Fireworks Spectacular! * WWW.AMBOYGUARDIAN.COM * July 3, 2014 June 4, 2014www.celebratetheamboys.com * The Amboy Guardian .1 UP TOCOMPLIMENTARY 10 COPIES/$1 EACH ADDITIONAL THEAmboy*Weekly Newspaper* Guardian • VOL. 4 NO. 11 • 732-896-4446 • P.O. BOX 127 • PERTH AMBOY • NJ • 08862 • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 • Impact Perth Amboy Recap Toxic Waste a Potential Problem for Perth Amboy Submitted by Heather Taylor Policy Task Force was also pacts to the properties they are could easily open the flood- from The Citizen’s Campaign provided. interested in. gates for this contaminated PERTH AMBOY - Members Mr. Stokes report is designed But, the bombshell of the eve- sludge to seep into the same of Impact Perth Amboy, a to be a quick reference for po- ning came when guest speaker areas, and down the Arthur citizen leadership program fa- tential developers to find each and former Columbia Univer- Kill into Raritan Bay, along cilitated by The Citizens Cam- waterfront property’s own- sity research scientist, Andrew Perth Amboy’s waterfront. paign, gathered at their month- ership, size, environmental Voros informed the citizens of Several New Jersey orga- ly meeting to hear reports from clean-up status, city agencies a serious and looming threat to nizations already banded to- the group’s task forces. which can facilitate redevel- Perth Amboy’s economic de- gether to fight this deal. NY/ The force leaders told of opment and other useful infor- velopment prospects posed by NJ Baykeeper and Delaware significant progress on devel- mation. the imminent remediation of Riverkeeper have actions be- oping doable solutions to help Harry Pozycki, Perth Am- the former American Cyana- fore federal or state courts the city in the areas of educa- boy resident and Chair of The mid Landfill in Carteret on the regarding Soil Safe, the ironi- tion, the environment and the Citizens Campaign, reviewed Rahway River could result in cally named company seeking arts. But the main focus of the proposal for storm resil- cyanide, petroleum and other to do the project. Heather Taylor the evening was on waterfront iency amendments to the City toxins being discharged into NY/NJ Baykeeper has filed The Citizen’s Campaign development and storm resil- Master Plan and to develop- the Arthur Kill and Raritan an appeal of the permit issued nothing is done tizen’o stop it. iency. ment regulations for water- Bay. by the New Jersey Department Already New Jersey Con- Shaneil Stokes of Lewis front properties. He suggested The project known as “Rah- of Environmental Protection gressman Donald Payne, Street shared his draft on that the cities that have pre- way Arch,” plans to seal 2 until a flood impact study has Jr. and US Senator Charles prospective redevelopment pared for storm resiliency in million tons of cyanide-con- been completed by the U.S. Schumer of New York have properties along the water- their Master Plan and zoning taminated sludge along the Army Corps of Engineers. The called for a halt to the project front, including both the requirements are likely to be Rahway River with a 29 foot Rahway River Storm Water until a more thorough study Raritan River and the Arthur first in line for storm resiliency high pile of contaminated dirt, Advisory Board has also ex- can be completed. Kill. He reviewed new state infrastructure funds from the which the contractor disposes pressed serious concerns that The citizens were shocked financial sources for incentiv- federal and state government. of for a profit. filling the 90 acre floodplain by this threat to their efforts izing development. A related Pozycki also explained that Rahway Arch happens to will increase upriver flooding. to incentivize environmentally draft proposal for waterfront developers will be more in- also be in the heart of the area Despite engineering reports sound redevelopment of the amendments to Perth Amboy’s clined to invest in Perth Am- that was hit hard during San- warning of the potential col- city’s waterfront and deter- Master Plan and development boy’s waterfront if they know dy, resulting in major flooding lapse of the site during a storm, mined to bring the city gov- regulations prepared by The that infrastructure is planned throughout the region. When the project has moved to ap- ernment to full awareness of Citizens Campaign’s Law & to prevent adverse storm im- the next major storm hits, it proval and can begin soon if this apparently serious threat. Controversy at Special BID Meeting Bill List, Changing from Fiscal to Calendar Year and Temporary Budget Discussed By: Katherine Massopust to