fiandf^Birr lEttBUittg ntlDAYl raCEMBElt 7, U 'T ' y f \ Manchester Stores Will Be Open Until 9 P, M. Tonight <• Store Open Saturday Until 9 P. M . HALPS Have The Gifts Y(ou're ATcmge Daily Net Prcaa Run The Weathee Fee the Week IMUig ^ rauM Bit t i V . e . WeallM Looking For To Fill Your Gift List December 1 10,412 ilanrh^Btpr liipnittg lUpntUi M r, Member the Audit od b f hala M a In 41m Boraan of CIreelatlesa Manchester— A City of Village Charm Gift Handbags VOL. LXXI, NO. 59 (OlaMlflad Advwrtialag an Page U) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8; 1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVK CENTS I n Top handle atylea in pUatie calf, falllea or renulne leather bafa. Alao chlldrea'a or teen- •1 Trageily in • Crib •*e bafa. UN Troops Tnice Talk Evacuation Stymied on Nation’s Grocers Ask Sl.oo t o $7.50 Plua Tax Plan Hinted Police Plan m Portland, Ore., Dec. 8—(/P) Munsan, Korea, Dec. 8— —If the Russian Air Force (/P)— United Nations negotia­ Boost Food Prices enters the war the U. S. tors today made another un­ Rtands ready to pull UN successful effort to break the forces out of Korea, accord­ long deadlock over policing a ing to Senator Wayne Morse truce in Korea. (R., Ore). 'The Reds rebuffed all tfN over­ Best Gift to GIs Budget preview That was his report yesterday tures and again said 'jpo” to B ase P lea ’ In a apeech on foreign policy to every key UN proposal for super­ the PorUand City Club. Later, vising an armistice. Is Pint of Blood when aaked to amplify the atate- , After five hours of debate in nient Morse said; which tempers on both sides of M ainly on ‘Tve said almost all T ran. But the conference table became The Bloodmoblle will make this is clear. Russia is based in frayed, the two-man subcommit­ Ita next regular \1alt la Man- such proximity to Korea that it tees appeared no nearer an agree­ rhealer on Thiiraday, Der. 11. Is in immediate striking distance ment which would break the 12- \% iisiuU, the IHoodmoblle will Costs Hike day deadlock. be atalinned at Woodruff Hall, CHILDREN'S ROBES............ $3.:!>S to $4.50 of our forces. We are In no posi­ Nonetheless, some ob.servers Center Congrrgatlonal CTiurrh. tion to let Stalin select our battle saw hope of a compromise solu­ Donors may make aa ap­ Washington, Dec. 8—(A*)— fields for us." tion soon. 'They believe the pointment by telephoning filll. The nation’s grocers want Children's Aprons $l.00-$l.25-$ ».49-$l.59 He said the withdrawal program negotiations have reached the Blood la urgentl.V needed for Plain colors or prints. In the event of a Rtuaian attack permission to charge higher hard bargaining stage, which fre­ the U. 8. fighting men In prices—basing their plea pri­ ' Baby Shop * was not new. He has discussed it quently comes Just before an Koreit. A pint of Mood gtavei in Congressional speeches, he said, agreement Is hammered out. now will make a \-alnable marily on increased costa. k' and ths Joint Chiefs of Staff have The negotiators go back to CTirlsImaa gift for aome Price stabiliiation officials made it clear in their testimony Tammy Tataroa. IT wtUmpers la bla’crM la 8L Mar- Panmunjom for another session at wounded Q. I. said they wduld conduct a before the Senate Armed Services garet'a hoapital, Hammond, lad., Dec. 7, where he H recovering from 11 a. m. Sunday (9 p. m. e.s.l. n committee- of which he is a mem­ a ballet wound In hie left shoulder. Tommy wae wounded by his quick survey of conditions in IP father, John Tataren, who mn amok Dec. d, fatally shooting his wife Saturday), ber—that the U. S. has no inten­ MaJ. Gen Howard M. Tvirner, the nation’s 560,000 food tion of fighting a major war In and daughter, ludith Ann, three.. John Tntarcn was held without senior UN delegate, told corres­ stores to see if “emergency” Gift Hosier)/ Korea. charge. Photographer Bd DeLuga of the Chlrago DaU.v News made pondents after the meeting ad­ relief from present grocery (High military officials st the thie tonclilng picture. Air Battles FOR 'ROUND THE CLOCK Girls' journed; store price ceilings is needed. First quality nylons in sheer or semi shed r weights. Pentagon in Washington aaid they "I hope you are not eagerly ex­ But the officials indicated Also novelty heels. hsd no comment.) pecting any big news." Morse said the evacuation pro­ Complete SlzUemate Flare Anew overall grocery price adjust­ Parly Dresses gram was discussed as a defense Turner said the aubcommlttees ments would not come for BIJOU DARK SEAM SHEER ...... ^^1.65 Pr. meuure In the event of a Russian Padilla Note Stirs spent much of the day discussing some time. ^ attack. the status of United Natlons-held Your corner grocer took hia l^uauflik Ca&iMllotij Beautiful taffeta plaids and "Based on briefing sessions with islands off North Korea and the Over Korea pica for a bigger margin of profit plain colors. Nice for Sun­ NO-MEND NYLONS.............. 