Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 6-29-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 29, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1990 Volume 75, Issue 163 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 29, 1990." (Jun 1990). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern II!inois University at Carbondale Friday. June 29, 10 90, Vol. 75. No 163. 16 Pages Gunman receives 75 year sentence By Anne Ryman Chuc k Grace had soughI the death southeast of Jeremiah ', 00 Oct 14. walk a bank deposi t 10 the bank at accused." Harris said. Staff Writer penalty for Harris. but in May when they were appl hed by a 2:30 in the morning." Wall said. After being de nied Ih e death Judge David Wall. Jr. said there black male brandish;ng a pistol "He (Harris) did have a choice. penalty. Grace sought a sentence of Dcnnis Harris. the Carbondale were enough miti ga ting faclOrs who demanded monoy. After the He did not have 10 shoot Jackson. natural life in a penitcnt ia ry man charged wi th Shooting SlU-C present 10 prevent hi m from man :ook the money. Jackson gave He chose 10 do it." Wall said. without parole fo r Harris. student Jason Jackson last Oclober. sentenci ng Harris 10 death. cha<;c 10 him. At that time. Harris Wall said he hated 10 put Harris "I am not satisfied. I would have was sentenced to 75 years in pri son Harris. 24. was found guilty of turned and fired at Jackson. in a position of no hope. but Harris been satisfied if it had been natural on Wednesda)' at the Jackson robbing fo ur emplo yees of Harris 's co-conspirator in the had taken all hope away from hfe: Grace sa id. "(75 years) is a County Courthouse. Jerem iah '5, a restaurant and lounge robbery. Stanley Algoc. is c urren~y Jackson with his actions. long sentence. but I think Dcnnis Harris was previously charged at 20 1 . Washington Sired. and imprisoned in the Menard Harris shook his head when the Harris deserves natural life ... with fi rst degree murder, armed fatall y shooting Jason Jackson in Correctional Facility. sentence was rcad . "There is no winner in thi s robbery and anned vi olence. but the heart. "The real tragedy about th is He said the state's attorneys situation," Majoric Jackson. the charge wa' changed to a single Accordi ng to published repons. whole incidmt is that a young man comments were like "something Jason·s mother said. "Our wishes count of fclollY murder. several employees of the restaurant is dead because a business out of a comic book." are that he (Harris) wou ld never get Origina ll y. State's Allorn e), were walking across a parking lot esta blishmen! had four employees " It bothers me Ihat I' m th e the opportunity 10 do it agai n." High temps, fires U.S., Japan agree on bake Southwest trade plan SAI\'TA BARBARA. CalIf. TOKYO (UPI) - The Uni ted (uPI) - A wildfire thaI onSlImed States and Japan agreed on a roughly .lOa heme, ra ged on Seven killed comprehensive package of Thu r ~ay. promptmc Go II. Gco-gc economi c reform s Thursda y Dcu km ('JI~ln (0 declare a \ l:.HC of designed 10 cut the chronic U.S. emergency and offer a S50.000 by triple-digit trade defi cit and open ~, e Japanese fC' \\ ~l r d for the a..'l)IlI'\l \\ ho st;]n cd temperatures market 10 more foreign goods. It. Charl es Dal1a ra. assisla nt A helicopter remg u!'Cd to r.a!lJc secreta; y of the Trea !!l ury 111(.~ tl:lmcs c rJ ~ hC'd ahou t 150 fcci (UPI ) - Cent ur),-mark tem peratures were predic t­ Department for international affaJr5 frnm grou nd ri rcfighung erc\\, s '" and a member of the negotiating ed for lhc Southv. (,.'il again Pal/lied Cave. a li uburhan Jrca team. said the agreemen ts "should J~)111 12 mile .. north\\,'eSI o( S:tnla Th ursda y wh ere at least seven deJlhs and mging help red uce imbalances, lead lO ilJrbJrJ . l ·.S . ForC'st Ser"lce more effi Ci ent, open and ,pt)~ cswol1l ~m Sandrann En,g h. TIll! wildfires were attributed to the soaring heat and air so compet it ive mark ets. prom ote prim .. uffereu J broken kg, ~hl' growth . and. of central im portance. "":lId. dry o ne coul d alm ost scratch a ma tch on iL enhance the qual it)' of life in both Th\,.' choppa "a~ one o ( '\I. 0 Japan and the Uni ted States." Jropprng \\, ater over the fire· Temperatures remained ncar record levels To realize these aim s, Japan 'Mr\ckcn area when ~ l crashed aoout commincd ilself to nu merous 1: \5~ . m . Wedncsday and the mid­ summer-style heal showed marlccl-opcning measures sueh as M eanwhile, lllc infemo--one in reforming its djsuibution system, a ra.'