MMLLAA NEWSLETTER Music Library Association’s 70th Annual Meeting Coverage begins on page three A bunch of happy music librarians having just exited the backstage tour of the Metropolitan Opera. Photo taken by Bob Kosovsky. No. 125 May–June 2001 ISSN 0580-289-X President’s Report MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS James P. Cassaro, MLA President successful University of Pittsburgh relation- Officers ship with JAMES P. CASSARO, President As I prepare to chair my first our new University of Pittsburgh Board of Directors meeting as manage- PAULA MATTHEWS, Past President President of the Association, I am ment Princeton University struck by the tremendous support and services LAURA GAYLE GREEN, respect the membership has afforded provider! The transition to the Treasurer /Executive Secretary me in my new role. It is indeed combined Treasurer/Executive Secre- University of Missouri — Kansas City gratifying to see how much you all do tary position, where two positions LYNN GULLICKSON, on a volunteer basis for the once were, is moving forward, as well. Recording Secretary organization. When I read through the I am incredibly grateful to Michael Northwestern University various reports submitted by our Colby, who has agreed to act in the special officers, editors, and committee capacity of administrative support for Members-at-Large 2000-2002 chairs, it is abundantly apparent that Laura Gayle Green. His willingness to the Association is bubbling with do this for the Association is matched ALLIE GOUDY Western Illinois University activity. Solid ideas for projects and as well by his generosity. He has programs are coming to the surface refused any compensation in the form LESLIE TROUTMAN and are being thoroughly discussed. of an honorarium to do this work. University of Illinois All this will make Many thanks, PHILIP VANDERMEER up for the grueling Michael! University of Maryland number of hours Of the many the Board faces in It is abundantly projects and Members-at-Large 2001-2003 its upcoming apparent that the activities hinted at NEIL HUGHES University of Georgia meeting, reading Association is bubbling above, let me through docu- single out a few to ELISABETH REBMAN ments, discussing with activity. Solid tell you about. Colorado College proposals, and MLA has under- ideas for projects and MICHAEL ROGAN steering the work taken a joint Tufts University of our organiza- programs are coming project with RILM tion. At this same to the surface. and the American meeting, we will Musicological also work to put Society (AMS) to together our have music titles Design by WGraphics, Baltimore. annual operating budget, crunching included in JSTOR. An initial list was MLA NEWSLETTER numbers to ensure that committees, provided by Lenore Coral and Linda Hartig, Editor officers, editors and such have the coupled with those previously appropriate finances to complete their identified by Nancy Nuzzo and the The Newsletter is published four times a year: tasks and to support other initiatives, Publications Committee. This list was September-October, November-December, March- April, and May-June, by the Music Library like our annual chapter grants sent to RILM, which has a list of its Association, c/o A-R Editions, Inc.; 8551 Research program and subsidies to the own, and is also working with JSTOR Way, Suite 180; Middleton, WI 53562, and is issued important work done by the RILM U.S. to find funding for the music project. to its members free of charge. The purpose of the Newsletter is to keep the Office. Once RILM Director Barbara membership of the Association abreast of events, I am happy to report that our McKenzie has a final list, both MLA ideas, and trends related to music librarianship. All transition to A-R Editions, Inc., for and AMS will rank the list (as will communications and articles are welcome. Address correspondence to: management services has been a RILM), to come up with the forty or so smooth one. It is clear that after an titles that JSTOR should contain. This Linda Hartig uncertain two-year period, we have is an exciting project with wide- Technical Services Librarian Carroll College found the right “home.” Jim ranging effect and a step forward in 100 N. East Avenue Zychowicz and his staff, along with working collaboratively with sister Waukesha, WI 53186 CEO Patrick Wall, have provided the organizations. [email protected] great service we are used to, and are Speaking of collaborative efforts, The deadline for submitting copy to the editor for also thinking about ways to streamline one of the ideas percolating is the issue number 126 (September-October 2001) is 10 August 2001. Submissions are preferred via e- our processes and procedures. establishment of a MLA Affiliates mail, but paper copy (double spaced) via USPS accompanied by 3.5” disk containing text files in Working collaboratively in this manner Program, much like that now Microsoft Word is acceptable. says that all signs point to a long and