![Arxiv:1911.12511V1 [Cs.AI] 28 Nov 2019 • Transition Structure](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Algorithmic Improvements for Deep Reinforcement Learning applied to Interactive Fiction Vishal Jain,1, 3 William Fedus,1, 2 Hugo Larochelle,1, 2, 5 Doina Precup,1, 3, 4, 5 Marc G. Bellemare1, 2, 3, 5 1Mila, 2Google Brain, 3McGill University, 4DeepMind, 5CIFAR Fellow [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Text-based games are a natural challenge domain for deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Their state and action spaces are combinatorially large, their reward function is sparse, and they are partially observable: the agent is in- formed of the consequences of its actions through textual feedback. In this paper we emphasize this latter point and consider the design of a deep reinforcement learning agent that can play from feedback alone. Our design recognizes and takes advantage of the structural characteristics of text- based games. We first propose a contextualisation mecha- nism, based on accumulated reward, which simplifies the learning problem and mitigates partial observability. We then study different methods that rely on the notion that most actions are ineffectual in any given situation, following Za- havy et al.’s idea of an admissible action. We evaluate these techniques in a series of text-based games of increasing dif- Figure 1: The introductory gameplay from ZORK. ficulty based on the TextWorld framework, as well as the iconic game ZORK. Empirically, we find that these techniques improve the performance of a baseline deep reinforcement such as retrieving an important object or unlocking a new learning agent applied to text-based games. part of the domain. We are particularly interested in bringing deep reinforce- 1 Introduction ment learning techniques to bear on this problem. In this In a text-based game, also called interactive fiction (IF), an paper, we consider how to design an agent architecture that agent interacts with its environment through a natural lan- can learn to play text adventure games from feedback alone. guage interface. Actions consist of short textual commands, Despite the inherent challenges of the domain, we identify while observations are paragraphs describing the outcome three structural aspects that make progress possible: of these actions (Figure 1). Recently, interactive fiction has • Rewards from subtasks. The optimal behaviour com- emerged as an important challenge for AI techniques (Atkin- pletes a series of subtasks towards the eventual game end; son et al. 2018), in great part because the genre combines arXiv:1911.12511v1 [cs.AI] 28 Nov 2019 • Transition structure. Most actions have no effect in a natural language with sequential decision-making. given state; From a reinforcement learning perspective, IF domains pose a number of challenges. First, the state space is typi- • Memory as state. Remembering key past events is often cally combinatorial in nature, due to the presence of objects sufficient to deal with partial observability. and characters with which the player can interact. Since any While these properties have been remarked on in previous natural language sentence may be given as a valid command, work (Narasimhan, Kulkarni, and Barzilay 2015; Zahavy et the action space is similarly combinatorial. The player ob- al. 2018), here we relax some of the assumptions previously serves its environment through feedback in natural language, made and provide fresh tools to more tractably solve IF do- making this a partially observable problem. The reward mains. More generally, we believe these tools to be useful in structure is usually sparse, with non-zero rewards only re- partially observable domains with similar structure. ceived when the agent accomplishes something meaningful, Our first contribution takes advantage of the special re- Copyright c 2020, Association for the Advancement of Artificial ward structure of IF domains. In IF, the accumulated reward Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. within an episode correlates with the number of completed subtasks and provides a good proxy for an agent’s progress. resulting from taking action at in ht and observing ot+1 as Our score contextualisation architecture makes use of this emitted by the hidden state st+1. fact by defining a piecewise value function composed of dif- The action-value function Qπ describes the expected dis- ferent deep network heads, where each piece corresponds counted sum of rewards when choosing action a after ob- to a particular level of cumulative reward. This separation serving history ht, and subsequently following policy π: allows the network to learn separate value functions for dif- π X i ferent portions of the complete task; in particular, when the Q (ht; a) = E