Your local source since 195L $1 I Thursday, August 29,2013 I A W& ¡PTS company ACHICAGO SUN-TIMEScorn publication I niIes.suntimescom Nues Herald-Spectator Fail Fu Guide SpecIal Section Inside Former Park Board member's family has deep roots in area i PAGE 6 © 2013 Sun-Times Media All rights reserved Niles Herald-Spectator I p 1 24/7 local coverage at OE-TLog lIS31IN is PIONEERLOCAL.com Toc00000 isla .L3QNOj>sto 11 J:j0959 5TO-OJ.QiOOOOoo 5O3 THURSI Wi, Al J( IJSI' 29, 2013 Nil BOR DAY VI NGS sling to a hgh.rstandard. SERVICING CHICAGOLAND 888.996.9923 archwayone.com WINDOWS 'OR USE THE MONEY TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF YOUR PROJECL NIL THURSDAY AUGUST29 2013 3 FASHIUN EVENT SAVE THE DATE OCTIO2O 13à PINSTRIPES I NORTH BROOK ONLINE TICKET SALES - COrv'ING SOON k. T SUN:Ç MEDIASPLASH FEATURING 1EDDIEKO$$O BENEFITTING AVENUE FORSUCCESS they FASHIONS -,. PINSTRIPES øWU3 Ø*TÇI - ." 6bIHqPLC ß*inq Stttrnq DEERFIELD CY FREDRICS .DRESS The Vision for Tomorrow F J WILE RS salonspo Th. 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Orloaos, Chicago ti 60654. IMAGINE A FRESH START agine your new begínning at The Homestead at Morton Grove.This ready-to-move-in rental v((.:Çi I) uitth th ommunity offers the best in maintenance-free living H itt(',tçnqn,nr including security, scheduled transportation, .tlburrv. itthí. ocial programs, private patios and terraces, indoor THE 1-IOMESTEAD J.distefl .( ? arking, and more. AT MORTON GROVE ari Essex Community CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A FREE, 6400 Lincoln Avenue, Morton Grove no-oblègation tour at 847-581 -1 800. You'll find us at 847-581-1800 the corner of Lehigh and Lincoln Avenues. www.homesteadatmortongrove.com NIL THIJRSDAY,AUGUST29,2013 I I 5 A DOCTOR WHO HELPS ME TAKE CHARGE OF MY HEALTH. When was the last time your doctor worked with you on staying smart about your health? 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[email protected] I @rick..kambic Prior to stepping down, Lochner sat down with the Champion and evin Lochner's roots in reflected on his experiences and his Morton Grove date back to family's legacy. 844. Of late, most people re- In recognition ofthe Lochner family's member the long-standing Lochner Q:Do people commonly recog- contributions to Morton Grove since Greenhouse on Dempster Street nixe you as a "legacy family" or a 1844, Birch Avenue was given the honor- near Waukegan Road. "founding family'?" ary name "Lochner Way." i RICK KAMBIC/ Representing the fifth generation A: Then-trustee Dan DiMaria SUN-TIMES MEDIA of his family, Lochner served eight proposed naming a street after us years on the Park DistHct Board a couple ofyears ago and that did District 70 school board for a term. of Commissioners and worked go through. Otherwise, I love howl I have so far contributed the most to among other long-term "Gravera" orcould be sitting on my front porch an elected office. We do have strong founding families also in positions ofand every five minutes someone will volunteering ties to St. Martha over authority stop by and say "hi," and whenever the years. However, Lochner stepped down I go out I end up seeing someone I Q:What's your earliest form of from the Park Board on Aug. 15 be- know. In those instances, people say, community service that you can cause a promotion at work caused a"the Lochners have been around remember? conflict of interest. Lochner is now forever." It's a small-town feel that A Running a family business is head of the water and sewer divisionwillnever get old. tough work, so when us kids had for the village. Q:Have past family members free time we were working at the Known for always putting his also been involved h community greenhouse. But in 1989, I started family first, nearly two dozen sib- service? coaching my brothers in baseball. lings, parents, children, nieces and k My great grandfather was There was a need and I didn't nephews attended the Aug 15 meet- village clerk for one term and my want to let my brothers down, so ing to celebrate eight years of work, father was on the Park View School I volunteered. I played ali through Morton Grove Baseball and stopped when I got to high school; then I did gymnastics. Sometimes I wish I had stuck with baseball longer. Q:Why did you first decide to run for the Park Board? Was there a certain issue at the time? A: With my kids having gone through all the park programs from preschool to baseball, to classes and pool passes, I got to know a lot of the people who run this place - espe- cially then-director Jeff Fougerous- se. With a lot ofneat ideas floating around, I wanted a voice in making some ofthem happen. Q:What's your most memorable accomplishment as a commissioner? k My colleagues voted me president in my second year on the board, and I didn't even vote for myself, and we ended up helping Golf School redevelop their land. Myself then-director Jeff Foug- erousse and commissioner Betty Kevin Lochner served on the Morton Grove Park Board of Commissioners for more Kevin Lochner, center right, and wife karyn surrounded by their children Kevin Chris- Fergus went to Springfield to do a than eight years and was elected president shortly before his Aug.
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