. y(f/i < THUR5DAT, AlAY 1ft, 1946 The Weather Average Daily Circulation Forocoat ot t . !;>. Weather Bureau 'Manchester. Evening .Herald 1. _ For the Month of AprU, 1»48 r t'lear ami l•«ntinl1ed cold with The tegular meeting of Clan Reginald E. Pomphrey, 19, s6n on 200 search flights over strab»- frost In interior tonight; Satutda.v MacLcan 2?2, Order of Scottish of Mr. and Mrs. Pom'jihroy, Radioman Denelte gic Paciiic Islands prior t« and 9,195 X fair and warmer, Inrreasing cloudi­ About Town^ Clans, iVill be held in the Masonic ol 11 Locust .street, ’was graduated after their invasion.* ' Member of thm Audit • . ness in afternoon. Tem'hki'' tomorrow night, at 8 reeently fnmi tlib Jiaa-iil Training K e l i i i T i s o n L ea v e He will soon report to/the Naval REMEMBER THE DATE! MEET M iss Nu-Enamel Bnreuu of droulutloui . ■ J.. ■ ' / o'clock. , ' S-liool (Electric) on the Purdue Training- Sch€)Oi In .phffcggo, 1111- Mtaichester— A City of Village Charm MIm Phyllti A. Noren, daughUr University campus, Lafayette, In- « ■ - -------- - , "‘ V noia, for duty. .■ * \ diaiia. After assignment to aea • The 24-year-oId combat airCrew- (tf IC^. And Mri. Carl W. Noren, ' Anderson Shea Auxiliary No. Lao E. Denette, Aviation. Chief (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GEM'S J046 Veterans of Forcigh Ware duty.; or to a ahore station, he will' man is the son ,of Mr. and Mrs. At Our Stiire (Claaalflod AdvertfOng oh Pugu. U ) MANCHESTEltf CONN„ FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1945 100 Waahington atreet, waa ra- elected the following delegates, be eligible to earn the petty offi­ Radioman. , U. S. N. R., of 21 Frank A. Denette Sr., of 21 VOL. LXIV.. NO. 188, cantly aamad a membar of the and alternatc.s to attend the De­ cer rate, o f elcetrlClan'e mate third Durant street, has returned home Duranf s'treet. Junior Welcome Committee at partment Encampment at New class. on leave,.after a tour of duty in A former student at, Rockville Today— Fru-^S^t. Simmona ColleRe, Boatoh. The Britain, on Jiine 29. SO and July High school Chief Denette’ was-,a ^committee aaaista in guiding fre^h- the Pacific where he flew aboard a Victory Parafie in Red Square 1st.';'Mrs. Ella Brimble, Mrs. Grace Martin “ Mariner" on range search draftsman before entering t,he : at the college during Orienta­ Toumaud, Mr.s. Jane Fortin, Mrs. service. i tion, Week In September. Miaa Nb- Music ill Honoi^ flights. e T - rer in. a atudent in the school of LlHian Ltad***. Mrs. Ann Irish, .Chief Denette, serving as radio­ liuraing^t Simmons, and has been Mm . Sadtajforen, and Mrs. Marlon Of Dr. DickiiiSut^ man aboatid the '‘Mariner," flew active in^the' Glee and Outing Geiuln. Alteriiates are Mrs. 'Ruth Clubs, and tile Social Activitteg Shelilon. MrA Madeline Drake,- Mrs. Nadine Beauchamp. Mrs. 2 ,b O Q rP la n e Committed , oK, Student Govern­ The music on Sunday morning A REMINDER! ment. 1 Helen 'Brickson. Iftr*. Dora . Mo- XOIOR STYLIST Jap^ Three Tiu dean. Mrs. Louise Stbchelsky. and at the North Methodist cjiurch will' -When Yon Need More Mrs. Marion Hornung. President he In recognition of Dr. Clarence LfC LER C x AND MXPiKT ON X ALL C E b A M Florence Streeter has her own Dickinson of New ITork, organist, FIINERytlxIMlME \INSURANCE ..f i r f vote. , ' Composer, conductor, and director COLOR HARMONISS of .the. School»of Saerpd Muaic'at 23 Main S t r ^ Fire - Theft ^ Antpmobile X- l^u^Mines in I^rts Union Theological Seminary I'rpm which pfwt he retires this spring.^ Phone 52«» ^ vor Fomitare Says Size of " American Mrs. Davrd M. Bennett, Oirgan-' torm ; A^l LOAM ist apd cholr’director will play for ■ \CALL Air Foreie Will Contin­ Strike at Three Indus­ the, opening pNJ.ude Dr. Dickln- ue To Be Increas(^ as trial Center* and Thr#c Orange Hall fOR SALE son''a organ compbaitlon, "Reverie" SeeifrW or^ M a k e G a in s anc the choir will siiig ai/arrange- ASHES and RUBBISH Al e x a n d e r , Wring in your painting problomt,^oi/txport 0df fep on Air Fields Bfeconte.^ Air Field* on Kyushu ment of his anthem "Music IVhbn Tomorrow Night Soft Voices Die." Tlip- postljide.will ; REMOVED j a r V is COLOR STYUNO and DICORMTINO. L w n Mow »Easy-To- Available and Supply In a i ^ And Honshu; No Im­ 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c. Fraiik Damato be D r.' Dicktnsonjs "Medi'ta.tion” ! 26 ALEXANDER STREET Routes Ajpe Established In M in n a o B a ttle On "Ah Dearest J'esus," a chorale TEI.EPHONE 8962 ^ Do" Jointing Tricks, Coma In w hih ^Mlits Np-Enamol Is mediate Reports of 7 SPECIAL GAMES Weekdaara •■6 Simdnya & Sjon by Johdnn, Cruger. Other niu.slc ; Office 4112 ' ReaMcnoe 72'7S hero. Sea thm Now 'baautiM Wdstal Colors of NU~ENAhUEL Hundreds f Tele b o n i s Damage-on Third Raid “SWEEPSTAKES will Include a .Mother'a, Day an- T GAVELLO » E. SCHULZ London. " May 10.