122 MABLOW (GREAT). :BUCKING HAMS HIRE. belonging to the Fire Brigade; the upper rot~m, which belongs of 2d. loaves .fortnightly to 12 persons; Sarab Hawes to the Crown hotel adjoining, is generally in use as a, billiarrl £100 Consols for children regulal'ly attending Sunday schools; room, but is also used for public meetings and will hold 350 I there is also the Parish General Cl;larit.y, comprising fhe Poors. persons. The Police Court a.nd St~ttion, in Trinity road, E!!tate and the Tun'ille .charity, a sum of ~l.38 lls( 9d. given was erected in 1869, and here the county magistrates hold 1 in doles to the poor; and William Willoughby's gift o.{ £8. 'Petty sessions. The paper mills of Messrs. William Wright &. 8d. once in 5 years. Harleyford llou!\e, the seat pf Sir­ and Sons, and the brewery of Messrs. Thomas Wethered & SonJJ Willia.m Robert Clayton hart. M.A., D.L., J.P. built iu 1115,. 1-im. employ many hands ; there is also a chair factory ; and em• is a mansion of red brick in the style of the r.eign of Queen broidery, satin stitch work and the making of baby linen is Anne, and stands on the north bank of the Thames, at the foot also carried on; the Medmenham Pottery, on Marlow Corn· of a well-timbered park; in the rear are well-timbered grounds, mon, was established in 1897 (Conrad Dressier, director). and a noble terrace overlooking tb.e river; the house con­ A fair for cattle is held on the 29th and 30th of October, taillfl some of the best productions of Sir Peter Lely, also family which is generally well attended. The Great 2\farlow Institute, paintings by Sir Thomas Lawrence, Sir William Beechey, Sir established in 1853, contains over 1,300 volumes of useful and Godfrey Kneller, Romney, a Gainsborough of Sir Willlam standard works, and is supplied with hooks of reference, news- Clayton, 1799, and George Stubbs R.A. including a liie-si~~<d papers and periodicals ; in 1887 a site was given by Lt.-Gen. portrait of Sir Rc;>bert Clayton kt. M.;r. and lord mayo:r; of J.on. Owen L. C. Williams J.P. upon which in 1889-90 a new Instituttl don in 1680, and one of Sir \Villiam Pla.yton hart. d. 1834,. "'f brick in the Gothic style was erected, at a cost of about£1., 500, r.ommanrler anrl a munificent supporter of the Royal Buck~ and comprises library, newspaper, reading andrecreationrooms. Yeomanry. Gyldernscroft, the sea.t of Gen. 8ir George Higg1n~ Adjoining the Institute is the armoury and head quarters son K.C.B., J.P. west of the town, is an ancient house, ihe of the lst Bucks Rifle Volunteers and of the A Company. 1 entrance hall of which is adorned with many trophies of war. The music room in St. Peter's street will hold 250 people. Remnantz, a little to the west of the town, the property of: The "Crown" and the "Chequers," in High street; the Thomas Owen WethBred esq. J.P. and now the residence of Mrs. " George and Dragon," near Marlow Bridge ; the " Grey- Fnmch, is a noble pile, with an ancient clock tower ; in a well­ hound," in Spittal street; the "Fisherman's Retreat," in :wooded park south of the house is a, remarkable yew hedge: St. Peter's street; and the " Compleat Angler," on the Berks the house was formerly occupied as the Royall\lilitary College, side of the river, are excellent hotels. There is an endowment es-tablished at Marlow in 1799, and removed to S!lnd):mrst of £30 yearly for the boys' and girls' Sunday school, derived in 1811. Seymour Court, also the property and now the resi­ from funds invested for that purpose by members- of the dence of Thomas Owen Wethered esq. J,P. stands on an. emi­ W ethered family ; and charities amounting to a c1:msiderable 1nence one mile north of the town, a.nd fs said to have been thf'? sum are distributed to the poor. Loftin's charity, left June birthplace, about 1500, of Lady Jane SeylJlour, daughter of 7th, 17 59, by William and Benj amin Loftin, of Great Marlow Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall, Wilts, and one of the Queen!'; •consists of a farm known as "Copy Green," and a sum. o: of Henry VIII. and mother of Edward VI. Highfields, £308 2s. Sd. Consols, for the apprenticing of poor boys in the I the property of Robert S. B. Hammond.Chambers esq. x.c. parish. There are also six: almshouses, founded and endowed of Oxt.ed, Surrey, and the residence of Arthur D. Cripps esq• . by John Brinkhurst esq. in 1608 for poor widows, with a weekly is beautifully situated on an r.minence surrounded by extensive­ allowance of five shillings to each and a small piece of garden