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EARN BIGGER PROFITS EASIER. ~Jb;:...'\~ Some items priced slightly lower in Middle Atlentie States, big her west ol Mississippi River. selling Bowers Exceptional Candies. .. Y l)J. -------------------------------BOWERS CANDIES, Dept. 123, New Albany Rd., Moorestown, N.J. 08057 • Phone----- (609) 235--6--300 1 FREE! Without obligation, send complete information on how our group can EARN BIGGER PROFITS EASIER. ACT NOW! ORGANIZATION send this coupon today MY NAME TITLE for NEW STREET ADDRESS full color CITY STATE ZIP BROCHURE ·. PROFI T GOAL . NUMBER OF SELLERS L----------------------Clear all money·earning plans with your Council Finance Committee- --- or Lone- Troop--- Committee--- - - - --~ ' r A sixth-grader I know struggled with, alert leader can tell-the girl should be and finally gave up on, the Writer given credit. badge. Discouragement at her lack of literary skill was overcome only a few From Jeanne C. Dilworth, Brownie weeks later. She taught our Juniors and Consultant, Portland, Conn.: As sister Brownies a Thai dance and made adults, we've all had failures in work­ the girls elaborate foil headdresses for ing with Scouts. Being fairly sophisti­ a service unit program. Her talents as cated we can usually gloss over these a choreographer and costumer earned bloopers and learn from them. We her praise (though no badge) and she should no more deprive girls of the learned to know herself and her poten­ benefits of a sincere though unsuccess­ tial a little better. ful learning experience by not award­ The third girl had decided to sur­ ing badges than we should deprive a prise her mother with a birthday cake leader of her troop because she can't (and fulfill a requirement for her Cook sing on key. badge) . The cake broke in half, and the frosting ran through the crack into a puddle on the plate. Her mother didn't From ~Irs. George C. Yanda, leader, try to tell her it was beautiful, but she Cleveland Heights, Ohio: You say "a what would you do thanked the ten-year-old girl and pro­ few of the girls cannot make anything nounced it delicious. It was. acceptable no matter how hard they Every month this column presents a For my own children and the girls in try." Are your standards too high? difficult situation from actual troop ex­ my troop, I try to set the standards of Have they had good instruction by perience, but without naming the indi­ acceptability for beginners realistically someone with experience in that craft? vidual or group concerned. Send us below those for adults. Can you have one "quick" girl work your troop problems, leaders! with one slower one, so that one plans Here are suggestions for the leader From Mrs. Andrew J. Biemiller, the project while the other carries it who wrote about- trainer, Bethesda, Md.: The manual out or helps with the hard part? ability of fourth- to sixth-graders varies, All thumbs and we must be prepared to offer ap­ From Mrs. Peter G. Palmer, Junior propriate projects for each girl. I am leader, Wallingford, Conn.: To me, A good many badges at the Junior Junior Scouting is a time for discovery. ~nvinced that we lose many girls at level have one requirement that calls Before I sign a badge requirement, each for the girls to make something with this age because we demand things they are unable to accomplish. girl must demonstrate an honest at­ their hands. For example, My Home tempt at every part of the assignment, badge-"Make something useful for First, let's agree that we don't have to demand identical objects in meeting but not necessarily a professional pres­ your home, such as hot pads, place entation of her work. The girls learn by mats, a pin cushion, a pillow top." A any requirement. Then, let's look for projects that involve something other trying, and if perfection is demanded fe:w of the girls cannot make anything of them in all cases, they may be afraid acceptable no matter how hard they than manual skill-that bring in per­ ception of beauty, or widened interest to attempt new projects and, therefore, try, as they seem to have ten thumbs. be deprived of discovering new skills. We know that as they get older their in the outdoor world, or scientific curi­ osity. coordination will improve, but we do Perhaps you can help with this prob­ not want them to get discouraged lem: when they cannot complete a badge From Mrs. Thomas Graham, Junior leader, Pequannock, N.J. : In any age on which thev have worked so hard. Missing meetings How do othe~ Junior leaders handle group, you'll find girls with different this situation? abilities. Some will be very skillful Recently our Senior troop has en­ with their hands, others not so skillful. countered the problem of girls' con· From :\Irs. S. 0. Swanson, Junior If the girls try their best and are able tinually missing meetings. Several leader, Newport News, Va.: Most girls to make something, they have fulfilled girls say they want to participate in who think they are "all thumbs" are that requirement. our camping trips and other activities, victims of adults who have assured Girls get discouraged if they can't but they won't come to meetings. We them, by attitude if not in words, that get approval and recognition for their have tried calling them before and they "cannot make anything accept­ honest efforts. Are you judging every­ after meetings, asking them if they able." one's abilities by your most skillful are coming and later telling them Acceptable for what purpose? A girls? . what has happened. We even bad a styrofoam ball covered with cloth is a I think it's better to let a poorly­ meeting recently to plan what we will useful pincushion, painted paper place­ coordinated girl make something sim­ do the rest of the year, but the same mats used for one meal are useful; dec­ ple and have the satisfaction of making girls did not attend. The girls have orated cardboard tubes are useful for something useful, than to expect her to kept up their dues and one of them storing appliance cords in kitchen attempt something she just can't do. has turned in her permissiQn slip for drawers. the cookie sale. Another girl has re­ Three girls came to mind as I read From ~Irs. Walter J, Stevens, Junior fused to sell cookies and said that she this problem. leader, St. Louis, Mo.: You have one plans to quit Scouts next year. One is a fourth-grader who was thing going for you already. You real­ We want to keep these girls in our thrilled when she learned to use a po­ ize some girls are "all thumbs," and troop, but we don't know what to do tato peeler in a Cook badge group. If I tQat development of coordination comes since they refuse to come to meetings. had served the potatoes she prepared to at different ages and stages, depending my family, they would not have been upon the girl. The keyword in your Address your letters to Problem Clinic, "acceptable." After twenly-seveny.ears letter is "acceptable." I have to ask, GIRL ScouT LEADER, 830 Third Ave­ of practice, I get off all the peelings and "Acceptable to whom"? We leaders nue, New York, N.Y. 10022. Letters to mash out all the lumps. When I was cannot expect expert work from these this department cannot be individual­ nine, I didn't.
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