SOME OF THE MORE COMMON GALLS Al.'lD ABNOfu'4AL PLANT GROWTHS CAUSED BY INSECTS AND MITES IN THE FORESTED AREAS OF MANITOBA AND SASKATCHEWAN by H. R. Wong, B. B. McLeod and J.C. E. Melvin Canadian Forestry Service Winrtipeg"Manitoba Information Report MS-X-23 Canadian Forestry Service January, 1970 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 Galls of the Various Host Plants • 4 Ash (Fraxinus). • . • . • • • . • • . 5 5 =--- fraxiniflora (Felt)(Ash flower-gall mite) Coneflower (Rudbeckia) •••••.• , •••..•, 6 Asphondylia rudbeckiaeconspicua (Osten Sacken)(a gall midge). , 6 7 Fir (Abies) ., f;!, C to • "§ � Ol\ e$' ., .. -'.I e _ � 0 � e � (> " Dasineura .balsamicola (Lintner)(balsam gall midge). 7 Goldenrod (Solidago) •••••.•••••••.•.• 8 Eurosta solidaginis (Fitch)(a goldenrod gall fly) • 8 Lasioptera solidaginis Osten Sacken (knotty goldenrod gall) • . 9 Maple (Acer) . , • . • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • 10 Gontarlna negundifolia Felt (Boxelder leaf- gall midge). 10 Lasioptera Spa (a gall midge) . • . • • • • . • . • . 11 P:oteoteras willingana (Kearfott)(box elder twig borer), 12 13 � ........._ ..:..:::==:: ••••.••• 13 _ Gillette (hairy oak gall) =�=..:::.;:;.= petiolicola (Osten Sacken) (oak leaf stalk gall) 14 •••••... 15 ______....;:c.. sp. (a gall wasp) (a gall wasp) ••••• •.••.••• 16 mamma (Gresson) (rough bullet gall) ••••••• 17 .:;;;..;;.�....:.....;....;;..c;;.;;;;.Ji.-:,- =���L::� spongiosa (Karsch)(woolly fig gall) 18 Neuroterus sp. (a gall wasp) •• 19 20 reeksi Vockeroth (a jack-pine pitch midge) •• 20 ..;;..c;;���� ���� calycis Bugbee (a jack-pine gall chalcid). , 21 Petrova albicapitana (Busck)(northern pitch twig moth), 22 Xyelid sp (a sawfly) 23 24 Poplar (Populus) •••.•• , ., " ••• , o , 24 Aceria parapopuli (Keifer) (p plar bud-gall mite), 25 Asiphum sacculi Gillette (aspen leaf pocket aphid) • , ••• , 26 Ectoedemia populella (Busck)(ribbed petiole gall) , , • • , • , 27 Melanagromzza sp. (a poplar twig gall). , • 28 Mordwilkoj a vagabunda (Walsh) (poplar vagabond aphid). Pemphigus junctisensoriatus Maxson (a poplar petiole-leaf gall aphid) . • . • . • . • • . • . • , 29 Pemphigus populicaulis Fitch (a popl,,!lt(leaf�peUole gall aphid) oil e; • � '" {t -$ 'J! (: eo "" to -t It <) <:! � '" l' f;/ III I!I b � 30 .;:..;:;.;::,;;:.=.-..::;;.� . 31 populitransversus Riley (poplar petiole gall aphid) __� __ mono ha us Maxson (a poplar gall aphid) • 32 �_ p g ���=� affinis (Kaltenbach)(a gall aphid), . 33 ��__ . r 34 _ populnea moesta Leconte (popla twig borer) , 35 (a gall wasp) , 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contlde) Page 36 =�..:..;.;:....;:.o....;;.;:.. bicolor (Harris) (a gall wasp) 36 =�........;;.--'- ....... multispinosa (Gillette) (a gall wasp) 37 =�.::.,;::.;::.£..;=-=- nebulosa (Bassett)(a gall wasp) " . , • 38 =���=-=- radicum (Osten Sacken) (rose root-gall wasp) • 39 Diplolepis rosae (Linnaeus) (mossy rose gall) •• 40 Rbabdophaga rosacea Felt (Rosette midge) . 41 Spruce (Picea) •.••. , • , . • • 42 Adelges cooleyi (Gillette)(Cooley spruce gall aphid) Adelges lariciatus (Patch)(a spruce gall aphid) 43 Mayetiola piceae (Felt)(a spruce gall aphid) • 44 Rhabdophaga swainei Felt (spruce bud midge) 45 -====-=- creeper (Parthenocissus) . ,... 