MONDAY, AUGUST Ml, M6I PAGE SIXTEEN lliattrbi^Bter .lEttpnitts Hfralb The Weather Araragt Daily Net Preaa Run •f u. I For Uw Week bUed \ ' Sp.4.C. Alfred W. Oineo, 46 Oris- Juupwt IT, IfOB Cloady and cod witb tog woid St, la serving two weeks of Cluster Zone ia valley areas. LoW 55 to 80. About Town active duty at the new McDonald Wednesday partly sunny and warmer after eauty doiidinesa. Army Hospital, Fort Eustis, Va. 13,562 tSMtfiM Hlrth, 79 HoUister St., Bid Before DRIVEWAYS High arotmd M. He la attached to the 306th Am­ aa bcM appointed a member of Mnmbee af the Audit bulance Train (Rail), West Hart­ a( OEteaatifMi he Veterana of Foreign Wars Na- Manchester— A City of Village Charm Monal Americanlani and Ornimu- ford. TPC Tonight ft.ee Esfimates On: nity Service Committee tp' serve Marine Pvt. Pa«I W. Buck, son (Clasatfied Adverttatag oa Page It) PRICK SEVEN CENTS 1urli« the VFW national convon- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 20,1963 of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Buck, The ’Town, POaimlng Oommdssion BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVINO VOL. l i: i y u . NO. 273 ('TWELVE PAGES) lon in Seattle, Wash., from Aug. 187 Woodbridge St., recently com­ 3 to SO. I (TPC) will meet at 8 tonight at pleted four weeks of indlviduai o DRIVEWAYS o PARKING LOTS - combat training at Damp Lejeune, the Municipal BulkUng hearinf^ Mias Jane L. Abil<t, 128 Bran-! room to hear s requeat foe reauto- o GAS. STiWnONS o BASKETBALL COURTS ord S t. M iw Kllen M. LeBlanc, N.C. , 86 BldweU St., and Jeffrey R. Ty- ^ division undw ’^the town’s recent Dennis D. Keith, son of Mr. and ALL W O R K PERSONALLY SUPERVISED State N ew s )urski, 118 Brospect St. were, cluster zoning regulations, and to Mrs. Roy L. Keith Jr., 22 Hollieter imong 48 frertimen who were decide on a zone change request 1 0 0 % nieata of the student-managed St., has been named to the dean’s WE ARE INSURED * list for the second semester of the heard at the regular monthly R o u n d u p Rescuers Drilling On, leadership Development Commis­ meeting. sion of ttie University Of Hartford 1963-63 academic year at Bates College, Le^vlston, Maine. A section of the Manchester yeaterday afternoon, "nie guests Ridge development, in the Buck- DE MAIO BROTHERS smoB um vere selected on the basis of their land area, has been set aside by 'eaderrfiip potential. Tickets for "Fall Fanfare," a TEL. 643-7691— W E C A R R Y JENNITE SEALER fa.shion and home decorating show I. ft. Stkh Associates, at the TPC’s Slayer Coiaunitted for the benefit of Camp Courant, request, for usA as a park. The dvitan Club will hold a To make up fbr the lose of T o State Hospital neeting tomorrow at 12:1S p.m. will be available in Manchester un­ til Wednesday. Those interested buUdable land, the ’TPC will per­ xt WUlie’e Steak Hooie. A movie mit homes to built on lota smsdler Miner Is Silent may call Mrs. Donald Forstrom of will be shown. than usually required—^but within NORWIC h I a P) — Nicho­ ISl Tanner St., a representative las Ukraine, c h a rg ^ with the of the Junior Century dub. The specified limits—providing there event will be given Thursday, Sept. are no more than a cettain total slaying of a New London 26, at 2 and 8:1S p.m., at the number of home per acre in- the couple and their son, was 6r- development. StatJer-Hllton Hotel, Hartford. derMl committed to the State ’Die pl6t reserved for park use Louis Bova, The VFW will meet tomorrow at will be tumsd over to the town Hospital at Norwich today. > G L O B E i Skiperior Court Judge Joseph 8. 8 p.m. at the Post Home. park deportment after the sub­ division is complete, snd developed Longo Issued the conunitment or­ der after two paychiatrlata report­ Mystic Review, Woman’s Bene­ for reoreatloned use. DOUBLI 1 of Three, TRAVEL SERVICE j fit A.<feociation, will meet tomor­ Ahout five acres in size, the park ed that Ukraine ia und>le to un­ derstand the proceedings against 905 MAIN STREET ^ row at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. area includee a tree-shaded btwk. ’There will be a social time after Park Supertntendent Horace A. him. Sealed O ff 643-2165 J a short business meeting. Murphey says that tress seem to The paychiatrlata. Dra. Sidney be the Angle faettn: that most en­ DrobnM and Peter Spaulding, had been ordered to report their find­ Anthorlaed agent in H a n -^ Waiter discharged from the Colxnnbia tank truck is measured in drums and a canvas tank before courages park use. chestef for an Airlines, Bail- A being dumped