WEAR THE BRACELET Sign THE PLEdgE Wear this bracelet for the rest of 2012. Joseph Kony is one of the world’s worst war criminals and I support Use the unique ID number to register online and track your impact. the international effort to arrest him, disarm the LRA and bring the child soldiers home. GOAL: 200,000 people wearing the bracelet Sign the pledge online if you haven’t already, and get all your friends and family to do the same. The more people on board, the better. WWW.kony2012.Com GOAL: 200,000 SIGNATURES BY MAY 1ST WWW.kony2012.Com SHARE THE fiLm: kony 2012 fAmE And PoWER Share the link. Burn a DVD. Show it to everyone you know. We’ve chosen 20 culturemakers and 12 policymakers who have little GOAL: in common except the scope of their influence. They represent diverse 500,000 online views cultural and political perspectives. But this is one thing they can all agree on. Lady Gaga and George W. Bush may be unlikely allies, but that is what KONY 2012 is all about. WWW.kony2012.Com It can feel like celebrities and politicians tell us what to do and how to live, but in reality they owe their fame and power to us. Whether in ticket sales or ballot counts their success is measured by our approval. WE ARE THE MASSES. If our leaders know that we want to see Kony stopped, they will make it a priority. We will make them notice. We will find common ground. And we won’t quit until LRA atrocities have ended. PERMANENTLY. CULTUREmAkERS PoLiCymAkERS WHEN THEY SPEAK, THE WORLD LISTENS WHEN THEY AGREE, CHANGE HAPPENS samPLE TWEET: samPLE TWEET: @oPRAH @THEBUSHCEnTER gEoRgE CLoonEy AngELinA JoLiE oPRAH mARk ZUCkERBERg #georgeClooney LADY gAgA #AngelinaJolie @oPRAH fACEBook.Com/ZUCk #KONY2012 @LADYGAgA # KONY2012 gEoRgE W BUSH kAy gRAngER PATRiCk LEAHy BiLL CLinTon @THEBUSHCEnTER @REPkAYGRAng- @SEnAToRLEAHy @CLinTonTWEET JUSTin BiEBER RiHAnnA JAy-Z BiLL gATES RiCk WARREn @ JUSTinBiEBER @RiHAnnA @S_C_ @BiLLgATES @RiCkWARREn CondoLEEZZA RiCE JoHn kERRy miTT RomnEy HARRy REid @CondoLEEZZARiCE @JoHnkERRy @miTTRomnEy @SEnAToRREid BiLL o’REiLLy BEn AffLECk ELLEn dEgEnRES STEPHEn CoLBERT WARREn BUffETT @oREiLLyfACToR @EASTCongonEWS @THEELLEnSHoW @STEPHEnATHomE @W_BUffETT TAyLoR SWifT RyAn SEACREST Tim TEBoW RUSH LimBAUgH Bono STEPHEn HARPER JoHn BoEHnER BAn ki moon iLEAnA RoS-LEHTinEn @TAyLoRSWifT13 @RyAnSEACREST @TimTEBoW @RUSHLimBAUgH @onEcampaign @PmHARER @SPEAkERBoEHnER @Un @RoSLEHTinEn WWW.kony2012.Com WWW.kony2012.Com HiT THE streets Join forces KONY 2012 needs to permeate every level of public consciousness. We have street teams living in the following cities. GOAL: They’re going huge and they need your help. Hit them up. 1,000,000 campaign posters, signs, and stickers posted around the U.S. Get it all at: nEW YORk CiT y WASHingTon d.C. LoS AngELES @KONY2012NYC @KONY2012DC @KONY2012LA [email protected] [email protected] WWW.kony2012.Com [email protected] CHiCAgo AUSTin SAn diEgo @KONY2012Chicago @KONY2012ATX @KONY2012SanDiego [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WWW.kony2012.Com SHoW UP Posters, pledges, and tweets are going to go a long way, but nothing is more powerful than meeting with someone face-to-face. And we have to do just that. Kony 2012 must be represented at every single presidential campaign event. And we need to host at least 100 local lobby meetings to get Congress on board. Find political events near you and register online at www.KONY2012.com. We will give you the step-by-step of everything you need to know. It’s easier than you think. Goal: 100 campaign events attended Goal: 100 local lobby meetings attended novEmBER 3Rd The world’s largest simultaneous dance marathon. It will break records, last all night, and raise money to rehabilitate the children who have escaped the LRA. It’s happening in cities across the U.S. Register online and connect with your street teams. inviSiBLECHiLdREn.Com/dAnCE WHy KONY WHy noW WHy kony THE LRA HAS NO POPULAR SUPPOrt. EVERYONE CAN AGREE CURRENT SITUATION: THAT KONY MUST BE STOPPED. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission. Invisible Children has been working towards JoSEPH kony iS THE W oRLd’S Worst war CRiminAL. this for 8 years. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone. HE LEADS A VIOLENT CULT OF ABDUCTED FIGHTERS CALLED THE WE ARE TAKING ACTION TO ENSURE THESE TWO THINGS: LORD’S RESISTANCE ARMY (LRA). 1) That Joseph Kony is known as the World’s Worst War Criminal. HE ABDUCTS CHILDREN FROM THEIR HOMES. 2) That the U.S. military advisers support the Ugandan Army HE FORCES THEM TO BE SOLDIERS AND SEX SLAVES, until Kony has been captured and the LRA has been TO MURDER AND MUTILATE THEIR NEIGHBORS. completely disarmed. They need to follow through and finish what they have started. AND IN 2005 HE BECAME THE FIRST MAN INDICTED BY THE ICC. DOES INVISIBLE CHILDREN ENDORSE A POLITICAL PARTY OR CANDIDATE? LRA STATS: No. Invisible Children is a bi-partisan, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We have seen that everyone, regardless of political 26+ 30,000+ 440,000 beliefs, can agree that Joseph Kony needs to be arrested. YEARS OF VIOLENCE CHILDREN ABDUCTED PEOPLE CURRENTLY WHAT HAPPENS IF KONY IS CAPTURED OR KILLED? DISPLACED ACROSS This campaign is advocating for the arrest of Joseph Kony so that he 3 COUNTRIES can be tried for his crimes in an international court. Kony’s capture would not only end his ongoing atrocities, but it would also set a strong precedent for the future of international criminal justice. However, if Kony is killed during the ongoing op- eration, it would still be a victory for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people living in fear. That said, it would not necessarily result in the immediate end of the LRA. Once Joseph Kony and his top commanders are removed from the battlefield, and the LRA is completely disarmed, reuniting families and rehabilitation will be the first priority. Invisible Children has constructed the first and only child rehabilitation center in the LRA affected region in DR Congo. The center is currently treating the most traumatized children. IS INVISIBLE CHILDREN ENCOURAGING ILLEGAL ACTIVITY IN THE POSTING OF KONY 2012 CAMPAIGN MATERIALS? No. Don’t do anything illegal. Don’t get arrested. Research your city’s rules about posting campaign materials and use common sense. .
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