1^1.65 Pr. the Joint Chiefs of Staff, It ii my makeup of a proposed armistice to the Office of Price StaMIlsa- day dress or parties. Dressy understanding that it ii not our Big 4 Arms Talks commission. He said they were at tinn yesterday, through the Re­ A CASUAL cottons that have a silk war plan to fight Russia in Korea. "complete stalemate” on both. Seoul, Korea, Dec. 8—(/P) tail Food Dibtributora Induatry We would strike at more vulnera­ In a lengthy harangue. North look. Guaranteed washable. ALBA SHEERS MULTI TWIST .... $ 1.35 Pr. ble places. But I cannot list them. —United Nations and Com­ Advisory committee. The com­ Taffeta Jumpers In red and Paris, Dec. 8—(/P)—The Western powers were reported au­ Korean MaJ. Gen. Lee Song Cho munist .lets fought five mittee repreaenta both Inde­ IN THE navy. Sires 7 to 14. We would fall back to poslUona we flatly rejected five points the UN pendent and chain grocers.' ALBA SHEER W OAUSE . $ 1 1.50 Pr. can protect and use our offensive thoritatively today to have informed UN Assembly President Alllea* insist must be Included in furious air battles high over North Korea today aa clear­ Price control officlala aaid the CLASSIC MANNER > (Oontlnued on Page Four) Luis Padirta Nertro^i^ey have not agreed to the immediate any truce super\-lslon agreement. requested increase might add oite- prohibition of the atomic bomb. The Big Four delegations ing skies brought the swift President Truman (right) and WlUlaili F. Mc<;andlaaa, aaalstont hsir to one per cent to the coun­ $5-98 to $7.98 NOVELTY HEEL NYLONS $1.50 ^nd IlIf.BS fr. Lee said the Oommuniats would: director of the Bnieuu of the Budget, took over a preliminary copy met for about two and one-haJf*' 1. Insist on the right to rebuild planes out in force after a of the ‘document la Key West. The President urill announce the new try's present food hUl. hours today after Western power damaged airfields and construct one-day layoff. budget curly In January. (NEA Triephotn). Want Mo n Profit ALBA SEMI SHEER • ...................... lil'-io Pr. British Wreck advisers and delegates aat up m ost' new bases in North Korea. The U. 8. Fifth Air Force aaid The advisory committee told the Plain color, lace trim taffeta of the night preparing their re­ Volcano Erupts 2. Refuse to concede the UN two Communist MIGs were dam­ OPS that the grocers need to on- 20 Jumpers. Sizes 1 0 to 14'j. plies to a bombshell memorandum demand for rotation of troops and aged and that vastly outnumbered larga thair preagnt overall graflt Egyi^illage lassed before the big four by Pa­ Again, Fissures replacement of equipment during American Sabre Jeta came margin by two peroontage points. GORESI dilla. who Is presiding at the Big an armistice. through the battles unscathed. Truman May Open The requested Incroaae in $5-98 Four aeisicns. 3. Demand that the UN Allies The MIGs were hit in a swirl­ acrom-the-country grocery profits The Big Four will meet again , evacuate islands off the coast of ing afternooh dog fight between rame' atop three (developments By-Pass Trouble Spot Monday for what might ba the Open in Earth North Korea and withdraw all na­ 15 Sabres and 60 Red Jets over thia week bearing on food prices; 41 Witfi Road in Faee-of ftnui' uamleai of their closeU-doort val forces from coastal waters. Sinanlu. 1. t>PS Wedneaday gave talks. They are aitting aa a sub­ Manila, DW. 8.—(.P—Lava i 4. Insist on rear area inspec­ Earlier In the afternoon. a Corruption' Probe thousands of manufacturers, pro- $6-98 Armed Violence Threat committee of the assembly’.s po. apewad from four holes near the ' tion only at mutually agreed porta flicht of Sabre Jets tangled with resMra, reflnera and othera—In­ lltlcal .committc and have urdera top of Mount Hibok Hibok today I of entry and refuse United Nations 60 MIGs for about 10 minutea. hut cluding buslnesa preparing meat Fayid, Egypt, Dec. 8—fJ>)— to report back Monday. ■■ the volcano continued ita erup-1 (Contlnurd on Page Four) the Fifth Air Force said neither milk, butter end other foods frr Strong British forces today demol­ West Standa l^rm tions into the fifth day.
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