46 ����� parthe�ocissi (Stebbins)(a gall midge) , 46 �-lil1ow (Salix) •••• ....,..,...... 47 i �d us criddlei Frost (a flat-headed wood borer) .••• 47 Mayetiola rigidae (Osten Sacken) (willow-beaked gall midge) . 48 Oligotrophus salicifolius Felt (a gall midge) • . • 49 Pontania proxima (Lepeletier) (bean gall sawfly) ...• 50 :...,;:.;::....::;.:=.=:. sp. (a gall sawfly) . ' , , •• , • , • 51 salicisbatatas Osten Sacken (a gall midge) • 52 strobiloides (Osten Sacken)(pi ne-cone willow aphid) • . , « • • , ' • • •• •••• 53 =� inornata Say (poplar gall saperda) • • . • • . • , 54 Ackno"tledgments • . 55 3 INTRODUCTION Attempts to identify the many galls and abnormal plant growths caused by insects and mites in the forested areas of Manitoba and Saskatchewan have been hindered by the scarcity of work in this field" The standard guide, "Plant Galls and Gall Makers1t by E, p, Felt (Comstock Pub, Co. Inc , New York, 1940), wbile of some help, is outdated and pertains mainly to the eastern part of Nort.h America, Thi.s report indicates the species of insects and mites causing some of the mO"e common galls or abnormal plant growths in this area, and 18 based on laboratory rearings conducted during the last three yearso The insects or mites causing these growths wece determined by specialists, and are grouped according to their host, Foy each species a photograph of its characteristic damage is shown, together' with common name, scientific order and family to which it belongs, known distribution in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. and at least one reference to some aspect of its biology It is hoped that this work will aid in the recognition of Sallie of the lliore common gall-makers in this a:ea, and will form the basis of a more comprehenSive work in this field 4 Galls of the Various Host Plants Aceria fraxiniflora (Felt) ORDER: Acarina 5 Ash flower-gall mite FAl1ILY: Eriophyidae HOST: Ivanica NElrSn va . LOCATION OF GALLS: T,vigs l.Zl'JOI,fN DISTRIBUTION: South and central areas 0 bo pr(yvinces. REFERENCES: NcDowell, D •. (Direct 1960. Pests and diseases of and rubs. 5: 7 pp. tera loY: Ce idae 1\ gal HOST: Conef rRudbeckia spp.) LOCATION OF GALLS: Fol K.NO�{N DISTI�IB PJ�FERENCES: Os ten Sacken, notes on 3: 51-54. Dasineura balsamicola (Lintne ORDER: Diptera 7 Balsam gall midge FAt'4ILY: CecidomyUdae HOST: Balsam fir balsamae LOCATION OF GALLS: l�eedles Kl'lOlffl DISTRIBUTION: the range of balsam fir in both provinces. REFERE��CES: Giese , R. L. and D. amino 1959. The biology midge in vlisconsin. For. Eurosta ) _..:::.c:.�",,",--,=-=- (Fit ch. ORDER: Diptera 8 A goldenrod gall fly FA11ILY: Tephritidae HOST: Goldenrods (Solidago spp. ) LOCATION OF GALLS: SteTI� K.NOWN DISTRIBUTION: Northern and central Saskatchewan and Central �illnitoba. REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. Plant galls and gall makers. 364 pp. 9 .::-=.��=::.