From the Editor... On 26th May 1908, in the small town of Qadian, India, a sense of immense fear overtook members of the Ahmadiyya Community as the devastating news of the demise of the Promised Messiahas spread. CHIEF EDITOR However, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at did not crumble; instead, the Zanubia Ahmad glorious manifestation that had been promised by Allah the Almighty came to pass on 27th May 1908, when the members of the community, ASSISTANT CHIEF EDITORS ra through Divine guidance, elected Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nur-ud-Din as Dure Jamal Mala as the first Khalifa of the Promised Messiah . The fear and anxiety faced by Nayla Muzamil the Jama’at was instantly turned into a state of security and peace. ENGLISH EDITOR We are extremely fortunate to be members of this blessed Jama’at Hina Ahmedi who are the recipients of the blessings which come with following the guidance of the divinely appointed Khalifa. In his Friday Sermon on 25th ENGLISH SUB-EDITOR May 2018 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) gave the Hamooda Arif following guidance to members of the Jama’at: “We should always evaluate ourselves that are we fashioning our lives EDITORIAL BOARD according to what God Almighty has instructed us to do in order to Sabah Un Noor Tahir attain the favours associated with Khilafat. What are the standards of Hibba-Tul Mussawir requirements? We have to assess our worship, the condition of our Maleeha Mansur prayers, is our every word and action pure from associating partners with Meliha Hayat God, what are the standards of our financial sacrifices and what is the level Salma Manahil Malik of our obedience? Are we meeting the standards set by God Almighty Mashel Chaudhry and His messenger? Are we trying to achieve the standards which the Samina Yasmeen Arif as Promised Messiah desired from the members of his community?” Amatul Wakeel Maha As members of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at and even more so as Waqfe Nau Sameera Mirza it is our duty to obediently follow every instruction given to us my our Kashifa Qamar beloved Hazuraba, May Allah enable us to do so. Ameen Safina Nabeel Maham In this Issue of Maryam Magazine we are focusing on the topic of the COVER DESIGN blessed institution of Khilafat, featuring the Address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba on the occasion of the Waaqfaat-e-Nau Ijtema on 6th Hina Farooqi April 2019. This Issue also includes articles from the lives of the Khulafa- e-Ahmadiyya and the Role of Khilafat in Propagating Peace. I pray all PAGE DESIGN & SETTING Waqfe Nau read this Issue and benefit from its content. Soumbal Qureshi Naeema Amjad Atiyya Wasee Hina Ahmedi Naila Fowad ENGLISH EDITOR Hina Farooqi PRINTED UNDER THE CENTRAL OFFICE WAQF-E-NAU Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your article featured in our next edition? MANAGER Luqman Ahmad Kishwar Email us at: [email protected] PRINTERS Raqeem Press, Tilford UK CONTENTS APRIL - JUNE 2019 | ISSUE 30 03. The Holy Qur’an 30. Hazrat Maulawi Hakim ra 04. Hadith Nur-ud-Din Sahib - Khalifat-ul-Masih | Madiha Mansoor 05. Writings of the Promised Messiahas 34. Book Review: 5 Books of Short Essays by Hazrat Musleh Maudra | 06. Address delivered by Hazrat Uzma Khan Khaliftul Masih V(May Allah be his Helper) on the occasion of the National Waqfaat-e- 36. The Khalifa and Jama’at are One Nau Ijtema UK 2019 | Incidents from the Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh, Khalifatul Masih III 15. Focus: The Will 38. Prayers of the Khalifa | Uzma Khan 18. A New Markaz - Precious Moments with Huzooraba | Asif 43. Tarbiyyat Page Basit Sahib – Printed in Al-Hakam 45. Heartfelt Incidents from the life of rh 22. Personal Reflections with Khilafat Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad , Khalifatul Masih IV 24. The Institution of Khilafat | Dure Jamal Mala 46. Poem: Our Khalifa | Sajia Majeed 28. Kids Spread The ﷽ Holy قرآن جمیدQur’an Khilafat خﻻفت َ َ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ ْ َ َ ُ ّٰ ٰ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َّ ُ ۡ وعد ہللا ال ِذین امنوا ِمنكم و ع ِملوا الصِلح ِت لیستخِلفن ھ م ِفی ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َّ ۡ َ ۡ َ ْ ْ ص َ َ ُ َ ِّ َ َّ َ ُ ْ ۡ َ ُ ُ َّ ْ اْلر ِض کما استخلف ال ِذین ِمن قبِل ِ ھم و لیم ِکنن لھ م ِدی نھ م ال ِذ ی ْ َ ٰ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َ ِّ َ َّ ُ ۡ ِّ ۢۡۡ َ ْ َ ْ ْ َ ْ ً َ ْ ُ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ ْ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ارتض ی ل ھ م و لیب ِدلن ھ م ِمن بع ِد خو ِف ِھ م امنا ؕ یعبدون ِنی ْل یش ِركون ِبی َ ۡ ً َ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ٰ َ َ ُ ٰٰٓ َ ُ ُ ْ َ ُ َ شیئا ؕ و من کفر بعد ذِلک فاول ِئک هم الف ِاسقون )النو ر :56 ( ( رتہمج: مت ںیمےسوجولگاامینﻻےئاور کین اامعل اجب ﻻےئ ان ےس اہلل ےن ہتخپ ودعہ ایک ےہ ہک اںیہن رضور Translation: زنیمںیمہفیلخ انبےئ اگ ۔ اسیج ہک اُ س ےن اُ نےسےلہپ ولوگ ں وک ہفیلخ انبای ُاور اُ نےک ےئل نےکاُ دنی وک، وج اُ س Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do ےن اُ نےکےئلدنسپ ایک in ،the رضور تنکمت successors اطع them رکے اگ، makeاور اُ نیکوخفیک surely احتل will ےک He دعبthat رضور اُ ںیہن works انم یک goodاحتل ںیمدبلدےاگ۔وہریمی ابعدت رکںیwere ےگ۔ those who ریمےاسھت یسک among وک from رشکی ںیہنmade successors اںیئرہھٹ as heےگ۔ اور وج ساُ ,earth ےک before them; and that He will surely establish for them their دعبیھب ان رکشیwill surely رکے وتیہیوہ ُولگ He ںیہ وجand that انرفامن ;them ںیہ۔religion which He has chosenُ for give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me and they will not associate anything with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful after that, they will be rebellious. )رتہمجاز رضحت رمزا اطرہ ادمح اصبحۃفیلخ احیسمل ارلاعب رہمح اہللاعتٰیل ( ُ (English translation by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali sahibra) -3- Hadith: A Saying of The Holy Prophetsaw (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) HADITH (Saying of the Holy Prophetsaw) (May Peace and Blessings of Allah Ta’Ala be upon Him) Khilafat - Prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw KHILAFAT Prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw ِ ه ِ ه ِ عن ُ ح َذيْ َفة َ قال قَ َال َر ُس ُول هاَّلل َصلى هاَّللُ َعلَيْه َو َسل َم : تَ ُك ُون النُّ بُ هوةُ ف ُيك ْم َما ِ ِ ِ َشاءَ هاَّللُ ْأَن تَ ُك َون ُُثه يَ ْرفَ عَُها إذَا َشاءَ ْأَن يَ ْرفَ َعَها ، ُُثه تَ ُك ُون خََلفَةٌ َعلَى منْ َه ِاج ِ ِ النُّ بُ هوة فَ تَ ُك ُون َما َشاءَ هاَّللُ ْأَن تَ ُك َ ون ُُثه يَ ْرفَ عَُها إذَا َشاءَ هاَّللُ ْأَن يَ ْرفَ َعَه ،ا ُُثه تَ ُك ُون ،ا ِ ُملْ ًكا َع ًّاضا فَ يَ ُك ُون َما َشاءَ هاَّللُ ْأَن يَ ُك َون ُُثه يَ ْرفَ عَُها إذَا َشاءَ ْأَن يَ ْرفَ َعَها ، ُُثه ، ِ تَ ُك ُون ُملْ ًكا َجِْْبيهةً فَ تَ ُك ُون َما َشاءَ هاَّللُ ْأَن تَ ُك َون ُُثه يَ ْرف َ عَُها إذَا َشاءَ ْأَن يَ ْرفَ َعَها ، ، ِ ِ ِ ُُثه تَ ُك وُن خََلفَةً َعلَى منْ َه ِاج النُّ بُ هو ة ُُثه َس َك َت . 4)مسند امحد جلد صفحہ 372، مشکوٰۃ بابٰ اﻻنذار والتحذیر( TRTranslation:ANSLATION “Prophethood: shall remain among you as long as Allah shall will. He will bring about its end and follow it with Khilafat on the “Prophethoodprecepts of prophethood shall remain for among as long you as as He long shall as willAllah and shall then will. bring He willabout bring its end. about A itstyrannical end and monarchy follow it withwill then Khilafat follow on and the willprecepts remain of prophethoodas long as Allah for as shall long will as andHe shall then will come and to then an end. bring There about will its follow end. A tyrannicalthereafter monarchymonarchial will despotism then follow to last and as will long remain as Allah as shalllong aswill Allah and comeshall to will an end and uponthen comeHis decree. to an end. There There will thenwill followemerge thereafter Khilafat on monarchial despotism to last as long as Allah shall will and come to an precept of Prophethood.” The Holy Prophet said no more end upon His decree. There will then emerge Khilafat on precept of Prophethood.” The Holy Prophet said no more (Masnad Ahmad) (Masnad Ahmad) (www.alislam.org, Library, Articles, Ahadith, Prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw– Khilafat) -4- WRITINGS OF THE PROMISED MESSIAHAS The Second Manifestation “This is the Way of God. And since He created man on the earth He has always been demonstrating this Way by helping His prophets and Messengers and granting them predominance, as He says: Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ (Ch.58:V.22), that is, God has ordained that He and His prophets shall prevail. And by predominance is meant that, as messengers and prophets desire that God’s Hujjat (Will) is enforced on the earth and no one is able to oppose it, so in turn God with His powerful signs brings to light their (the prophets) truthfulness as well as the truth which they (the prophets) wish to propagate in the world and He lets them sow its seed with their own hands.
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