PL ISSN 1897-2721 ● ● ● ● ● ● OLSZTYN ● ● ● ECONOMIC ● ● ● JOURNAL ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●●3 (2/2008) ●● ● ● ● ● Wydawnictwo ● Uniwersytetu Warmin´sko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie ● Program Board Zbigniew Bochniarz (University of Minnesota), Andrzej Czyżewski (AE Poznań), Tomasz Dołęgowski (SGH Warszawa), Danuta Rucińska (UG Gdańsk), Marek J. Stankiewicz (UMK Toruń), Jerzy Wilkin (UW Warszawa), Stanisław Urban (AE Wrocław) Editorial Committee Szczepan Figiel, Dymitr Kaliszewicz, Dariusz Waldziński, Ryszard Walkowiak Reviewers Henryk Ćwikliński, Tomasz Dołęgowski, Krystyna Gawlikowska-Hueckel, Wacław Jarmołowicz, Hanna Karaszewska, Maria Kuchlewska, Bogdan Nogalski, Danuta Rucińska, Stanisław Szwankowski, Wacław Szymanowski, Stanisław Urban, Ryszard Walkowiak Executive Editor Mariola Jezierska Cover Desing Maria Fafińska PL ISSN 1897-2721 Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie Olsztyn 2008 Wydawnictwo UWM ul. Jana Heweliusza 14, 10-718 Olsztyn tel.: (0-89) 523 36 61, fax (0-89) 523 34 38 www.uwm.edu.pl/wydawnictwo/ e-mail: [email protected] Nakład 150 egz., ark. wyd. 12,5, ark. druk. 10,25 Druk – Zakład Poligraficzny UWM w Olsztynie zam. nr 659 TABLE OF CONTENTS J. HELLER,D.ROMAN – Pubic Spending and the Economic Growth Rate in the European Union Countries ............................................ 181 K. KOTLIŃSKI – Inflation in the EU Countries as Compared to Selected States in the World ............................................................... 196 W. BREŃSKI,A.OLEKSIUK – Socio-Economic Differentiation of Polish Regions . 212 A. ŹRÓBEK-RÓŻAŃSKA – Role of Foreign Direct Investments in Shaping Labour Market in Warmia and Mazury Voivodship .............................. 227 I. ZABIELSKA – Local Collaboration Between Municipalities and Counties of War- mia and Mazury Voivodship and Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation 237 E. CHODKOWSKA – The Importance of Revitalisation Processes for the Development of Towns in the Province of Warmia and Mazury ........................ 248 R. WALKOWIAK – Competences of the Sme’s and Public Organizations’ Manage- ment Staff ........................................................... 256 A. WYSZYŃSKI – Structured Certificates of Deposit as an Example of Alternative Investments on the Financial Market ................................... 265 M. GRZYBOWSKA-BRZEZIŃSKA – Conditions and Scale of Ecological food Consump- tion ................................................................. 277 J. WITKOWSKA,E.KUCKA – Level of Customer Satisfaction with the Purchased Insurance Service .................................................... 288 A. KOWALSKA,M.GORNOWICZ – Package Preferences of Liquid Dairy Products Buyers .............................................................. 297 E. SPODARCZYK,K.SZELĄGOWSKA-RUDZKA – The Influence of Internal Marketing and Employees’ Entrepreneurship on Knowledge Management ............. 310 Y. MASSON FRANZIL – The Determinants of Logistics Outsourcing Decision. An Empirical Study .................................................. 318 SPIS TREŚCI J. HELLER,D.ROMAN – Wydatki publiczne a tempo wzrostu gospodarczego w krajach Unii Europejskiej ........................................... 181 K. KOTLIŃSKI – Inflacja w krajach Unii Europejskiej na tle wybranych państw na świecie ........................................................... 196 W. BREŃSKI,A.OLEKSIUK – Społeczno-gospodarcze zróżnicowanie polskich regionów ............................................................ 212 A. ŹRÓBEK-RÓŻAŃSKA – Rola bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w kształtowaniu rynku pracy w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim ...... 227 I. ZABIELSKA – Lokalna współpraca gmin i powiatów województwa warmińsko- -mazurskiego z Obwodem Kaliningradzkim Federacji Rosyjskiej ........... 237 E. CHODKOWSKA – Znaczenie procesów rewitalizacji dla rozwoju miast województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego .................................. 248 R. WALKOWIAK – Kompetencje kadry menedżerskiej MSP i organizacji publicznych 256 A. WYSZYŃSKI – Strukturyzowane certyfikaty depozytowe jako przykład inwestycji alternatywnej na rynku pieniężnym ..................................... 265 M. GRZYBOWSKA-BRZEZIŃSKA – Uwarunkowania i skala konsumpcji żywności ekologicznej .......................................................... 277 J. WITKOWSKA,E.KUCKA – Poziom zadowolenia klientów z nabytej usługi ubezpie- czeniowej ............................................................ 288 A. KOWALSKA,M.GORNOWICZ – Preferencje nabywców dotyczące opakowań płyn- nych produktów mleczarskich .......................................... 297 E. SPODARCZYK,K.SZELĄGOWSKA-RUDZKA – Rola marketingu wewnętrznego w pobudzaniu przedsiębiorczości pracowników ........................... 