UH Football, Hawaii Marine Fantasy Island, B-2 B-1 Volume 27, Number 37 October 1, 1998 Mel K-Bay Marine aids injured motorcyclist Pfc. David Salazar the accident scene where he found that locate the victim's severed limb, thinking done everything myself," Hudson said. Combat Correspondent Seaman Christopher J. McKee, a Sailor sta- they might be able to save the injured "Under general circumstances, a severed tioned at Naval Air Station Barbers Point, motorcyclist's leg. limb will bleed severely and it is probable An MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay Marine and a civilian woman, Brandi N. Espinoza, Hudson had to react quickly, as the acci- that over a period of time, the loss of blood assigned to the Criminal Investigation had already come to the injured motorcy- dent victim was losing a lot of blood and may lead to death in any case," said Division here potentially saved a life Sept. clist's aid. was swaying in and out of consciousness. Lt.Cmdr. Mark Copenhaver, director of 24 on the H-3. Hudson said it was then that he noticed "In predicaments like that, you don't Branch Medical here. "The application of a Sgt. Kevin L. Hudson came to the rescue part of the motorcyclist's leg had been sev- have time to think. You simply revert back tourniquet with heavy bleeding is a wise of another Marine who was involved in a ered. to your training," he said. thing to do." motorcycle accident. Hudson was driving Immediately, Hudson removed his belt It was the combination of recruit, traffic The humble Hudson insists, however, home from bible study at Trinity Baptist and instructed the woman to apply a tourni- accident and criminal investigation training that he had very little to do with the victim's when the quet with it. Hudson then propped the that allowed him to work calmly when fate. Church, near Pearl City, he saw Photo by Pk. David Salazar accident. motorcyclist's head up faced with the task of saving the "I think God puts people in places for motorcyclist in an end-over-end and covered him Hudson says the rescue was a team effort. Marine's "I checked my side-view mirrors and using clothing he found in his car, he said. life, Hudson said. reasons," he said. "That was probably the saw the motorcycle rolling on the high- "I started talking to him, just to keep him even know that his leg was gone at that Hudson said that the others who came to worst moment in that Marine's life and it way," Hudson said. conscious," Hudson said. "I remember him point." the Marine's aid are to thank as well. just so happened that God put people there Hudson quickly pulled over and raced to asking if his leg was cut badly. He didn't Hudson said he instructed McKee to "It was a team effort. I couldn't have who were willing and able to help him." Commanding general shares vision Sgt. Steven Williams to visit and a pleasant place overall within the military. nied personnel housing come online. We have some plans Combat Correspondent Hawaii Marine: "What do you look forward to most while to make that happen. Editor's note: The following questions and answers are stationed at MCB Hawaii?" "Most of these plans will not happen on my watch. The excerptsfrom an interview conducted by Sgt. Steven BGen. Fields: `We have a lot of initiatives in place to ground might be broken, but troops will not move into the Williams of the Hawaii Marine with the commanding gen- improve this facility. Frankly, there are a lot of improve- facilities until well after I'm gone. eral of MCB Hawaii, BGen. Arnold Fields, Sept. 24. ments this base needs, both here on the K-Bay side as well "But, I want to see improvement. I want to see them live BGen. Fields assumed command here July 29. as Camp Smith -and, I know the reasons for it are many: in unquestionably decent surroundings - where they live, Hawaii Marine: "What is your vision for the base?" the fact that we were about to close this base and it was where they work and where they play. BGen. Fields: "I would like a base that supports the mis- revived; the fact that we haven't had much money on the "If I am able to have any portion of that completed while sion. That is, the operational forces are ready and capable of military construction side... and all the things we really wish am here, I would say that would be a success in my mis- carrying out their respective missions. I would like this to to do to make this base completely pleasing to every sion here." happen within the most peaceful environment that we could Marine, Sailor and civilian who lives or works here. Hawaii Marine: "With several units moving here from possibly