SHAPING THE BOROUGH Draft LOCAL PLAN 2020 – 2035 Public Consultation Consultation Draft July 2019 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (July 2019) Translation Foreword Introduction Contents 1 Introduction and Background 1 2 Setting the Scene 8 Spatial Strategy 3 Vision and Strategic Objectives 10 4 Waltham Forest's Spatial Strategy 14 5 South Waltham Forest 28 6 Central Waltham Forest 42 7 North Waltham Forest 53 Thematic Policies 8 Decent Homes for Everyone 64 9 Building a Resilient and Creative Economy 83 10 Promoting Culture and Creativity 98 11 Distinctive Town Centres and High Streets 104 12 Social and Community Infrastructure 122 13 Promoting Health and Well-being 130 14 Creating High Quality Places 136 15 Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure 141 16 Enhancing and Preserving our Heritage 157 17 Protecting and Enhancing the Environment 168 18 Ensuring Climate Change Resilience 186 19 Promoting Sustainable Waste Management 200 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (July 2019) Contents Implementation & Monitoring 20 Delivering the Plan 204 Appendices 1 Policies Map Changes 215 2 Evidence Base 233 3 Monitoring Indicators and Targets 234 Glossary 1 Glossary 241 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (July 2019) Translation INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION ASSISTANCE This document or its summary can be made available in other languages, large print, Braille, audio-tape format or a translation service provided on request. Should you require access to Translation these services please contact us at the address stated below. This document can also be made available on Audio Tape D Braille D Large Print D Dokumenti apo permbledhja e tij mund te sigurohen :/.>lL :/.>l�ci.Lc-t ?i �-i�l!l'I.I.QL <>t1w G-t.Lt:1.t:/.>l1.�i, lilcL :/.>let�l�l, ne gjuhe tjera, shtyp te madh, Braille, audiokasete �ec-t�l. :/.>ll.Ll�l Z'I.I. 'I.I.� :/.>ll!l.C!.l Gilt:1.lcH �C!.l G,m 8'1.1.(-tu-!:1, apo i perkthyer sipas kerkeses. Nese ju keni l!le �L1 b. "Iii. n�� :/.>lt �cu""1.1 "l5R c-tt5l., n1 �'1.1.L !5�H nevoje per keto sherbime, ju lusim na kontaktoni ne :/.>l�� ""1.1�""1.l �H""1.l� �'I.I.� !5�. adresen e dhene me poshte. Albanian D Gujarati D _,i ofi.1 �4 _,i _sy..i wl.il) � _,i �_,ll o� y,s) � � ,rqf 7:lT � "tj� ��,311if, � �a_.mif 7:lTWR l�J., . ylb.11 � 4 Ji t.,� y,s)�_, ..b:iytll .)c _,i J.u-i � cITffi '2:q 1R �t �tw:rr 3m: �,311� if ,jl_,k.l\ _)c lk... 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French D Urdu D CONTACT: Name _________________________________________ Planning Policy Address --------------------------------------- London Borough of Waltham Forest Magistrates court, Waltham Forest Town Hall Forest Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 4JF Telephone 020 8496 3000 Email: [email protected] Tele hone o p N ----------------------------------- Web site: www.walthamforest.gov.uk Translated by London Borough of Waltham Forest Interpreting and Translation Service T15806 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (July 2019) Foreword Foreword Waltham Forest is a place where people want to live, raise a family and start a business. The Local Plan plays an important role in making these dreams a reality, while ensuring the unique character of the borough is protected and enhanced. Our priority as a Council is to plan for future growth, so that development makes a lasting and positive impact on communities and opens up new opportunities for our people. This links to our three overarching priorities as a Council: Safer cleaner streets Ensuring a decent roof over the heads of our residents Improving the life chances of all our residents To do this effectively, we need to ensure we promote the right development in the right places at the right scale, creating attractive sustainable neighbourhoods as well as new economic opportunities. The draft policies in this Plan aim to address the needs of the local community over the next 15 years, including the delivery of new high quality, genuinely affordable homes, new jobs and employment space, thriving cultural neighbourhoods and town centres, infrastructure, preserving the environment and addressing climate change. We are now consulting on the second stage of the new Local Plan. We want your views on the policies, visions and objectives in this document and whether they reflect your borough and the delivery of good growth. The Plan is built around five core, golden threads: 1. Increasing housing delivery. Creating liveable places. 2. Ensuring growth is sustainable and supported by infrastructure. 3. Building on the unique strengths of the borough and carrying forward its cultural legacy. 4. Promoting the economy to improve life chances for all residents, students and workers. 5. Ensuring land optimisation and driving investment. We believe this Plan will help achieve that and hope that your comments will help us put the right policies in place to help build a better future for our residents and our communities. Cllr Simon Miller - Portfolio Lead Member for Economic Growth and Housing Delivery London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan Shaping the Borough - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (July 2019) 1 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 Waltham Forest is first ever Mayor's London Borough of Culture.This recognises the potential of the borough as a driver of transformational change in the capital. Like the rest of London we are changing and growing to meet the new challenges which come from population expansion, the housing crisis and the impacts of Brexit uncertainty. We believe that our unique heritage and cultural identity enables us to respond positively to the challenges that are identified in this draft Plan. 1.2 Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (2020-2035) is the next stage in preparing a new Local Plan for the Borough. This Local Plan shapes and manages good growth, development and regeneration across the Borough for the next 15 years. It sets out how the Borough will meet the challenges of economic, environmental and social sustainability to ensure good growth and sustainable development. 1.3 Once adopted, the new Local Plan will replace the Core Strategy (2012), Development Management Policies Document (2013), Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan (2014) and Blackhorse Lane Area Action Plan (2015), with a single Local Plan, supported by a series of Supplementary Planning Documents, Neighbourhood Plans (as may be prepared) masterplans, and planning briefs. This Plan will shape developments and guide neighbourhood plans and decisions on the location, amount and types of development the Borough requires to meet local needs Introduction and Background and accommodate sustainable good growth. 1 1.4 Together with the London Plan and the North London Waste Plan (once they are adopted), this Plan will form the Statutory Development Plan under section 38 of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. Purpose of this document 1.5 The publication of the draft Local Plan is an important stage in preparing the new Local Plan. The draft Local Plan carries forward and builds on the Direction of Travel consultation work undertaken in November-December 2017 and other new evidence or information. At the earlier round of consultation, key planning issues likely to face Waltham Forest in the next 15 years were identified and a set of policy directions were put forward as options. 1.6 This draft Plan sets out the preferred or chosen policy approach in addressing the issues identified. In particular, the most realistic and appropriate policy options have been considered in accordance with national and regional policy, which also align with the vision for the Borough.The draft Plan seeks to promote the sustainable growth of Waltham Forest. 1.7 Planning legislation requires Council’s to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal as part of the plan making process.
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