t LAFENETRE—MAY LEAD | ALL-STAR SPORTS STAFF MacFARLANE BREAKS RECORD I SPORTS Harry Grayion, Rniiell Newland, Henry McLe- LOS ANGELES, July 21.—(AP)—Overcoming a $ morc. Alan J. Gould, George Kiikiey and Lei PITTSBURGH, July 21.—(AP)—To Willie Mac- SECTION Goates are among the famous calazy of Stan- Farlane of Tuckahoe, N. Y., the "Hades of Hulton" fist fight and other obstacles, Felix Lafenetre, New $ dard-Examiner iporta writer*. •f; is just another course. *• York and Mary May, Huntington Park, Calif., con- * | Scoring a 294, he chopped four strokes from the * tinued to hold a lead on points today after 48 hours * of pedaling in the six-day bicycle race at the Winter $ | 72-hole record and won the Pennsylvania open golf % i . •> 5 championship yesterday at the Oakmont Country * garden. * * club, in suburban 'Hulton. ' The race was enlivened by a fistic clash between f * The course, with its niblick-baffling traps, diffi- * Lafenetre and Sebastian Schmidt, New York, rider, * - examiner * cult second shots and well-bunkered fairways, will be * who were separated after exchanging blows. * X the scene of next year's national open. EDITED BY AL WARDEN OGDEN, UTAH Page 5 •> * -T- •?• T •F-T-T-f T Tft {"?•»<••»< .> d Big League Hitters Terry Holds Top Position In Rival Four League Games Scheduled Sunday In Utah-Idaho Circuit Baseball Circuit DEATH TAKES Come On, Calvalcade! The Kids Need Shoes Jim Daniels Stars Vernon Gomez Remains In BILLPICKENS First Place In Mound Charley O'Leary With Willow; Sam Department of Play Sees Chance For ON WEST COAST EW YORK. July 21—(UP) — Hartley Is Leader N Although slipping below the .400 Tigers To Cop mark. Heinle Manush, hard hitting Famous Promoter Called Washington outfielder, continued to T. LOUIS, July 22.—The man Staged Big Events In Ogden Grill Is Second In. top nil sluggers in both leagues this S who helped the Detroit Tigers Boo Birds Booin' week, leading the American loop to win their lost American league All Parts of Lemd Team Batting; Lewis- with a figure of .398, according to pennant 25 years ago thinks At Johnson In Beck Sparkle statistics by Al Munro Ellas, In- Mickey Cochrnne's chnrges hnve By PAUL ZIMMERMAN cluding games of Thursday. a good chance to cop the gon- Associated Press Sports Writer OUR league contests arc booked BUI Terry. New York Giant skip- fnlon this season. LOS ANGELES, July 21—(AP)— Cleveland F Sunday in the Utah-Idaho cir- per and first baseman, remained at He is Chnrles O'Lenry, former cuit. The undefeated Brlgham City William Hlckman Plckens, whoso /CLEVELAND, July 22. — The the top of the National circuit with Tiger infielder, who played In the promotional efforts sent a parade of club, lenders in the second half race, .3644, a half a percentage point infield of the Tiger squad that ^boo birds are booin' in Cleve- Journey to Crystal Springs for a above Paul Waner of the Pirates, won the pennant nnd who now famous figures from Henry Ford to land. Growing sentiment against league encounter. who rose swiftly among the leaders, coaches the St. Louis Browns. Suzanne Lenglen across the Inter- Walter Johnson, manager of the The balance of the Sunday sched- Bob Johnson and Jimmy Foxx ol Says Charley: national horizon fop almost two Indinns, broke out wholehenrt- ule calls for the following games: the Philadelphia Athletics lend nil "I don't say they'll win the score years, is dead today. edly the other day when, after Ogden Grill at Termonton, three- home run hitters with 28, while Mel pennant — I've been around too Blood poisoning, indirectly result- the home club had twice come thirty p. m.; Logan Collegians at Ott of the Giant* topped the sen- long to make any rash prediction ing from his last and perhaps fin- from behind to go Into the ninth Logan Elks and Smithflcld at Ma- ior loop with 22. —but I do say they have a first- ancially most successful venture — with a one-run lend, six bases on lad. Vemon Gomez, of the New York class chance to come through for the 500-mile road stock car race balls, four with the bases loaded, Logan Elks, Logan 'Collegians, Ynnkces, stayed nt the top of the the first time In 25 years." here last winter—took his life yes- permitted the despised Yankees Ogden and Trcmonton are dead- American pitchers' parade with 14 terday. His foot became infected to walk off with the game. Ralph locked for second place in the league wins nnd three defeats, for n mnrk when he stepped on a nail at thib Wlnegarner issued free transpor- standing. of .824. speedway. tation to one, Lloyd Brown to The Ogden-Tremonton contest NATIONAL LEAGUE Plcken's name was associated with four, and Bob Weiland to nn- Sunday at Trcmonton Is expected AB H Pet