The weather ' ‘- I Inside today ________ m M - ' X Mostly sunny today, high 75-80. Fair Area news ... .9-10 Editorial ...........4 followed by increasing cloudiness Classified .,. .13-16 Fam ily...........5-6 tonight, lows in 50s. Wednesday mostly Comics.............17 Obituaries 10-13-18 cloudy with chance of occasional rain Dear Abby . i... 17 Sports...........11-12 late in day, highs again 75-80. Precipitation probability 10 per cent tonight, 40 per cent Wednesday. National weather forecast map on Page 14. IsraelI voices concern over Carter position JEUSALEM (UPI) - Foreign and 338, which call for Israeli Carter said he expected Begin to had demanded an explanation. Minister Yigal Allon summoned the withdrawals to security and moderate his position as a result of “I am glad to say the executive U.S. Ambassador today to express recognized boundaries in a general the negotiations called off by the committee adopted this reply,” Israel's “deepened” concern over peace agreement. DMC last week because its leaders Begin said. President Carter’s recent statements Lewis told Allon he would convey were not consulted. Ezer Weizman, the likely can­ calling for Israeli concessions in a Israel's concern to Washington, In a letter to Yigael Yadin of the didate for defense minister, said the Middle East peace settlement. where U.S. officials recently cited Democratic Movement for Change, latest statement should persuade the ‘‘Our concern has deepened other U.N. statements that go beyond Begin said “everything is open” for DMC to return to the negotiations because of recent statements that in­ the language of the two Security negotiations, including who will get that its leaders called of because troduced new elements that may only Council documents which Israel con­ which job in the cabinet. they were not consulted about the ap­ harden already tough Arab siders the only basis for an agree­ The appeal to the DMC came after pointment. positions,” a Foreign Ministry of­ ment. the Executive Committee of Begin’s Weizman said the Likud hoped to ficial said. The meeting with Lewis was the Likud party reconsidered a previous be able to take over power “rather He said Allon was reacting to third such expression of concern in a statement that did not clearly con­ soon” with or without the DMC, statements by Carter and other of­ week. firm or deny the controvetsial which would make the difference ficials about the need for ‘a Palesti­ It came after Abassador Simcha nomination of Dayan, a one-time between a bare, one-seat majority or nian homeland, payment of compen­ Dinitz met with Secretary of State Labor party defense minister. Yadin a 76-vote domination of parliament. sation to Palestinian refugees and a Cyrus Vance in Washington and return to the borders before the 1967 Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin made Middlemost war. a similar statement in a cabinet com­ j munique. In Tel Aviv, prospective Prime Allon and the rest of the Labor par­ Ten lose lives Minister Menahem Begin said he ty government rejected in the May 17 would put off the nomination of elections are to leave office when Moshe Dayan to be the next foreign Begin’ s Likud party takes over minister. sometime in June. in state mishaps The Likud campaigned on a tough Ambassador Samuel Lewis told stand against returning the lands By United Press International School and was to havegraduatea r Allon that the United States stood by captured from Jordan, Syria and June 16. U.N. Security Council resolutions 242 Egypt in the last war. The weather was beautiful in Drowning accidents took the lives Connecticut for Memorial Day of: weekend, but holiday remembrances — Regina Ann McCloud, 6, of New were marred by four highway deaths London, who drowned Saturday while Kentucky fire kills in the state, three drownings and swimming in Winthrop Cove near her three fire fatalities. home. Dead in traffic accidents were: — John Francis Zulaski, 42, of —Francis P. Cahill, 38, of 17 Lanz Torrington, whose body was found at least 160 persons Lane, Ellington, who was pronounced Monday afternoon in Dog Pond in dead at the scene of a one-car acci­ Goshen. Zalaski had been missing SOUTHGATE, Ky. (UPI) - Only the basement of the Zebra Room, dent in Ellington at 2 a.m. today since Friday evening when he went one of the once-luxurious 23 party adjacent to the Cabaret Room, the State Police said Cahill was driving fishing in the pond. rooms in the Beverly Hills Supper velvet-lined hall packed Saturday east on David Dr., went off the road — Edward Zawilinski, 62, of Club remains to be searched by in­ night with 3,500 partygoers waiting to and struck two parked cars. Police Middletown, who drowned late Friday vestigators armed with bulldozers hear John Davidson sing. Searchers said it