r "i l \ R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Read By Support More Than Jewish 35,000 Agencies People With Your Membership · VOLU~E LIX, NUMBER 15 FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1976 20¢ PER COPY Beth David To Install New Slute 91 Officers New officers for, the coming year work for the bettermalt of Temple at Temple Beth David-Anshci Kov­ Beth David-Anshci Kovno, to ad­ no will be installed on Sunday, June minister its affairs to the best of 13. their ability, and to promote ita They include Representative future. Samuel C . Kagan, president; Mr. Robert A . Riesman, William Kanopkin, vice-president; president of the Jewish Fedcntion Mrs. A braha'm Sla11ster, recording · of R. I., has been designated as the secretary; Berna't'd Schneider, cor­ installing ofTICCI'. He is recognized responding sccre:taf.Y; Max Tippe, as a leader in J-isb community af­ financial sccr.etary; Herbert fairs" and as such, has acquired a Wagner, trcasuftlt; and Jerome distinguished record of -.ice to Aron sergeant-abarms. the Jewish people. Board of trustees will be Abraham Aron, Milton Bi'onstein, Religious services will be under Abner Hornstein, Leonard Kaplan, the direction of Cantor Charles Charles Kilberg, Raymond Muffs, Ross and will begin promptly at 8 s,-,. .._._the fwr ,-~ _,.,._ ~ ........t of the ,..._,i.n al of w'-' pai,I hith Milton Sherman, Mrs. Albert Snell . p.m. llilute le Jwph Galiln. s-.6oa'-Wtto ,......_,_Mr.Manti l. Ha■t ■ n'-d , Mr.,._. Licht, Mr.,,_,.. and Mrs. Harold Winkleman. Max Tippc· will serve as the Galdn, O..t of H■n■r, Mr ......... W. .... Mr. Max Alperin, and Mt. I.a.■.! A. ...._n. Honorary member of the board of Master of Ceremonies. Provision trustees is Hyman 8. Stone. has been made ·to hold the fmal lritish Air Show By their acceptance, these people drawing of the grand prizes of the Community-Wide Testimonial have pledged their intentions to annual raffle. Ian Israeli Jet LONDON: Controversey bu Given Galkin By Federation been stirnid by the org&!lizcn of Britain's principal air abow, who O¥a- 400 people attended the 31st Salmanson, Edwin S. Soforcnko, have barred an Israeli fiptcr plane ■ nnual meeting of the Jewish Stanley P. Blacher, and Herman C. from participating. Fedcntion of Rhode ! ■land . In Sclya, vice presidents; Martin I. According to Desmond Oough, conjwKtion with thi■ oommunity­ Dittclman, treasurer; Leonard spokc■ m ■ n for the Society of wide Pthcrinc wu a tribute to Granoff, associate treasurer; Nor­ British Aerospac:e Companie■, Jo,cph Galkin, retiring executive man D. Tilles, secretary; Dan sponsor or I.he Farnboroulb Air ~icqN...._. of the Federation. Asher, executive dir~r; William Show, the lr.i-aelis applied too late. A highlight 9f the evening was a L. Robin, associate exec:utivc direc­ The event is scheduled for multi-media slide presentation tor; Joseph Galkin, c:on­ September 5 through 12. written. directed and produced by sultant. George Miller An Israel newspaper bu as■crted Mrs. Henry Mukoff dcpic:ting Barrington, Samuel Shlevin - that pressure from Saudi Arabia Joseph Gal.kin's thirty-four years Pawtucket, Everett Bcrlinsky - was to blame for the rcjec:tion of with the Jcwiab Federation. Cranston-Warwick, Dr. Alden H. Israel's entry into the show. An of- Pracntations wen: made by the Blackman - Providence, Edward ficial from the Israeli Ain;nft In- past prc■identa of the Federation Goldberg - Newport, Dr. Robert dustrics claims Farnborough and by Mr. Robert A. Riesman, G . Wcisbord - South County, representatives agreed to allow the , who wu re-dcdcd for another term Lester A. Mackte2: - Woonsocket, the Kfir, plancon May 25 to be as prcsidcnl They spoke of the area vice-presidents . M.ax WOMEN'S AMIIICAN Oil: The ..... W.NI Seulho,n M ■11 ■ dtuull1 entered. Two days later, that dcci- many years they worked with Mr. Alperin, Merrill L. Hass~nfeld, ...ion of w-·• A......._ on held• ..........._ .. v•'•- sion was reversed. Galkin and the contributions that Frank Licht, and Joseph W. Ress, May 26. 0fflcen ln■ tallecl - S--. c.-, .........; Hep■ ............ A teport in the Tel Aviv be made to the community during honorary presidents. Benjamin chairwoman of the executive cemmlttea, ....... --. ....._ W.W. .-spaper, Maariv, r-.tly ■aid bis inc:wnbency. Brier, Ira S. Galkin, Stanley man, ll!llen levter cmcl Illa a..-t, vice pN1i11i,nta; S.