310 Y. MASSON FRANZIL – Wyznaczniki decyzji dotyczących outsourcingu logistycznego. Badanie empiryczne .................................................. 318 OLSZTYN ECONOMIC JOURNAL Abbrev.: Olszt. Econ. J., 2008, 3(2) DOI 10.2478/v10021-008-0016-5 PUBIC SPENDING AND THE ECONOMIC GROWTH RATE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES Janusz Heller, Dorota Roman Chair of Macroeconomics University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn K e y w o r d s: public spending, economic growth, European Union, GDP. Abstract The aim of this study is to make an assessment of the relationship between the total amount of public spending and the economic growth rate. According to the study results, an increase in total amount of public spending (expressed as % of GDP) brings about a decrease in the real gross domestic product. An analysis of the public spending in selected EU countries in the period from 1996 to 2005, measured as its percentage of GDP, reveals its relationship with a change in real GDP value. The relationship is negative, which means that a 1% increase in public spending is accompanied by an average decrease in the real GDP growth rate by 0.151312%. The actual GDP growth rate differs from that estimated by the model by ± 0.13823%. WYDATKI PUBLICZNE A TEMPO WZROSTU GOSPODARCZEGO W KRAJACH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ Janusz Heller, Dorota Roman Katedra Makroekonomii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie S ł o w a k l u c z o w e: wydatki publiczne, wzrost gospodarczy, Unia Europejska, PKB. Abstrakt Celem opracowania jest ocena zależności między ogólną wielkością wydatków a tempem wzrostu gospodarczego. Badania wykazały, że wzrost całkowitych wydatków publicznych (wyrażonych jako %PKB) wpływa na spadek realnego produktu krajowego brutto. Przeanalizowane wydatki publiczne wybranych krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej w okresie 1996–2005, mierzone udziałem procentowym w PKB, zależą od procentowej zmiany realnego produktu krajowego brutto. Zależność ta jest negatywna, co oznacza, że wraz ze wzrostem wydatków publicznych o 1% tempo zmian realnego PKB maleje przeciętnie o 0,151312%. Dane rzeczywiste tempa zmian realnego PKB różnią się od oszacowanych o ±0,13823%. 182 Janusz Heller, Dorota Roman Introduction Economic growth is the foundation for improvement of living conditions and for general welfare, as well as one of the necessary conditions for the progress of civilisation. Owing to all this, economic growth has become one of the key objectives of economic policy of all EU countries. One of the factors which leads to economic growth is an active fiscal policy in which public spending plays a special role. The aim of this study is to assess the relationships (connection) between the amount (level) of public spending and the economic growth rate. Such an assessment can provide the basis for a more general postulate on the role of public spending in economic growth of EU countries. The paper presents the following research hypothesis: there is a negative relationship between the amount of public spending and the economic growth rate, i.e. the lower the level of spending, the higher the growth rate. Hence the question: what should be the level of spending be for the economy to be best stimulated for growth? Subject, scope and method of research The study covered the overall level of public spending, expressed as the percentage of gross domestic product in an annual perspective. Public spend- ing is understood to denote monies spent from the national budget and from local budgets. The study included a group of 15 member states from the “old EU”. The purpose was to make such selection of countries which would ensure full comparability of methods of public spending calculation, not only from the formal perspective (ex post calculation comparison), but also taking into account the current situation1. Such conditions did not appear in the group of 15 EU states until 1996, i.e. after the Community was expanded by Austria, Finland and Sweden. Hence, the study covered the period from 1996 to 2005. The study used the growth rate of the real GDP as the measure which can be used to express the country’s economic growth rate and to compare the economic growth rate in different countries. The data on the level of spending and the GDP change rate were obtained from Eurostat – Statistical Office of the European Communities. In this study, basic statistical measures were employed, i.e. correlation coefficients which can be used in preliminary analy- sis, and an econometric model which was used to present the basic links between economic phenomena. 1 As late as in mid-2007 Poland was in dispute with the European Commission about including – or not – the costs related to open pension funds in public spending. Public Spending and the Economic... 183 Statistical analysis
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