
1920 SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS If you will send $3.50 for a year's Subscrip­ tion to Good Morning, before November 1st, 1920, we will send, without cost, the back issues of Good Morning, beginning with Vol. 2, No. 1. Good Morning, edited by Art Young, is the biggest thing that has happened in the labor movement. Help shove it across. Subscribe Now. Mrs. Margaret Sanger, the great birth control adt'ocate, 15c. per Copy. and her two sona $1.00 for 3 Months. $3.50 per Year. --WOMAN -- - -- --- --- -- -- -- -- AND THE GOOD MORNING CO., INC., NEW RACE~~ 7 East 15th Street, New York City. For the enclosed $3.50 enter 1/1 y subscription to Good By MARGARET SANGER Morning for one year. Send the back issues beginning May 1st, 1920, Vol. 2,1\'0. 1, without e:dra charge. This book, just published, is Margaret Sanger's greatest effort for the birth control movement. It con­ JVame . .............•........................... tains the very essence of her life's work. It instructs Address . ................................... the women of the world in the greatest step of their emancipation. "Woman and the New Race" contains, City and State . ............................... the sum total of her experience-the knowledge she dared to utter and print! It contains the story of her T. F. HASTINGS, Du:,. Mgl'. long struggle through prison and the courts for wom­ an's l'ight to the knowledge which will set her free. Havelock Ellis, in his preface to "Woman and the New Race," says: RATIONAL LIVING "Let this book be nad; let it be ?-ead by every man Editor: BENZION LIBER, M. D. and woman who can read. And the sooner it is not Doctor ot Public Health only read, but acted upon, the better for the world." RATIO~AL LIYING will be'.an independent radical monthly de- voted to the teaching of rational tnethods of living. If you fai.l to read this book do not ever complain of HeaJth Conservation-Preventiqn of Disease-Social Hygiene­ Industrial Hygieno--Personal and Intimate Hygiene-Child aI?-Y unhappmess that may be yours, resulting from lack Hygiene-The Child and the Home-Plain, Drugless Trea.t­ of knowledge of the married state, because "'Woman and ment of JJisease-6irth Control-All Truths .From All. Schools the New Race" possesses the knowledge you must and -Fighting JJishonesty in All Realin&, Proft>ssions-Answers should have. to Sub!Scribers' Questions. RATIO~AL LIYIXG "'ill be an educational guide for manual PART OF CONTENTS----------·. and mental workers of both sexes. It will teach the rea(ter bow Woman's Error and her Continence: Is it Practi- to liye in order to avoid disease and to be as health' and as Debt cable or Desirable? beautiful as possible under present conditions. It ,vill teach The Struggle for Freedom Contraception or Abortion? parents how to take care of tlleir children. Two Cl,asses of 'Voman Are Preventive Means Cer- RATIONAL LIVING will not be sensational, will not cater to Immorality of l'nwanted tain? !lth~etes and extraordinary people. It will hq,ve in view the plain, Large Families Battalion of Pnwanted ordlllary man, woman and child. It will belong to no mC'rUcal Cries ot Despair Babies Cause of War school, but will take the truth wherever found aud present it to Women Who Plead for Woman and Morality the reader in simple, clear English. It will be scientific, but Abortion L~1;Slating ,V oman's Mor- popular. It will save you money. RATIO~AL LIVING will be open-minded and alert to all mod­ When. Shou!d a. Woman Why ~ot Birth Control ern problems and particularly to all new ideas tending to im­ AVOId Havmg ChIldren': CliIlics in America? prove the ~eople's health. It will publish just and fearless criti­ AnYone of the al?ove ehapters alon~ is worth the cism of all fakes and humbugs. prIce of the book RATIONAL LIVING will advise organized labor as to sanitary conoitions in shops, factories and mines and will stud v the oc· cupational diseases in all industries:' It will teach you 'how and THE KNOWLEDGE IS PRICELESS what to eat, how to dress, how to taj,e carl' of ,our 110me. It 'vill This book, "Woman and the ~ew Race," bj' ~Iargaret San­ contain interesting and instructiYe illustrations. ger, contains so much that is vital, thorough and necessary to TIle name of our editor, wll0 is ,\Yell kno,yn in radical circlE'S ,?very married couple, that it would requir~ as an educator, lecturer and writer on social and economic, but a book to explain it. The knowledge be­ "\Voman and mainly on medical subjects, is a guarantee for the quality