- V..._, Saudi Arabia had warned the The general chairmen of the Grossman, Samuel Rosen, and -u,-. Toity a..,., financial_._,,..._,-• •a p1 ...... British· that their Arab eaport evening wen: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Aleundcr Rumplcr, honorary vice­ _,.tary; Dontthy •-. -dins -,; ,.., ----.; ....... market for military plane■ would be On.man; their CXM:bairmcn, were presidents. -tary; and 1oz Kurza1,-parlla-tarian. Chaaa-fw the_,_ jeopardized if the Israeli Kfir wen: Mr. & Mn. Mu Alperin, Mr. & The board of directors for the Judl,th o.odman. Plctutecl l,e,. -, Wt to right, ll■a K,._, ......... permitted to show its capabilitia at Mn. Bertram L. Bernhardt, Mr. & term ending 1979 waa elected as pra■iclent; Sandr Cohen, inalnunl ,...w..,t; and Hep■ ......._, Farnborough. Mrs. McrriD L. H-Ccld, Mr. & follows: Banice C. Bazar, Mrs. chairwoman_, ihe executive -mlttea. ~·· · S.,.Nak ...,__ Mrs. Frank Licht, Mr. & Mn. Alden H. Blackman, Irwin Chase, The Kfir is a supersonic: singlo- Joseph W. Ress, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cohen, Gerald CoJicn, Mrs. seater that performed well against Robert A. Ricsman, Mr. & Mrs. Newton 8 . Cohn, Oscar L. the Arab-piloted MIG-21's durina Edmund I. Waldman, Mr. & Mrs.· Davison, Sidney Dressler, Dr. the Middle East war of October Manmd Weil, Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Ronald Eisler. Abraham Factor, 1973. It is based on the Frenc:b Stone, Mrs. Leonard I. Salmanson, Dr. Seymour Feldman, William Dassault airframe and is powered Mrs. Julius Irving, and Mrs. Fellner, Albert I. Gordon, Sidney by a General Electric J-79 turbojet- Raymond L. Cohen. F. Greenwald, David Horvitz, Mrs. engine. The special committee chairmen Sherwin J. Kapstein, Sol Koffler, The official of the Israeli Aircraft and their assistants, who made the Jerrold L. Lavine, Richard A. Industries, which is gover~t- evening possible · wccc, Mr. Licht. Richard P. Lorber, Philip owned, said today that while the Benjamin M. Falk, Mrs. Abraham J . Macktcz, Brian Messing, Richard final date for entering the Fam- - Percelay, Mrs. Robert Hochberg, S. Mittleman, Ernest Nathan, borough event was the end of Mrs. Max Alperin, Mrs. David Mitchell a,iffkin, Peter K . February, he had been notified that Horvitz, Mrs. David Litchman, Rosedale, Louis B: Rubinstein, the list "would not close until the Mrs. Julius Epstein, Mrs. Louis .. Samuel. Salmanson, Albert eve of the show." Minnan._ Mrs. Henry Markoff, and Samdpcril. __ "So according to thi$,'' said the Mrs. Bernard Sherman. Jerome R. Sapolsky, Richard · ofTicial, who asked to remain un-, - The following slate of officers for Shein, Dr. Albert Silverstein, Mrs. 1 identified, •·1 went to sec the Fam- the term 1976-19n was elected: Sheldon S. Sollosy, Herbert Stern, borough -people. · Robert A. Riesman, president; Allan W. Sydney, Alan E . "This was on May 25, and they Melvin G . Alperin, Mrs. Leonard L Symonds, Jacob N . Temkin, Mar­ were quite happy to see me, and tin M. Temkin, Dr. Norman GUllAND TO IE HONOIID: •~ ,,__ S. Gualand, ......., ■plrilual they gave me an ·affirmative reply. -ABORTION Zucker. · l■ad■rol Temple Sinai, wll N ......._,_Mo 111,d ■hlwt,,.MI..,... to the and said 'You're welcome.' I MILWAUKEE: An official of The board of directors for the COftl ....tl ■n, lhe c.ll!ftUnity rmd l■nNl, It-- ■-..... .., .............. reported this to our people in Israel. the Catholic league for Religious terms ending 1977 and 1978 s.- HahiN,nd, chalm.n of .... tribute CMnlliltt..;; . I ' • "Two days later they :wrote me a and Civil Rights bas accused the remains the same. The four rab­ The ■cCllllon wlll N • p,egram of tribute In ....... ., Slial.., ..._.:..... letter in which they went back on American Jewish Congress of binical representatives for the term tcf'b■ held Tue■clay r,enlni, June 15, at T-,1■ Sinai.#. lhNry '-w at what they said before and stated ..adopting the posture of legal ending 1977 arc Rabbis Leslie Y. 7:30 p.m. wlN p,ead■ the-•• a■ wll a Yi.n-............ - there is no room iri the air show." positivism, the very ideology that Gutterman, Jerome S. Gurland, G_t.,....., wlll N hWll a-. K...... , Wt, ce-clNilniwleftheNatlenal . ..........,v. enabled Hitler ... to·?pursuc his Joel H. Zaimanm and Gcrald.Zclcr­ Cone~' Commltta■., Jtat■., ........... - ............... ., Mr. 't)ough, speaking for the genocidal policies," 6y its support myer. 'The four presidential ap­ Temple l■th Sh■lom, Miami ll■ach, "-lcla. - •. , promoters, conc:cded that last . for legalized abortion. Dr. Lowell pointees for the term ending 1977 TrilMita■ te laWil ~,land f1N exp■ctod , to _N _ ..__ . .,,, The MNt minute entries were sometimes per- - A. Dunlap, the lcagu,:'s assistant arc Dr. Charles MandJ:ll, Mrs. 1..,......, 1.-ul■ E. G■lln■au, ll■h■p of tlN. "••IIMI• ~ c.--■n missiblc. But he maintained that the executive director, made that Benjamin Mellion, Mrs. Sol McrywJamel LT_,., .Jr.; encl llallblJNIH,Zalman, ........ INll■r•fT- ' Israeli company never did put in a · c:harge in a study titled "Neo­ Resnik, and Dr. M . Louis pl■ llnanu-ll, a -''.formal" application to parti<:ipate. Nazism in America?" Kirschenbaum. ENTERTAINMENT? _ EDERSHEIM DIES . LOOKiNG FOR apartment, ~ ea11 · , AMSTERDAM, (JTA) - Karel an something used, a service? Find it in J. Edersheim, a . Dutch Zionist ANpELL PRODUCTIONS the Herald Classified section.
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