Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 14/15 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16. – 31. Juli Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Iran-Abkommen ............................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Freiheit für Jonathan Pollard ............................................................................................................................ 3 3. Zehn Jahre nach Gaza-Abzug ......................................................................................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Iran-Abkommen weapons. (…) The West could use a lot more back- Als einen „historischen Irrtum“ bezeichnete Premi- bone and fewer "historic" agreements. Selah! erminister Benjamin Netanyahu das Atomabkom- Norman A. Bailey, GLO, 16.07.15 men, auf das sich Iran mit den fünf UN-Vetomächten und Deutschland geeinigt hat. Israel sei, so betonte Six strikes against Iran deal er, nicht an das Abkommen gebunden. Netanyahu (…) The way in which the negotiations were con- kündigte an, sich vor dem US-Kongress gegen das ducted underscored the weakness of the U.S. The Abkommen starkzumachen. Dort haben viele Re- Obama administration was willing to offer almost publikaner ihren Widerstand gegen die Vereinba- unlimited concessions to the skillful Iranian negotia- rung angekündigt. Kritiker Netanyahus in Israel tors, ignoring all its own deadlines and red lines. (…) mahnten, dass gerade jetzt gute Beziehungen zum Instead of insisting on the dismantling of all uranium Weißen Haus oberste Priorität haben sollten. enrichment facilities in Iran, as was accomplished in Libya, the U.S. actually accorded international legit- The West held all the aces – and lost imacy to a large-scale Iranian nuclear infrastructure, (…) In the Six Power-Iran talks the side with all the including thousands of centrifuges. (…) This agree- aces lost and the side whose hand consisted entire- ment is a stimulus for nuclear proliferation. Indeed, ly of jokers, won. (…) Supreme Leader Khamenei Saudi Arabia has announced its desire for "the same and President Rouhani (…) can now turn to the type of infrastructure" that has been allowed to Iran. burning questions of how to use the tens of billions (…) The opening of frozen Iranian bank accounts of unfrozen dollars, and whom to favor with the and the projected increased oil production will enrich business resulting from the cancellation of sanc- the coffers of the Iranian regime with more than tions: Russia? China? Germany? Why not all three? $ 100 billion. (…) the cash influx enhances Iranian (…) the deal, if it goes into effect, will result in one of capability for supporting proxies, such as the Shiite- the most volatile and dangerous regions of the world controlled government in Iraq, Bashar Assad's re- becoming home to at least four and possibly five, gime in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in nuclear powers: Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey Gaza, and the Houthis in Yemen. (…) This accord and perhaps Egypt. The possibility of international marks an end to Iran's regional isolation. (…) This nuclear conflict will have increased exponentially. move changes dramatically the regional balance of The second overlooked danger is the possibility of power, instilling even greater uncertainty in regional Iran achieving the ability to miniaturize nuclear politics. (…) American policy is now on a collision 1 course with Israel. The consensus in Israel is that without seeing what’s in front of him, and willing to Obama signed a very bad deal, which is dangerous pay a heavy price to achieve his single-minded for the Middle East and well beyond it. (…) Thus an objective. (…) In diplomatic terms, Israel was the Israeli military strike on Iran has become more likely, loser in this battle over the nuclear agreement. In and in the near future – before the U.S. puts the negotiations, the true job of the bad cop is not to brakes on military supplies to the Israeli army. terminate the talks, but rather to help the good cops Efraim Inbar, IHY, 16.07.15 get the best possible deal. (…) In terms of the nu- clear threat, Israel’s situation is better than it was Israel's stance on Iran deal is no laughing matter before the historic treaty was announced in Vienna. (…) The fact is, throughout Obama’s presidency Instead of an Iran suffocating under sanctions while Israel has repeatedly claimed to be committed to a persisting in its nuclear arms race, the Islamic Re- peace deal with the Palestinians, but has done all it public has now been accepted as a legitimate mem- can to thwart Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts. ber of the international community. We still face a (…) On the other hand, Kerry succeeded with Iran – terrorism-sponsoring state outspokenly hostile to a triumph that might win him the Nobel Peace Prize Israel, but it’s a terrorism-sponsoring state without a (…). Despite what the public thinks, sanctions are nuclear bomb in the foreseeable future. (…) There is not a light punishment. (…) before he goes to Con- an opportunity to get another defense package. And, gress yet again to try and spark a rebellion against believe it or not, a window of opportunity has just Obama, Netanyahu should rethink what his audacity opened for a political initiative leading to a new and arrogance might spell for us. Obama is no lame regional order in the Middle East. (…)There are duck: he still has nearly two years left in the White always dangers. But perhaps rather than insulting House. It would be better for Netanyahu to secure the American president and accusing him of naiveté continued protection for Israel into the next decade and lack of understanding regarding the Middle than sow continued strife and conflict in Washington East, we should try to learn something from him with – because that will be very bad for Israel. Hillary respect to his approach as a leader. Barack Obama Clinton won’t take kindly to Netanyahu coming into was elected because he offered hope and change her backyard and aiding Republican campaign ef- (…). Meanwhile here in Israel, we have a leadership forts. (…) Within a year (…) the Iranians will begin to that plays up fears and promises to defend us reap the financial benefits of their unfrozen assets, against tomorrow, while neglecting other pressing and these things will likely be well received. It’s items on today’s agenda. (…) possible, too, that their ayatollahs will then spend Dana Weiss, TOI, 21.07.15 less on the nuclear program and more on the peo- ple. Netanyahu, the world’s foremost expert in pre- The balloon has burst dicting disaster, has already warned that Iran will The agreement between Iran and the world powers spend billions on terrorism against Israel. (…) is a done deal. The main issue before us now is the Wouldn’t it have been better if he said: “If it worked never-ending and unresolved conflict with the Pales- out with Tehran, why shouldn’t it work out with us tinians. (…) Like a burst balloon, it will never again and the Palestinians? Now that the bells of peace be what it once was, no matter how loud a kid yells. are ringing, we’re also ready to reach an agreement (…) The burden of proof has to be transferred to the within a decade.” Ah, yes – perhaps that’s why they Palestinians. What we should do now is offer them were laughing in those pictures. their own state with provisional borders on the land Yoel Marcus, HAA, 16.07.15 defined as Area A and Area B, with territorial conti- nuity that will enable them to go from Jenin to Heb- Bibi the Terminator ron without seeing a single Israeli soldier. And they Throughout the negotiations between the P5+1 and won’t have to relinquish any of their demands. (…) A Iran, the division of roles was clear. Netanyahu and political storm is raging around us and the winds are Israel played Bad Cop. Obama and Kerry were the getting stronger every day. (…) And it poses sub- Good Cops bearing carrots. (…) In any negotiation, stantial danger for Israel. Our economy is export it helps to have a bad cop to point to and, of course, heavy, and we can’t afford to receive the kind of what role would anyone expect the prime minister of treatment South Africa got. What’s more, a bination- Israel to play in this negotiation? But Netanyahu (…) al state is a much worse option. Anyone who has played it to the hilt, a Terminator: the modern day trouble imagining what that would look like should destroyer, armed to the teeth, running red lights pay a visit to east Jerusalem – stones, Molotov 2 cocktails, knives, hatred, death. (…) We have to be A moral duty to free Pollard realistic and proactive. If we don’t take the initiative, (…) The impression created by the Pollard story has someone else will, and the result will be much hard- been that his lengthy imprisonment was intended to er to swallow. (…) We have suffered a blow from the deter dual loyalty among American Jews. Given the world, especially from our closest ally, America. Why nuclear deal recently reached between world pow- not make judicious use of the compensation pack- ers and Iran, it is important, ironically, to remember age they’re holding out to us? It’s not financial com- that Pollard gave Israel information that helped it pensation we need, but American support for a deal with the threat posed by weapons of mass “Palestinian state with provisional borders” program. destruction. So, in my view, it makes sense that The Palestinians will be forced either to accept it or Pollard's potential upcoming release is being tied to to explain why they don’t want a state. More im- the Iran deal. (…) Iran's leaders have said explicitly portantly, it will get the world off our back. that their goal is to destroy Israel. This will not Gilad Sharon, JPO, 22.07.15 change following the implementation of the deal.
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