The Daily Register VOL.98 NO. 159 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1976 15 CENTS O'Hern quits freeholder race; Baxter eyed ty LINDA ELLIS Mr. O'Hem. Mr. Baxter and Morton Salklnd. former 11th would not consider the post ell that Mr Van Wagner was state Sen. Eugene J. Bedell district assemblyman, said il because of time pressures approached. FREEHOLD — Daniel J have been considered leaders is "unlikely" that he would 'and asked that his name be "It was discussed and 1 am O'Hera, Red Bank mayor, has among those named by John accept as he is planning a removed from consideration not a candidate," Mr Van removed his name from the J. Florino, county De'mocralic 1077 legislative run Stephen This weekend, a source Wagner said "My interest Hit of candidates lo (ill the chairman, to be chosen by the J Fllardl, Hai.let com close to the Democratic free- lies in the legislature, al- freeholder teat that Philip N freeholders to take the re- mitteeman and a recent addi- holders said if Sen Bedell though as chairman of the Gumba will vacate. mainder of Mr. Gumbs term, tion to the list of possible turns down the seat. Mr. Bax- county government com- The Dally Register has which expires in November. choices, said he would accept ter would be asked by the mittee last year. 1 did gain learned, however, that El- The freeholder director has Mr. Florino had said at the Democrats to reconsider. much awareness of the oper- wood L. Baxter, former accepted a Workmen's Com- end of January that Mr Bax- Mr. Baxter said in response ations of county govern- Oceanport mayor, has again pensation Court judgeship ter was a "top choice" for that he could conceivably ment" emerged as a possible con- Mr. Fiorino said that required Mr Gumbs' seat Mr Bax- change his mind. "It would Mr Fiorino said Mr Sal- tender for the seal thai will background checks on Mr ter's name was the one moil be, however, a highly unlikely kind, among others, is being be available in approximately Gumbs should be completed often mentioned by Demo- possibility that I would " seriously considered two weeks. within two weeks crats and Republicans in "Yes, Elwood Baxter is still Mr Salkind said il is "unli- Mr. O'Hem said it would be Sen. Bedell is still unde- Freehold, according lo a pub- a choice for the position." Mr kely" he would accept the 'Impossible for,a court lo rule cided as to whether to accept lished report, at the time ' Fiorino said. "He, among oth- post. within the necessary lime" on the post If a definite offer is Gov. Brendan T Byrne first ers, would be a strong candi "I definitely plan lo run for whether his law practice made. Assemblyman Richard offered the judgeship to Mr date." the legislature in 1977." Mr would present potential con- Van Wagner, D-Monmoulh. Gumbs. Mr Florino also confirmed Salkind said, i would wel- flicts if he were to be a free- was approached and is not On Feb. 1. Mr. Baxter told the Information that grew out come the opportunity lo run holder. available the Daily Register that he of an interview with Sen. Bed- See O'Hera page 2 Elwood L. Baster Eageae J. Bedell OuMJ.O'Hera OK'd ConRail bill aids MIDLAND GLA^S glass makers in area ro Containers; Jesse S Mone 1 sand traffic to truck transport By ED KANARKOWSKI from Winslow Junction to Chatsworth. and Sons. Inc.; Thatcher also would have put 10 heavy trucks on county roads each MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Eugene A. Turner, a vice Glass Manufacturing Co . and day to keep Midland's Mata- A little publicized portion of president of the Midland Midland Glass. wan Township plant slocked the ConRail legislation signed Glass Co.. applauded the key Midland, alone, employs with sufficient sand into law by President Ford amendment to the historic 1.200 people at its Malawan will keep Central Railroad of ConRail legislation. Township manufacturing fa- The county's opposition lo New Jersey (CNJ) Ireight "In effect." he said, "the cility. ConRail's original plan vo- trains rolling to glass manu- amended legislation says that "If the ConRail legislation cally stressed thai point. facturing plants throughout any line In ConRail's Prelimi- wasn't amended, it would've Mr Turner particularly the state, with raw material^- nary System Plan also is in- meant.getting our sand sup- credited U.S. Sen Harrison from South Jersey. cluded in the Final System ply up from Soulh Jersey by A Williams. DNJ and IS Plan ... That change is a vi- truck." declared Mr Turner Sen. Vance Harlke. D-Ind . CanRall Is the new federal tal one (or New Jersey's glass ConRail's alternate rail for ensuring the rail bill's rail network