© Tdh / Sajana Shrestha - India Making an Impact for Children Annual Report 2016 The Terre des hommes Foundation is a member of the Terre des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF), which includes sister organisations in Switzerland and other countries. The TDHIF does advocacy on an international and European level and at the United Nations. The Terre des hommes Foundation is recognised as a public service foundation by ZEWO. Tdh conforms to the principles of good governance for non-profit organisations as laid down in the Swiss NPO Code (www.swiss-npocode.org). Editing Editing : Cécile Kirwan. Contributions : Sarah Hornemann, Isabel Zbinden, Tatjana Aebli, Lisa Flückiger, Ivana Goretta. Graphic design & Illustrations : Angélique Bühlmann. Proofreading : Marc Kempe. The results presented in this annual report are not exhaustive and are examples of some of our projects. Join us on Translations www.tdh.ch German : Barbara Staub www.facebook.com/tdh.ch English : Rhonda Campbell French : David Malenfant, Zélie Schaller www.twitter.com/tdh_ch Pictures www.instagram.com/tdh_ch The pictures were made by professional photographers, volunteers or www.linkedin.com/company/terre-des-hommes-foundation staff from Terre des hommes. Their names are written alongside each picture. We thank them warmly ! Internet This annual report is available in English, French and German on our website www.tdh.ch/annualreport A summary of this report printed in English, French, German and Italian is available by e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (058 611 06 11). Print Siège | Hauptsitz | Sede | Headquarters Prepress, Images 3 SA, Lausanne Avenue de Montchoisi 15, CH-1006 Lausanne Printing Baudat SA, Recycled chlorine free paper T +41 58 611 06 66, F +41 58 611 06 77 © Terre des hommes - 2017 www.tdh.ch, E-Mail : [email protected], CCP : 10-11504-8 2 Terre des hommes | Annual Report 2016 | www.tdh.ch Giving the most vulnerable © Tdh / Ollivier Girard - Lebanon children a real childhood, allowing them to grow up in safety and in good health, to have fun together and go to school – that’s what we are committed to. Summary 4 Interview with the President of the Foundation 30 Children in humanitarian crises Council and the Director General 34 Advocacy : ensuring children’s voices are heard 6 Where we worked in 2016 36 Our activities in Switzerland 8 « Saeed, speaking for a generation of Syrian children », by guest contributor, 38 Risk management Xavier Colin 40 Our beneficiaries in 2016: overview by country 10 An overview of our main emergency aid projects in 2016 42 Financial report 12 Child migrants 54 Council of the Foundation and Executive Board 16 Exploitation of children 55 Special thanks 20 Children in the justice system 24 Mother and child health 28 Specialised care and surgical missions 3 « We are on the right track. » Interview with Beat Mumenthaler and Vito Angelillo Were there any achievements you were particu- ence in the field of children’s rights. To do so, we will larly proud of in 2016 ? need more support in 2017 and the years ahead. We Beat Mumenthaler (BM) : In 2016, Terre des hommes (Tdh) have already observed some positive signs, which show developed its vision through to 2030 and its strategic plan that we are on the right track. As the President of the for the next five years, which clearly set out the fields we Council, I can confirm that Tdh will continue to expand will work in : child protection, the health of young children and become stronger in the future. and mothers, and emergency aid in humanitarian crises. To meet our goals in each of these fields, the organisation VA : Despite economic growth in some developing coun- has reinforced its skills and structure. tries, millions of children and families lack access to ba- sic services such as health or education. Another major Vito Angelillo (VA) : We work in 38 countries, so plenty challenge is the political instability shaking the Middle of things come to mind. We faced challenges in Syria East and other regions we operate in. These crises have and Iraq but didn’t give up : we stepped up our efforts lasted for several years, and we sometimes have trouble and improved the lives of thousands of children and their accessing affected populations. Millions of children are families fleeing combat zones in dangerous conditions. cut off from their homes, forced to work, and deprived Following the World Congress on Juvenile Justice in of an education. The need for aid is huge, but there are 2015, we reinforced our dialogue with several govern- worrying signs that indicate that financial support from ments seeking to improve their legal systems for minors, governments, institutions and the public is drying up. which led to some promising developments. We also The migrant crisis has also raised questions about values helped change