cover the BID from July to Members Yvonne Lopez and on a six month budget for July the first line on administrative PERTH AMBOY – The Tem- December. Virginia Lugo voting “No.” to the end of December. You services. How much should porary Budget for 2014 was The BID has also been con- BID Treasurer Sergio Diaz have to take the budget over to the amount be is in question, discussed at the 5/21/14 Spe- sidering separating itself from the addressed the temporary the City Council. It’s required so the line item should be left cial BID (Business Improve- the City and going completely budget, “We need to be reim- to have an audit. I’ve prepared open. $44,500 for six months ment District) Meeting. Board by itself as an independent en- bursed for administrative ser- forms and submitted it to the was there if we need to have Member Sergio Diaz pre- tity. vices as of July 1, If we agree IRS, the services and given someone to run it (BID).” sented the budget list and was Board Member Virginia to go forward to separate with how the BID is run. It’s open BID Member Virginia Lugo concerned about the cost of the Lugo felt that the BID was the administration.” to the public. My firm has done stated, “I went to the Budget attorney (who was not present voting without discussing the C.P.A. Robert Botvilla spoke, audits for the past 3-4 years.” meeting although I wasn’t in- at this meeting). issues and cited the opinion “Roxana (Troche) asked me BID Member Israel Varela vited. I am a chair of the by- There were three issues on letter of the lawyer. to come to change the BID asked, “Do you do a foren- laws committee. The rules the agenda. One was a Bill Chair Barry Rosengarten from a calendar year to a fis- sic audit in order to clear the come and go and are made up List for $73,017.00. The Bill stated, “The attorney present- cal year – now to convert back room that we are really using as they go along. This budget List is a list of expenses for the ed his opinion. It is MY opin- from the fiscal year to the cal- money correctly? Are we off – it stinks. How can every- past month of past or present ion that we don’t need an at- endar year. This way we will the path?” one approve the budget? The expenses or incumbencies The torney. (To vote on the agenda match the calendar year of Botvilla answered, “A foren- documents are written with no second item was to move the issues presented at this BID the City. Presently, the budget sic accountant is much more cover sheets. At this point we BID from a fiscal calendar to a Meeting) The attorney cites of the BID can get confusing expensive. We are not looking need to find another person.” calendar year in order to match law. The facts are law. Are you with taxes. That depends if at efficiency.” Lugo proceeded to hand out the City. The third item was challenging law?” the budget comes in monthly BID Treasurer Sergio Diaz to everyone their appointment the temporary budget which Lugo said, “I thought the at- or quarterly. The BID doesn’t again spoke about the tempo- letters. needed to be passed to allow torney would be here.” need the City’s permission to rary budget for 2014. “These for the temporary fiscal budget The Bill List passed with BID do this. You need to only vote items are all approved, but Continued on Page 2 South Amboy City Council Business Meeting, Wed. June 4, 2014 - 6:00 p.m. 2. The Amboy Guardian *June 4, 2014 Special BID Meeting IF IT’S LOCAL to provide all those services? from $44,500 to $34,500 al- Continued from Page 1 Moving forward, I hope the lowing an extra $10,000 to IT’S HERE! Sergio Diaz stated, “Stick to BID will have what it needs. help business owners and the budget.” This is a budget. What does the thereby passing a more bal- Lugo continued, “We should budget need to go forward?” anced budget.” terminate services we pres- Diaz then walked to the back The budget passed with all ently have. We failed to keep of the audience section of the BID Members voting “Yes,” a membership list. We failed City Council Chambers. except for Wilda Diaz who ab- to submit annual reports. We BID Member Israel Varela stained. are misguided as a Board. We stated, “The Mayor would When it came to change the prepared a resolution with- be in conflict. Everything is BID’s calendar from a fiscal out the Board’s approval. You simple. We know the expendi- year to a calendar year, the made me sign a confidentiality tures. No additional funds. It’s vote was a unanimous “Yes.” agreement.” not rocket science. The BID is During the public portion Chair Rosengarten answered very small.
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