Svery Cornellian's Taper ALVMNI In the News this Week: ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT personnel is typical of academic sources of political aid in time of crisis within nation. Page 339 THE OUTGOING Student Council re- views the year's work and defines the objectives which it attempted to attain. Page 337 SPRING DAY set for May xo— Water and land sports in morning—Athletics in afternoon—The Navy Ball promises fine music. Page 344 Volume 35 Number 2.7 May 11, 1933 LEHIGH VALLEY PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Overnight Service OF CORNELL ALUMNI from and to METROPOLITAN DISTRICT NEW YORK REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE PENNSYLVANIA STATION Leasing, Selling, and Mortgage Loans BAUMEISTER AND BAUMEISTER (Eastern Standard Time) 522 Fifth Ave. THE STAR (DAILY SERVICE) TRAIN No. 4 Read Down Read Up Phone Murray Hill 2-3816 11.15 P.M. Lv. NEW YORK Ar. 7.20 A.M. Charles Baumeister '18, '20 Philip Baumeister, Columbia '14 11.46 A.M. Lv. NEWARK Ar. 6.39 A.M. Fred Baumeister, Columbia '24 7.28 A.M. Ar. ITHACA Lv. 10.30 P.M. Delaware Registration and Incorporators Company Inquiries as to Delaware Corporation Registrations have the personal attention FORRESERVATIONS,ETC, Phone LOngacre 5-4021 (New York) a\ New York office of Rlftenhoϋse 1140 (Philadelphia) • Mitchell 2-7200 or TErrace 3-3965 JOHN T. MCGOVERN Ό0, PRESIDENT (Newark) * 2306 or 2697 (Ithaca). 122 E. 42nd Street Phone Rector 9867 lehigh Valley Railroad THE BALLOU PRESS CHAS. A. BALLOU, JR. '21 Clhe Route of The Black Diamond Printers fo Lawyers 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 8785 FRANK • S • BACHE • INC. BEΠER BUILDING Construction Work of Every Description Two New Books in Westchester County and Lower Connecticut F. S. BACHE Ί 3 L. H. BAILEY $7.50 94 Lake Street White Plains, N. Y. The Cultivated Conifers This is the successor of "Cultivated Evergreens" which went F. L. CARLISLE & Co., INC. through four printings. The new book covers about 1,000 species, their culture, treatment of insects and diseases. The 15 BROAD STREET book is also well illustrated. NEW YORK E- A WHITE $4.00 WALTER S. WING Ό7, GenΊ Sales Mgr, The Florist Business The plan of this book is similar to the former "Prin. of Floriculture" but has been entirely rewritten. Emphasis has been placed on production and distribution of florist crops. 60 East 42nd Sfreef, New York City Apartments Business Properties Country Homes Chain Store Locations ostenbei έ Barnes Hall Ithaca, N Y. R.ealtiϊltlj Co. Inc. O L. O. ROSTENBERG, A.B. '26 PRES. 23 Orαwαupum St. White Plains, N. Y. Tel. White Plains 8020-8021 Member Westchester County Realty Board and Real Estate Board at New York Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July andAugust POSTMASTER: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. MAY 11, 1933 337 J. Dall, Jr., Inc. Building Construction The Student Cαuncil The Report, Published Below, oί the Retiring President, Shows in Detail the Ithaca Aims and Accomplishments of This Undergraduate Governing Body N.Y. NCE IN A WHILE alumni ask about the effect closer control of fraternity social J. Dall, Jr.,Ί6 Telephone O student activities — in particular events with the aim to reduce crashing. the political activities. The governing The ushering system was reorganized President 2.3 69 body, the Student Council, has just with the result that 98 per cent of the published its annual report. There is men chosen to usher at University con- continual unrest among the undergradu- certs reported. This is a marked improve- ates concerning the real usefulness of this ment over the old system. body. This report will perhaps clarify the An effort was made to improve the ESTABROOK & CO. work of the Council for those alumni who cheering. As a result a Freshman cheering have received vague and disquieting Members of the New York and section was set aside for the small foot- rumors of its functions. Boston Stock Exchanges ball games and song and cheer sheets The new Council, for 1933-4, has just were printed and distributed. An evident Sound Investments been elected upon a "united platform," improvement resulted. Investment Counsel and theoretically free from all taint of '' rot- The Student Council sponsored and ten" politics, fraternity influence, and all Supervision financed the rally preceding the Penn those things which have been pointed at football game. Roger H.Williams'95 by those who criticise its activities. The Student Council assisted the Cornell Resident Partner New York Office Whether these charges have been true or Women's Club in staging Miss Earhart's 40 Wall Street not, the following report of the retiring lecture. The proceeds were turned over to president shows a fairly