TheThe EagleEagle Published for the men and women of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command August 2001 First full FA 40 course graduates COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—The the Army and Department of Defense, As we look at the 21st century, Space- Army reached a milestone on the afternoon Cosumano said. based radars will look deep into areas where of August 3 as 14 officers successfully com- You are breaking new ground here, he aircraft both manned and unmanned will not pleted the Armys first Space Operations Of- said. In many respects we are really late go, he said. Space-based communications ficer Qualification Course. in getting this course for the U.S. Army, will enable soldiers anywhere in the world There is only a small cadre of Space but we are here and it is a milestone for to enter and gather information from the Operational officers, said guest speaker Lt. us. It is like any trailblazer. There are global information grid. The fact is that the Gen. Joseph M. Cosumano, Jr., command- really no markers for you. But you know Armys objective force must be and will be a ing general of the U.S. Army Space and Mis- you have to go somewhere and there is a Space-based enabled force. sile Defense Command (SMDC) and U.S. destination. Cosumano advised the graduates of Army Space Command (ARSPACE), before a So we in the Space business in the U.S. challenges. group of 75 military and civilian personnel Army, and the Army itself, understand the You will be spread thin across the Army during the graduation ceremony in the U.S. criticality of Space to its future. And so it and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Air Force Space Command headquarters on is an uncharted path; you graduates will various defense agencies and among our Peterson Air Force Base. go down that path and mark the trail for warfighting CINCs. They will come to you The graduates are trailblazers within those who will follow. and ask, where are the Army Space require- Its really now left up to you to create ments and they will expect you to know. your destiny, and your role in Space in ser- When you talk, you will be speaking for vice of the U.S. Army and its warfighting the Army. You are the ones who stake out commanders. the left and the right limits of the Armys Space will be a key enabler for the force fighting position concerning Space control. of the 21st century, Cosumano said. You are the ones who get OSD and the ser- All the products of Space, navigation, vices to commit to the battlefield character- communication, warning and intelligence ization, Space-based Blue Force Tracking, will be key products for the U.S. Army Ob- and more tactically responsive relevant jective Force, which will be a much more Space-based infrared satellite radar sys- lighter and lethal force. And for it to accom- tems. plish this mission, it must be able to see After his address Cosumano presented first, understand first, decide first, and a diploma to each graduate. then finish decisively. And Space will en- The graduates are: Lt. Col. Robert H. able that force to do that. Bruce, assigned to SMDC; Maj. Richard E. The Army has been involved in Space Brence, assigned to the 193rd Space Support from early on, according to Cosumano. Battalion, Colorado Army National Guard; The Space program that we know, the Maj. Dennis L. Campbell, assigned to U.S. NASA Space program, even the Space pro- Space Command; Maj. Steven B. Choi, as- gram that the U.S. Air Force has a large signed to III Corps; Maj. Duncan C. Currier, investment in, began in the U.S. Army in assigned to National Reconnaissance Office the 1950s and 1960s, he said. (NRO); Maj. Robert R. Fabrizzio II, assigned This legacy continues as the Army to NRO; Maj. Robert A. Guerriero, Jr., moves ahead. assigned to NRO; Maj. Thomas L. James, We have a number of capabilities that assigned to III Corps; Maj. Robert E. the Army requires to perform its war- Klingseisen, USSPACECOM; Maj. Patrick M. (Photo by DJ Montoya) fighting mission that we getin and Marshall, assigned to Eighth U.S. Army; Majors Duncan C. Currier (left) and Robert A. Guerriero, through Space, Cosumano continued. So Maj. Jim R. Meisinger, 1st Space Battalion, Jr. (right), students in the Armys first Space Opera- it is very, very important that we stay part ARSPACE; Maj. Jim D. Patterson, assigned tions Officer Qualification Course, update a Space order of Space. to 1st Space Battalion, ARSPACE; Maj. Jim D. of battle during a command post exercise. Pruneski, assigned to the National Security Space Architecture; and Maj. Sean M. Scally, assigned to NRO. Colonel (P) Richard V. Geraci, deputy commanding general, ARSPACE and DCG for Operations, SMDC, also awarded each graduate with the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Badge. Cosumano pointed out that the awarding of the badge was a significant