NICHIREN DAISHONIN TEACHES: “AFTER ALL, THE ULTIMATE VOW IS TO PROPAGATE THE DAIMOKU THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.” - GOSHO P. 1862 Myosetsuji News ISSUE 228 JUNE 1, 2020 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin On the Occasion of the April the fifth year of Kencho (1253). 946), The Great White Ox Cart Kosen-rufu Shodai Ceremony In some Goshos, such as Letter (Daibyaku gosha-sho) (ibid., p. On this occasion of the April to the Priests of Seichoji Temple 1188), and Orally Transmitted Kosen-rufu Shodai Ceremony, (Seichoji daishu chu) (Gosho, p. Teachings (Ongi kuden) (ibid., p. conducted here today at the 1732), the declaration date is in- Head Temple, I would like to dicated as March 28. However, express my heartfelt apprecia- in other Goshos, such as On tion to all of you for your ef- Persecutions Befalling the Bud- forts to come on tozan with pro- dha (Shonin gonan ji) (ibid., p. found faith. 1396), and Letter to Naka’oki nyudo (Naka’oki nyudo- As you know, April is the goshosoku) (ibid., p. 1431), the month when our Founder declaration date is specified as Nichiren Daishonin declared April 28. the establishment of true Bud- dhism. According to the Thirty-first High Priest Goshos, there are two theories Nichi’in Shonin expounded on in regards to the declaration the two theories of the March date of the establishment of true declaration and the April decla- Buddhism: the theory of March ration. In his writing, Interpreta- 28 and the theory of April 28 in tion of Both Declaration Dates (Continued on page 2) Gosho Quote for June 2020 On the Transmission of the Three Great Secret Laws (Sandai hiho bonjo no koto) There are two types of Daimoku: the Daimoku chanted during the Former and Middle Days of the Law, and the Daimoku to be chanted during the Latter Day of the Law. Alt- hough Bodhisattvas Vasubandhu and Nagarjuna themselves chanted the Daimoku during the Former Day of the Law, they did so to practice for themselves only. During the Mid- dle Day of the Law, Nanyue, Tiantai, and others did chant the Daimoku; however, they did it only for the sake of their own practice and not for teaching others. This type of Daimoku was practiced [in order to observe one’s mind] based on the theory [elucidated in the surface meaning of the words]. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, the Daimoku that Nichiren chants is different from that of previous ages. It is the Nam-Myoho-Renge- Kyo of the practice for oneself, and the practice for others. (Gosho, pp. 1594-1595) PAGE 2 MYOSETSUJI NEWS Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin (continued) (Continued from page 1) more, the March declaration spe- cifically reveals the great Law for of the Establishment of True Bud- a small number of close people, dhism (Shushi konryu sanshi ego- whereas the April declaration sig- sho), he taught that March 28 sig- nifies the Daimoku to be propa- nifies the Daishonin’s inner reali- gated for all people. In particular, zation, whereas April 28 repre- the passage in the Gosho, Letter sents the propagation of the Law to the Priests of Seichoji Temple to the people around the world. (Seichoji daishu chu) confirms Moreover, based on a detailed that the declaration date is March examination of these theories of 28. Considering that the sermon March 28 and April 28, the for- also was given in March, I be- mer Sixty-seventh High Priest lieve that it is truly appropriate to Nikken Shonin gave us the fol- conduct a grand ceremony for lowing profound sermon. both March and April to repay world in the Latter Day of the our debts of gratitude to the Bud- Law, declared and established the We can observe several distinc- dha. (Dainichiren, May 2002, p. great Law of Myoho-Renge-Kyo. tions between the March theory 79) The purpose of his advent was to and the April theory. March 28 Accordingly, our denomination give the medicine of Nam-Myoho signifies the declaration of the conducts ceremonies for both -Renge-Kyo to all living beings Daimoku of inner realization, who suffer from the three paths while April 28 is the revelation of March 28 and April 28, in order to repay our debts of gratitude to of earthly desires, karma, and suf- the Daimoku of the propagation fering, just like a mother trying to of true Buddhism. March 28 rep- Nichiren Daishonin, unlike the other sects who are unquestioning put milk into the mouth of her resents the sermon of refuting infant with her deep compassion. heresy, based on revealing the supporters of only April 28. truth, while April 28 denotes the In the Gosho, On Remonstrat- Furthermore, the Daishonin sermon of revealing the truth, ing with Hachiman (Kangyo ha- teaches the following in the