
This article was downloaded by: [New York University] On: 07 January 2015, At: 07:59 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 7 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ tnah13 XXXVII.—On a collection of Mantidæ from the Transvaal &c. formed by Mr. W. L. Distant W.F. Kirby F.L.S. F.E.S. Published online: 28 Sep 2009. To cite this article: W.F. Kirby F.L.S. F.E.S. (1899) XXXVII.—On a collection of Mantidæ from the Transvaal &c. formed by Mr. W. L. Distant , Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 7, 4:23, 344-353, DOI: 10.1080/00222939908678211 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222939908678211 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions Downloaded by [New York University] at 07:59 07 January 2015 344 Mr. W. F. Kirby on submarginal spots between the tails are all surmounted by deep orange A-shaped caps; only the spot on the inferior median interspace is ingensely black~ all the others are brown. Expanse of wings 32 millim. St. Aignan Island~ Louisiades (A. S. Meek). Lyc~nesthes aruan% sp. n. d'. Vew like a large L. emolus on both surfaces, but the secondaries above with well-deflned black submarginal spots as in L. amboinensis: on the under surface the orange- bordered spot of the secondaries is much larger than in Z. emolus, but otherwise the markings are extremely similar. Expanse of wings 36 millim. 9. This sex may be distinguished at a glance from the female of L. emolus by the possession of a large white patch on the upper surface of the primaries as in Phil&is ~ntensa from the same island: under surface generally whi~er than L. emolus, but otherwise similar. Expanse of wings 36 millim. d'~ Aru (Wallace) : B. hi. ?, coll. I-Iewitson. XXXVII.--On a Colleetgon of Mantid~e from the Transvaal &c..formed by .Cir. W. L. Distant. By W. F. KIRBr~ F.L.S, F.E.S., &c. MOST of the species enumerated in tlle following list were collected by Mr. Distant in the Transvaal and by Mr. P. Rendall in Nyasaland; a few~ howeve5 are from olher localities. The Mantida~ are conspicuous insects and fairly well known, and therefore the proportion of new species is not large. There are, however, several quite common species about which much ambiguity exists~ owing to the typical specimens not having been figured., and to the omission of Downloaded by [New York University] at 07:59 07 January 2015 Important characters in the descriptmns. The collection includes thirty-two species. ORTHOPTERA. Mantidm. EREMIAPHILIN~tL .P~ffoman~'8~Gerst. Chlropus~ Sauss. 4. singularis~ Gerst. l. insidiator, Wood-)~Iason. Zygdamia. 2. maura~ StY. 5. capitata~ Sauss. Tarachodes~ Burm. 6. lenticularis~ Sauss. 3. perloides~ Burro. Mantidm from the Transvaal. 345 MANTIN~. C I~Eo B OTI~INA~]. E~tella, St'~l. Oxypilus, Serv. 7. Dela!andii, Sauss. 23. capensls~Sauss. I)ystacta, Sauss. 8ibylla, St£1. 8. paradoxa, Sauss. 24. pretiosa, St~l. .Pseudomantis. _Phyllocrania, Burm. 9. zebrata, Charp. 25. paradoxa, Burro. Tenodera, Burm. 26. insignls, Westw. 10. superstitiosa, Fabr. Pseudocreobotra, Sauss. 11. cantata, Sauss. 27. Wahlbergl, STY1. SThodromantis, Still. t[a~Tagomanti% nora. nov. 12. gastrica, St~l. 28. tricolor, Linn. _~hombodera, Burm. Acanthomantis, Sauss. & Zehntn. 13. seutata, Karsch. 29. ~endalli, sp. n. Mantis, Linn. 14. sacra, Thunb. 15. pia, Serv. VATINm. Hoplocorypha, St~l. _Popa, St~l. 16. galeata, Gerst. 30. undata, Fabr. Miomantis, Sauss. JDanuria, St~l. 17. fenestrata, Fabr. 31. Thunbergi, St~l. 18. monacha, Fabr. 19. semialata, Sauss. 20. 8avignyi, Sauss. EMPUSIN~. Cilnia, St$1. I[emfempusa, gauss. & Zehntn. 21. humerali% Sauss. 32. Burro. 8olygia, St£1. ca2ensis, 22. JDistantl, sp. n. ~JREMIAPIIIZIN~E, 1. Ch{ropus insidiator. Tarachodes i~sidlator, Wood-Mason, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, li. p. 22 (I882) ; Cat. Mant. p. 28 (1889). 1, Barberton (P. Rendall). Nyasa (W'. M.) ; Somaliland (Loft PMllips) ; Voi, British East Africa ( C. g. Baton). B. M. 2. Ch{ropus maura. Downloaded by [New York University] at 07:59 07 January 2015 CMropacha maura, St~M~ (Efvers. Yet.