event. I think it shows the recognition by our sister service of your excellent qualifica- tions and your contribution to Space, he said. One of the graduates, Brence, is cur- rently with the COARNG. Upon graduation, he will be assigned to the newly formed 193rd Space Support Battalion. Officials from the SMDC Force Develop- ment and Integration Center (FDIC), creators of the Functional Area 40 Space Operations Qualification Course, began the intense seven-week course June 15 in Colorado Springs, Colo. The course is designed to train Army officers to be experts in using Space to (Photo by DJ Montoya) support the warfighter. (Left to right) Majors Steven B. Choi, Thomas L. James, and Jim R. Meisinger, students of the Armys first Space Operations Officer Qualification Course, prepare to brief the corps commander on Space See FA 40s Page 7 Force Enhancements during a command post exercise Aug. 1. 2 The Eagle August 2001 Commanders Notes Defining the Armys role in Space On August 3, understand first, decide first and then controls satellite payloads and networks we took a signifi- finish decisively. Space will enable this by using the Defense Satellite Communica- cant step forward providing near real-time navigation, tions System (DCSC). The battalions in our effort to communication, weather, imagery, missile soldiers point DCSC antennas at users on normalize space warning and intelligence. the ground and control communications when 14 officers To graduate, each officer had to make it network operations to provide critical graduated from through an intense seven-week course, command-and-control paths for ground- the Armys first including visits to places such as the NRO, forces communications. st Space Operations National Imagery and Mapping Agency, The 1 Space Battalion has two mis- Officer Qualifica- National Security Agency, Fort Bragg,. N.C., sions, missile warning and Army Space tion Course at and SMDCs Army Space Program Office, support teams. The Missile Warning Lieutenant General Colorado Springs, which is responsible for the Armys Tactical Company uses Joint Tactical Ground Joseph M. Cosumano, Jr. Colo. Exploitation of National Capabilities program. Stations to downlink missile-launch This program focuses on exploiting current warning and tracking information real I had the pleasure of congratulating our and future tactical potential of national time to ground commanders. first Space operations officers at their systems and integrating the capabilities into Our Space Support Company has five graduation. They will now move on to the Armys tactical decision-making process teams, each associated with a different assignments throughout the Army, DoD In addition, the students participated in CINC. The teams provide expertise on and other government agencies to leverage a 43-hour command post exercise designed how to access Space assets for communi- Space for ground warfighters around the to evaluate each students proficiency in 24 cations, weather forecasting, terrain world. Besides SMDC, here are the other individual critical tasks. analysis and mapping. organizations who will benefit from our Though this first FA 40 graduation is a In addition to our Army Space Forces, first graduating class: the Colorado Army significant milestone, it is by no means ARSPACE provides soldiers for SMDCs National Guard, U.S. Space Command, III the only Army effort to integrate Space into Space and Missile Defense Battle Lab. Corps, National Reconnaissance Office its operations. Their job is to find military uses for emerg- (NRO), National Security Space Architect, In addition to our new Space officers, we ing Space technology and accelerate the and Eighth Army in South Korea. are standing up our Army Space Forces, fielding of new systems. As our first space experts, these gradu- which consist of three unique battalions. As you can see, we are operating on ates will be trailblazing uncharted territory. They are the 1st Satellite Control Battal- many levels to normalize Space in the Army. Achieving this milestone reinforces ion, the 1st Space Battalion, and a new Getting to meet our first graduating class of the fact we in the Army Space business National Guard unit, the 193rd Space Sup- Space operations officers just reinforces my and, in fact, in the overall Army, under- port Battalion. A NASA Astronaut Detach- conviction that we are on the right path and stand the criticality of Space to our future. ment and a Headquarters and Headquarters marching hard to achieve that goal. For the Armys Objective Force to Company round out the Army Space Forces. become reality, in simple terms ground The 1st Satellite Control Battalion Secure the High Ground! warfighters must be able to see first, Commentary Ecstasy use harms health, career, freedom by Cadets Robert Chamberlain large amounts of serotonin.
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