SPARTAN DAILY VOLUME 125, NUMBER 39 Serving San Jose State \ (y\ 1..N1131 it. :005 "Pingue and the Brain," L gir Opinion Page 2 er"---dre__ CSU aims to increase black enrollment BY DAVIDA ROSS high school students Ii were African-Aineitc.m. has,:lie _Ilia and 'Mt kluges! " I nal number is not higli 011,61111,111 Daily Staff Writer Kassing said at a pies, iili Tencll Johnson. .1 Minot ma .Xliacan-Allict it an ,ommilinties enough Reed said in 1. 'S1 11 lisle,' I let 'sit ( ii let ence later that day at SJSI "One joring in Radio Isles isioii lalm. in the slate and Fss than ieleasc " inerica's it it 5iitlin .1 pi,. Ille CM. San Jose State University point brought up was that filet,: are said he notices Mc It.. FR. an 01 students it tiltit die 1,1,,k... sy stem is losing 01051 01 is skill 55 ill till11111e 55 1111 ,1111 President Don Kassing attended more young African kJococans Arnerkan S111,1e111, On ia1111111, JoInts, ii males het i% een gradc and I 211i ,2,11. its J11,1111,1, 1,, leash 1111,1,11C a California State University in prison than in the CSU school Johnson. is ho is us, Vice .11V .111111:11' in the gi,i(le sani to (wild 'mono anti 1111211 .111tIellis 511 (hal meeting Monday in Oakland to system." President ol the San Jose chapter mho 22 CSI schools a trend ships sx ith the comintimo 10 in dit). ate hetiel lep.tlsl Ill Cinel discuss efforts to increase African- In Fall 2004. there were 1,055 of the historically black frater- that ( 'St ('Itancellor Charles Reed crease the nimilxet ot 1-1,!41, sell lull .1.11.1(lille 1111111 American enrollment in the CSU African-American undergraduate nity Alpha Phi Alpha. said Ile feels 55 ishcs, ii ,:imnge. gra(luates tie s ligible mi col Cal lei aill lie ( St sy -.lent de - school system. students enrolled at SJSU. accord- SJSU hasn't done its part in re- Reed said the (Si ss stem lege arid earn college (leg's-es Ilse'', .1 r'ollege" "A lot of the discussion re- ing to SJSU Academic Planning cruiting many African-Americans In anted 4.15111 graduate :nut tin A large portion ill the meet volved around what more the (St Budgets data. This means that just in the Bay Area. (lout!' aduate degiees to Alm. :In - 1. 'iii,' see ENROLLMENT, page 3 system can do to prepare iii till over 2 percent of all undergrads 'f../iikland and San Francisco Allle1 it.Ili ,111,1eIlls in 2003. ideas to increase \It 1, \ a an Nutrition team SJSU wireless gives students system to be eating advice delayed until Counselors at Sports Club December advocate healthy diets Specialist says account process too complicated BY KELLEY LUGEA Dady '3t,iff BY PRISCILLA WOO Free nutrition counseling for San Jose State University students provided by the Nutrition I I, Ji Cies, Internet 'ii'- Education Action Team is available Monday through Ic t, iteless 111111111 \ e. Thursday inside the Sports Club. t,11e111.111Is Nei i 1.,:t2111 ill \ 1,,..11,1, Is 11,155 In 11Ie Students can sign up at the nutrition desk for a 30- 1051.111,111,11 ,I1,1 11111,111:0 1111111 minute counseling session w ith one of the nutrition soniellIne Ill I /,,,11111e1. s.11,1 111,11e,. I 111.1114',C1 graduate students providing the service. 12i. limit Volk', "We start with a basic form where we basically ask 1111ded 111.111115 1, 111,. LP.: State them why they have come and what kinds of topics I 1115,1,11 \ 1.11ed Sttt,leiiis.11Ie ,icisst,ik IS they want to talk about." said Kati l'osselius. one of ,1111,1.1Cti .111t1 11111 hi 1 1111 l'sinsist.. four graduate students participating in the counseling Slenhell 11, 111. 111101 Mallon lectinohn2 stip- this semester. "We use all this Itt talk about how they' sdid lit is ,n..eincd are eating in terms of how much they exercise and it a I's the 111110 111e 11e55 Ilelt1.111s 5511 lilt_ill', he some other factors." implcinenit:d on t. alum's. it max be out ,,l date for One of the forms students receiving nutrition coun- -.iitticttls I.' th, ne, ill need 55 seling will complete is a 24-hour recall of what they heist 'uk Ill ate during the pre ious day. This helps the counselor os ate 'Ilea SISI (ins' .1,.otints and then use gauge their daily eating habits and allows the stu- Ole` aillitcnItcIle to the rr-.