A. U. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ISDN EPABX : +91 891 284 4000 EXTENSION TELEPHONE NUMBERS Exchange (PBX) from outside the Campus +91 891 284 4000 Exchange (PBX) within the Campus 9 Dial Your University 284 4455 Enquiries 2755993, 2844197 Telephone Complaints 4200 Platinum Jubilee Guest House 2844405, 2787171 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Office / Designation PBX Extension Civil Number Administrative Wing Vice-Chancellor’s Office 4222, 4333 0891 - 2575464 2755547 Fax : 2525611 Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge 4194 0891 - 2755516 2550153 Fax : 2551987 Rector’s Office 4411, 4422 0891 - 2704100 Registrar’s Office 4444, 4555 0891 - 2565100 Fax : 2755324 Registrar’s Residence 4191 0891 - 2539510 Dean (Academic Affairs) 4427, 4433 0891 - 2783949 Dean (PG & Professional Courses Exams) 4466 0891 - 2553293 Dean (Transport) 4477 Dean (Guest Houses) 4154 Dean (U.G. Exams) 4488 0891 - 2553293 Dean (Students’ Affairs) 4499 Co-ordinator (CDC) 4122Net - 0891 - 2753222 Fax : 2754685 Co-ordinator (UGC) 4133 Chief Co-ordinator (Confidential) 4144 0891 - 2553293 Officer on Special Duty (OSD) 4505 Special Officer (Confdl. Work) 4155 0891 - 2706986 Finance Officer 4166 0891 - 2707712 Joint Registrar Residence (Special Registrar) 4187 0891 - 2701174 Controller of Examinations 4177 0891 - 2754124 Joint Registrar (Admn.) 4188 Officers in C.A.O. Coordinator,Media Cell 4199 Deputy Director, L.F. Audit 4010 In-charge-I.M.C. 4011 D.R. (Academic) 4022 D.R. (Admn. & Legal Cell) 4033 D.R. ( Accounts) 4044 D.R. (UGC, SC & ST, C.1) 4055 Addl. Controller of Exams-I 4066 Addl. Controller of Exams-II 4077 A.R. (Academic) 4002 A.R. (Admn.) 4003 A.R. (Finance) 4004 A.R. (Accounts) 4005 A.R. (Exams. Contdl.) 4006 A.R. (Exams-I) 4007 A.R. (Exams-II) 4008 A.R. (CDC) 4009 A.R. (UGC) 4175 A.R. (Engg. Works) 4173 Sections AI - Cheques 4012 AII - Cheques 4013 AIII - Budget 4014 AIV - Stationery & Indents 4015 AV - Schemes 4016 AVI - T.A. & D.A. Spot Valuation 4017 AVII - Contract Bills 4018 AVIII - Pensions, P.F. and Loans 4019 E I - B A, Matric & PUC 4030 E II - B.Com. 4021 E III - B.Sc. (East & West Godavari) 4028 E IV - B.Sc. (SKL,VZM,VSP) 4029 E V - (Engg., Pharmacy, B.Arch. & Old MBBS) 4024 E V I - (B.L,M.L,BEd,MEd,MCA,MSc(CS& IS) BCA,BBM,B.PEd.,M.PEd. 4020 E VII - (M.A.,M.Com.,MBA,Diplomas) 4023 E VIII - M.Sc. all Branches 4047 E IX - Paper Setting, Stationary & Distribution 4025 E X - Paper Valuation & Publication of Results 4048 Examination Computer Room 4027, 4150 Confidential Exams 4026 CI - Minutes, Endows, Convocation etc. 4031 C II - CDC – Affiliations to Colleges 4032, 4034, 4035 S I 4036 S II - Teaching Establishment 4037 SIII – Supporting Staff Establishment 4038 S IV – Supporting Staff Salary Bills 4039 SV - Adoption of G.Os. Declaration of Probations & Confirmations 4040 Legal Section - UG & PG Course Syllabi 4041 T Section - (Thesis-Pre Ph.D., M.Phil., Ph.D.) 4042 I.M.C. Salary Bills & Exam. Work 4043 AU Audit Cell 4045 Audit - Audit of University Accounts 4046 Records - Tappals & Dispatching 4049 D.D. Cell 4062 Transport Office 4050 UGC - UGC Grants 4051 SC & ST Cell (Sanction of UGC Scholarships and Govt. Statistical Information) 4052 Legal Cell 4053 Generator Room 4069 AU Exams. Buildg. Gate 4151 OTHER OFFICES AND COMMON PLACES Director – Directorate of Admissions 4174 2573441 AU Teacher’s Association 4176 AU Faculty Club 4178 AU Staff Cooperative