produce here. "So, I want to see some progress. My predecessors have Naval Air Station Barbers Point next year; can the base Photo by Pfc. David Salazar "I think it starts ... with the entrance to this base. And as a laid a lot of good ground work. Much of what I do here, I expect any changes in the way it does business?" Brigadier Gen. Arnold Fields, commanding result of that, we need to present a very pleasant appearance will be following in their footsteps. BGen. Fields: "I don't think we will make any drastic general of MCB Hawaii, spoke Sept. 24 when one enters and that should continue throughout the "There are some other things I want to do myself to changes in the way we do business, but with that said, given about his vision for MCB Hawaii. base. I want it to be a pleasant place to live, a pleasant place make this place better. I want to see some new unaccompa- See GENERAL, A-8 October named Domestic Violence Prevention Month Sgt. Steven Williams Response program, which includes Combat Correspondent units such as MPD, FSC and the Legal Department, is set up to achieve Education and awareness highlight these goals. the goals of Domestic Violence "Each year, the Coordinated Prevention Command Month, which Response pro- runs today gram gets a lit- through Oct. `WE CAN EFFECTIVELY tle more finely 31. PREVENT DOMESTIC tuned," said A National VIOLENCE IF THE Norton. "And Crime Survey WHOLE COMMUNITY every year it revealed nearly IS AWARE....' gets a little bet- 4 million spous- ter." es and intimate OWEN NORTON To highlight the month, FSC is partners are Family Services Center Photo by Cpl. Trent Lowry offering the fol- physically Lance Cpl. Phillip Contreras, an infantryman with B Co., 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, aims, fires, and hits with abused by their lowing classes: the AT-4 anti-tank rocket at Schofield Barracks Sept. 24. partners and approximately 175,000 Enhancing Your Marriage - Oct. days of work are missed by victims of 13-14, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. domestic violence every year, accord- Marriage Skills Workshop - Oct Mann' e rocket-men have blast with AT-4s ing to a proclamation by BGen. 20-21, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cpl. Trent Lowry drills. was apparent on the devil dogs' faces, Fields Parenting Teens Oct. 7, 6-8 p.m. - Combat Correspondent "It's very important for Marines to get even through the dust and smoke from "Domestic violence has a direct Parenting 911 Tuesdays, 6-7:30 - this live-fire training because there is no the successful missile hits. bearing on productivity, effectiveness, p.m. SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, good way to simulate the AT-4, and it's "This has got to be the coolest thing absenteeism and employee turnover in Expectant Parenting Workshop - - Infantrymen from 1st Battalion, 3rd not very often that we get to fire live I've done," said LCpl. Tony Prince, a the workplace," the proclamation said. Oct. 6-7, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Marine Regiment were awarded a rare rounds with this weapon," said Capt. team leader with B Co., 1/3. "I've heard The proclamation is only a portion Anger Management Workshop - live-fire opportunity at the K-R 8 range Mark House, B Co. commanding officer. the (Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose of efforts initiated by the base to edu- Oct. 6, 1-4 p.m. here Sept. 24. "These Marines will fire these Assault Weapons) fire before, but I did- cate the base community in domestic Stress Management Workshop - The leathemecks fired the AT-4 anti- weapons in combat, so the more practice n't expect the AT-4 to be this loud." violence prevention. Oct. 28, 1-4 p.m. tank rocket as part of heavy weapons they have with them, the more profi- "Not very many Marines get the "It's important to get the message Additionally, the FSC is providing block training last week. The 1/3 cient they'll be in real-life situations," chance to fire the AT-4," said LCpl. John out," said Owen M. Norton, the fami- the following money management Marines who were selected to fire the 15 said SSgt. Al Thomas, a platoon Shepherd, a team leader with C. Co., ly advocacy program manager for the classes: one-shot rockets were chosen based on sergeant with B Co. 1/3. "I feel very honored and lucky that Family Services Center here. "We Car Buying Basics Oct. 19, 1-3 - their high performance during training The excitement of firing the AT-4 I was one who got the opportunity." need to heighten awareness." p.m.
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