to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Aug. 15. 1986 HOMES I APARTMENTS WANTED CARS MANCHESTER FOR RENT LAWN AND |8 7 ||M'SCEkLANE0US CARS , SPORTS WEEKEND PLUS FOR SALE TO RENT GARDEN FOR SALE TAG SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE Manchester- 2 bedrooms. Christian woman and Chrysanthemums- dip 1982 Toyota Corolla. 5 Manchester 3 bedroom 2nd floor, heat and ap­ Mason canning lors, pints Tag Sale - Saturday, Au­ 1976 Mercury Capri II, speed, air candltlonlng, Ranch with In/law apart­ daughter desire to share your own. 20 varieties. 550 and quarts. 649-1908. gust 16,. woodstave, 2 pia­ runs and looks good, new MMH cuts costs Bosox, Clemens pliances. No pets. Secur­ your Manchester home Bush HIM R d . AM/FM, new brakes. Ex­ Egan remembers ment. $159,900! Petermon ity. $575 month.Call 646- nos, many miscellaneous exhoust, new point. $500 cellent condition. $4,000. Agency; 649-9404, 647-1340, with other single parents, Manchester. Items, 26 Coleman Road, or best offer. Call 647-7794 3979. beginning September. For Sale - stereo compo-' 659-2436 after 5:30. ^ under state plan 647-0080. nents excellent working Manchester. ofter 6pm. topple Detroit Niantic summers Call 423-6587. conditions, color tv, air Manchester - 2 bedroom, lUNKER LANOSCAPHKi 1968 white mustang, 6 Government Homes from second floor, no pets, conditioner Call 742-6700. [WANTED TO 1961 Chevy Bebcagne, 2 cylinder, gaad condition, ... page 3 ... page 9 SKU repair). Delinquent stove ond refrigerator. AND DESIGN door, hard top, good run­ $2600 or best offer. Call — magazine inside tax property. Reposse- $475 a month plus utilities. FURNITURE •BED DESIGNS: floral couch ond match­ BUY/TRADE ning condition, V-6 re­ 643-1809. _ slons. Call (805)687-6000. 646-1379._________ __ Trat & Shrub Planting, ing loveseat, $300, 2 built,call 8am - 5pm. Ext H-9965 for current Pruning, Stone !• AAulch Badi. •TREE REMOVAL matching couches, a love 742-0101, $1500 or best repo list. Male or Female or couple Water bed, king size, good offer, must sell [TRUCKS/VANS shape, asking $200. Call •RAILROAD TIE: seat and matching otto­ wanted to rent 1 large Retalnarwalli, steps, borders. man, $400, full size bed [for SALE room furnished. Com­ 646-2139. •BRICK 4. STONE: 1978 Chevy Chevette, au­ I CONDOMINIUMS Patios I. Walks box soring and matching, Buying old furniture, old tomatic, good motor and plete use of apartment. Drainage $50, a queen size bed box glass and china and |e- Dodge van, 1968 slant 6 FOR SALE Call 649-7911.__________ Day/Night Nights tires, $300, 649-2731. spring and not matching welry and anything old. engine. Good tor hauling 633-1716 647-0814 high boy, $150, 1 bar and 2 $300. Call 646-9534 after South Vllloge Condomini­ Manchester- 3 bedroom/6 Pay cash money. Please 1969 VW Beatle, good for room newly built apart­ Oak 24" Bar stools, swl- bar stools, 2 cribs and call evenings 646-8496. parts, good tires, $200 or 5:30. ___________ ums. 3 room condomi­ other miscellaneous nium. 165 South St. No.42. ment tor rent. Avalloble val, brass rails and per­ best offer. Call 643-9697. Immediately. Call 233-0319 Items. Call 649-7755 or [MOTORCYCLES/ Rockville. Asking $45,900. fect condition, original BOATS/MARINE 243-5595. CARS Inoulre at premises, or offer 2pm. over $100 each; $89 or best FOR SALE Mecury Comet 1976. Very [m opeds call 646-2426 weekdays 9 to offer. 633-2468. [e q u ip m e n t good condition. $800oest HrralJi mulmtnManchester — A City ol Village Charm Used kitchen cabinets, offer. 643-8646 5. [HOMES light wood. Call 647-9255, 1976 Chevy. Must see. Trlumph Daytona 500 1972 FOR RENT 2 adlustable brass look 16 foot Mad River canoe, 9am to 5pm. Excellent condition, gar­ weathered, $200. 1972 J INVESTMENT floor lamps, 1 tent style, 1 paddles Included. Used age door opener Included CARS Yamaha 175 Endura wea­ shell style $20each,plne15 four times. Excellent con­ PROPERTY Manchester, 7 room (3-4 Avon - free product to first $1350. 649-9758. FOR SALE thered, $100. Call 646-9534 piece stereo TV, book dition. $800. Please call 25 to loin Avon now. On 35 call after 5:30. I I Saturday, Aug. 16, 1986 n bedroom, 1 both) $750 per shelf or whatever wall 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- 25 Cents month plus utilities. Se­ to 50 for $5.00 Investment. 1981 Chevette, 4 door, Invest Today! In this mod­ unit - great for den, kids 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Reserve your place for Diue, 79,000 miles, body 1980 Ford Mustang, hatch ern 5 unit building. Prime curity and references room, can paint, $120 Bob. [MISCELLANEOUS needed, available now, Christmos selling. Call good, needs clutch, $800 back, 4 cylinder, 4 speed Manchester location, 633-2468.