Society 4179 2551890 AU Convocation Theatre 4183 Employment Information & Guidance Bureau 4184 2755484 Employment Information & Guidance Bureau-Chief 4185 Admissions on Online Services 4186 Executive Council Hall (CAO) 5041 Assembly Hall 4181 AU Main Canteen 4979 Union Office (Non-Teaching) 4641 TLN Sabha Hall 4192 Venkateswara Prayer Hall 4193 Engineering Works Unit University Engineer’s Office 4054 Co-ordinator, Engineering Works 4056 University Chief Engineer 4057 Quality Control Engineer (C.A.O) 4058 Executive Engineer (Office) 4059 Executive Engineer (Civil) 4060 Executive Engineer (Elec.) 4061 Dy. Executive Engineer (Water Supply) 4063 Dy. Executive Engineer (Civil) 4064 Dy. Executive Engineer (Civil) 4065 Dy. Executive Engineer 4067 Power House 4068 Workshop(Automobile) 4070 Gardening Unit 4071 Guest Houses Office 4072 Anjali Guest House 4073 Ranjani Guest House 4074, 4075 AU Guest House 4076 Platinum Jubilee Guest House Office 4403 2787171 Dean 4404 Reception Counter 4405 Dr. V.S.K. Library Librarian 4255 Office 4127 Technical Sections 4128 Circulation 4129 SERVICE UNITS AND CENTERS N S S Unit (Coordinator) 4080 2704795 OSTC-Unit (Coordinator) 4081 2560180 Press & Publications Office 4078 Director 4266 Technical Staff 4079 Sanitary & Security Unit Sanitary Office 4101 Security Office 4100 Director, Sanitary & Security 4244 Entrance Gate of C A O 4088 AU Website Office, C A O 4099 VC Lodge-Main Gate 4148 VC Lodge-Back Gate 4149 University Development Cell Office 4118 Director 4119 2710236 Agro-Economic Research Centre Office 4082 Director 4083 Net-0891-2755873 2755874 IQAC Office (Ist Floor of Sci. & Tech. Bhavan) 4817 IQAC Co-ordinator (Ist Floor of Sci. & Tech. Bhavan) 4818 Computer Centre Office 4084 2754451 Head 4085 Cyber Lab (Arts College) 4086 IBM Service Centre CAO 4400 Centre for Heritage and Culture 4108 Centre for Marine Archaeology 4090 (Women‘s Studies Buildg.) Centre for Nuclear Techniques Office 4741 Director 4742 Prof. Murali Krishna, R., 214, Sai Enclave Apts. 2747683 Vizianagar Palace Layout, waltair, Vsp-17 9949493011 New Gandhian Studies Centre 4801 (Dept. of Social Work) Centre for Studies on Bay of Bengal Office 4156 Director 4157 Centre for Social Science Research 4117 (Dept. of Social Work building) Centre for Study Social Exclusion and inclusive Policy Office 4351 Director 4352 Centre for Women’s Studies Office 4093 Convener 4691 Prof. Rajani, K.R., 2/3, Raghuram Resi. 4409 2543021 Opp. III Town Police Station, Vsp-17 9866091925 [email protected] Health Centre (South Campus) Office 4095 Senior Medical Officer 4299 2754502 Medical Officer 4096 Pharmacist 4097 Dispensing Room 4098 Health Centre (North Campus) Office 4104 Medical Officer 4105 Homoeo Dispensary Office 4106 Medical Officer 4107 Hydrology Center (Geo-Physics Upstair) 4109 Population Research Centre Office 4113 Director 4114 2710123 Prof. Prasada Rao,M., 28 First Floor 9848608321 Pithapuram Beach Qrs.AU, [email protected] 2784340 [email protected] Sri Madhava Reddy, R. 6-1-4/5, Sai Satya Resi. 2504014 China Waltair.17, [email protected] 9989900466 Dr. Subrahmanyam, K.V.R., 138 C, Sec.III 9848152219 Ukkunagaram, VSP-32, [email protected] SAARC Centre Office 4115 Director 4116 (O) 2575328 Prof. Nirmala Devi, T., 101, Vietla Vontage, Vijayanagaram Palace 4092 (R) 2530732 Pedawaltair, Vsp-17 9989012582 [email protected] Associate Professor Subrahmanyam raju, A. SF-3, 2722113 Mahalakshmi Encl. 54-11-14/11 Sivalayam Jn. Isukathota, 9440236133 [email protected] Asst. Professor Sreemannarayana Murthy, V. 9959407799 Mahalakshmi Encl. 54-11-14/11 50-26-13/24, TPT Coly. S-Dhara, VSP-13 [email protected] TOC-Training Center (Coordinator) 4212 INSTITUTES AU High School Office 4124 6450742 Head Mistress 4125 Primary School 4126 English Medium School 4261 6511239 Academic Staff College Office 4120 2754685 Director 4288 Prof. Prasada Reddy, N.A.V. 4121 2560596 MIG-106, Sec.