;,I" :I Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 REFERENCE SECTION I Richard Parry ! SECTION I SCOTTISH OFFICE MINISTERS Private Secretary* Secretary of State Rt Hon Malcolm Rifkind MP D J Crawley Ext 4011 i Assistants: II; LWrightDHExt6738:j: 1;11 Miss U M Jamieson Ext 4021 ,i Minister of State Lord Sanderson (Lords) A C MacLaren Ext 4023 (Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Highlands and Islands and Tourism) Minister of State Ian Lang MP (Commons) D C Henderson Ext 4015 (Minister for Industry and Education) Parliamentary Lord James Douglas-Hamilton MP Miss J F Waterman Ext 4012 Under-Secretaries (Minister for Home Affairs of State and the Environment) Michael Forsyth MP DB Binnie Ext4107** (Minister for Health) 'l' * at New St Andrew's House, Edinburgh EH1 3SX (031-244 ext) except II at St Andrew's House, Edinburgh EH1 3DE :j: Dover House, London (01-270 3000) ;: :i ,,1 SECTION2 REGIONAL COUNCILS Names and Addresses of Convenors and Chief Ofticers Convener/ Chief Director of Director of Director of Director of Director of Director of Population Executive Administration Finance Education Social Work Planning Roads 'Jl BORDERS George Dorward KJClark PJeary JMcLean ACameron PGregory RIHill s Newton St Boswells (lnd) i- TD60SA 102,000 =- 083523301 CENTRAL Charles Snedden JBroadfoot SCraig !Collie J A Ross FBracewell G I McCrindle ~ Viewforth (Lab) 3 272,000 (M Stirling FK8 2ET ~ ....QC 07863111 =.... ~ DUMFRIES& ~ GALLOWAY John Jameson NW D Mcintosh JCStewart WCFordyce TMcMenamay GLMann HDBMurray ~ Council Offices (lnd) 038769191 30 Edinburgh Rd 8GordonSt Dumfries Dumfries DG12DD 147,000 Dumfries II:" 038761234 .... FIFE Robert Gough J A Markland AETaylor MMore AJBowman WTaylor JTRowson ! Fife House (Lab) (Engineering) North Street 345,000 Glenrothes KY7 5LT 0592 754411 GRAMPIAN Geoffrey Hadley J D Macnaughton A Campbell A McLean JADMichie Miss MHartnoll T F Sprott GKirkbride Woodhill House (Ind) WestburnRd 503,000 Aberdeen AB92LU 0224682222 Convener/ Chief Director of Director of Director of Director of Director of Director of Population Executive Administration Finance Education Social Work Planning Roads HIGHLAND Alexander Russell RH Stevenson HFarquhar JWBremner CEStewart JDick RCameron Regional Buildings (Ind) GK M Macfarlane Glenurquhart Road 201,000 Inverness IV3 5NX 0463234121 LOTHIAN James Cook GBowie 'Jl DB Chynoweth WDCSemple JChant DMJamie PJMason 1'1 George IV Bridge (Lab) Q 40Torphichen St Shrubhill House I Parliament Sq 19MarketSt EdinburghEH11UQ 744,000 Edinburgh Edinburgh ;· 031-2299292 Edinburgh Edinburgh = EH38JJ EH74DP EHIITU EHIIBL C'l=- 031-5544301 Q < STRA THCL YDE James Jennings R Calderwood ~ AGillespie FPignatelli FE Edwards RGMaund WS McAionan 3 ....(M Strathclyde House (Lab) IC 20 India Street 2,333,000 a Glasgow G2 4PF ....=~ 041-2042900 ~ ~ TAYSIDE RonTosh Ill JA Wallace IB Mciver D G Robertson PBates HRamsay JFWhite '"I Tayside House (Lab) 26-28 Crichton St 394,000 Dundee DD13RA l.... 038223281 8 ISLANDS COUNCILS ORKNEY Edwin Eunson RHGilbert RMcCallum RHGilbert R L Henderson H MacGillivray TWEggeling County Offices (lnd) Kirkwall KW151NY 19,000 08563535 =--....o~.