— { / P ) - p sag Re,i>tme, Mrt Faiiatics WEEKLY PRIZE TELEI^HONE 709^ ^ them .entitled "Candlelight," writ- I and what r^y can do for your homo, YOU CAN Lieut. Gen. James H, Doolit­ Lines Cari4 own; —Bomb Through Un­ i ten by Charles \Vnfeefield Cadman. i In Mounting Battle /MONTfiLY PRIZE tle, commander of the 'U . S. ’ Powey Interru d and dercast hv Instruments WAR 60N D \ 2 4 Hnmestiead Street "RROFESSIOkAL’* JOB WITH NU-ENAMEL, • pghth Air Force, who led With Japanese Garri­ xp «E DRAWN MAV 25 Fruit Trees uinyd. Flee Toward A NU-INAMEl “ NO HmSH MARK" JOB — IS AS SMOOTH AS FOKCIIAIN "the first air raid on Tokyo son Near Davao City. Guam, May 11.—</P)— Su­ .Quality Garden' Fertilizer DON WILLIS If Yau Want To predicted to ^ y that 2,000- ------ a n d SES THESE LOW COSTS Boston, May 11—()P)-jA paralyz­ per-Fortresses bombed Ja* nlnnp raids^'would be made Yaiikefe^iiies $2.25 per 100 pounds GARAGE ing May snow storm, described in Manila, May .11.—(fl*)— In­ pan’s* homeland three timts Buy Or Sell (n. “ The size of the fantrymen of Maj. Gen. Bos- today, striking at three in­ ► At the Farm. Complete Auto Service soma sections as the / worst in Flags appear as Russians In Red square, Moscow, receive the .news of victory. (AP radlophoto American Air < Force operat- three-quarters of a century, car­ coe Woodruff’s veteran 24th dustrial centers and three air Xgainst Japan will continue to from Moscow.) Vasl PiiH’ern by T4»rcc TONIGHT FRANK V. WILLIA.MS 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 division were reported today fields on Kyushu and Honshu . ■ / ™'Increased as air .‘fields become ried down hundreds of telephone Soviet Ariniefi Thre^- 1682 Tolland Tpk. Bueklunil REAL Sellable and supply routea and lines, interrupted power, snarled making steady gains againnt islands ih a swift follow-up communications bases are estab­ traffic, ruined fruit | trees and Small Nation^ stiff resistance in a mounting ehfi lo Develop Die- to yesterday’s 400-plane B-29 lished,'’ Doolittle said at a press young crops an(l claimed at least General Giveri^ Seat battle with Japan’s Mindanao raid. In the heaviest attack / conference, , / two lives In New England. Hards Atiiong Nazifi. loo th 150 Super-Fortreaaea at­ FOR NEW ROOFS ISTA TE Service company Meeptives and island garrison near the cap- / C A V E Y ’S 200,000 In Air Fores , tured port city of Davao. tacked the big Kawanishl'aeaplane Me disclosed that the personnel farmers ard orchard owners esti­ Want Powers London, May 11.—(iP) Die-hard plant on Ttonshu, between - Kobe AND ROOF REPAIRING mated that the damage would run On Control Council * 15 East Center Street of the Eighth Air Force in Eng­ ’ Faced With Tough^ Job Nazi fanatics who fought On In and O sa k a /x* a smaller fleet VlN CEHT CALL 2-1428 land now numbered approximately close t6 a million dollars. The battleground was' a trian­ blasted the Oita and Salki air The stoim, originating yeater- Czechoslovakia In defiance of Ger­ SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT BALLS \ » 200.000 men and wofbw. and that On Force0 tfse gular area between the Talomp flelds on Kyahu>. another 100,000 had served dn a day, and ' Bccompapled by gales, and^--pavao rivers, due northwest man unconditional surrender were OR MEAT SAUCE ......... ................... ..50c MARGIN x^Ianchester Roofing swept through a belt running from Ewenhow^r •»„ P l a i l S O u t U l i e d Aimed at lmpiw,toBt CItlaa rotating basis. - sent United StAtes in of DaVao city. The Yanks, who reported In headlong flight toward The latest attack was aimed at WITH MUSHROOMS............. ................................... 75c t PIUMBING & HEATING Doolittle said part of ; the Masaachusetts’ Berkshire hills Strong Bloc Is Deter- crossed thh TalomoTa Tuesday, ^wc«| I Amerlcaq lines today as a vast the important cltlca of* |Jlyakano- Eitmth Air F a ce's manjiower and through southern and central Ver­ mont and northerri New Hamp­ Occupation o i Reich; X o Lift Curbs faced with the tough job of root­ pincers by three Soviet Armies jo and Nlttigahara. both'on Kyu- Al|^ Kinds New equfbment would be moved direct­ iniued to Win Great­ ing the enemy' out of elaborate ALICE COFRAN WASHABLE shire into Mainej depositing as threatened momentarily to envelop ahu. and at the Mlyakaenkl air MUSIC AT THE PIANO AS USUAL! ' and-Repair W'ork ly to the Pacific, and the rest Army Discloses Plans'.
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