______ _______ Dee, 646-4778. Call 742-7003. stick shift, bucket seats, [a u to m o tiv e A near hospital. Good In­ children accepted, no pets. 649-1943 evenings. Dining room set-64" Pine PETS AND air conditioning, and come "We Guarantee our 1976 AMC Hornet station more. 43,000 miles, excel­ Soviet Houses" Blanchard & table with 6 chairs. Excel­ SUPPLIES lent condition. Call 289- 1981 Jeep - CJ 7, looks Senate passes Scotlond Country house lent condition. $350 or best wagon, good running con­ great, runs great, saft tap. Rossetto Real Estate 646- on beautiful 2 plus acres, 4 [TAG SALES dition, 58,000 miles. $900 9209 after 4. 2482. offer. Call 649-7621 after For Sale- AKC registered $4995 evenings. 643-5689. bedroom, den, formal din­ 6pm._________________ 647-1555. ing room, two full baths, Golden Retrelvers, father Tag Sale. Electric hedge APARTMENTS lust renovated, fully ap- For Sale - 2 Captain Is a grand champion. Call trimmer, mirror, house­ trip a 643-7605 ofter 5.________ FOR RENT pllanced. Available Au­ Moose Head single beds, hold Items. Friday 8, Sat­ NOTICE OF d e m o c r a t ic PARTY PRIMARY - STATE OR DISTRICT sanctions by ( gust 16. $800 per month. solid Maple with book­ urday, 9-4, 9 Griffin Rd. (MULTI-TOWN) OFFICE First and last plus secur­ case headboards. Both MISCELLANEOUS Manchester - Centrally DEAR TOWN CLERK: U ity, plus utilities, referen- mattresses sealed in plas­ locoted tor elderly cou­ FOR SALE Tag Sale - 216 Hollister Notice Is hereby olven that a Primary of the Democratic Party will be held In your town on ces required. Call 423-5133. tic, 3 drawers In each bed, Street, Soturday 9-3, mis­ September 9, 1986 for nomlnaflon fo each office Indicafed below. shock ple, luxary 2 bedroom n 2 electric blankets $800. cellaneous items. apartment with full base­ Spa shells- factory se­ Notice Is also hereby olven that the toll owing Is the name of the party-endorsed candidate, of r n STORE AND Call 649-2991 between 8 the Democratic Party for nomlnaflon fo each office Indicated, together with the street ad­ large margin ment, all electric kitchen and 9pm._____________ conds or damaged In Tag Sale - Saturday Au­ dress of said candidate: By John Mitchell and heat, laundry room 1 ^ OFFICE SPACE transportation. $200 to gust 16th, 9-3 toys, cross For Sale - Full size box OFFICE NAME ADDRESS Herald Reporter and 2 car garage, no pets. $800 as Is. Call evenings or country skis, Sony stereo, (Including district) By Lawrence L. Knutson favor this sanctions bill,” Speakes Call 643-9674.__________ spring mattress and weekends. 742-6469. much more, 25 Green­ Treasurer Francisco L. Borges 77 Canterbury St. The Associated Press said. “ But that does not indicate frame, $75. 1 Danish mod­ wood Drive, Manchester. It was not until the third or fourth 4 room duplex, plus u tili­ ern chair, $25. Call 649- Hartford, CT 06112 day in Leningrad that Steve that we’ ve dropped or lessened our ties. Coll 649-2780. 1758._________________ Sheriff Theodore SatkowskI P.O. Box 218 Upper Road Armstrong told his .students that WASHINGTON - The Senate opposition to sanctions." Office Space- on busy Tag Sale - Friday and Tolland County Sfaffordville, CT 06077 G 3 Oval gold leaf look overwhelmingly approved a route 83. Manchester- Saturday, 8-4, girls clo­ they had been eating horsemeat. Late in the day Friday, the 2 bedroom flat, heat, hot Cocktail table large 68" X mirrors, vanity, dining Notice Is olso hereby given that the following ore the names of the enrolled members of the strengthened package of economic Senate voted 65-33 to kill an water, all appliances, air Vernon town line. For­ 25" X 16'/3" solid Pine, room, hall or bedroom. thing, sizes 2-5, dishes, tv, Democratic Party who hove filed certificates ot eligibility and consent to primary In confor­ not beef. merly Insurance com­ stereo, odds and ends, 22 mity with Section 9-400 of the General Statutes, as candidates for nomlnaflon toeach office In­ “ They thought it tasted funny." sanctions against South Africa-on amendment by Sen. Alan Cran­ conditioning. Call 647- dark walnut, middle Beautiful, perfect condi­ dicated, together with the street addresses of sold candidates: . Friday, including a ban on import­ 1595._________________ pany tenant. 646-5707. doors with open ends. tion. $200 for all 3, or $75 Foster Street, the Manchester-High School his­ ston, D-Calif., that essentially Excellent condition. Orig­ Manchester. OFFICE NAME ADDRESS tory teacher said with a smile, ing South African steel, textiles, tracked the House version by each. 633-2468. (Including district) Manchester. 5 room town- [MISCELLANEOUS inal $400 sacrifice $150, remembering their reaction. uranium, coal and agricultural requiring complete U.S. business • house, 2 bedrooms, nice coll 649-9807.__________ _ 2- 6' X 9' area rugs - 1 Treasurer Maurice B.
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