Go- based on refuting heresy. Further- chiman-sho), the Daishonin sho, Repaying Debts of Gratitude teaches the following: (Ho’on-sho): For the past twenty-eight years, Since Nichiren’s compassion is from the twenty-eighth day of the vast, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo fourth month of the fifth year of will prevail for ten thousand Kencho (1253) through the years and beyond into the future. twelfth month of this current It possesses the beneficial power year, the third year of Ko’an to open the blind eyes of all the (1280), I, Nichiren, have done people in Japan, and it blocks the nothing else but one thing. That path to the hell of incessant suf- is, to dedicate myself to have all fering. Its benefits surpass those the people of Japan chant the five of the teachings of Dengyo and and seven characters of Myoho- Tiantai, and are far superior to Renge-Kyo. This act of compas- those of Nagarjuna and Maha- sion is the same as a mother try- kashyapa. (Gosho, p. 1036) ing to put milk into the mouth of He teaches that the vast and her infant. (Gosho, p. 1539) boundless benefits of Nam- Our Founder Nichiren Myoho-Renge-Kyo will be be- Daishonin, the True Buddha of stowed on the people who live the infinite past of kuon-ganjo, not only during the Daishonin’s who made his advent into this (Continued on page 3) ISSUE 228 PAGE 3 Guidance from Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin (continued) (Continued from page 2) teachings and use the doctrines to censure erroneous teachings to lifetime, but also for the ten thou- the best of your ability. (Gosho, sand years of the Latter Day of p. 403) the Law and beyond into the fu- Precisely, in the defiled age of ture, and save all living beings. the Latter Day of the Law, when Then, we must teach this great the Lotus Sutra and pre-Lotus Law of the salvation of all living Sutra teachings are confused, beings to not only the people of now is the time for us to teach the Japan but also the people around vast and boundless benefits of the world as much as we can. It is Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the secret essential that we devote ourselves Law that can save all living be- to propagate Myoho-Renge-Kyo ings, to as many people as possi- all the more. ble and do shakubuku. We must The Daishonin teaches in the be aware that this is the best way Gosho, Questions and Answers to embrace the will of Nichiren between a Sage and a Foolish Daishonin, the True Buddha. Man (Shogu mondo-sho) as fol- In the Gosho, Rissho ankoku- lows: ron (On Securing the Peace of the The world today is defiled with Land through the Propagation of impurities. People’s minds are True Buddhism), the Daishonin membership of 800,000 Hokkeko distorted, filled with envy, and teaches the following: believers by 2021, when we will provisional and slanderous teach- If one desires peace to reign commemorate the 800th Anniver- ings abound. This makes it diffi- throughout the entire nation with- sary of the advent of our Found- cult for the true Law to be propa- out delay, he should first and er, Nichiren Daishonin. gated. At such a time, it is of no foremost put an end to the slan- In particular, when I look at the use to practice the reading, recit- ders that prevail throughout the chaotic condition of the world ing and transcribing of sutras, or country. (Gosho, p. 247) today due to the evolving situa- to contemplate, meditate, or dis- The Daishonin warns us that tion with COVID-19, I strongly cipline oneself. You simply must erroneous teachings, which are feel that now is the time for the perform shakubuku. You should false doctrines and heretical reli- priesthood and laity of Nichiren powerfully vanquish slanderous gions, make not only an individu- Shoshu to teach the vast benefits al but also the entire nation of Myoho-Renge-Kyo to as many and even the whole world people as possible, based on the fall into the hell of incessant principle expounded in the Rissho suffering. Thus, our im- ankoku-ron, in order to realize portant role is to eliminate the establishment of the peaceful these slanders and save the Buddha land. With these efforts it people who suffer the direst is most essential that we continue distress. to devote ourselves to our prac- tice, aiming toward the propaga- At this time, the priesthood tion of the true Law throughout and laity of Nichiren Shoshu the entire world. are devoting ourselves to the practice, day and night, with I sincerely wish that you will unity based on the spirit of keep this in mind and make fur- itai doshin, as we aim to- ther efforts in your practice for ward our goal—to achieve a oneself and others.
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