in the brook off Townsend Rd. in yesterday’s tests. ’The speed with which the in g today on Ukraine’s sanity; , HAZLETON, Pa. (AP)- ^rowto and Steamship U n es.V Dillon Awarded tanks were able to reload at Taylors Pond and get to the discharge area on ’Townsend Rd. was ’The TPC has under oonsidtfa- Ukraine, 26, was not present In As rescue workers drilled cau­ tion a more involved cluster zon­ STAMPS also carefully recorded. The Bolton pumper, in Oie right background, was used at the Townsend the courtroom Itaelt, but was held tiously but determinedly Rd. point; the Andover pumper at ’Tayiors Pond. (HeraW photo by Pa«l D’ltalia). ing application, proposed for the in an ante-room. Truck Contract northeast section of Miaitehester, toward three miners, trapped that would Include strip parks to WEDNESDAY nearly 400 feet underground A contract has been awarded break up rows of house fronts, and Captain Gets Hearing since last Tuesday, one of the I to Dillon Sales and Service of Three Breaks shaded pathways running .behind OftBIBNWICH CAP) — A hearing entombed men and his tearful Manchester for a dump truck for Area Fir emends Andover Tests and between h om flot to common waa scheduled for Thuraday for a the town water department. recreation areas. suspended Greenwich police cap­ wife talked today through the NEW CAR Dillon had sfubmltted a low price On Weekend A decision is due tbnight on tain today as charges against the six inch hole drilled to them. of $1,795 for a 1964 F-700 Ford Aim to Drop Insurance Rates two requests from Emil Pantaleo MONDAY officer were made public. " I ’m all right, but cold,” David truck when bide wore opened for change to Industrial 2!one for Capt. John J. LaUy, 40, a veteran Fellin, 58, told his wife. ’Three weekend breaks netted Aug. 1 in the Municipal Building. Volunteer firemen from area^fire protection coirtmlitte«, a ^ h - two pieces of land on Horace St. of 17 years with the department, During the first four hours of RENTALS ’Ihe applioaiUons were hotly con­ was suspended from the force last drilling, starting about 2:45 a.m. thieves an estimated $1,000 in of­ towns in the mutual aid system sldiaiy of the National Fire Pro­ TUESDAY Frederick SI. Noltlng. standing, ratlrlng ambassador to South Viet Nam, pointe to map tested by ndgWbo™, many of week on charges that he violated today, the workers bored about 100 fice equipment and some $15 In spent their Sunday yesterday test­ tection Ascociatlon, and has been whom withdrew their names from department regulaUons. SouGfeast Aelan nation during a conference to 120 feet with a 12-lnch diam­ ing the efficiency of tanker trucks a foremost proponent of yester­ Lodne right The two U.S. ambassadors met for consultation with A(to. Hgiry^D. Felt, 1 ^ tore cash. a petition supporting Pantaleo’s eter drill. The escape hatch hole in an effort aimed at eventual day’s trials. ’Ihe acceptance of Lally will appear before three- g r o i^ , U.8. oommander-in-chlef In the Pacific, and Roger Hllaman, Aattsbint Secretary of State A cash register and a new request when they appeared at the WEDNESDAY eventually will be 24 inches in di­ lowering of fire inatixsnce rates for tanker trucks for rural use by the memter Board of Pidlce Commls- typewriter, total value eetimated TPC publte hearing on Aug. 5. tor Far Eaatem Affairs. (AP Photofox). ameter so the men can be lifted property owners. National Rating Bureau could re­ Bloners headed by First Selectman at $1,0|00, .were reported taken sult In the lowering of the fire in­ Griffith Harris. ^ I to the surface. sometime last night in a breede 'Hie Andover fire department The operation began under spot­ • WEEKLY host ftjr the test run organ. surance rates for each town, which ^ p e c ia h ,! PoHce Chief David W. 'Robbins into Chorches Motors at 80 Oak­ would metm a saving In fire insur­ lights with a 40-ton electrically ized by MaJCweOl B. HutoWnson, said that the m lle ^ TiolaUons Buddhists See operated drilling rig capable of land St. ance for aU resident taxpayers. were uncovered duimg an investi­ • MONTHLY Patrolman James McCooe, on county fire co-ordinator, with the boring a 48-inch diameter hole. A cooperation of Andover Fire Chief gation of the theft of $1,252 from Ban Opposed nightly patrol, discovered the second drilling operation designed J. Russell Thompson and Botton Manrhfster Evealng Herald An- TDo LoaRotf Nom h a C om/ the police department’s property Fake Diem Plot • YEARLY break at about 12:30 am.
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