~~~~==-~ Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 SECTION3 DISTRICT COUNCILS 'I Names and Addresses of Conveners and Chief Executives "' Convener/Provost/ Chief Executive c :2"" (l) "'~ "Stoll o <=Q""' s Chairman (unless stated) 5 .5 ~~co:~ (!.) ..g '§ § .~ ~ BORDERS ~ i <:tO..~ 0 Sii: -.:>&l~ ~ Berwickshire JEvans RChristie -g District Offices, Duns _!,l TD113DU (036182600) ~ "'~~ "S~ s­ Ettrick& AL Tulley CAnderson, POBox4 o~..!od s-; ~0-~ ~~Z"'_,- Lauderdale Council Chambers, 1:! ·­ "'-~ II. I ~""' Paton St., Galashiels ~~~ ;:Egg sl TD 13AS (0896 4751) Roxburgh GYellowlees "' 0 KWCramond ·o; = ~:I: ....... -= ~s"' ,l5N District Office, High St. -Q ·-= o;g:: !$'!; ~~:;-ti 0"' Hawick TD9 9EF (04507 5991) -"' <=Q c ..8 ·­ ................... "' co:~ (l)~ ~;;::: Tweeddale 1:! = zgg MAR Maher GHTGarvie Q~ ~<'Q::C...J District Offices, Peebles EH45 8GH (072120153) "§ CENTRAL "S .. ~ g "' Clackmannan WGWatt IF Smith .s.. ~i~ :::E ~ =01 o·;:; The Whins, Alloa .. = ~ 0 Sii: :::E~~ 0 FK10 3SA (0259 722160) § Falkirk DGoldie JPHPaton ~ Municipal Buildings, Falkirk i -~ .i.. .., FK15RS (0324 24911) -"' .s .5 E 1. ~ 5 ·~ Stirling JHendry RBlack <=Q"' iS~ ~ ~ Municipal Buildings, Corn Exchange Road, Stirling FK8 2HU (0786 79000) .. "'2 -g DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY jl' ;:... "'t: u "' Annandale & F Park 1 A Whitecross .i!- =~ "' I' I 0 i Eskdale High Street, Annan 0~ :::E 0 DG126AQ(046123311) c I' "'5l Nithdale ED Gibson ~ ll WWJapp .. 5 Municipal Chambers, lj: ~ i Dumfries DG 12AD ... s ]_§ ~~§,;:"0 (03873166) i 8- ""''"""' "' . "' ~M"' . v=-- ···-""'-~"' "'-"' Stewartry JNelson JCHowie ~ Council Offices, Kircudbright DG6 4PJ "'LLl r-~ 0 !il ...l 00 (0557 30291) z ::; ~ 8 < Z!:S-8~ Wigtown JBrown A Geddes :5=~.,., ~0~~~ Sun Street, Stranraer E-o~~~.::·-<'> ~~~gM IJ.l Cl'lg ................... DG93JJ (07762151) :I: .. ~ ~ rn~~~ ~8~~~ 320 321 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Nairn SA Macarthur AM Kerr FIFE (Director of Law and Dunfermline JCameron GBrown City Chambers, Dunfermline Administration) KY12 7ND (03837 22711) The Courthouse, High Street, Nairn Kirkcaldy RKing JMSmith IV12 4AU (0667 52056) (Director of Administration) Ross & Cromarty G D Finlayson Town House, Kirkcaldy DSinclair KY11XW(0592261144) Council Offices, Dingwall IV15 9QN (0349 63381) North-East Fife CRSneddon R Brotherton Skye & Lochalsh JFMunro County Buildings, Cupar DHNoble KY15 4TA (03345 3722) Park Road, Portree IV519EP(04782341) GRAMPIAN Sutherland DIMacRae DWMartin City of Aberdeen R A Robertson JJKSmith District Office, Golspie Town House, Aberdeen KW106RB (040833192) AB91AQ (0224642121) LOTHIAN Banff & Buchan W R Cruickshank R WJackson City of Edinburgh Mrs E McLaughlin (Director of Administration A Hepburn City Chambers, High St., and Legal Services) I' St Leonards, Sandy hill Rd., EdinburghEH11YJ Banff AB4 1BH (02612 2521) (031225 2424) East Lothian GMWanless Malcolm Duncan Gordon JLawrence MCBarron Gordon House Council Buildings, Blackhall Rd., Inverurie Haddington EH413HA AB5 9W A (0467 20981) (0620824161) Midlothian DLennie TMuir D J MacKenzie THyder Kincardine & 1 Eskdaill Court, Dalkeith Deeside Arduthie Rd, Stonehaven AB3 2DQ (056 92 62001) EH221DJ (0316632881) West Lothian DMcCauley WNFordyce