comprehensive the Student Loan Fund. understanding of what a student govern- Assisted in the Founder's Day Program. ing body has actually accomplished dur- This is the first time this event has been SHELDON COURT ing a year which was difficult for more run by the undergraduates. Private Dormitory for Men Students at Cornell mature and more experienced legislative By interviewing the Graduate Manager organizations. of Athletics it was found that a com- To the Editorial Director of the Sun: pulsory athletic tax would not be feasible Following the example of my predeces- at Cornell. sor, Mr. Hartman, I would appreciate the A permanent headquarters for the use of your columns for a brief review of Council was established in Room 15 of the activities of the Student Council in Willard Straight Hall. The purpose of the past year. My purpose in so doing is this is to urge students and others to RATES REDUCED ... Excellent Restaurant chiefly to demonstrate why, we, the come to this office if there is any way in Tennis Court College Book Store members of the Council, feel that what which the Council can be of assistance. Write for Booklet and Diagram of the has been done justifies the existence of the At the time of the bank moratorium a Available Rooms for College Year 1933-34. Council. We also hope this will help per- plan was devised whereby the Student suade the members of the Sophomore and Council would issue scrip backed by its A. R. CoNGDON, Mgr., ITHACA, N. Y. Junior classes to elect men to their funds as a measure to relieve the students Council solely on their merits so that they of their financial problems. This plan will have a potent body able to handle was abandoned when it became apparent situations which greatly affect the male that the moratorium would not continue Quality . student body. long enough to make such steps necessary. Service At the first meeting, in May of 1932., it The Student Council sponsored and was voted to donate $100 from the general assisted in promoting the Three Point fund to finance the 150-lb. crews at the Program. The Three Point Smoker was E. II. Wanzer American Henleys in Philadelphia. financed by the Council. The Student Council in co-operation An amendment to the constitution was The Grocer with C. V. P. Young operated the grid drawn up whereby the class secretary will graph. The proceeds were turned over to be elected in the Spring of each class' Aurora and State Sts. the cheerleaders. Senior year. This amendment will be Ithaca, N. Y. The Council went on record as op- voted on by the upper classes at the posing Secretary of Labor Doak's ruling coming elections. The purpose of the preventing foreign students from work- amendment is to improve the reunions. ing for pay to defray their educational A Senior Blazer Committee for the expenses. Class of '34 will be appointed this Spring By assisting in running two Depression so that if the class so desires the blazers " ITHACA" Balls in the Drill Hall approximately may be obtained to be worn in the Fall $700 was raised for the Student Loan and Winter as well as the Spring. ENG WING Gx Fund. A closer contact with all class com- In co-operation with the Inter-Frater- mittees was obtained as a result of which Lίbraig Building 123 N.Tio^aStreet nity Council and the Committee on Stu- all have been financially successful with dent Activities an effort was made to the possible exception {Continued on -page 346 338 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROFESSIONAL IT For forty-one years Cornell has carried on a Summer Ίl DIRECTORY JL Session as a regular part of its educational work. JJ OF CORNELL ALUMNI The Forty-Second Summer Session ITHACA, N.Y. July 10 to August 18, 1933 GEORGE S. TARBELL Ph.B. '91— LLB. '94 Attorney and Counselor at Law Some courses are planned especially for teach- Ifhaca Real Estate Rented, Sold, Managed ers, some for college students. All are open to Ithaca Trust Building those prepared to take them. P. W. WOOD & SON P. O. WOOD Ό8 Alumni and friends of the University may Insurance help by calling attention to these opportunities 316-318 Savings Bank Bldg. for summer study. KENOSHA,WIS. Complete announcement mailed on request MACWHYTE COMPANY Manufacturers Wire and Wire Rope The Summer Session Streamline and Round Tie Rods for Airplanes Goldwin Smith Hall Box 34 Ithaca, New York JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. '13, VICE-PRESIDENT R. B. WHYTE, M.E. '13, GEN. SUPT. TULSA, OKLA. HERBERT L MASON, LLB. '00 • CORNELL UNIVERSITY Attorney and Counselor at Law 18th Floor, Philtower Building DORMITORIES for MEN MASON, WILLIAMS & LYNCH WASHINGTON, D. C ±\00ί THEODORE K. BRYANT '97, '98 ooms for j/our son Master Patent Law, G.
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