and well-laid-out pleasure grounds, planted wtih shrubs and ground, and in 1887 two more honses were added by the late evergreens. Spinfield, the residence of Robert Hay Murray Josepb Henry Roll<> esq; the charity of Mrs. Peers Williams, esq . .T.P. is a fine mansion of red brick, situated on a command­ amounting to about £45 a year, is dii!tributed to the necessitous ing height., overlooking a well-laid-out lawn; the garden con­ poor at Christmas in sums of five shillings each. Thomas taillfl a fine conservatory and greenhouse stocked with choice WE>thered esq. who died in 1815, gave the rents of two houses, exotics. Both these houses afford delightful river views. and his heir-at-law to secure the said charity, invested the Court Garden is the residence of Robert Griffin esq. J.P. :Mar­ sum of £200 Consols for the supply of blankets to the poor at low Place, the property of Lieut.• Gen. Owen L. C. Williams_,. Christmas. :Mrs. Sarah Wethered, in 1852, gave £700 Consols and now occupied by William Niven esq. F.s.A., J.P. is a mansion to be distributed in beef to poor widowers and widows at Christ- of red brick built early in the 18th century, and contains mas, Susannah Hone, in 18n3, gave £190 14s. 2d. Consols, a suite of lofty panelled rooms on the first floor, The Mar]ow the dividend to be distributed by the vicar and churchwardens Rowing Club have a boat-house near the bridge. Sir William at Christmas to twelve poor men and twelve poor women, Robert Clayton hart. who is lord of the manor, Lieut .. Gem·ral and to children who attend regularly at the Sunday schools Owen Lewis Cope Williams, of Temple House, Bisham, Thoma:;; jn. the parish. Joseph Henry Rolls bequeathed £6 annually Wethered am: Sons, General Sir G. W. A. Higginson K.C.B. to be given to six poor men and six poor women on ,January Robert Hay Murray esq. Bobert S. B. Hammond-Chambers 24th in each year. Mrs. Ann West, Ms. annually to poor widow·s .-sq. K.C. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners and University of 60 years of age and upwards; the Rev. John Cleobury, a flan- College, Oxford are ·the principal landowners. The soil is nel garment to three poor men and three poor women, and 5s. to :flint, chalk, gravel and loam ; subsoil, various. the parish clerk for keeping his tomb clean &c. the balance of the The area of Marlow t:rban Parish and Di:'!trict i.s 940 acres dividend to be given to poor persons in sums of 2s. 6d. each; of land and 28 of water; assessable value, £1f\, 706; the popu· Thomas Rolls, 30s. yearly to six aged men; and H. Pendlet.on lation in 1901 was 4,526. and Agnes Fria.r, each 20s. annually for distribution to necessi- The area of Great Marlow Parish iR 5,706 acres of land and tous persons ; Robert Boothby, lOs. each to 10 poor persons; 26 of water; assessable value, £4,900; the population in Richard Davenport, £5 (charged on Court Gardens estate) for 1901 was 1,143, five poor widows ; Thomas Drew, £2 12s. for the distribution Parish Clerk, Henry Wildsruith Badger. OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS, &c. Post, l\f. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. & I. 0. Kearley Hudscn Ewbanke esq. M.P., D.L. Whittington, Med­ High street.-John Richard Langdon, postmaster. Hours menham of business, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Letters are delivered at 7 & Lawrence Arthur esq. Heath court, Maidenhead lO a.m. 3.40 & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.45 & 12 a.m. & J,ehmann Rudolph Chambers esq. Fieldhead. BourM End,. 3.40, 7.50 & 8.40 p.m.; sundays, 7.50 p.m Maidenhead Mackenzie William Dalziel esq. MA. Fawley court, Renley­ on-Thames COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE FIRST PETTY Mackenzie William Roderick Dalziel esq. Sunny close, Fawley~ SESSIONAL DIVISION OF DESBOROUGH HUNDRED. Henley-on.Thames Murray Robert Hay esq. Spinfield, Marlow Higginson Gen. Sir George W entworth Alexander x.c.B. Power John Danvers esq. Burnham, Somerset Gyldernscroft, Marlow (chairman) Scott-Murray Charles Aloysius csq. Manor house, Hamblcden,. Smith The Hon. William Frederick Danvers M.P.> D.L., Green­ Henley.on-Thames lands, Henley-on-Thames Thomas John esq. Bridge house, W ooburn Clayton ~ir William Robert bart. M.A., D.L. Harleyford, Ward George Rolls esq. New Court, Marlow Marlow W ethered Francis Owen esq. High street, Mar low Beever William Frederick Holt esq. B.A. Yewden, Hambledon, Wethered Thomas Owen esq.
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