=-=- Osten Sacken OPJ)ER: era Knotty goldenrod gall FAHILY: CecidomyUdae hOST: Goldenrods ( Solidago spp. ) LOCATION OF GALLS: Stems K;WHN DISTRIBt:TION: Scattered locations in �'ianitoba and central Saskatchewan. REFERE:JCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. Plant makers. Cams tack Pub. Co. Inc., 364 pp. 10 Contarinia -�----"'-'= Felt ORDER: Diptera Boxelder leaf gall midge Ffu�ILY: Cecidomyiidae HOST: l1anitoba maple L. var. int erius (Britt.) Sarg. ) LOCATION OF GALL: Leaves. KNOi,<,iN DISTRIBUTION: Throughout range oE host in both provinces. REFERENCeS: Hilson, L.F. 1966. Lif e hist.ory, habits, and damage of the boxelder leaf Felt in Ent. 98: 777-784. Lasioptera sp. ORDER: Diptera 11 A gall midge F&�ILY: Cecidomyiidae HOST: �funitoba maple (� negundo L. var. interius (Britt.) Sarg.) LOCATION OF GALL: Leaves hl�OWN DISTRIBUTION: Southern Manitoba REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. Plant galls and gall makers. Co. Inc., 364 pp. Proteote (Kearfott) ORDER: Lepidoptera 12 Boxelder twig borer FAHILY: Tortricidae Old Gall NeVi Gall HOST: Hanitoba maple =-::--"2-..........-'- L. var. interius (Britt.) Sarg. ) LOCATION OF GA LLS: New shoots. KNO\� DISTRIBUTION: Throughout the natural range of the host in both provinces. REFERENCES: Peterson, L.O.1. 1958. The boxelder t\vig borer, Proteoterus � (Kearf ott) , (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae . Ent . 90: 639-646. Acraspis villosa Gillette ORDER: Hymenoptera 13 Hairy oak gall FANILY: Cynipidae liOST: bur oak N.ichx .. ) LOCATION OF GALL: linderside leaves. KNOWN DISTRIBUTION: toba. REFERENCES: Fel t , makers . 364 tera Andricus iolicol a en 14 Oak leaf stalk ANILY: Cynipidae HOST: Btl oak . ) LOCATION OF GALL: Petioles. DI Th r oak in j\1anitoba. Felt, makers. 364 pp. _A_11_0_: _--'-_ S P • Hymenoptera 15 A gall wasp FAlHLY: Cynipidae HOST: Bur oak . ) LOCATION OF GALL: KJ:iO\.JN DISTRIBUTION: Southern lvlanitoba. REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. 1ant I1s and 11lakers 4b Comstock Pub, , , York. 364 pp. Andrlcus sp. ORDER: Hymenoptera 16 A gall ''''asp FAMILY: Cynlpidae HOST: Bur oak (Que reus -=lr=,a:.::e=-=-:�=-::.£.:::_ Hichx.) LOCATIO;;! OF GALL: Leaves. KNm{;:� DISTRIBUTION: Southern toba. REFERENCES: Fe 1 t , 19ltO� P13Ilt and gall makers. tock Co. Inc., 364 pp. Disholcaspis maw®a (Cresson) ORDER: Hymenoptera 17 Rough bullet gall FANILY: Cvnipidae HOST: Bur oak (Quercus macrocar� Hichx.) LOCATION OF GALLS: Twigs and small branches. K.i'iOWN DISTRIBUTION: Southem Manitoba. REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. Plant galls and gall makers. Comstock Pub. Co. Inc •• New Yor�. 364 pp. Disholcaspis spongiosa (Karsch) ORDER: Hymenoptera 18 Woolly fig gall FAMILY: Cynipidae HOST: Bur oak ---�'-- Hichx. ) LOCATION OF GALL: Twigs. ��Oh� DISTRIBUTION: Central and southern Hanitoba and Saskatchewan. REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. Plant galls and gall makers. -'-'-.......:..-=-=-� Pub. New 364 pp. Neuroterus sp. tera 19 A gall wasp FAHILY: Cynipidae HOST: Bur oak LOCATION OF GALL: Underside 0 leaves. KNOHN DISTRIBUTIO;>I: Scattered collections in Nanitoba. REFERENCES: Felt, E.P. 1940. Plant and makers. Comstock Pub,. Co. Inc",,, iie\,v York. 364 pp. reeksi Vocke roth OtWER: Diptera 20 A jack-pine pitch Cecidomyiidae HOST: Jack Lamb. ) LOCATION GALL: shoots .. KNOl:v1'l: DISTRIBUTIOl:;!: Probab the range 0 pine in both p rovinc(�s. REFERENCES: Reeks, . A. 1960. the life history, distribution, two species of on jack pine Eat. 92: 54-160. ---"'--.- Bugbee ORDER: Hymenoptera 21 A jack-pine gall chalcid FAflILY: Eurytomidae HOST: Jack pine Lamb. ) LOCATION OF GALL: .New shoots. Kl'iOWN DISTRIBUTION:
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