INDIANS JUMP many of the pioneers of automobile other. The customers shouted for to attract a record breaking crowd. Terry. New York 332 121 .3044 racing, balloon flying, airplane Mel Harder or Oral Hildebrand, Vandcnacker Is slated to work on P. Wancr. Pittsburgh. .327 119 .3G3D stunting, foot races and professional There's n big reason why Jockey Mack Garner Is so consistent In booting Mrs. Isabel Dodge Sloan's nnd club offlclnls admitted they the slab for the locals with the Allen, Philadelphia ...348 122 .351 football and tennis. He was born Cavalcade home a winner this year. The reason Is shown above—his family. It takes a lot of had a right to. veteran Jim Daniels back of the More. New York 343 120 .350 INTO 3RD POST in Birmingham, Ala., sixty years kopecs to feed and clothe a wife and four kiddles these days. plate. Ott, New York 332 116 .349 ago. Sam Hartley of the Grill la tho Medwick, St. Louis 357 124 .347 In the late nineties he started leading hitter of the league. In Koenecke, Brooklyn ..237 82 .346 IN FLAG CHASE promoting bicycle races alter begin- seven, contests played to date he is Leslie. Broklyn 325 112 .345 ning his career ns a competitor in Bill Bonthron Suffers Defeat swatting the ball at a .516 clip. Taylor, Brooklyn 239 81 .339 the sport. By 1900 he had Jumped Lewis of Logan Collegians and Beck Vaughan. Pittsburgh . .297 100 .337 Tigers and Yankees Lose; to horseless carriages and soon be- of Trcmonton have averages of .500 AMERICAN LEAGUE Giants Continue To came associated with a daring young in six games. AB H Pet, "speed maniac" Henry Ford, whose Again At Hands of Jack Lovelock Daniels of Ogden, in ten games, Manush, Washington ..354 141 .398 Display Form famous motor buggy "C99" sput- with an average of .478, is one of Gehringcr, Detroit 323 123 .381 tered and back-fired around many the outstanding hitters of tho Vosmik, Cleveland 216 80 .370 By HUGH S. FULLERTON, JR. a fair grounds horse racing track. Famous Milers Fail To IN TURFEVENTS league. Daniels, Incidentally, is the Gehrig, New York 317 117 369 (Associated Press Sports Writer) As the Industry grew, other leading home run hitter of the Hlggina, Philadelphia 301 109 .362 famous pilots raced under his wing AMERICAN Break Record; Slow NATIONAL Two significant changes were re- Donoghue, Nearing Fifty, league. He has three to his credit. Travis, Washington ..273 97 .355 corded in the American league and passed on to undying fame, in- Standing of Teams Time Is Recorded Standing of Teams Lewis and Hurst of the Collegians, Knmm, Cleveland 223 78.350 cluding-Eddie Rickenbacker. Louis Won Lost Pet. Won Lost Pet. Is Still Riding Winners Rasmusscn of tho Logan Elks; B. Simmons, Chicago ...315 110 .349 standings today. While the pace- Chevrolet and Barney Oldfield. Detroit 53 32 .021 \VHITE CITY STADIUM, Ens., New York 5G 31 .644 Hunsaker of Honeyvllle: Larson, Hemsley. St. Louis ...235 82 .349 setting Tigers nnd second-place Keeping abreast of the times — New York 50 32 .G02 July 21— (AP) — Jack Lovelock, great Chicago 52 34 .G05 On English Tracks Molnd, and Hess of Brlgham City Knickerbocker, Clcve. .320 111 .347 or a little ahead — Plckens turned are next with two runs each. Yankees were taking a pair of trim- Cleveland 46 33 .543 New Zealand mile runner, today St. Louis 49 35 .583 By HENRY McLEJIORE H- mings from tail-end clubs yesterday to the nlr in 1907 by staging the Boston 47 40 .540 defeated Bill Bonthron, of Prince- Pittsburgh 41 40 .506 Hess, Erigham City; Green, Tre- the Cleveland Indinns, responding first international Gordon Bennett St. Louis 38 41 .481 ton, In the mile run climax of the Boston ;.43 44 .494 United Press Staff Correspondent. monton; B. Hunsaker, Honcyvllle, race at Chicago. When asked years Washington 41 -10 .471 annual international track meet be- Philadelphia 30 50 .419 WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 21.— P. Rasmussen, Smlthfleld; Hartley, to thrents to the managerial securi'-.y later how he mr.dc cut financially, of Walter Johnson, moved into third Philadelphia 33 SO .398 tween the combined forces of Ox- Brooklyn 36 50 .419 (UPf— "Come on, Steve!" Ogden, and D. Rasmusscn, Briglinm Bill laughed and said: Chicago 29 57 .337 ford-Cambridge and Princeton-Cor- Cincinnati 27 5G .325 City, arc tied for three base hit place nhend of Boston nnd the St "Well, sir, it wni u reat artistic For more than twenty-five years Louis Browns slipped past the totter- O nell. honors with two each. success" Friday's Results The Oxonian won by a yard in a Friday's Results English racing crowds have stood on Daniels of Ogden and Soffec of ing Senators Into fifth.
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