Oiie word can tell tho story of con- Take inventory of your printed . tinued business activity in tho supplies. If you need anything, The Times stands ready to ' community—Advertising give you service. m o c E A N a n o v E t i m e s VOL. LXVI. No. 15 OCEAN GROVE NEPTUNE CITY AVON FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1941 BRADLEY BEACH NEPTUNE FOUR CENTS Newspaper Woman PLAN EARLY REOPENING Addresses Grove C OF DAMAGED THEATRE Shore Churches . : Officials of the Walter Ocean Grove Women Hear Readi! chain of motion picture . • Mts. Norma Bingham Speak . theatres this, week promised Passion Services On Easter Subject; Dates and . quick reopening of the M ayfair. Reports Announced theatre, damaged in the extent INQUIRIES TO BE POSTED of $60,000 Tuesday afternoon. Three Hour Meeting Starts at Noon Today UNTIL BOOTH IS OPENED The Ocean Grove Woman's club The blaze damaged extensively at' t h e i r regular meeting yesterday the sound arid stage equipment Until thc. Municipal. Infor­ A t St. Paul’s Church; Sunrise Service To afternoon heard a talk by Mrs. of the theatre and caused, the . mation booth on Pilgrim Path- Norma Bingham, of tho Newark . cancelling of all scheduled . way opens in May, the early Mark Start of Easter Day's Program; Evening Nowa on the subject of shows.;; . tv inquiries received by the pub­ »"The: Passover—The Shadow of Asbury Park firemen, sum- licity department will be post­ Musical Selections Featured at Gatherings the, Cross.” , The speaker illustrat­ moned by. two alarms, found ed on a public bulletin board iri the Ocean Grove Times of­ ed her talk by preparing a table the ‘ back stage area of the fice. This announcement was concerning the subject. theatre a mass of flames and made this week by Ralph 'W.„ . I t "was also decided a t the ses­ laid five hdse lineg to quell,the -th at F ra n k Johnson, publicity director. sion the president, Mrs. blaze. An asbestos curtain, G. Mount, would represent the The purpose, he said, was to and a specially-constructed : make it possible for all local Ocean Grove club at the two com­ skylight were credited by1 fire ing Woman’s Club - conventions. taxpayers, hotel,, boarding" Officials with limiting, the Mrs. C. B. Hennig was named the house and rooming house own­ damage! to the stage area and alternate delegate. ers, to have prompt access - to holding flames from mush­ ■Mrs. Hennig, the chairman of the inquiries regarding summer rooming into the theatre.audi- ‘ Go To Church On Sunday nominating committee announced accommodations ill Ocean • torium . V.: .V- •• the candidates for office and con­ Services at St. Paul’s Church, Ocean Grove Grove that arc received before ducted the election, which result­ the opening of the regular in- " formation booth. The lists will ed in th e nam ing of M rs. :H. D. ALL HAIL! Kresge, second vice, president; Mrs, Howard W . Flack be prepared by the publicity Across the centuries the Easter Greeting of our Risen Lord rings department and posted each W. C.' Magee, recording secretary; out— ■, •'.. Mrs.- Fred Schultz, financial sec­ Dies A t Nashville Sat. morning after the us-' ALL. HAIL! . ' : - 7 ■ 7/ v- ! ual acknowledgment; the^ post­ retary, auditor, Mrs. R. C. Mere­ All Hail—Christ is-Risen! dith/ and trustee, 'Mrs. Alfred Former Neptune High School All Hail—To the dawn of an Eternal Life! r- ed list will give name and ad­ Clark. Two new members alsq Coach Was Connected With All Hail—Man is Immortal! * dress and a full description of were elected tO;,membership, they State Athletics There; Left All Hail—Love is Victorious! -“..i'-vfjivV the type of inquiry, according H ere In. 1934 All Hail—The Kingdom of God'is here! • • "• to Mr. Johnson. The Municiv • are Miss May Little and Miss All Hail—All Hail—All Hail! .; ' • 7 •: . , pal Information Booth will Grace Little. ■ ,J~ .7 ■ Life can be an E ternal E aster. .................... Howard W. Flack, athletic coach . Announce Literature Uatc ALL HAIL! , open the latter part of May.' a t N eptune high school from 1928 Miag Eleanor Smith; the litera­ -to—lOSl^and" again—fronrJ1932“to ture chairman, announced the next BIBLE SCHOOL, 9:40 A. M 1934, died Monday at Nashville, meeting for April 21 at 1:30 in tho Tenn., according , to reports receiv­ Rowland Reighton afternoon, and Mrs. Frederick En­ MORNING .WORSHIP, 10:30 Av ed here yesterday. Mr. Flack had gel, social welfare chairman, re­ PRELUDE—"Easter Morn on Mount Rubidoux".;.: . .v Honored By Phon e recently been .connected' with the. PROCESSIONAL HYMN No. 154 ■ -V ported giving eight Easter baskets. INVOCATION Get, Well cards were .also reported Peabody Normal School, Nashville and at the time of his death was EASTER HYMNS—150, 1G0 ' ' • sent to nine persons by Miss Isa­ SCRIPTURE—John 