tlove to impeach Scheiich fails A motion for a Student Senate the meeting were alleged hearing on the possible Wayne misconduct as a student senator Vol. XXX, No. 12 Fresno, Colif . Dec. ll 1975 Schaich impeachment was de- and misconduct as an ASB , feated luesday. The motion, representative. submitted by Dave Davis, called The charges stemmed from an for the Senate to hold hearings incident at'the Homecoming on Senator Schaich's conduct as a Dance Nov. 23. Schaich asserted- senator and an ASB representa- ly received a number of u¡used tive. dance tickets from Janice With the defeat of the motion, Peterson, wife of Doug Peterson, after a 45-minute discussion, ASB adviser, by telling her impeachment proceedings were Peterson had sent him to get dropped. thern. A letter drafted by Legislative Schaich intended to distribute Vice-P¡esident David Schroeder the tickets to people who were was sent to Schaich notifying him denied admission because of of the Executive Board's failure to 'obtain tickets during recommendation last week for the week before the dance. He impeachment. subsequently decided not to Schaich said the Ietter did noQ distribute the tickets to those inform him of the charges. The people and returned them to charges, brought up by Davis in Mrs. Peterson. Boy Areq doncers w¡ll perform here The Bay Area Repertory the group as "a modern dance Dance Theatre, under the co.mpany with real depth of direction of former Fresnan talent, with really focused David lVood, will present a dance gesture, and with a refined concert at City College Saturday ability at communicating on Keith Lone, qn instrucfor in q school offered ot the Fresno County in the Theatre. different levels." Progrom The San Francisco Chronicle his bosic communicotion closs for women The program, sponsored by Honor Form, lectures to students in the Office of Community said "Wood is by far the most inmotes Services and the State Center imaginative choreographer in Community College District, these parts and-if the large begins at 8:15 p.m. and is free. sampling of national and The dance company, based at international troupes that visit goes the University of California, the Bay Area is any indication- FCC to'fqrn'; Berkeley, where Wood is a dance one of the most original instructor, will perform three choreographers extant." Wood dances, "Pre Amble," "The lVood, a native Fresnan, is llouse of Bernarda Alba" and director and choreographer of "Solitary Confinement," a new the company. He began his Lqne premiered the FCC theatric¿l career as an actor in teqches inmqtes to be at work concert. summer stock and television and They are not what you would The school program, which released until the-first of the The company of 14 dancers has later performed as a dancer in normally call "college material." began as an experiment in the year, but Smith terms the results been hailed by many Bay Area Broadway music¿ls, 1.V., with Their early experiences in school fall of 1972, has reached over 300 'tsignificant." those who partici- dance critics as one of the best the New York Qity Opera were, for the most part, inmates, estimated Smith. pated in the program were modern dance troupes around. Company and the Metropolitan frustrating and embarrassing. Classes are olfered this fall in rearrested less (approximately The Oakland lribune described Opera Company. Few would be enrolled in college basic communieation, arts and 10 per cent), and even those elasses today if not for the fact crafts, career planning, reading students that were rearrested, they are incarcerated at. the improvement, women and soci- were generally rearrested fewer Fresno County Honor Farm. ety, seasonal sports, beginning times than their "twin." "They" are the approximately body building, and a GED test "We did our best to make 40 Honor Fa¡m inmates (30 men preparatory course. cert¿in in this study that the only Senote oids debotors, and 10 women) currently According to a yet-to-be- possible explanation for a enrolled in an educational completed study conducted by decrease in reeidivism would be program offered in cooperation the probation department, the the school program," commented oppo¡nls longoge] between City College, the county program seems to be working. Smith. Probation Department, and the The study, according to Smith, Keith Lane, an FCC instructor Sheriffs Department. the goal took a random sampling of 105 who has been teaching in the A supplementary allotnent of tion of a screening committee of the program, according to its persons¡ who went through the program since its inception, $200 was approved fo¡ the headed by President Richard coordinator, probation officer school program nd compared maint¿ins that the value of the debate-forensics team by the Mst¿. Bob