- dents to see foods they may be lacking in their diet. It licicss nets, ot k %\ Tow in one ot his Hog 7,..’7!Mmgr="4122.11 Fossilius said. There are many reasons students seek the counsel- \ItJill, 1c In the S.111 lose Merciias News, ing. everything from vegetarian concerns and sports ( Mlle, 1,,1 its 55.5 nutrition to losing weight and vitamin deficiency. she I nct \ mks fin die San said. I I III, iS..tl. 1 r1/111,11,1101.1itiliiIil heap' \ 111111 11Ie "This semester, it seems students are more !mei .'11111,' .11 \ st111.11,. 11111e, 11110 onc 1112 55 ',vie, ested in the general health of their nutritional habits 111,1 lie! 11,11 stiii. Se.\ lel \ 1111e she said. "Everyone comes for a different reason but 'sloan said the money being spent on keep- we try and tailor it to their specific needs." .1.. odic, people titan using the network should Freshman pre-nursing major Jelin,' !licks took ad- .ilI spent on improving it. to follow San vantage of the program after seeing the poster while I 1.111k I 1,.. IlY Ptill 11FPROSSIAN / DAILY STAFF she was working out at the Sports Club. not understand why we don't just make "I thought it would he a good way to see if I M. as the new ss !tele.. network free and open to the eating the right things." she said. "When we did the public." Sloan said. It, in) opinion the SJSC()ne 24-hour recall of what I had eaten the previous day, I Day of the 1ea4 autI:tit:awn method will complicate and hinder hadn't had any yegetahles." easv use 0 1 Me w netm o k It has been difficult for her to make healthy foo(1 ABOVE: Nehal Abuelata, a junior at 5al I Jo,,e .:Shoal]. tillormation technology man- State University minoring in Spanish, sells Pan choices while is ng and eating on campus and using ?war. age,. said Mc netv. oil, xi ill not he out of date and a meal plan, she said. de Muerto, traditional Mexican sweetbread, at that this I. the 1110.t ',Tula'. solution. "I have been trying to change my diet, but it's the Day of the Dead Altar in front of Sweeney 't I lie is Hetes,' shouldn't date the technol- was sponsored by hard." she said. "I buy more fruit from the Village Hall on Tuesday. The altar , all ..iid It should , ompatible with The Circulo Hispanico, a nonprofit student Market or I pay more attention to what I am eating now Right now. it's not outdated. organization at San Jose State University whose now." Xt clic end 111 tin 11filt as!. 111.1 he three main mission is to celebrate Latin-American living at Campus Village this 11,111 II Ille I I ill. it1,111110111 \\ ill With many students culture on campus. year. eating healthy takes a conscious et lort on their su wall .11,, said this is the easiest solution for part, Fossilius said. students !Ida 11,155 "It is realistic, but it's not sass she said. "It takes I Ills Is 111, 111,1,1 c11,, Ilse so hi,ltuiti see WIRELESS, page 4 see NUTRITION, page 4 Chicken joint hopes to spice up S.J. (4' Santa Clara restaurant to open new location near campus BY CHRISTINA YOUNG in the 11,..! mum,' ,.! ‘,,Hcintler. said Ernesto s stem. \\Inch is composed ohI a !mod that goes Day Staff Centleias. IIIc,,nIctii ,,t SJSC chapter of twin the center of Ow restaurant. through the Delta I pstIon floors above and 11, the San Jose State I'no ersay \\ illno Cendetas .1111 Ile looking lorward to the The hood inuq bc cos ered in an alumi- longer have to trio el to Santa Chita to take on opening til the San lose los:mon. num-like lire n rap tit meet sate() standards, the 9-1-I Challenge General Inallagel Mali "A lot oi iiiis. .11,' L. \tiled about that." McClean said. McClean said UM% ersity Chicken's location i,n Cendems stith Its ills! 01,1,11 h' li.tse i place ti "That wrap took them 1 2 days longer than Third Street in dim 111055 11 San Jose WIII open hang out. And the ,111, ken is (calls good. - it was supposed to.- said McClean. " fhe com- next weekend ;it the earliest. Ile said the Santa ( liii iestdui ant Is d popu- pany we're using It' do ow- hood had 'loci done "We want Ill be the spot where the students lar ltangt nit tor some SIM' Maculates and Ii before because it '5 a new requirement." go," McClean said. "We it letcheap beer and sororities alter chaplet meetings on Monday McClean said n MCC the wrap \\ as taken care PHIL BEDROSSIAN / DAILY STAFF (show) sports a lot ol college sports.
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