20:1-18 bel Scarborough, sunshinegchair- connected with the State Educa­ ANTHEM—“Dawn In The Garden” ;V tional department, it was; under­ man. \The flower; show wasjpost-. ’ ■ Combined Choirs : stood. .. ■,.. ■■■': RECEPTION OF MEMBERS pbned untiT a later date, it was an- OFFERTORY—"Morning” ... V..... .... .. .. | . nounced. • ■ , ■ ;. ANTHEM—“As It Began To Dawn” The club announced, its backing HYMN No. 151 of a bill to ". cihange the date, of SERMON—“I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES' Labor/Day from September first BENEDICTION . •'>'■ ir CHORAL RESPONSE' p until September eighth. A ;biU to POSTLUDE—“Hallelujah Chorus” ............. ;•* this effect is’ awaitiiig action of.the state assembly it was stated. ASSEMBLY (BIBLE CLASS 2:^0 P. M. Miss Louise Kresge, retiring pre­ Teacher, Blcecker Stirling . sident of the Junior club, announc­ OFFERTORY—(‘Easter. Spring Song” .............. ed the election o t Miss Janice^ Co-.- OFFERTORY ANTHEM—‘‘O Death Where Is Thy SOLO—“A New Heaven And A New Earth” ..... der os her successor. A silver John Ebner i.'- - . tr a y w as a l s o accepted by the sen­ EASTER HOMILY—“The Road To Emmdus” ior club as a gift from the juniors. BENEDICTION The spring concert f o r th e Ocean CHORAL RESPONSE • ,V;V ; Grove first aid squad was announc­ POSTLUDE—"Christ Is Risen” ............. ed for April 25 at the high school. EPWORTH LEAGUE 5:30 P. M. Mrs, Hennig a l s o introduced Mrs. Emma Piott, who sang a solo, acr companied by Miss Emma Faulk- It was anounced also that Miss Mary S, Daniels, the pioneer worn- an of the Ocean Grove-.club. Turn HOWARD , W. FLACK b e e n , voted the first honorary member of the Tenafly club. Gibbons-JViggin Nuptials Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage on March 8 of Miss Marion Preston Wiggin, daughter Of the late Dr. and Mrs; RalphO. Wiggin, Brookline, Mass., and-Jonn Gibbons, 4th, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons, 64 Asbury avenue. Tho wedding took place in Wash­ ington, D. C., w i t h the Rev. :C. R. Banes officiating. _ . Milo V. Gibbons, brother of the groom, acted as best man. The bride iB a graduate of Colby Junior College, New London, N. H., and the University of Michi­ gan. Mr! Gibbons, a graduate of Neptuno high school, attended the University of N o r t h Carolina; Mr. and. Mrs, Gibbons are both f o r m e r m em bers o f the staff of the Boston Transcript. The, couple are making their home in Washington, where Mr. Gibbons iB .associated with the Times-Herald. New Fite Box Placed ' A new fire box has been install­ ed at the corner of New Jersey and C lark avenueB under the orders of the Ocean Grove board of fire com­ missioners, replacing the one which became short circuited last Mon­ day causing the fire horn to sound almost continually foif a half hour during the afternoon. Tbe new box, which carries'the same number 82, as.; the old one, is now in ser­ viced installation having: been com­ pleted by Phineas Proctor,; depart­ ment clpctrician. J: • Prices Here For Easter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Price and family, of West Orange. N. J.,are spending Easter at their summer cottage a t W ells a n d H aw thorne avenue, Neptune. Their sonDean, who joined Company G o f^ o Na­ tional Guard last August .*? now'located at Camp D ix.w lljoin Tasty, delicious sandwiches of all Albert, E- ' Rohinson^l Jobbirig kinds and light lunch at 'Nagle’s carpenter; arid aU kjiida pf T O flfa . t h e m for, Easter;': 't:/;:' 1 SbdaiFpuntain, 43 .Wain Ave^-iad? put on. ; 64 .HecktAyc^6e^^ifi,;?y‘'' FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1941 PAGE TWO IDEAL SEASHORE RESORT Bathing and fishing in the ocean. Fine boardwalk, connecting Asbury Park on the north and Bradley Beach on the south. Two large pavil­ ions. Boardwalk and pavilions brilliantly illuminated at night, and the beautiful Ocean Pathway Promenade. ; • ATiditofiui^s^ating»w» «u... —.. q -------------nearlyl0^0007 „ One of'the most- powerful organs in the country; i Great chorus, finest singers, most gifted instrumen- | talists, eminent preachers, noted lecturers. ; Safe and sane amusements, moving pictures, bowling I alleys, merry-go-round, swimming pool,, athletic games, I teiinis, skee ball, golf nearby, § Daily meetings for young and old in Temple,. Taber- I ■. hacle and Chapel. | A quiet, restful Sabbath. Safest place for . women = V and children. No mosquitoes. I . Ocean Gvove and Neptune’s own golf club—the | the Jumping Brook Golf and Country Club—catering' es- | pecially to Ocean Grove summer visitors. | ' Fishing Pier, newly rebuilt by the Ocean Grove I'- Fishing Club. | Adequate train and bus service, with wonderful | .
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