Moray EAldridge JPCBell High Street, Elgin South Bridge St., Bathgate EH481TS (Bathgate 53631) IV30 1BX (0343 3451) I, STRATHCLYDE !' HIGHLAND '' Argyll&Bute WRHunter ~ H G McCulloch MAJGossip J A McCook 1 Badenoch& Kilmory, Lochgilphead Strathspey Council Offices, Ruthven Road PA318RT(05462127) '11 Kingussie, Inverness ,, PH211EJ (054 02 555) Bearsden& Mrs J Cameron ICLaurie Milngavie Boclair, Bearsden G61 2TQ 1;'1 Caithness JMYoung A Beattie Council Offices, Wick (0419422262) KW14AB (0955 3761) City of Glasgow MrsSBaird SHamilton City Chambers, Glasgow Inverness AGSellar BWilson Town House, Inverness G21DU (0412219600) IV11JJ (0463 239111) Clydebank DSGrainger JTMcNally District Council Offices Lochaber D P MacFarlane DAB Blair Lochaber House, Fort William Clydebank G811 TG PH33 6EL (0397 3881) (0419411331) Clydesdale MrsELogan PWDaniels District Offices, Lanark ML117JT(055561511) 323 322 ],1 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Cumbernauld & MsRMcKenna JHutton TAYSIDE Kilsyth Bron Way, Cumbernauld G671DZ (02367 22131) Angus BMCMilne Patrick B Regan County Buildings, Forfar Cumnock& JHodge DTHemmings DDS 3LG (0307 65101) DoonValley Lugar, Cumnock KA1S 3JQ (029022111) City of Dundee TMitchell JFHoey City Chambers, Dundee Cunninghame JCarson BDevine DD13BY (03S2 23141) Cunninghame House, Irvine KA12 SEE (0294 74166) Perth & Kinross A Murray JED Connie 1-3 High Street, Perth Dumbarton WPetrie A Nisbet PH15JU (073S 21161) Crosslet House, Dumbarton GS2 3NS (03S9 65100) Source: Scottish Development Department East Kilbride MrsH Biggins DLiddell Civic Centre, East Kilbride G741AB (035 52 28777) Eastwood Mrs J Y Macfie MD Henry Eastwood Park, Rouken Glen Road, Glasgow G466UG(04163S6511) Hamilton RGibb Alister Baird 102 Cadzow Street, Hamilton ML3 6HH (069S 2S2323) Inverclyde FA McGlone ICWilson Municipal Buidings, GreenockPA151LY (0475 24400) Kilmarnock& JMills RWJenner Loudon Civic Centre, Kilmarnock KA11BY(056321140) Kyle & Carrick DMacNeill IRDSmillie Burns House, Ayr KA71UT (0292S1511) Monklands ECairns MHart Dunbeth Road, Coatbridge ML5 3LF (0263 24941) i Motherwell J Armstrong JBonomy P.O. Box 14, Motherwell ML11TW(069S66166) Renfrew GMurray ACowe :i (Managing Director) i lj Cotton Street, Paisley PA11BU (041889 5400) Strathkelvin RMCoyle CMallon P.O. Box4, Kirkintilloch G664TJ(0417767171) 324 325 (' Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 Scottish Government Yearbook 1990 SCOTLAND NORTH EAST (38.4%) SECTION4 Henry McCubbin (Lab) 65,348 30.7 +2.3 Allan Macartney (SNP) 62,735 29.4 +8.1 EUROPEAN ELECTION RESULTS IS JUNE 1989 James Provan (Con) 56,835 26.7 -7.5 Mark Hill (Green) 15,584 7.3 +7.3 Votes % %change Simon Horner (Dem) 12,704 6.0 -10.2 sincel984 Lab gain from Con, maj 2,613 1.3 GLASGOW (turnout 39.9%) SOUTH OF SCOTLAND ( 41.4%) Janey Buchan (Lab) 107,818 55.4 -3.8 Andrew Brophy (SNP) 48,586 25.0 +14.3 Alex Smith (Lab) 81,366 39.8 +4.7 Aileen Bates (Con) 20,761 -5.3 Alasdair Hutton (Con) 65,673 32.2 -4.8 David Spaven (Green) 12,229 6.3 +6.3 Matt Brown (SNP) 35,155 17.2 +3.7 John Morrison (Dem) 3,887 2.0 -11.6 John Button (Green) 11,658 5.7 +5.7 Douglas Chalmers ( Comm) 1,164 0.6 +0.6 John
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