is thought the victim may or early Saturday In Butternut and torches hunting for more bodies brought out hunks of melted have suffered a heart attack. Hollow Pond in Middletown. and clues to the Saturday night fire fiberglass and other material from — Mrs. Edna Sperry, 94, of South In Ansonia, two men died when fire that killed at least 160 persons. the basement on a stretcher Monday. Windsor, who died Monday of in­ swept through a business and So far, Kentucky State Police Com­ Southgate Fire Chief Dick juries suffered in a one-car accident residential building Sunday night. missioner Ken Brandenburgh said, Riesenberg said, “We only have one on Rt. 5 in East Windsor Sunday. The ' The victims were identified by Salute the flag car was driven by her daughter, Mrs. police as William Edwards Jr., 42, officials have come across no more room to go through Tuesday William Roscoe, front, and Charles Wigren, honorary evidence that arson was behind the and I’d say the chances of us finding Hildred Raymond, 70, who was listed and Eugene Reuters, 51, who moved .smoky blaze, the worst in American any bodies are very slim. An owner in satisfactory condition ai to Ansonia from Sussex, N.J., about marshals in the Memorial Day Parade, watch as the American history since 1944. told me that the room was empty the Manchester Memorial Hospital. eight months ago. Flag passes them. (Herald photo by Dunn) But he said it might be a month of night of the fire.” — Charles Maple, 56, of Stamford, Police said the men were believed digging in the ruins and talking to Besides the dead, another 74 per­ who was struck Monday about 4 a.m. boarders in the building that housed a eyewitnesses before a definite cause sons were injured in the fire and the as he walked along the Post Road. He sports shop, a dentist’s office and a is known for the quick-spreading fire panic that followed as the club filled was taken to Greenwich Hospital dry cleaners on the ground floor. that razed the Las Vegas-styled with a dense smoky fog and then went with multiple fractures and died A fire Friday night claimed the life Thousands take part “Showplace of the Midwest” in this dark. Eleven""Were treated and about three and a half hours later. of 80-year-old Manuel Nadal, the suburban Cincinnati community. released and the other 63 remain — Ann M. Marshall, 15, of Chester, retired athletic director emeritus of Suspect now is an oil-fueled elec­ hospitalized in conditions ranging who was killed Sunday night when Kent School. trical generator that was located in from fair to critical. the car in which she was a passenger Authorities said the blazeapparent- in Memorial rites ran off Rt 148 in Chester. Another ly began after Nadal fell asleep with passenger, Valerie Koslawy, 16, of a lighted cigarette in the parlor of his Thousands of Manchester residents Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies and Chester, was treated for injuries. home on the private school’s campus. and their neighbors took advantage Cub Scouts. The driver, Amy J. Buckles, 16, of Students spotted the blaze and used of ideal weather Monday to watch the The paraders passed in review in Today’s summary Chester, was charged with miscon­ fire extinguishers to keep the flames Memorial Day parade and to take the park, with the review stand at the duct with a motor vehicle and was confined to the parlor after pulling part in ceremonies at Center Park. foot of the flagpole terrace. Compiled Irom United Press International taken to Connecticut Valley Hospital Nadal’s body from the burning room. The sun was bright, but not too hot. Mrs. Hope Sasportas, past depart­ in Middletown. Nadal came to the school In 1911 and The shade was cool but not chilly ment regent of the Daughters of the PITTSBURGH - I. W. Abel, — Michael J. Truken, 18, of Water­ retired several years ago. when the crowds lined both sides of American Revolution, delivered the State who worked in smoky eastern ford, who was killed Saturday in a Last year, only two Connecticut Main and E. Center Sts. to watch the main address, “You're a Good Man, HARTFORD - The Connecticut Ohio mills at 16 and rose to car accident in Baltimore, Md. He highway deaths occured during the half-hour parade. Uncle Sam.” Citizen Action Group has urged become the mild-mannered presi­ was a senior at Waterford High Memorial Day holiday. Bands included in the line of march The main thrust of her address was quick approval by the Connecticut dent of the United Steelworkers were Manchester High School band, that the United States is a great na­ Senate when it takes up an ethics union, retires Wednesday after a which also played at ceremonies in tion despite its mistakes and that its and conflict of interest bill today.
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