an addition to pany looking for moti­ $40. Coll evenings, 644- VW RABBIT '84 Mark Pellegrini and Water Admin­ old and may leak hazardous the station for district firefighters. vated, energetic, eager to AM real estate advertised Manchester...Hard to find Centrally located large 1st 5 room ranch with fire­ 8816. Happy os a clam...That's 2 dr, 4 spd, ac, stereo, 2 to istrator Robert J. Young, identifies substances. Meanwhile, the town proposed work Individual to assist In the Manchester Herald office space. Centrally lo­ what you'll be when you floor rooms. AM utili­ place on quiet residential choose from, $4495. The commission also wants to In diversified duties. If Is sublect to the Fair cated large home with see this adorable 6 room ties, parking. Call 649- street. Appliances In­ Sears 15.3 cubic foot frost­ Manchester's major underground that minor changes in fire-service you ore accurate and Housing Act of 1968, which cluded. $850 per month. water supplies and outlines several draft a "best management practi­ jurisdiction be made to eliminate good parking. Lots of older Cape-3 bedrooms, 2865. less upright freezer, $300. VW JETTA'85 ces ordinance,” which would re­ hove o good telephone makes It Illegal to adver­ space. Call today for de­ pretty yard on quiet 643-6421. Sears om/fm console 4 dr, at, ac, stereo, low ml, alternatives that could be taken by confusion over which department personality with some tise any preference, lim­ tails. Joyce G. Epstein street. Entrance foyer and Manchester-3 bedroom music stereo with radio, $8495. the commission and the town Board quire developers to list potential should respond to a call. The Eighth a /r, o/p and receptlonlst- itation or discrimination Real Estate. 647-8895.a hallway with French townhouse, oppllanced $200. Coll 643-8179. contaminants on their site, r^uire eiSTOREAND VW JETTA '84 of Directors to protect them. District, though, said that larger /secretary background, based on race, color, reli­ doors! $122,400. Jackson 8, kitchen, $650 per month. Although some aquifer- that pollutants be located inside transfers of fire-service areas you ore the person we gion, sex or national Jackson Real Estate. 647- Security deposit, 1 year OlOFFICESPACE id, snrf, stereo, sharp. buildings, establish a spill- origin, or on Intention to Solid as o rock Ml Good $5^ protection regulations are included should take place. need. Benefits Include full old fashioned quality! 8400.O lease. No pets. 649-0795. ENDROLLS management program and other medical, dental and life moke any such prefer­ in state and federal laws, local Both sides did agree to study the ence, limitation or dis­ Tastefully refurbished Manchester - center of 27% width - 2S9 VW JETTA '82 officials say they are not enough measures. offers and meet again Wednesday Insurance plans, and our and decorated high light­ Manchester-odlolnlng town. Like new. 800 13% width - 2 for 289 2 dr, 5 spd, cass, 1 owner, Some of the steps would be under salary Is competetive. To crimination. The Herald South Windsor - $299,900 - Wickham pork 5 rooms on sharp car, $5495. and are pressing ahead with a set of to begin work toward a settlement. will not knowingly accept ing the beauty of natural Absolutely gorgeous 5 square feet, all utilities. MUST b« pickad up at tha the PZC’s jurisdiction, while other schedule on Interview, oak woodwork, stained second floor of two family 668-1447. nnunicipal regulations. No protec­ The negotiators indicated they please call between 9 am any advertisement which bedroom contemporary house, 2 bedrooms, large Harald Offica Monday thru VW JETTA '85 tion laws exist on the municipal measures would be the responsibil­ would like to reach a compromise Is In violation of the low. glass, a kltchen-pontry Cope located In a great Thuraday bafora 11 am.only. 4 dr, 5 spd, sc, cass, sold & and 5 pm 647-7999. and lots more! $132,900. yard. Rental Includes Office space for rent- level. ity of the Board of Directors. by May so that it could be voted on neighborhood. Home In­ heat, hot water, garage, serviced hare, $7995. Mayor Barbara B. Weinberg and AP photo Jackson 8, Jackson Real cludes large living room, Manchester prime down­ At one point during the PZC by Eighth District electors at their Person to wash cors- Government Homes - Estate.
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