γ r(st+i; at+i) j ht; a ; problem is linear (i.e., there is a fixed ordering in which sub- i≥0 tasks must be completed), our method can be used to learn a separate value function for each subtask. where we assume that the action at time t + j is drawn Our second contribution extends the work of Zahavy et al. from π(· j ht+j); note that the reward depends on the se- (2018) on action elimination. We make exploration and ac- quence of hidden states st+1; st+2;::: implied by the belief tion selection more tractable by determining which actions state B(· j ht). The action-value function satisfies the Bell- are admissible in the current state. Formally, we say that an man equation over histories action is admissible if it leads to a change in the underly- π π 0 ing game state. While the set of available actions is typi- Q (ht; a) = E r(st; a) + γ max Q (ht+1; a ) : s ;s a02A cally large in IF domains, there are usually few commands t t+1 that are actually admissible in any particular context. Since When the state is observed at each step (O = S), this sim- the state is not directly observable, we first learn an LSTM- plifies to the usual Bellman equation for Markov decision based auxiliary classifier that predicts which actions are ad- processes: missible given the agent’s history of recent feedback. We use π π 0 the predicted probability of an action being admissible to Q (st; a) = r(st; a) + γ max Q (st+1; a ): (1) E 0 modulate or gate which actions are available to the agent at st+1∼P a 2A each time step. We propose and compare three simple mod- In the fully observable case we will conflate s and h . ulation methods: masking, drop out, and finally consistent t t Q-learning (Bellemare et al. 2016b). Compared to Zahavy The Q-learning algorithm (Watkins 1989) over histories Q et al.’s algorithm, our techniques are simpler in spirit and maintains an approximate action-value function which is h ; a ; r ; o can be learned from feedback alone. updated from samples t t t t+1 using a step-size pa- α 2 [0; 1) We show the effectiveness of our methods on a suite of rameter : seven IF problems of increasing difficulty generated using Q(h ; a ) Q(h ; a ) + αδ the TextWorld platform (Cotˆ e´ et al. 2018). We find that com- t t t t t δt = rt + γ max Q(ht+1; a) − Q(ht; at): (2) bining the score contextualisation approach to an otherwise a2A standard recurrent deep RL architecture leads to faster learn- ing than when using a single value function. Furthermore, Q-learning is used to estimate the optimal action-value func- our action gating mechanism enables the learning agent to tion attained by a policy which maximizes Qπ for all histo- progress on the harder levels of our suite of problems. ries. In the context of our work, we will assume that this policy exists. Storing this action-value function in a lookup 2 Problem Setting table is impractical, as there are in general an exponential We represent an interactive fiction environment as a partially number of histories to consider. Instead, we use recurrent observable Markov decision process (POMDP) with deter- neural networks approximate the Q-learning process. ministic observations. This POMDP is summarized by the tuple (S; A; P; r; O; ; γ), where S is the state space, A the 2.1 Consistent Q-Learning P r : S × A ! action space, is the transition function, R Consistent Q-learning (Bellemare et al. 2016b) learns a is the reward function, and γ 2 [0; 1) is the discount factor. value function which is consistent with respect to a local The function : S × A × S ! O describes the observation form of policy stationarity. Defined for a Markov decision 0 o = (s; a; s ) provided to the agent when action a is taken process, it replaces the term δt in (2) by in state s and leads to state s0. Throughout we will make use of standard notions from re- CQL γ maxa2A Q(st+1; a) − Q(st; at) st+1 6= st δt = rt + inforcement learning (Sutton and Barto 1998) as adapted to (γ − 1)Q(st; at) st+1 = st: the POMDP literature (McCallum 1995; Silver and Veness (3) 2010). At time step t, the agent selects an action according to Consistent Q-learning can be shown to decrease the action- a policy π which maps a history ht := o1; a1; : : : ; ot to a dis- value of suboptimal actions while maintaining the action- tribution over actions, denoted π(· j ht). This history is a se- value of the optimal action, leading to larger action gaps quence of observations and actions which, from the agent’s and a potentially easier value estimation problem. perspective, replaces the unobserved environment state st. Observe that consistent Q-learning is not immediately We denote by B(s j ht) the probability or belief of being in adaptable to the history-based formulation, since ht+1 and state s after observing ht.
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