that hopes lo or- industry." route had proposed sand car passage in its final amended ganize seven bankrupt North- Mr. Turner, who also is service for Midland via CNJ form. eastern and Midwestern rail- chairman of the CNJ Lifeline to Winslow Junction, then "My understanding of the roads into a viable 15.000 mile Committee, went on to ex- west on the Pennsylvania- legislation Is that ConRail's system. plain that the Southern Divi- Reading Seashore line to Final System Plan Is per- The CNJ branch line - sion Is one of the most impor- Ca'mden, north lo Bound manent," he added. "Our rail which stretches from Mau- tant rail links in the stale be- Brook via a connection with line appears to be in it to stay ricetown to Red Bank — is cause it "actually is the only the Reading Railroad, then No time limit has been the prime hauler of sand for north-south rail line from the east lo Elitabethport on CNJ put on its existence " the stale's glass industry The sand producing areas in Soulh and finally south to Matawan. A ConRail spokesman ad unamended "Final System Jersey to the glass manufac- The lengthier itinerary milted that the expected loss Plan" for ConRail had ear- turing plants in the nonhcrn would have cost Midland of traffic caused by abandon- marked 41 miles of the CNJ's part of the state.". Glass 1750,000 more a year in ing the South Jersey trackage SAND TRAIN DESTINATION - The Midland kept Intact the Central Railroad of New Jersey's 115-mile Southern Division for The committee's .member- transportation expenses "and would have reduced ConRail Glass Co. manufacturing plant In Motawon Town- 115-mlle Maurlcetown to-Red Bank trackage, the abandonment — the seven ship primarily includes glass doubled or tripled transit revenue by more than S3 mil- ship, pictured above, will continue to receive raw prime supply line for Midland Glass and other miles from Norma to Bridge- industry firms: Pennsylvania time," explained Mr Turner lion — 1778.000 or it coming materials from South Jersey via a direct rail gloss industry firms. ton and the 36-mile portion Glass Sand Corporation. Mel The proposed diversion of See CoaKall. route. An amendment to ConRail legislation has Council in Marlboro to avoid schfaol issue By JIM NcCORMH'K Mr. McClung is also a of years to heal what ap- board issue, and not an issue member of the Board of Edu- peared to be old wounds." he between the new devel- opments and Ihe older sec- MARLBORO — Four coun- cation, but is not running for said reelection. The board has "I don't want lo create a tions of town or the older de- cllmen and the mayor think velopments." he said the Township Council should scheduled a special meeting problem of new developments March 23 to discuss the mat- Mr. McClung said, "council not become Involved in a dis- versus old developments ver- ter with residents, but the sus older sections." Ihe may- could serve no purpose by pute before the Board of Edu- school board election is be- or said. getting involved cation involving residents of fore that date and Mr. "The council never inter- "I have confidence in the Kairfield Minor and Triangle McClung will no longer be a board and In the eminently Oaks, both new devel- feres with the school board. " board member Mr Goldzweig said qualified superintendent of opments, and residents of schools (Albert Cafiero)." Ihe older sections of Morgan More than seven years ago. The older developments are residents in Ihe older sections Whittier Oaks and Monmouih Mr McClung said. • ville. of the township viewed new- Heights. The mayor lives in The officials polled also feel "If any split exists. U is a comers as causing Ihe tax Whittier Oaks West, as does that old disagreemenls be- lol less than existed seven or rate lo soar because of con- Mr. Grossman. Mr. Klau and eight years ago." he said. tween the new developments struction of new schools, Mr. McClung live In Mon- built seven yean ago and the parks and municipal services mouth Heights, and Mr Mr Croddick. a lifelong older sections of ihe township Mayor Goldzweig said "the Croddick lives in Morganville township resident, said • I have been healed for the most only Instance in which the Mr. Klau said "there might don't think council should get part. council and I should become have been a split seven years involved in the school board's The current controversy in- Involved is to try lo undo ago. but in Ihe last three business." volves a tentative plan to Howard Klaa C. Douglas NcCloag some damage done lo a town years everyone has gotten to- "I don't see any more sec- Lawrence S.
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