\h of fi res that erupted across no signs of abaling. The Na tional \\lea th er Service discouraging business practi ces lI il de r-dr y Southern Call forn il lh al excl ude foreign goods and W('dncs d'-iy -s ~ o \\"cd no sign of predicted a "v~ry hot " day for the D-J llas. PhoeniX and punishing priee-fi xers. rckmi ng Thursda y. Both Prime Minister Toshiki Although no more homes were La,; Vega.'\, Ne" .. areas. Thc unrelenting tcmpcrn ­ K:ufu and President Bush said a In mllnCdl:!lC danger Thu rc.day. lire yc. of negotiation:; on the broo<xSl (} rrlc l~ ls said pockets o f th c lurCS v.'ere responsible for three dea ths in Los Angel cs cconomic agenda tackl ed b)' the con fl agrauon could ca.'\lly explode two nations ended in success . .1 . gu,,)'. hoI. c rrJ UC "Sunuo\\, ncr" Bush in Washington said th e See HEAT, Pag e 5 Mack McDowell of Memphis, Tenn., unloads some colored .J. mus and tcml'~rJlU r e!\ prd-ed In comm itm ents contai ned in th e plumes from his van Thursday on East Main S1Ieel the blC afternoon. accord wo uld " ha ve a positive " In my rc r ~n3 1 e'\;pc ri ence ... effcc t" on both economies and "be u·s on.: of Ihe mosl dC'\';'} SLJII r.g ber.efi cial for the entire world." fifl's we've secn,·· sajd ('OUnl Y Fire Weicoming lIpan's readincss 1O ~ l:.lf s hal Mi: hael Benn ett . a 20· SIU professor files second suit reduce ilS traJl surpl us with the ) car \'elCra.Tl . " if the wi nds pick up. United Slates. Bush hai led th o )'ou a uld have thousands af' :i By Theresa Livingston members of the SIU Board of developmen t in the case, wh ic h Trustccs, and asks for a temporary first came to li ght wh en Paparo outcome of the talks as "an IhOL.sane s (o f fi refighters) on th e Staff Wr iter important framework in whic h me line l nd It could blow ri ght ')\'cr restraining order and an injunction adm iucd on Sepll8. 1989. that he thal would re in tale him as a had "committed improprieties" in underlying causes of trade our head'\.·· A Uni ve rsity med ica l school imbalances can be removed." his rescan:h methods 10 Mo),. Th ere .....h no ofricial da ml ge pro fessor has fi led a second suit tenured professor. Bush repealed his delCrm inallon cstimate J ' J ll:Jb le. Bu t Benn et! tha t cl:a rgcs the intentional Guyon had no comment on the " I knew very well what was at Slake when I admilled all this." to addrcs Japanese concerns about said th e losses, consid eri ng inll icti on of em oti onal di stress. matLer othcr lIlan saying that Z"l Y the U.S. OCOIlomy by working with innation and the region's siZl.ling invas ion of pri vacy and fi ve other institutional comment would come Paparo said. "I fel t that I had to Congress 10 strengthen public and real e ~ tat c ma rk et. could casily counts !Il conn ec tio n with his from Uni versity Legal Counsel come fo rward. though. to correc t private sa ving and red uce the surpass thc S30 million in damage dismissal last wcck fo r all egedl), Shari Rhode. Nancy Zimmers. ther= h. " federal budgot defi cit caused by the I\'ov. 6. I% t. fire on fal sif),ing research data. dircctor of public affairs fo r the Mochan said Paparo was pul on La te Wednesday. KaIfu had Los AOI!clc ' Bel Ai r area Ihal Anthon), A. Paparo. an analomy School of Medicine. confumcd this sick leave and was eventually cal led Bush 10 offer a comproml"" le"ekd .l8J dwellings. professor wh o has been at the stat ement when she spoke for hospitalized after ancmpl ing on the major Slicking lX> im in the Uni ve rsity for 15 years, was Ric hard Mo),.
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