-12, MVP Colony, Vsp-17 9848714040 Associate Professor Dr. Ramesh Babu, M., Qrts.-3/7, 4123 2752873 Siripuram, AU Campus, Vsp-3 9949659727 Delta Studies Institute 2722299 Institute of Advanced Studies in Education Office 4130 Principal 4131 Asst. Professors Dr. Siva Prasad, R. 3/14, Siripuram Qtrs. AU VSP4135 2711496 [email protected] 9440087624 Dr. Madan Mohan, M. 4-62-5, LB Coly. VSP 4136 9866115961 Ms Nagaraja Kumari, D.N. 9-9-39/22, Rajiv Nagar,4134 9292257605 Sivajipalem,Vsp Dr. Sharan Raju, T. Flat No. 102, 4137 2575642 Waltair Heights Apts. AU Outgate down, AU., VSP. 9490798631 [email protected] Institute of Public Sector Management 4141 STUDENTS’ HOSTELS Arts & Commerce Hostels Office 4195 Security Office 4196 Chief Warden 4198 Store 4227 Nagarjuna Hostel 2713996 Satavahana Hostel 2734854 Saddarma Sadan Hostel 2734847 Siddartha Hostel 2734879 Law Hostels Chief Warden 4981 Samatha Hostel 2768423 Mamatha Hostel 2768421 Science & Technology Hostels Office 4201 Chief Warden 4202 Sri Krishna Devaraya Hostel 2726962 Vinaya Vihar Hostel 2726420 Ashoka Vardhana Hostel 2726990 Harsha Vardhana Hostel 2728091 Viveka Vinyas Hostel 2726421 Engineering Hostels Office 4203 2754228 Chief Warden 4204 Engineering Hostel Block-I 2756438, 2756435 Engineering Hostel Block-II 2756380, 2756393 Engineering Hostel Block-III 2756346, 2756373 Engineering Hostel Block-IV 2751761, 2757494 Engineering Hostel Block-V (Ladies, UG) 2757482, 2759186 Engineering Hostel Block-VI 2756312, 2756328 Engineering Hostel Block-VII 2756468, 2756334 Engineering Hostel PG Block (Ladies) 2757488, 2759279 Engineering Hostel PG Block (Men) 2756463, 2756445 Research Scholars’ Hostel Office 4205 Chief Warden 4206 Balayogi Research Scholars Hostel 2754885 Vidya Research Scholars Hostel 2784365 Ladies Hostel (Maharanipeta) Office/Warden 2706946 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS HOSTEL Office 4152 Chief Warden 4153 A.U. DOCTORS Dr. G. Balakrishna 2553153, 9848553195 Dr. K.S.N. Murthy 2567293 9849003722 Dr. C Ramya 9849266199 Dr. P.L. Surya Prabha 2550287 Dr. G.A.V. Rameswar 2704383 9440042404 COLLEGE OF ARTS & COMMERCE Principal 4666 2755075 Office 4208 Asst. Principal 4209 Asst. Principal 4210 Asst. Principal 4211 Asst. Registrar 4632 DEPT. OF ANTHROPOLOGY Office 4225 Head 4226 Professors Prof. Mastanaiah Naidu, J., F-No. 203, 4421 2742929 Thirumala Heights Apts., Siripuram, Vsp. 9849908684 [email protected] Prof. Vijaya Prakash, P., Plot No. 66, Sec.-8, 4228 2783876 MVP Colony, Vsp-17 9849334310 [email protected] Prof. Narasimha Rao, V.L., S-2, 4230 2520439 Palace Towers, Vijayanagar Palace Layout, 9347059809 Pedawaltair Visakhapatnam-17 [email protected] Prof. Jai Kishan, G., 4E, RK Krishnaveni Towers, 4231 2784897 Pedawaltair, Vsp., [email protected] 9849407012 Prof. Bapu Haranath, Ch., 201,Vietla Villa Near, 4234 Taskforce Police Station, MVP, Sector-11, Vsp-3 9848221475 [email protected] Asst.
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