the healthcare system in Burkina Faso : in developed countries and protecting children’s rights in the government adopted a law making healthcare free this climate is an on-going challenge. for pregnant women and children under five, which sig- nificantly increased the number of health centre visits. How do you plan to address these challenges ? In addition, our electronic tablet application to diagnose BM : As President of the Foundation Council, I am com- childhood illnesses helped improve the quality of health- mitted to giving my full support to all the operations that care in more than 270 health centres. Over 1.2 million have been developed as part of the strategy, as well as consultations have been recorded, and analysing these fundraising activities. I will do all I can to help the man- records will enable us to improve care for sick children. agement team, our employees and volunteers, by con- Innovations like these need years of work and are essen- tributing my professional experience, my time and my tial in bringing about a significant and lasting improve- strength, offering guidance and advice at all times. ment in the lives of vulnerable children. VA : Unfortunately, we are unable to stop conflicts and What are the main challenges for 2017 and the prevent natural disasters. But as experts in children’s aid, years ahead ? we must keep up our commitment and increase the im- BM : Our new strategic plan is about « making a differ- pact of our programmes, by developing innovative solu- ence ». It focuses on growth as one way of achieving our tions, applying best practices in the countries we work in, goals. We want to help more children in more countries, and adapting our operating approach to each geograph- and consolidate our position as an international refer- ical and humanitarian context. We want to be as effi- 4 Terre des hommes | Annual Report 2016 | www.tdh.ch cient as possible for the people we support. And we will VA : I am concerned and confident at the same time. I am continue to make the voices of vulnerable children heard, concerned for the millions of children who need support regardless of where they live, to raise awareness of their and protection. I am confident in the progress we have needs and ensure their rights are respected. made, and confident that the world will not remain indif- ferent to these children’s fate. I am also proud to lead an What state of mind are you in today ? organisation that is courageous enough to work where BM : Generally speaking, poverty is dropping, more chil- it counts, sometimes in very difficult conditions, giving dren are going to school and respect for women is grow- children the opportunities they deserve, defending their ing. But, in reality, the world takes a long time to change. rights and « making a difference ». Last year, racism and discrimination made a comeback in some parts of the world. Tdh fights these out-dated Lausanne, 9th June 2017 attitudes and that is why I put all my energy behind the organisation. I want to make the world a better place and give hope to children everywhere. Beat Mumenthaler Vito Angelillo President of the Terre des Director General of Terre des hommes Foundation Council hommes 5 Where we worked in 2016 Switzerland Morocco Haiti Nicaragua Mauritania Mali Benin Panama Senegal Nigeria Guinea Colombia Togo Burkina Faso Ecuador Peru Brazil Serbia/ Legend Macedonia Child protection Switzerland Hungary Health Ukraine Moldova Emergency aid and humanitarian crises Romania Albania Kosovo Syria Greece Lebanon Palestine Afghanistan Iraq Nepal Myanmar Jordan Egypt India Pakistan Benin Bangladesh Nigeria South Sudan Kenya Burundi 78.9 3 million million francs raised, of which 1726 88% were invested beneficiaries, staff worldwide directly in our 1.5 of whom are programmes children ©Tdh/Ollivier Girard - Burkina Faso Saeed, speaking for a generation of Syrian children Xavier Colin, one of Terre des hommes’ ambassa- The war has lasted for more than six years. That’s longer dors, tells the fictional story of Saeed, a young Syr- than any world war. Over the past six years, bombs, ian whose experiences reflect those of an entire shells, missiles and terrorist attacks have destroyed generation of children. Despite being mistreated or seriously damaged a quarter of all schools. Some and abandoned by an adult war, they refuse to be schools are still standing, but have been requisitioned considered « lost ». to house displaced persons. I hope that one day I’ll be able to go back to school. I’d like to be a surgeon, like « After reading the newspaper one day, my cousin Thaer Rasha’s father. He hasn’t left, not like some. The other told me that more than two million children had stopped day he told us that half of Syria’s 30,000 doctors had going to school in our country.
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