of our tween its covers is priceless. the :Sew magazine. Send $2 to-day for "'Yoman and the New Race" HATIO:\,AL LIYI~G will be a work of love for a great cause. It Race," and if you are not satisfied it is Sent Prepaid will take no arlvertisements, or, if any, only tho'w which upon worth its weight in gold we wili refund Anywhere. examination "'ill be found relialole. your money. Order before this first edi­ Only It ,yill appear in November, 1fJ20, or as soon as a sufficient num­ tion is exhausted and the price advances, Itpr of subscriptions will be rpceived. Onl~' few Single copies will and while we stiU have the privilege of ue sold, and in few places only. The more sunscriptions, the bet­ sending it to you. Order direct and at $2 ter, the larger, the more beautiful the magazine. once-don't delay. Subscribe at once and ask all your friends to suhscribe. Subscriptions acceptpd no'". Subseription price, until ~oypmher 1:). -l dollars a year, or cor­ TRUTH PUBLISHING CO., responding rates for s110rter pertpus. :\Iail chp('ks or money orders. 1400 BROADWAY, DEPT. 2.E., NEW YORK, N. Y. Address: RATIO~AL LIYI:\,G, G1 Hamilt(,n Place, New York City. SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW- SUBSCRIBERS If you will send $3.50 for a year's Subscrip­ tion to Good Morning, before November 1st, 1920, we will send, \yjthout cost, the back issues of Good Morning, beginning with Vol. 2, No. 1. Good Morning, edited by Art Young, is the biggest thing that has happened in the labor movement. Help shove it across. Subscribe Now. Mr . Margaret Sanger, the great birth control advocate, 15c. per Copy. and her bwo son. $1.00 for 3 Months. $3.50 per Year. ~~WOMAN AND THE GOOD MOR I G CO., INC., 7 Ea t 15th Street, New York City. NEW RACE~~ Fo)' the enelo, ed $3.50 enter my subscription to Good By MARGARET SANGER JIilorning jor one year. Send the back issue8 beginning M.ay 1st, 1920, Vol. 2, /\;0 1, 1('ithout extra cha?·ge. This book, just published, is Margaret Sanger's greatest effolt for the birth control movement. It con­ arne . ........ , .•.. ............ , ... , ......... tains the very essence of her life's work. It instructs the women of the world in the greatest step of their Add?'eS8. .. ...................... emancipation. "Woman and the New Race" contains. City (t1ul State ................................ the sum total of her experience--the knowledge she dared to utter and print! It contains the story of her T. F. HASTINGS, Bus. Mgr. long struggle through prison and the courts for wom­ an's right to the knowledge which will set her free. Havelock Ellis, in his preface to "Woman and the New Race," says: RATIONAL LIVING "Let this book be ?'ead; let it be read by every man Editor: BENZION LIBER, M. D. and WO'TIULn who can read. And the soone?' it is not Doctor at PubliC Healtb only read, but acted npon, the better for the world." RATIO, AL I,IYIl'>G will be an imlependent rudical monthly dc, vored to the teacbing of tatipnal iueUlods of livln)!. If you fail to read this book do not ever complain of Health Con servaUon-Prevontiltn 01 D lscabe-Soci ..l Hygiene­ any unhappmess that may be yours, resulting from lack Industrl ..1 H ygiello>-Personlll and .1ntbnate Hygiene-Child H ygiene-The ClJ lld and the Home-Philo, DrugleH8 Treat­ of knowledge of the married tate, becau e "Woman and m ent of Disease-Birth Control-All 'rruths From A ll Schools the ew Race" posse es t he knowledge you must and -Figbtlng Dis h()nesty I.n All H ealing Prufuslons-Answers should have. tu Sullscrill.,r,,' q ucstions. nATIONAL LIYll\G will be an edueaUonal gnide for manual PART OF CONTENTS ----------. and mental workN's of \)oth sex('s, It w111 tcach the reaa~r bow Woman's Error and ber Continl'llc(': r~ II Praeli. to Iiye in ord r to avoid dlsen e nnd to be as hf'nlUn and as Debt cable or D('sirnbl('? beautifnl as possihle under present conditions. It will teach The Struggle tor Fr ed m antra!' pilon or A bortJon 7 parents how to take care of their children. Two C1llsse or Woman Are Pre,'entive l\J l'nlls 't'r. RA'l'lO AL LIVING will not be sensaUonlll. will not cater to Immorul!ty of l 'nwont d toin? athl tes and extraordinary people. It wlll bl)ve In view the plain. Large Fnmllle~ ButtaUou ot '["uwanted ordinary man. woman nnd cbild. It will belong to no mNlical Cries ot De pair Bullies alls<- or War sch 01, but will take the trutb wherever fOllnd and prest'nt it to Women Who Plead tor Womnn and Morality the read r in simple.
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