-Akad. F5rh. xv. p. 168 (1856). Chiropacha puncta, Sauss. Mgm. Soc. Gen~ve, xxi. p. 2t;9 (1871). 1, Zomba (P. Rendall). Nata| (St. & gauss.) ; Lake Nyasa (B. M. : coll. Thellwall). 3. Tarachodes perlo(des. Tarachodes perloides, Burm. ttandb. Ent. ii. p. 529 (1839). 3, Pretoria (W. L. D.). Cape of Good Hope (Burro.) ; Murchison Range, Trans- vaal (B. M. : coll. C. R. Jones). 346 Mr. W. F. Kirby on 4. P!trgomantis slnffular[s. rgomantls singularis, Gerst. Arch. f. Nat. xxxv. p. "211 (18(39); auss. Mirth. schweiz, ent. Ges. iii. p. 2'23 (1870); Mgm. Soc. Gen~ve, xxi. p. 177 (1871); Westw. Rev. Mant. p. 3, pl. xiv. figs. 4, 5 (1889). 2, Pretoria (W. L./).). Between Mombas and Wanga (Gerst.) ; Natal (Gue{nzlus) ; Zululand (W. H. Heale); Pirie Bush, S. Africa (A. N. Stennin9). B. ]~. A curious species, with a long pointed cone-shaped head like t)seudorhynchus or Tryxalis. 5. Lygdamia capitata. Chlropacha eapltata, Sauss. Mirth. sehweiz, ent. Ges. iii. p. 61 (1869) ; M6m. Soe. Gen~ve, xxi. p. 18, pl. iv. fig. 2 (1871). Z,ygdamia capitata, St~l, Bihang Vet.-Akad. Handl. ix. (10) p. 17 (1877). 3, Pretoria (IV. L. D.) ; 1, Pienaars River (W. L. D.) ; 1, Zomba (P. Rendalt) ; 3, Fort Johnston (P. Rendall). Zanzibar (Brunner); Durban, Natal (Marshall); British East Africa (Maziwa, Matata, and Manuga), March 14 and April, 1897 ( G. S. JBetton). B. M. 6. Lygdamia lentlcularis. Chiropacha lentlc~daris~Sauss. M6m. Soe. Gen~v% xxiii, p. 11, pl. ix. fig. 18 (1873). Zygdamia lenlicularis, St~l, Bihang Ve~.-Akad. Handl. iv. (10) p. 17 (1877). 1, Pienaars River (IV. L. D.). Natal (Leipzig Museum). Appears to be a much scarcer species than the last. ]~i.~TI.~. Downloaded by [New York University] at 07:59 07 January 2015 7. Entella Delalandii. Gonypela .Delalandii, Sauss. Mdm. Soe. Gen~ve, xxi. p. 55, pl. iv. figs. 12, 13 (1871). 2 ~, Zomba (P. ]?endall) ; 1 ~', Fort Johnston (P. Ren- dall). Cape (Par{s Museum). Distinguished fi'om the closely allied E. nebulosa, Serv. (nee Thunb.), which is in the Natural History Museum from Estconrt, Natal (Marshall), by the absence of the black transverse lines on the face, which are so conspicuous in .E. nebulosa. Mantldee from the Transvaal. 347 8. Dystaeta paradoxa. Dystacta paradoxa, Sauss. 5Igm. Soc. Gen~ve~ x~i. p. 323 (1871), xxiii. p. 80, ~l. vlii. fie'.. 16 (1873); St~l, Bihang Vot.-kkad. Handl. iv. (10) p. 51 (1877). 2, Barberton ( P. Rendall). Cape and Damaraland (Brunner); Lake Nyasa and Delagoa Bay. B.M. 9. Pseudomantis zebrata. Mantis zebr~a, Charp. Orth. t. xxxix. (1845 ?). Pseudomantls zebrata, Sauss. M6m. Soc. Gen~ve~ xxi. p. 37 (1871). Hierodula suavis, Brancs. Jahresh. Ver. Trencsen~ 17/18, p. 247~ pl. vii. fig. 7 (1895). 2, Pretoria (W. L. D.) ; l, Delagoa Bay (W. L. D.). Cape ( Charpentfe G and _Paris Museum). Murchison Range, Transvaal (C. R. Jones); Zululand (Rev. W. tt. Heale): (B. M.) This is one of the prettiest species of ~antida~ and does not appear to be very abundant. 10. Tenodera superstft[osa. Mantis superstitiosa,Fabr. Spec. Ins. i. p. 348. n. 17 (1781). Tenodera superstltiosa, Sauss. M6m. Soe. Gen~ve) xxi. pp. 99, 296 (187t). 17 Fort Johnston (P. Rendall). Originally described fi'om South Africa. Commonthroughout Ethiopian Africa, and a large part of Southern Asia aud tho Archipelag% as far as Australia. 11. Tenodera capftata. Tenodera capitata, Sauss. Mitth. schwelz, eat. Ges. iii. p. 69 (1869) ; M(im. Soc. Gen~ve, xxi. pp. 95) 293 (1871). 2, Barberton ; 1, Zomba Downloaded by [New York University] at 07:59 07 January 2015 (P. Rendall) (P. Rendall). East Cenh'al Africa (Scott Elliot) and another from the Congo (A. Curror). B. M. This species may easily be recognized by the dentated front coxm. 12. Spfiodromantls gastrfca. Mantis gastrica, Stgl, (:Ely. Vet.-Akad. FSrh. xv. p. 308 (1858). ttierodula gastrica, St~l, Bihang Vet.-Akad. ttandl, iv. (10) p. 57 (1877) ; Sauss. & Zehntn.~ Grandid. Madag. xxxiii, p. 187 (1895). ttierodula blcarlnata, Sauss. Mitth. schweiz, ent. Ges. iii. p. 68 (1869) i M6m. Soc. Gen~ve, xxi. p. 74, pl. v. fig. 22 (1871). 348 Mr. W.
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