Smith, is to: each with a "twin," i.e., someone program in terms of future Student Senate Tuesday. the Mark Hern¿udez, appointed with close similarities money, needed for an expanded parlirrmentarian on Nov. 2, took -Improve the inmate's basic in the benefits eannot be statistically ae¿demic skills. number and type of arrests, measured. program, will come out of the his se¿t Tuesday. undistributed reserve fund. - Senate vot¿d to have notary -Prepare him for gainful employment history, cultural "lVe may plant a seed that may employment. heritage, marital status, etc., but not grow for some time to come," In other action, Senate public service in the Bookstore. his self-image. who had not partieipated in the Lane noted. appointed Donald Lang"ager to The service will be Èee to ASB -Improve program. Langager was card holders and per -Help to prevent him from the senate. $1 becoming a recidivist Final statisties will not be See Honor poge7. approved on the recommenda- document to all other students. Ríchíird wtll edif Rompqge rWhisrle r' clossic, Gregory M. Richárd, photo semester, with minor changes in editor, will serve as editor in the paper's physical appesrance. chief of the Rampoge for the here llednesday spring semester, sueceeding "We plan to continue empha- Jane Kent. sizing features and personality pieces, The 20-year-old Fresno sopho and have occasional joined pieces on facuþ members," he A movie for the entire escaped murderer to be Jesus more first the staff last February as a photogrdpher. said. "We also will give a little family--"Whistle Down the Christ. The film, released in more attention to the technic¿l- Wind"-will be the next feature 1960, stars Hayley Mills and Alan Last spring he won fifth prize at industrial the state level in a photo essay division, bec¿use a presentation in City College's Bates. great many competition. of our students are classic film series, "The Reel "'Whistle Down the Wind,' a enrolled in it." World." picture British with a splendid Richlrd is a 1973 graduate of The film will be screened east, [is] so full of tenderness, Mclane High School, where he Richárd, whose appoiatment Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. beauty and meaning that it must first became interested in was announced this week by in the Speech-Music Recital Hall. be seen," said the New York photography and took pictures as adviser Peter Lang, s¿id Keiko Admission is free. Times. "One of the most a senior for the school yearbook, Taniguehi will serve as msDsglng beautiful and heartwarming Grelcu, advised by Bill Poole. editor next semester and "ìilnistle Down the Wind," films we have ever seen." Mitchell Huert¿ as spofis editor. considered a classic story of the "The Reel World" is sponsored Richdrd s¿id he inte¡ds to Both a¡e on the st¿ff now. Other power of a child's faith, is about by the ASB and the Oflïce of continue tùe newspaper with appointments will be announced Greg Richírd two children who believe an Community Services. much the s¡me foråit ¿s this l¡ter. RAMPAGE Dec. ll , |.975 P.repcring for UFO trip tollowers of 'the two' speok in tresno By Dour E¡nriaon Anyone can become a member months ago when about 20 original idea of "the two" as a ùhree and one half days. Then ùËð of the group and ultimately take persons disappeared from Ore- study in human behavior. The they will raise from the dead, a dbv the UFO trþ, according to the gon after attending meetings Fresno group said this is a lie. demonstration of their power. Jesus Christ. leader, a man in his twenties who with "the two." One woman They say the people who . those who have gone through Followers of "the two," a goes by the name of "Will." The signed her two children over to a disappeared have not yet left'in the metamorphic process, becom- only catch is that you niust leave neighbor and has not been seen the UFO, but are dispersed ing biologically immortal, will be your husband, wife, children, :i1..".......... throughout the country telling spirited away in UFO's into the parents and all natural belong- others about their message. heavenly kingdom, the next level ings behind. You must spend 100 "You must leqve qll Their true identities are kept of existence. in Fresno. percent of your energ'y com- secret and they change names Planet Earth is one of manY The first, Saturday at the municating with "the fathers," ¿ belongings behind. " often, a sign of detachment from sardens which are harvested Fresno County Library, drew a group of celestial beings who their humanness. iegularly of souls who are readY, crowd of about 30. the second, hover between earth and heaven Some fear their loved ones "Theré is a real physical level the meantime, and said wilt.
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