continued on page three 2 M L A Newsletter • No. 125 Cover Story Music Library Association’s 70th Annual Meeting Bob Kosovsky, then highlighted some of the more unusual New York Public Library acquisitions the organization has received. Among the items he showed us were a he Music Library Association’s 70th statuette of Enrico Caruso costumed for the T Annual Meeting in New York was 1918 Met premiere of La Forza del Destino, preceded by a series of tours. Taking and an unusual group of photographs of advantage of the meeting location, a group Claudia Muzio, revealing how a group of of 35 individuals were able to visit with the publicity shots were posed on the stage of archivists of the New York Philharmonic the old Met. A very unique find was a and the Metropolitan Opera prior to taking lithograph of the Metropolitan Opera a backstage tour of the Metropolitan Opera House in 1883, the year of its opening, House. Half our group took a bus from the which showed an earlier state of the Grand Hyatt Regency Hotel to Lincoln building, the details of which are obscured Center, where we met others in the lobby in virtually every photograph and of the Rose Building, the newest building contemporaneous images. Bob was eager to on the Lincoln Center site, that houses the tell us where he had come across this offices and archives of many of the Lincoln unusual document: from the online auction Center constituents. site, Ebay. Our first stop was the Archives of the (The combined remarks of Rich New York Philharmonic, where Associate Wandel, Bob Tuggle, and Carnegie Hall Archivist Rich Wandel gave us an overview archivist Gino Francesconi, heard in the MLA members in the lobby of the of the Archives’ activities. After providing a Archives Roundtable the following day, Rose Building. Photo taken by Bob Kosovsky. brief history of the orchestra, he explained made it clear that Ebay has become a how the Archives supplies a wealth of significant source for their institutions’ information to the administration and its acquisitions programs.) musicians, and functions as the institution’s Following Bob’s talk, we split up in to President’s Report repository of corporate history. One of the three groups for a backstage tour of the continued from page two afternoon’s more humorous moments came Metropolitan Opera House, given under when Rich showed us Leonard Bernstein’s the auspices of the Metropolitan Opera supported by the American Library score for Mahler’s sixth symphony. Its Guild. The Met may put on operas, but the Association. Once the Board has opening page of music was obscured by a extent of their backstage facility seemed as discussed this idea and worked out the bright red bumper sticker that read if we were part of a real-life opera. parameters (including the perks for “Mahler Groves.” Rich We were able to visit dressing becoming a MLA affiliate), this will remarked that he is always on rooms, watch performers in allow us to bring traditionally aligned guard for unique materials rehearsal studios, and see organizations like IAML-U.S. and and noted that some of many of the workshops MOUG, among others, more officially the Archive’s recent where productions into the structure of the Association. acquisitions came materials are created. continued on page four from exploring the We stood near the online auction site, Met stage, dwarfed by Ebay. the enormous sets that Contents: From the Rose encircled us. Through Building we proceeded this leg of the tour we E-Mail Digest.................................5 to the Metropolitan were able to perceive of Members’ Publications ..................6 Opera House. Entering the institution as a Committee Reports..................7-12 through the busy stage microcosm of a fully- entrance where a constant functioning city, siting at Roundtable Reports....................13 stream of artists and artisans the edge of Lincoln Center. Transitions ...................................13 were passing by, we met with archivist A good time was had by all, and the Music Library News.....................14 Robert Tuggle. Bob gave us an tour left us stimulated for the opening Calendar.......................................14 introduction to what he does and how the reception that night. N Archives functions as a part of the Met, and Links to Web Sites.......................15 M L A Newsletter • No. 125 3 MLA Announces New Board Members Alan Karass, University of California, Berkeley (1990- New England Chapter (NEMLA), and Publicity Officer 99), Co-Head of the Special Collections the Boston Area Music Libraries Group Catalog Section of the Stanford University (BAML). Libraries (1988-90), Acting Head Librarian Mr. Rogan has written for Notes, he Music Library Association election and Music Bibliographer at the Stanford Basic Music Library, The Musical Woman, Tresults were announced at its 2001 University Music Library, as well as Head and Magazines for Libraries.
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